PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976i, WHITBY FREE PRESS Town con not be compelled t r vide prvtedang The Town of Whitby cannot be compelled to pro- vide drainage for a ratepayer's land, and it 15 Up bto te mnincipality f0 decide if il wants to take on such a project or tiot , says an otticial ot the Ontario lVinsfry of Treasury, Econornics and lnitergocvernnîietal atiairs. This is the repiy Durhami West MPP Dr. Charles Godfrey lias received regardingrequests« froni residents of Bowman Ave. thiat the town correct drainage problemis on their land. J. R. Tonîlinson, a govern- Each with more than 1,000 sq.ft. of space plus double balconies and two washrooms. 3 Bedrooms Each with more than 1,400 sq.ft. of space. plus double balconies and two washrooms. GO TRANSIT HUGE VEAR-ROUNO POOL SAUNAS-GYMNASIUM SQUASH COURT TENNIS COURT nment sol icifor, infornîed Dr. Godfrey last week thaf under flic drainage acf, if the council receives a petition fromn the ratepayers, it can proceed with tho drainage work and assess the cos ts t 0 the rate payers. "The cost of construction lals at first on the munici- pality which recovers * it eventually Iroin the owners wliose lands are assessed in respect f0thie work", says Mr. Tomilinson. Mr. Tonilinson reported further thaf the Municipal Act appears to allow a rnunicipality to underfake drainage works and pay for thein out of general funds, wifhout receiving a petifion t roni flic rate payurs. flow- ever, hie said, this procedurc nîust be approved ini a bylaw, and it is not clear whethîer if applies to works on priva te properfy. "Perhaps flic probleni could be solved in the pro. perfy owners would grant a riglît of way to the mnunici- pality so, thatthie fown could coîistruct tlie drains on the riglît of' wa.y* suggcsts Mr. 'Fonrilinisoni. 9ffiage Gardons Country Settingy Condominiums NO DOWN PAYMENT TQUALIFIED PURCHASERS i Bedroom Each wîth more than 700 Sq ft. of space plus tts own prîvate balcony, IMMEDIATE FROM $3650O EXCELL1EN T TERNS *DISHWASHER, STOVE AND FRIDGE *INDIVIDUALLY AIR CONDITIONED SUITES *EXTRA LARGE BALCONIES VILLAGE GARDENS ovelooks 500 acres if Conservation Authonity land in the picý turesque and peauef ut Vilage ot Pickering Il s surrounided by endless mîtes of rural country»Ide, yet s only 8 mites from Metropoltan Toronto AIl conveniences are close by shopping public secondary and puîvate schools hospital and cornmurny centres. arenas boating lacilities golf and country clubs VILLAGE GARDENS the perfect answer for marrued or single adulîs and for familmes wuo enîoy a caret ree lilestyle MODELS OPEN DAILY MONDAY TO FRIDAY 12 NOON-8 PM. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 12 NOON 10 6 TORONTO CALL 366-2213 OR 683-112 1 LOCAL A rRùà Ci 0i CAP lAiN tA vîIlefl l PM MINUTES FROM DO WNTO WN TORONTO HWY.2 IN ritE OLIET VILLAGSE 0F PICKERING îc ILAE VILLAGE GARDENS is at 92 Church Street South, on the west sîde GARDEN south of Highway 2 and north of Hîghway 4 01. Toronto resîdents mm_____________ exit North on Brock Rd. to Hwy. 2, turn right to Church St., NO EXfT then right to site on your right. CONSTRUCTIlON WORK The operat ions commit tee oU- couincil has decided to have the clecrk ask the residents if fthey 'would bc willing to participate in a cost sharing programi to alleviate the drainage problcmn. So l'ar, two residents of Bowr-nan Ave. have brouglift he matter to the town's attention. Community centre Scouts' home 'F'lic f ow,.n's re crea ti oni dcparfmnenf wants to niake bo tter tise oUfliche Myrtle Comîîîuîîify Centre. Affer a recen t meeting witli residents iii tic Lireaoo flie cen tfre and interested groups, flic recreafion depari- mient set out several objectives l'or )ef fer tuse of the centre. The ceniltre wilI ho e st alil ishe d as tlic licad- cluarters Cor flic boy scoutfs. I'roîîi ther , ithe scouts wil i interest is slîowii, a Prograin of, scouhii g 1'(-)r thîe coiiiîuiiity. 'l'lie centfre will contiue f() oprt ils cu rrc nt prograin anid explore îîOw ideas and i lite re sts. 'Flic recr"-ahioti departnien f will contfimue ho liaise wi tiiall groups and wiil circulate a qluestionniaire flirougliout flic coinîiuiitywlicli \vili atornpf t0 asccrtaiiî prograni needs and iîîteresfs. AIl parties will attornpt f0 iîîprove the pîtysical condition of' the centîre ho create a bel ter oiivironiinf for ac Li vifticS. TuMe. conimunîty will bc involvcd iin decidiîîg liow f0 nmake beffer uise of the cen tre. Two conîmiffees have lîcen establislîed to carry ouf flic objectives. TVie building management comniittee will consisf of' chairperson Tessie Brant oU the coniîiifiy centre, Don Lovelock of*flic centre, Bort Mason oUflice cenfre and Charles Moreau and Glen Fitzgerald, hoth of* fhe boy scou ts. The programn conrnîiftee will be mnade up of residents of al] ages and will hcecstab- lislîcd upoii complefionof' the questionnaire