PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS it' entertaiflmenq CABLECAST Programs for Wednesday, June l6th to Tuesday, June 22nd, 1976 on Cablecast 6 serving Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 1:30 Brooklin Spring Fair Beauty Queen Contest Highlighits 3:30 Nachirichiten 4:30 Fiesta '76 Preview 5:30 M.J.'s Place 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Performance 7:00 Whitby Then and Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene, withi George Pearce 8:00 Brooklin Spring Fair Parade Coveruge 9:00 Rescue 9:30 County Towvn Singers Present Thieir Spring Co ncer t 10:30Sign Off THURSDAY, JUNE 17 2:00 Canada Day Activiries fromn Anderson C.V.I. 4:00 Expression. withi A.A. 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:30 7:00C 7: 30 9:0O0 10:0C FR1I 2:00C 4:0OC 4:30 5:0 6: 00 6:30 SUN~ 2:30 What Does the Bible 8:00 Music Night. froi TCT MI'.Q Say? with Ron & Bob Anderson C.V.1. LI T N S Kirkland ,I1i :OOSign Off Members3:00 Greek Panoramia, for TUESDAY, JUNE 22 Mmesthe Local Gek 1:00 Kiwanis Festivalc )Whitby Then and Now Cornmunity1 Stars )Education Scene 3:30 Sign Off 4:30 Nachrichten )Shalom MONDAY, JUNE 21 5:30 Counterpoint )Perform-ance 4:00 Slialoîn 6:00 Evening Report )Rescue 5:00 Greek Panorama 6:30 Vita Italiana )Brooklin Spring Fair 5:30 Gwen's Microwave, a 7:30 AwarenesS, with Bi Beauty Contest Cooking Series Emmerton )Brooklin Spring Fair 6:00 Eveninig Report, with 8:00 Performance,with Lari Parade Coverage Dave Stewart and WallIy Choupa )OSign Off Donaldson 8:30 M.J.s Place, wi thM uri DAY, JUNE 18 6:30 University Womiei's Jane Weber )Music Nighit Activitics Club Preseoits: Local 9:00 Fiesta '76 )What Does the Bible Guests 10:OOSigln Off Say? 7:00 Coutiterpoint, witlî a NOTE: Ail programs subjeg D Whitby Then and Now Christian Viewpoint to cag ihu oie 3Vitu I taliana 7:30 Expression, wtî cag withou oie D Whitby Report xith AI-Anion Memibers Blake Purdy andi Steve Porter Tennis registration ) Sign Off' qDYJUE20 to be taken lune 28 Collinitîn i ty I2: 0'V'ita 1tal iaî'iua xitlî Er-cole kîresta 1:00 Rescue. xith the 711u t):y Adventists 1 :-30 Nach ric ten fo r the c;erîîin('ouuî'otîîity OdeodkW~ A WALTER MIRISGH PRODUCTION CHARLTON HESTÃ"N - HENRY FONDA JAMES COBURN' GLENN FORD HAL HOLBROOK- TOSHIRO MIFUNE- ROBERT MITCHUM CLIFF ROBERTSON - ROBERT WAGNER ROBERT WEBBER -ED NELSON - JAMES SHGEIA CHRISTINA KOKUBO aid EDWARD ALBERT DONALD S. SANFORD- JOHN WILLIAMS- JACK SMIGHT - WALTER MIRISCH *hNi ,(X r fX lAp4A ff"X ADULI INTERTAINMENT STARTS FRIDAY molplutt.'hoe ('olilv7:01 ): 930 PHONE 725 5831 Suat & Suni 2:1((. 4: 30, 7.00,. & 9: 30 FRIDAY UE2t We proud]y offer our patrons a n. w standard of com tort & movie viewing pîcasure '.O 7Oz' Oshawa PHONE 7232843 OPENING PROGRAM: ON KING ST.I:AST, "&MURDER BY DEATH" ASIO MR STARTS 1'RIDAY -RIEI Registration wwîli 1e t:îken jlne 28 froro 7 p.ol, b 8:30 P.111 a t Whitney i Iîiil'oî 1 hie Wlîit by Recrea tion Depart - grain, ('hiid reîî's an d tee ifs lessons for tIiose tinder i 8 xvI 13e ield in six sesýsions tif, 45 înîne ai.Adotlts' ;îitd olu lî s ilsstft ix l:e siS îi frill a.11i1.1:ci anîd i:idiesi wflsxiil i e' THE FINEST VARIETY SHOW THIS 'NEEK June 21-26 7R1;S1 Na SUNS m iiii ry iel ect ut Brookiin . Ttiesdays start iog inly 6 ut (Central Park in West Lynde Fridays startin ' J îly 9) ut Peel l>urk . anîd *iv:uuîdavs sI.iî'hinýý ,J tix'v 5 ut Wi l'î\v Pa rk Adîiit classes arue 7 If) p.m a)13 nd 8N1.13. >t o1.0. a Bt îîîklinî \edinesclaxs s(artimig .tîi\'7. ('eîî laiPark 'a'ned xs li îîg li <i s tut m- Il\ 5.nix A\ 1111 iii: i î iuîi3 ofu ictilis :iqiiel i'. i:Iii:ilC tcIit ifffI il ie c'ss" ii IN BANDS LOCKERBIE NAMES AND FACES Whitevale OlympicS are on after al Despite alarming obstacles C like pothoies in the driveway, tl the fablcdWhitevale