The unemployment situation in Canada is worsening whiich is bad news for everyone-including these who work. Sirnply, it nreans more trroney will have to be found to look after thiese people. And, where is this money goin2 te corne hem? -WeIl, you guessed it: fronr the people who work. It is incredibte that in this prosperous country we have 769,000 workers idling and coliecting the unenpioyment insurance benefits. And, much te trry chagrin, the goverment in Ottawa keeps encouraging the ceînpanies te lay peopte off-as they certtend-to fight the inflation. Meanwhile, the sanie governîrrent centributes to the nation's inflation by raising oit and gas prices, by boosting tire pestai rates, by altewing wage set tlements over thde eight per cent guidelines and by tetting big cempanies keep thieir profit tuargin at unreasenably high tevels. Jrrst teck at the banks atnd trust ceerpanies and you'Ii see wliat l'îfu talking about. Te reduce tire mtrirting unempieyment in Canada, tire elected governirrents (lecal, provinciat and federal) woutd huave te reverse tireir preseirt trends atrd il-contrived CorridorJ Capers Hi everyone. Schoot xxill sion bc overiltorva n et ber tecrni. M an children xiii bcsvondering leust irew tiev wil t titIiIIaittlise extra heurs. The Wbitby Recteat ion Depar tiîent lias ai tantastic summiier l'oi'tm ex etra aCtîs*ities,. Wiiioxv Pat k is aflmesti-ready luOr thb e opiJrC r n 2 illie b eet an d d ressi ng 1'0011s. The tenn is cenrtts. seccerl.lieId .a1n(d tacroesse boxt \are air-eady being used. Se. iet's net bear 'tbier>es netiting t de'. \Ve are extreereily pieased tblat (ibe residen s et ,AsýIbbrîrtt xiii get tbeir litn2 awai ted park. sse et i threce i r avar Jable and il s eu(Mi* lpe tba t eIpll e t siî b re ilt Ile locationWti tr eittttj.Purblic e recel tires e trs tarice1 il tlire peotple ",rep1 it)sL i - tîrcl ff d. J11 itlicei at e Iit rire part et ( \! t îsr Ile\ aýlre tlire p pIi b prir.t I tek 1 d! ledtl- muine tr Ill e itî t i rira \k. Wlie 1 i l ilr l.t r.c ti: re iatiuits to e ieW î 'Css c eertî' e ire \îit t d\iîlhrt It seetusIrle Cetrridto r ca -elRarCp.tev sîîîîîît rt irtst a tess' ;ew lti ir loît reptîr t. \W ir rrt i r.(arlî Nerthr Ward ( Xtuciloiier . sr r îrt2!\it Lstr ltrrcNn Irle titi ceverarre tr 3t)',' . 4!r)'.tr cxcil ')' le ic',Ci Cerneui abouettIrle poorl. tt rtr \t0e1x td x tax yachts, and svîtrralliter sîrerd thirtispae ere ar ti ýir le Y'achrt club thiarrcltt r fr2 grass. Reitl. Bttb. 111,1i)e tIlecoutd cever titeir back iawn. ý t' tires itad airs ek ss ir .Now Gtuarantecd Ii rrx et un Certi icates wI tlirfrnus tof 5StolO0years Pald aîunuaîiIx Paicd sem i-a nnira tiy Cerf iticates in c:xccss of 5 years are net Insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance (.erporation. VICTORan ~GREYI TrRusy COMPANY S NCE 1OJ9 308DUNDAS W WHITBY 668-9324 attitudes towards emiployment in generat. Today, there is no balance in work ethic between ail three major forces- tabor, government, and big business. Everyone is fighting fer the same dollar. And, mnoney dees flot grow on trees, but it can (unfortunately) be printed by goverfiment presses, thus reducing the already shrinking value. Weil, 1 have some concrete suggestions of my own on how to ce'pe with the unemployrnent situation. First of ail, more emiphasis shotd be ptaced on programs which are designed to create jobs, flot etirninate them. If a company can find a job for a person who's witling to work, then that particùlar company (or even a single individuat) should be given a tax incentive or sonething in a way of a bonus. Companies who fire people on a spur of a moment and, provide flimsy excuses shoutd be penatized. Also, part-time opportuntities shotd be expanded and rewarded accordingly. People wlîo are presently working ever-time shoutd ire cnit-off from this meoney making practice. The