PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1976, WHITB'Y FREE PRESS ]Free ]P>i Autosj Auto Parts 1975 .BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, low mileage with safety check, asking $3,200, owner selling because he needs a 1/ ton truck, cali 985-3393. -1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. CatI 668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC STATION. WAGON - 283, good running condition, body fair, power steering & brales, certified, $300 or best offer. Cail 668-7006. 1967'VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. (ail 576-6592. 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83, 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best offer. (ail 579-3569. 1972 RENAULT 12 excellent condition, certifie0 comple te ly ove rhau led, radio, casseý-tte deck, radial tires.', S 1,400. CaIl 7213-0985. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 miotor, radio, cab for back, also svooden box, S4,500 Cal) 668-0705. 1970 PLY\MOUTIISATI 1,LITE.-- four door sedan, Six cslinder. in rsînning order. as. i' S-300. (al 668-8712 or 668-6-160 after 6). 1970 FORD '/- ton pick-up - standard, 6 cyelinder, radio, rebuilt engrine, -2is $800; îwo uised Ford rimrs, 15'", $5 eachi; two new Ford rms. %vide oval, $20 pair; V stationwagon rims, 5 bolts, $5 each. (aIl 668-8376. 1964 /4 TRUCK - miles. good be seen at Whitbv. TON GMC PICK U IP nes' motor, 6,ý000 for parts. $250. (an' 1201 Brock St. S., 11949CHEV½/2TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body work. $400; Volkswagon \VWTRAILER HITCH, $20. (aIl 668-8376. CHIP TRUCK - equipped, freshly painted new tires, aluminum asking S 2,000 or best CU (al728-7623. fulIly inside, body, offer. 1965 RAMIBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, S 100. Cal 623-2043. 1970 (C HEV - 350 V8, 4 door sedan, pver steering, radio, mechanically good, %vil certify, best offer. Calil 668-3371 ext. 273 and ask for ]lm. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - au ton'.atic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very Iow mîleage, S2,900. Calil 668-1134. 19713 500 SUZUKI - ail rebuilt, $700 or bcst offer. Cal 668-4813. 1964 CHEVELLE cvîinder. standard. in condiion. uncertifed. (aIl 655-4498. . S i ru nning S 150.1 1963 OLDS SUPER 88 - automat je, 77,000 miles. good running, 2 nevw tires, plus 2 snow, tires, lots of extras, $200. Cali 728-2094. 1967 DODCE. POLARIS 2 door hardtop. verv dlean, in good runnirig condition, $450 as t.'M(ail 668-987~0 after 5 p.m. 1965 lORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cali Tomi at 668-9860. 1971 F-ORD - powersteening & brakes, radial1, good condition, $400. Cal 668-5318. 1966 POlNTIA(% - complec posver. 6 s'.ayscsat. $100 as - Calil728-6470. 1975 Bt I(K SKYLARK 15.00< mitle'.. iallibak. posser 'teeuîng. posser brake'.. radio. excellent condition. S4595. (al 668-5-767. 1972 GRAN IORINO -V-8 engine. green s'ti lakvinyl top. s1700 or tX".t r al 655-3406. 1965 PONTiAC WAGON gutomatîe. 283. posser equipped-. S250. (an Ibe -en at 1101 Bros'cSt, S.-, WhtbY. 1965 FORD GALAXIE- il Sel as parts, $150 or best ofTer. Cali 668-8567. TIRES *-. five on eight-stud Ford rums, 8.75x16.5 suburbanite tire, $25 each; four L78x15 on Ford five-stud rims, $20' each; one-Cooper NIS offroad tire. on a white mag rim, $50; one Myers Slow mounting kit for F100, 100. Caîl 668-6080. 'fwo SNOW TIRES - with rinis, Uniroyal Winter Ride, ,F78-14, new, $55. Caîl 655-3879. TIRES - 4 svide, B60-13, $10 each. Ca1l1668-1063. HEADERS - for 68-74 Nova,' $60»; 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65;, SEWING MACHINE, $60. BICYCLE, 2 wliccîer. $10; Caîl 723-0855. 1968 Ci-RYSLER - auto- mlatie, powver steerîng & power brakes, 65,000 miles, excellent t-onditîin, $800. Caîl 683-7108. 