wifh the fali being flic fargef daite for new developuient. Parks open June 28 The Wiftby Reeceation l)cpartnîeiît's suîînîer play- groLin iii-, granm opens June 28 ini I3 fown parks, with registration l'or children af flhc parks during flic week of' June 28 to iiily -1. Ciîildreîî aged five f0 I13 may take part ini the play- grounid program, which Ceatuires gamnes, art, crafts, natuire sfudy, stories, sing- soîîgs anîd special events. The Wlitby Public Library wilI be visifing flic parks during the summer, offering THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PU BLIC NOTICE TAK L NOTICEII t hte ('ouncil of the Reginnal M unicipal- ity of* DurlIani. acting as tlie l>anning Board for the Regional Municipality of' DUrliain.pursuant to Section 62 of the Regional Municipality of' Durham Act, will hold a puIblic meeting on Tuesday, lune 21), 1976 at 10:00 a.m. and il' necessury on Wednesday, lune 30, 1976 at 10:00 a.în. in the ('otncil Chambers at flie Regional 1-iadquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Wlitby, Ontario for thc purpose of obtaiîîîng the participation anîd co-operation of the inhabi tants of the Region of Durhiam in determnining the solution of' matters affecting the de.'-elopnîent of the Region of' Durhami and shali receive and consider the Draft Officiai Plan for the Region of Durham as prepared !)y the Planning aind Developrnent Comittee of the Regional Municipality of Durham and to nmake a recommendafion for the adoption cf the Draft Officiai Plan for the Region of Durham to the Regional Council for forwarding to the Ontario Minister of Housiiîg for his approval as the Official for tlie Regional Municipality of Durham. A meeting of Regional Council will be hield immediateiy following receipt of a recommendation frorn the Planning Board for the purpose of considering the reconiendation and to pass a by-law for the adoption of the Officiai Plan. Copies of the .tcý,,f of the Draft Officiai Plan may -be obtainied on or affer Thursday, June 24, 1976 from thé Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham ah., the Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario; the Departnîent of Planning and Dèvelop- ment for the Region ah 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby,, Ontario; flic Office of the Clerk( of the Area Municipalities of the City of Oshawa, Towns of Ajax, Newcastle (Bowrnanville), Pickering and Whitby, and the Townships. of Brock (Beaverton), Scugog (Port Perry), and Uxbridge and ah Uhe Municipal Offices in Hampton and Sunderland. Maps related hothie text of the Draft Officiai Plan may be viewed at any of the above offices. Furfiier information concerning the above matter rnay be obtaincd from Mr. J. Moyer, Manager of Administrative Services, Deparfment of Planning and Development, 105 Consurners Drive, Whitby, Ontario, (416) 668-773 1. C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario draina and story sessions, and thc recreation departnîent's playnîobile travelling trailer will also he rnaking flic rounds f'or the second year in succession. The playnobile, which oftèrs games and special events, is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation under the Experie*nce '76 Projecf 40 program. The playground programn -uns for seven weeks, from lune 28 f0 Aug. 13, except for JuIy 1 and the civic holiday, A ug. 2. Sessions are fromn 9 a.m. f0 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. f0 4 p.m. Parks whiere theplayground programi is held are Almonds, Ashburn, Blair, Brooklin, Centeîînial, Central, Kinsmen, Myrtîe, Palmerston, Port Wîitby, and Spencer. Eliza-. beth Cres. park will be operafing only in the morn- ings and WiIlow Park in the affernoons. E;ý ,:h playground will have twvo leaders excepf Almonds and Myrtle which will have one each. Swimming registrations start lune 23 Registration for children's and aduits' summer swimming programs ah the Kinsmen and Iroquois Park pools takes place June 23 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Whitney Hall at Iroquois Park. The following progranîs are included in this registra- tion: Mom and Me, Shrimp, Pre-Beginner, and Beginner. AIl other levels (recreation department courses, Red Cross, Royal Life Saving, competitive and synchronized swimming, diving and water polo) will hold registrations af fthe same location June 26 fron 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.' and June 30 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Public swimming will be offered at both pooîs on most affernoons and eveninçes. The waterfront beach wil be supervised by two life- guards seven days a week, weathcr permitting from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., froni July 3 to Labor Day. Anyone wishing further information about the recrea- tion department's swimming courses may caîl the Iroquois Park pool ai 668-1325. 2Bedrooms OCCUPANCY