Olympics t( is happening Saturday, Junea 19, beginning at 1 p.m. n To be held at the Knights t. of Columnbus Parkon Ritsona Road North in Oshawa, thec Gamnes have suffered gross financial mishandling, saysg chairman Charles Godfrey. "It mnakes the Montreal 1 versioni look pale by compar-t ison", Godfrey adroits. "Wef have inceurred an $ 18.27 1 deficit". "But it is the comnittee's o)piliîofl that the Whitevale( Gaines caoin o more have a( deficit thlin a woman can have ai baby", chairmul G;odfre-y (coinicideotaily Dur-1 hiain West MIN>) goes on. 1 î le quickiy aidds that lie, ais al practicioig physicianl, will1 no<t halve obstetricl equlioeOt (M) liliad. HIie blessed eveoit is nlot onue (il tilose scheduled 1,01 \litevlale oiyînpiiis Jule P). N ftt o1()le f 31> tdot0e by N(il t re al ifr Jeal) 1)rapleî. t)r. (;tdl'reyr Si ig- essIthe\Viele(yipc ('liii 11itee ( WO( ') beS't irre d 10 cfliisidei' )t-li3se ofIlt1e It1\tiyIi ii 111> el)id hfr 111 Ille IKilI lfl ))Rescne Force. Il i,, tff ie deckcd mftîis:îa (hto x lîc e L i tii f) -fo kelý'ulimi2 Ille Cil illtfxe \\.12 ' l' ie f.s. tlifiîi l. Ili iJ t Illic c s îo liii> h I ff t'lie 11111011 iff i a I e\fivi 'iiaxexelît . s! I1es HIle WO(' chait 1113. "\xve cai, lxx'ax'stuse Ille I tireid as la suilsiiude1,f-Il le Chldri'e. 01- perhaps las I lie granld prite in iIle rlle' le deîîics t luit lie ex'ei con teroi- plated relit tiog the bout as \VO(' unasco I - ani:1 bu t ross. (Illier îîiaiî tiiese IiifloI probleilis, . . odl'î cy says tîa t ticket sa>le s are goil3g xvel1i. Lveîîts .Viii staî.t ut prec iseiv i1j11.11). i ue 1), or xx'1lee'eIltlie toicli beai'er1 oi kes it Ilisît Ile ICie\vix ', stand i1. iie for sile xviii lié- floxxed ctsl'by, a St. Johîî's -ýAiibuniuîce truck. Silice (Ilice e are M) "THE OTHER SIDE 0F TH E MOU NTAIN"l ADDED "AIRPORT 75" GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON AND C HAMPLAIN OSHAWA A ý K R , L liOTEL "EXOTIC DAN\CER"' odfeyeveayone aiendn hofeyOlympics will be ine the jolyin the paradnvedo thiete. tileahapersof aees isAieae hypis nees shit (to evale OJun 19) t-sir at bannsadentifynghim and hi garoup. ifin h At 1:30 rop.mthchdrf' ~Ate1:wi0 pstarthsecifchillY rjon-Conidencthrsecibcallo NosnConteneteFolloin t aard cof nedaFl or the frtnthe. Is fndati or(the buddlee blowInflaconsthel take plce. cotst wl terlaevettecn dutheed wi th obmens-t dignty, will boee udgtes Affir (Bi 'ind Man'seBuff), Locheril (BlidMnsButon- Buon),d Gross Natonl Prout (andie-eatiNonat) Nrot (to be-cforgo testi. bet th ricipal chlen'sil bcveprinalyHulnt.An i)rizes-xviiise refHrrtd to Bord fowlcregitin redtoa Bar oyal Comision, deraye - RoyaeCmnssiothn,5i1)hoed tlrc Surme Court. Prsizoe- inneSurs mye Cout. rprizes xvhntersmy cneir uge 1)line thebankrnptoftatus Due o tee bî,3'ies.cirîn sanu (JodthcyGcneses )artiiat- iGod'e uthietessii esked lipto kiick b:îck an s-yl etosec- i liedp i r t i t 3n t t heirxvi nings v issibly th1e stick fromn their Rnîîîîîîîg ut tuie saine lime us tlle ch ildren's gilleîC5 xill be udoilit even ts like ai sol thuli toIf nI inîeIt . PolI \/uit (a x':ri:î tif)>) iiBiingu),Llection î:exer ( :îsigiiî eti Ii(,ccOtest 1. aiîd lP:îss the Boick (u îeluy race aci oss thlx pak's creek). Parliainenturx' Recess xvili coi ut 4 p.m3. for txvo hours, xvlîcn a barbecue xvili be :îvuiiable lfor the ref'rcsh ment of' the athîcotes and spectators. After' Treasury Hlunt at 6:30, there xvill be a bonfire unid siingsoiig, with a dance Liter ut 8:30 p.m. Unlike its Montreal coun- terî)art, Whitevaie Olympics x> vili1 be outfitted xvith facilities for personal hygiene. Rumîi'ors thut security officiais xvill nlot alloxv the uise of' sucît lacilities arc tuntrue. They cari be bough it. Shoxw thini a t icke t bougoli t iii adlvaice ( S-.50 per lumily') or ut thie Tate (S.3).