1971 NMAZDA -616 (Coupe standard, radio. tecliomneter, $500 or best offer. Caîl 668-0463. 1961 lORD l'ALCON 1 2 door, au tomtic. 6 cy'incr. _oo )d runnîng order, 31.1"1,1 oriilinaî mile'., Sît0. 668-5815. 1966 IFORD) VAN -nievwtic rod ends, ion t and reir vlinders., front and rear lbrake '.hx's. cmcergencv brake. Iront end alennent. coînpletc une-up, ani-fm tape playecr. s'cry, s.good runnîine condition. cecrtîficd. S700). (aIl 668-06 10. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. TR AILE R wheels, $75. aftcr 6 (BOX) .- 16" (aIl 668-6779 1975 NMOPIl)---Bomadier. î52 miles. front &.rear suspen- sion, light'., speedomne ter:. ýaddle bags, double seater. $400 or besi offer. Cal 579-1953. S80 for season in carnpsite. il2 mile front Village of Hlaliburton, 'S ile Irom golf cotirse. L-akefront locations. Good swimming & fishing1. Cati 668-7352 or write Mr. Fearrey, 202 Byron St. N., Whitby. 1973 RUPP HUSTLER I2" wheeîs. good condition, asking S250; I12' plyssood boat, made last year, ,emi--V hottoin asking $100. CaIl 655-4616. 15 foot IIOUSET RMILER 1968, comnplete vwith recee hitch, secps 6. lots of storage, portable toile t. propane fnîdge #-' stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent încluded, S$1.500.. Cal 1-705-277-2790. 1975 RD 350 YAMAIIA good condition, $1,000. Cal] 723-2351 anytime. Counter-top, whirîing A CTIO0N DISHWASHER. $15; Hoover ILOOR POLISHER. & 3 sets of pads. S20. Cal 668-4093. 10 lip & 3 Iîp :OINSON OUTHOARD MOTORS- 15 yrs. old, in good ssorking order. $300 for pair. Cal 668-3692. Tour-a-Home I972CAMNPER for pick-up truck. sleeps 4, lots of cupboards. sink, place for fridge. no stove. verY good condition. S950: 2 I.iC-KS. $100 or best1 offer. Cal6-55-3006. 1972 KAWASAKI 750 - low mileage, fair condition, some new body parts, %cxcellent Irunning condition, $900 or best offer. Cal) 640-2726 anytime or 668-2860 after 5 p.m. 1971 MOTO-SKI- twin cyl., electric start. ness battery with cover. run'. good. $525: 1973 SKI-DOO OLYNIPIC, sine cl. ,.,îth cover. ised verv little, $525. Apply. 604 Centre St.N. Whiby. 1973 SC AMPER TRAILER 16 feet. S2,800., Can be seen at 385 Lorindale Dr., Oshav.%a. MNOPE D -- ronco, highrîse handîebarsý. delo-ýý seat, 148 miles per pllon, vill go 40 m.p.!'. $275 or bc'.t offer. Calil 668-8381L R) AR BUMIPER - for 1975 Chiev Van. painted, eweclent conditîon,1.0;P AIN 1TI:1 GI1L L. for 1975 (iiev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM *.'.NGS, fit 14" wheels, new condition, $20. Cati 655-3183. ress Cciii 868-6111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY .when you seli! There will. flot be any charge to advertisers i the. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS 'trd run at least one mnnth if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commiss ion due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.50> Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Picase notify the Xhtby lFree Press inmnediately whien item is sold so thiat we may delete it froni thie followi ng issuies. Services, hcelp wantcd, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can onîly Ibe landIled on a prepaîd basîs. If in doubt, cmiii 6,'--61 Il MAIL ALL ADS [O: T-IEL PRFE 5 [- 1\,PORIU.P.O. Bo\ 206, Witby, l'ic dleadllînc for emnporium ads i'. the Monlday at floon. Furniture Junior BEID -with nmaîtres'., S20; chrome TFABLE-. %wîth four chairs. $20; SWI MM ING POOL. everything includcd but ining. $300 or best offer. ('ail 655-3583. CANE 'ýBOTTlOM CHIAIR rcfinished, $35; also a sinaiI cane bottomi chair, $25. C'ail 655-3768. '.,o VIENETI'rAN BLINI)S cream metal. suze' W631,mý \ L66, $12; \V22V'z x L32½'-. $4. Cali 668-8273. Uphoîstcred CHAIR- unfin- ished, $25; Ki'ITCEN TABLE., $1 2 chair'. fri:ee, 'ed to be fixedî Cal 725-1211.