Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESI)AY, JUNE 30, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS *wmtby Voice of the Cou nty Town Mi ke iERVING OVER 28,000 READERS r PubIished every Wednesday Sby M.B.M. Put and Photograp The Free Press B BurgrsPublshe-Mangin Edior.121 Brock Streeté Burgrspubjshr-MalagflgEdior.Whtby, Ontario. Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Community Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Qui- Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - ilishing Robin Lyon phy Inc. Classified Ad Manager Maln' Brd Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whtby. Buildi ng Mailing Permit No, 2941 No rth , Pl o l 668 -6111 : T o ro n to L in e 282-1004 ' v. Give blood July 7 Did you éver stop to think how many' people rely on you? There's your family, friends and the people at work. But there is one group of people that you probably haveni't even thought of. They are those ini need of a blood transfusion. Whether you realize it or not-, to -thiem, you just rnay represent the différence ¶between life and death. Here's something else to thiiik about. Over 1,300 units of blood are needed every 24 hours, seven days a week in Ontario. It's a difficuit task to keep up,)wîth, but even more so during the sumrmer' months. List year, over 380,000 umits of blood were collected in Ontario. Iii fact, 22 per cent of the blood collected wvas Lsed duringy the suimmer months. We remember 10 do a lot of thiings, before goinig on vacation, and forget to do others. Perhaps, this summner, one of the most important t1bings yotu wilI forget to do is donate blood. That one simple step wvich can nicanl so înuchi to sonie tunkniowni person. It (>fly takes 30 minuites o>f yotur lime. Givingc blood is relaxing., quick and p)erhaps the best o>f ail. .belp)s somneone. A biood donor clinic is being lbeid July 7 from 2 ho 8 p.m. at the Canadian Legioni Hall onl Byron Street Sou th, Wlbitby. Please drop iin. Sonieonle iIl be glad you did. White and Cox "have charged f uil steam ahead in a fog of their own creation" . Hollingsworth Dear Mr. Edihor: When good students neglect their hornework, not only do they suffer, but many others are led astray by their p ro- nouncements. Such is the case of Bob Wbite and Jerry Cox with their per- formance in your June 23rd issue regarding a district park in the north end of Whitby (Ashburn). These fine gentlemen Dear Mike: The Brooklin Spring Fair Parade Commitîc wouid like to thank the Free Press for lte public- ily and tbe coverage that you gave te Parade, beid Sat., 5tb June. We wouid also like to take Ibis opportunity to thank ail those whb con- tributed tb Ibis year's mosh successfui event. Whetlber you entcred as a competitor or to add colour, thank you for hiave chargeci 1h11 steant abecad inil alog of* Ibeir own creation; and sonie- times wc linti that, Mien a man lias made LIp b is mmnd, bie resents being con fused witli facts; - hut the people deserve thie relevant informiation. The $ 95, 000 Park Reserve Ftind is built up from ievies on those wbio are granteci land separa- your pa,.rticipatin. A special word of' thanks 10 tbe Durbam Regionial Police Force for ail tîteir bard work ini ensuring a clear and safe route f'or tbe complete lengîli of the parade, and f'or Ibeir held and guidaice aI lIhe marsbaliiing area. Sec you aIl next year! Elizabeth A. Crangle (Chairmanl of Parade Committee, Member of ,Group 74).-* and $1i3,000 -bas t)efli adcled to the 'Ftn'fo Ashburn iniftic Iast year. Ou r park ph nii is for i "D1)ist ric t Park", no t l'or1 Ilhe peopfle ot, Aslîbu rit (M r. ('ox ), but IorWlîitlby, tba,,t's what iitîc' imans. We've beeni work- ing on thîs planl silice i971 anld Towin staiîItas certainly beenl involved. 'l'lie cost price tor (liei 1 0.6 acres of' land f*or the park is 10 be $40.000, not $ 60,000 anid the Park is 10 be "Active"'iLe. f*ootba,,ll, basebaîl, hockey, as weli as "Passive' îLe. nature trails, pficiîicsan chiictren's playgrounCi. Where was everybody wben the "O1fficiai Plan" opted f7or six district parks ini each of the C'entre and East Wairds with two in the West 'Yard andiiti Oe ini the Nortbh? Does titis look like "Du ress" Mr. Cox or "P)ork Barrel Poiitics" Mr. White, on the part or the North and its representa- ives, iltscerns ho inceMr. Editor that the Town of' \Vliît it 1 tist .ippr-eciat C tlie a 1'1t t bat tlie Asîthu rn people are îîîak ing a reailiy posi tie Con tri bu tion tIo I )ctoc rac y i n ac tion. 'Ibese t\vo gentlemen sCeein Io be thinking of' titis Pak'proposai as, an isoiatcd case, bu t wlberc were they wbien the I roqulois Pairk dcvelop- men t was piacci on the base Iine'? How much Cdid thev obýject to the i lospitals beinig buit wlhere the people are niot~? We are proud that we suîiported tbese proj ects anid there is nio criticismn of' the location of tiiese cmntres of actiont. Where did these two ex-councillors dit, up such a load of parochialismn; I was conifidenit that the said complaint had dis- appear('d in 1968. They should certainly corne 10 Asliburn and becorne acquainted with peo pie whio work together on community projeets, who know the value of self hielp, who are neiglbbourly, and who turn out to vote 'on election day. Sain Hollingsworth. Barb Fors yth: We need and will use a park Dear Sit lI'ni vcry d isappoin ted in te two loriner couniciliors who wrote 10 you last week, protesting a park for Asbibu-ni diistrict. Mr~. Cox sýaidl "Put the parks whecre the people are. Hwabout Hey- clenlsbore & I roquois? M r. Cox' and bis fam.iiiy bave eigbit parks within xvalking distiance of' tbeir residence. <As for Mir. White, lie enioys a beautîIl li park witlb tennis courts, soccer fieid, chainge roins, etc. Alid Ibis park is rigbit next door 10 Mr. White's residence. So plealse gentlemen, leaive Lis 1aone. Ashiburni liasn't got a park. we need ai park. warttia pa.rk andi wiIl use ai park. Durîing the week, our children play baisebail and soccer in a nieigh.- bour's front. yard. Thenl evcry Suinday iîgbt wc gel iii our cars and drive our children miles ho Brooklii park 10 play bal oni real bases with a reai backstop. There things you people ini town take for granted. we in Ashiburn hiave so far gone withouit. Let's gel Ibis thing in the proper perspective and leare the polities out or it. Mrs. B. Forsythi Ashiburn »i~a fsE O'4Y'h'/V'&/EF/f6)LE4/V' + /YJ ~) C~'~/~' Z2iIG/EE-/A/OzQ8 Fair helpers thanked by Elizabeth Crangle Àdom

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