salary adjustments woutd aise be of' prim-e importance. Peoplenust reatize that working for tess money is still better than net workiîrg at atl. Today, rrrany jobs aIso go unfilted because the unernpteyed dr't Irave the training needed te [Ii these vacancies. Se, it is obviousty cicar tliat companies witfiiig te previde the necessary training, slboutd be once again financiatiy rewarded. Tihe best tool tor fightitrg tire itnflationu is FULL EMPLOYNIENT. trot nrotrctary juiggting, a n flat ionr ho.ards anrd et er irandage retured ies. art iftici al tuirf. Thjis couitd etiminjate tihe prohlin. Ohi sveil, it takes ait kinds! 11e wl Frîrîn jtire Garrard Rouad acruisse Associationt.Ter ii be al Iliard(tiinre Danrce aird I ayride at Fatrtasyiatrt Park irn Saturday, JuiN i171h. LiEti coruple is asked te brirîg an itein citirer satad or casse rile. f'or tire ptJuti ck sttpper. ickets are 48 lper courple ird tiîrt 60 tickets aie avait:rbie, se caIl.Jeani Ptiitips at 655-3271i er Iarb Kierîttitan at 72'8-329() tri reserve yotr tickets nocvs. Il lias ireer sriggested itat tire donati in tiuir tire Corvidor Aiea katepa\ et s A'ssticiationibe tiscd tnt bttilil irtiptis'case niitie re ittklijîAreila. 't'ire rrtîpirv sciti h tlire t ,la tad Star s1t(Iii Ieews e \at ittîat "W i'(tiatulllipit- sttijs last N at r as beutirpttio l iNQpa\atitJimis iNSPrk as tirere m)asrît rt ti il rai Hrni)ktlittAieta. .A dccisitin ml tiis ssili tle trtin i ri r t e iwi n uitirce rr i e ii ii i trai t Irle 'Town ofttiI i t r Waleir (,tbieea)t O star irre : (il i l, tri1t1rîda\ eseferres tir) \Viiîtî\ iepil rî aid\titnut Spirr1,1-resrri sirtese Potelkr. \e Ilîî,I'rît tai remSmril tili îîtr/itrrîti tîri 1111, plo'rrgmrt kI eu 'rt:\.ttr 1ri e:ic rtiils :rard ît lA *1 ii K "itei i i u. eptirrilîtmsn 1 \t I le c . __ v o ip f7 PROCLAMATION SENIOR CITIZENS'WVEEK TAKE NOtICE '-,*TH Al1111E t>IIOI)0l'JUNE 2011, TO JUNE 261 'il. 1976 FIAS BEEN IROCLAINILI)AS SENIOR C-ITIZENS' W'L-K IN ANt)--OR TFIE TOWN OlU WýiIITItY. EdItoF's Quate Book Keep a jzrm handie on the throttle aif your train of thought. A rnold Giasow 'ltr 1() *NTEIM TOUR POIL WITH SWAN POOL GARE PRODUCTS See Charlie X-CYN. He has everything you need ta keep your pool in top condition throughout the season. Stock-up today. Our store is conveniently Iocated in your shopping area. STARLING POOLS 1645 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-7431 or 668-3262 'fI1S iÃ"TH I)A Y 0OF JUN E. A.., J. C. (Ctrtsirore, Mavor, Trowîr of Wiitby. i)ATD )AT WIT'IIY 1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, PAGE, 5 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W76-11i T HE SUPPLY AND APPLICATION 0F HOT MIX ASPHALT OVERLAY Sealed tenders wilI be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, lune 30, 1976, for the supply and application of approximately 7,300 tons of bot mix asphait overlay. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 1380 Hopkins Street, Unit 2, Whitby, Ontario. 1'elepbone 668-7741. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. R. A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITBY, Ontario. J 16/76 How high do you wan to go? r' ~ CFT INVOLVED WITH THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toronto,, Ont. . (416) 966-6564 INOTICE: The Mobile Recruiting Team will be in OSHAWA on WEDNESDAV 23 JUNE t976 at Canada Manpower Centre betwveen 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. *1~ & Home Foods You Buy DIRECT the Farm COUNTRY CORNERS FOOD FARE Et- -I -4--. ~L Finli nd-om ZERO DEGREE STORAGE *Reduces handling costs *Reduces shipping charges Co/isu oIr leu *Less zero - degree storage fees *Saves you $300 or more Sharon Buckwa Id, District Manager, 668-6466 Farm & Home Foods COUNTRY CQRNERS FOOD FARE 210 MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. SERVING'ONTARIO FOR 25 YEARS 1 1 ta