ý BI"D -'-î steel. complete with springs and mattress., $40. Cal)655-4630. OULT BOA RD MOTOR - Johnson 3 horse-, good runnîng condition, $SI 25. ('aIl 668-5060 after 5 p.m. DRESSE.R - with six drawers, and mirrors, $45; four -RAWER CHEST. $35; continen , I BED, 54" complete with headboard, boxspring, mattre'.s, $60: 3uto- matie radio conîbinatioiî radio 8-track car stereo, $45; Cal) 723-7147. Double WOODEN BED $10; 53" SPR1NG for bed, $5, 38" SPRING for bcd, $5; 3 chrome CHAIRS, $3; RECORDS, 78's & 45's, $1 each; B & W Philco PORTABLE TV, $50; CHESTER FIELD with .7rnatching ARMCHAIRS. $75; TOASTER, $5. Cali 655-3545. BLD posizre guard. qucen suze base. neyer u"ed. $50. Cali 668-7314. CRIB . %ith mattres'.. $15; CAR BFD. with book clamps, for back of seat, $5ý. Cali 668-9722 after 7 p.m Clothinig Red Wool Curling JACKET size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES* and case size 8. $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cali 668-9073. HUNT CAP --b1ac!* velvet with safety harness installed, size 71/z, 23.50. Cafl 668-2407. COAT - Ladies black persian lamh approximatcly size 2-0, in good condition, wi11 selI for $50. Cal 725-5714. 10:1) II1STL'RlIELD -3 nmon tls old, Bîeverley niai tres'., plus cliroine fraine, îinted glass end~ table, bouglit for $5010, s'.iII '.cll for $3101. (aIl 655-4101. Rt(;S Il x 8 3 and 1(0 \ 6 8 ceart I colou r'., ru - t, goid, brownti beige, S500 for both. ('ail 668-7923. Victorian CHIAIR- set of 6, in good condition, asking $70 each, wooden stove, $50. (-ail 668-8376. DINING ROOM SET Spani'.1i '.îyl 5-picce, black s'.ith s' ouî ttot, $249 ic'. askingt- $100, one ycar old. (,an be seen ai 200) M'.'t'j 'r pt,210 anytime. I t 1NIlTRk antique :'alI table, 60-' \ 20". $65; child's de".k & chair. $6, built-in, $1 t put'. remiosal. (Call 668-1063. D)RAPES 150 X 90, newly cleaned, orange, gold & black nîu!ticoIours. $40; bedroom drapes, 72 x 63, Iilac, mauve, green, floral, fuIly lned, 2 Yearts old,.îy dclatîed, $30. (aIl 839-7774. CHESTERIE.LD 1)SUITE lotir SCater sofa. otne matching chi.-ir, in blue cren colour, chair s'iih ottonman, green colour. ecellentt condition, S350 or be'.t offer; dinette table s'itli oneC leaf. four chairs.,swhite vins t, excellent condition, $65 or best offer. ('ail 668-0595. ANTIQUE DESK - with cabinet, over 100 Y'ears oîd, restored, %250. ('ail 655-3750. Old Quebec WOOD STOVE $75; leather RECLINER, like new, S75; 2 antique BUFFETS, $50 & $75: old cedar fanm fence rails, $ 1.25 each. Cati 655-4335. Antique CHE.ST - t"o drawer, $75- (al 668-8527. RUG- approximaîeIy 12 x 12, .ellow shag, us -ben ci'aned $65. ('aIl 728-12191. Victorian BEDROONI SET antique with twin bcd'., box Tpring and mattres'., verv nesw $400; two end TABLES, haif moon style. $6 ca. CalI 668-9009. Sswivel ROCKER -green-blue colour. S55: one bueket CHAIR. leather, orange colour, S20. one sectional kitchen SUITE, leatherette. one year old. $155. (ail 668-9520. 3 PCE. (HS :IlL beautiful condition, Khroeîcr. $250. CAS DRYLR. 'shite. excellent condition. $90. al 668ý-69-58. I g Appll Anitique RCA Victorola î.A~DIO CONSOLE- with auti> Irnatie turn table, about 1942 riodel, fully' furîctioning, solic Mv'nî~ 30 cash. Calil 579-159Y BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION - 24 inch sereen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom or cottage, $40. Caîl 579-3569. Kenmore automaticWASHER in good conditiôn, moving to an apartment, $125. (ail 668-5745. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100 Caîl 668-1384.' AUTOMATIC WASHER $250; Frigidaire, $250, bothi are in excellent condition. Cp!l 66 8-0270. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE. HAIRDRYER, $4. Caîl 723-0855. Phiips BEAUTY SET .-with 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. ('ail 668-4690. .Dual 1218 TURNTAIILE - base & duist cover inctded, bias automatie slutoff & antiskatc, audio technica cartridge, only used for two months, $230 firm. ('aIl 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. 21 'cubie foot I-RIDGE - in working condition, asking $100. (aIl 668-3290. lTIV CONSOLE. condition. Aduiral: B, (CaIl 668-8580. good &W, $50. B & Wý General Electrie TV s'itlî 26" serceerigood condiion, $75; Braun airc-,'sI!kmned liair dryer, $ 12. CaIl 6689-4994. LAWN MOWLR - $35; amiplifier, and guitar, $50; Cal) 068-6750). 130AT- 9' tlbreglass, witli toam lllng, can sail, row or ou t- board. good for fishing. safe for clîildrcn. with oarsý, $85. (al 668-4423. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165; STEREO èomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. (aIl 985-3393. EMfERSON TV SET - %'sith radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. CaIl 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - electric, recently recondition cnly $8(Y Cati 723-0722. SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzer cone, 8 ohms, brand new, actual pricè $18 only $10; BOW & ARROW SET, AI condition, retail $15 only $8. Cati 668-6790 after 4 p.m. PINBALL MACHINE - foi rec room, A-t condition, $300. Cati 579-0757. Portable HOOVER WASHER- SPIN DRYER - s.cellent condition, S$125. (ail668-6479. lances White, SEWII4G MACFflNE.- zi-ag, buttonholer,, like,.new, $7 firfm. Cail 723-1802. WRINGER WASHER - square cup, excellent condition, $85. Cail 725-3637. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - different attach- ments for pblishing, shampooing, vacuuming, etc. The cost was $399-50 wilI sellifor $200. Cail 668-8957.' RECORD PLAYER - with twin speakers and see througli top, $40; STEREO AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, buit in amplifier, cabinet size 53" long x 181/2" wide x 27" high, $150 comnplete, or $100 without 8-track. Cali 263-81.45 or 723-2426. Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - wi th 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but stili as new, $10.. Cali 668-7014. STERLO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turntabîe, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cali 723-2351 anytime. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, I10 years old, in wooclen cabinet, excellent condition, $1 25. Cali 668-6598. AUJS STI'RLO CASSETTE1- TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player. $75. Cali 668-1297. TELE VISION -1B & W. 1911, $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21" screen, $50. Cali 668-6260. Hoover canister VACUUM CLEANER- with attachments, $25; Clairtone Console am-fm stereo. 25 watts, 6 speai-ers,, garrard turnitable. oiled walnut, SI 50. Cai 668-4279. >SPEAKERS~ 1 two large 16" approximately 31/z high, contained in black leather casing, $60 or best offer. Cali 668z.2860. CONSU4.E. B&W TV - good- .4oâW, $60. Caîl 668-9095. Instruments Guitar for sale. Like new conditions. Vinyl case and Picks included. S40.00 668- 3447. YAMAKI DELUYIE 6-STR1?NG GUITAR - with case, $200. Cai §55-4385 after 5 p.m. Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, with custom nmade amplifier and speakers $100 or best offer. Cali 576-8042. Gibs.)n SG Custom specjal GUITAR - wîth case, $400. Trabier basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cali 725-1797. on Thursdciys only, Beginning lune 17, 76 TORONTO DOMINION BANK at Whitby Town Plaza Dundas and Frances Sts in Whitby will be open fromlO1am-8pmý NoW-- -. /4 Look 4 Naturally *0 il gows . . ond dsope il# to ayouf fac- MEN'S HAIRSTYLING .~ S . ~ .~..- 4 .44. 4 /4 Emnporium ATTENTION FARMERSUtI WH YPA YMORE? SA rE N PU~MOUAD7V -. IG e DIES FU f. t - I. OOR Oi f -- I~(bus etv ~'~ oUit ) 1 1 la