Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1976, p. 18

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PAGE..14, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1976, WHITB R FIF PR142 ]Free Autos 1975 BUICK APOLLO power steering, power brakes, lI inileage sitli sa fety che( askîng $3,200, osvner selli because lie needs a 1/ ton trui cal! 985-3393. 1970 DOI)GE HAL GER - 318 V-8, new back tî $ 1,800. Call 669-5 745. 1965 C!IEV IMPALA - bo( fair, mnotor good, interior fa $250 as is. Cali 668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC SIATIOiN WVAGON - 283, good runnin condition, body fair, po\we steering & bratres, certified, $301 or best offer. Cal! 668-7006. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAS' SBACK - as is $200. Cal 576-659 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83, 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best offer, Cali 57()-3569. 1968 DODGE DART - excellent condition, uncertitied $900; 1959 CHEV, restor- able ceuidition, $200 or best offei Cali 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PIC UP - 360 motor, radio, cab fi back, also wooden box, $4,5C Cali 668-0705. 1975 GREMLIN X -- 6,001 miles, 2 year warranty, 50,001 mile warranty on radial tires power steering & brakes, p lu many miore options, ak iný $3,000. Cal! 668-1 143. 1970 FORD '/., ton pick-up standard, 6 cyclinder, radio, rebu engine, as is $800; two used Ford rims, 15"', $5 cacli; twc new Ford rims, wide oval, $2C pair; VW stationwagon rims,5 boîts, $5 each. Cal! 668-8376. 1964 -1/ TON GMC PICK UJ TRUCK - new mnotor, 6,001 miles, good for parts, $250. Cai be seen ai 1201 Brock St. S. Whitbv. 1949 CI 1EV 1/ TON PANEL one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs som-e body svork, $400; Volkswagon VWTRAILER HITCH, $20. Cal! 668-8376. CHIP TRUCK - fully equipped, freshly painted inside, sr.new tires, aluminum body, asking $2,000 or best offer. Cati728-7623. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $100. Cal 623-2043. 1970 CIILV'- 350 V8, 4 door sedan, pwrsteering, radio, mechanicalîy good, will certify, best offer. Calil 668-3371I ext. 2-73 and ask for Jlm. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very low mileage, $2,900. Cal! 668-1134. 1961 FORD FALCON -2 door, au tomatic, 6 cylinder, good running order, $500. Cal! 668-5815. 1965 CHEV - good 283 motor, nesv tires, no rust, needs pai . ;ng, Lic. No. HXY 270, $450. CA Il 668-9792 after 2:30 p-m. 1963 OLUS SUPER 88 automatic, 77,000 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow I1R RI N(;-- IIarlcy Davidsor. 1200, $65; 4 MAC 'Nhcels and tires for foreign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF R.ACKS. $8 a set. Cal! 668-4449. 1965 PONTIAC WAG;ON au toma tic, 283, p)owcr equ ipped, $250. ('ai) he scen ai 1201! Brock St. S., Whitby. 1965 FORD) GALAXIE wilI sel! as parts, $150 orles offer. Cal! 668-8567. 0W, ing ires :ly ir, o ;T- )2. 'K or s Ig )si b; 0 n a1 n a as T! exi 66 wî PA Cai go( 71 fo cul n o $9 0off wal Waý 99ý 66f Auto Parts Custoinmace extra heavy dit t T7RAILER HITCII for 1974-7-5 Pinto stationwagon $25. ,Cal, 668-6522. TRAILER --(Tandem axle), 6 foot by 1 2 foot, suitable for car, boat or skidoo, $375.. Cali 655-34 I1. TIRFIS-- 4 goodyear belted wvhitewall, 640 x 14, approx. 1,000 mniles on saine, $25S. Cal! 668-6068. Two SNOW TIRES -- withi rims, I.niroyal Winter Ride, 11-78-14. new, $55. Cal! 655-3879. TIRES-- 4 wide, ,B60-13, $ 10 eachi. Cal! 668-1063.' I-IEADERS- for 68-74 Nova, $60', 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60, BICYCLE, 2 wvheeler, $10; .Cal! 723-0855. 1968 CHRYSLER- auto- miatic, power steering & power brakes, 65,000 miles, excellent rondition, $800. Cal! 683-7108. 1971 MAZDA- 616 Coupe, standard, radio, techome ter, $500 or besi offer. Cal! 668-0463. 1975 CITATION TRAILER 22 foot rear door, slecps 4, plus bunk, 3 burnier stove, ovcn, fan, 3 piece washroomn, forced air Iîeatmng, 2 tlîîrty put.ind tank%, large refrigerator with cross top freezer, amiple storage plus ex tras, Cali 668-8447 aller 5 p.m. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. 1975 NMOPEID Bomnadier, 552 mniles, front & rear suspenl- iion, lights. speedomieter, saddle 5ags, doublc seater, $401) or best ffer. Cali 579-1953. 1973 R1JPI) i[STIAER 2" svieels, good condition, isking S250; 12' plyw'ood bout, îade last year, seinu- V bot toin, iking SI1 00. ('ail 6 55-46 16. 15 foot IIOUSEF-IRAILI:R 1968, conîpiete %vith rees-e 'îitch, slecp\ 6, lots of storage, portabule toile t, proparie fridge & slove, one I12 x 9 kitchen lent nciuded. $I,500. ('aIli -705-177-2790. 1971 WVOOD)S IIARDTIO> E'NT TRAIILER - sleeps 4. in cellent condition, $601). ('ai 68-65 22. tiomemade SNOW CR IJISER - (cellent for wvorking in 'j -sh, 00; one MINI 1310E I-RAME, tI motor, $50; car parts, Chevs 66 umîder; also 1960 ARMY \NEL, TRU(CK % ton, $150. il] 728-0234 and :ssk t'or Don. 1975 RD 350 YAMAIIA )od condition, $1,00f).('aIll 3-2351 anytme. Tour-a-Iome 1972C(AMPER )r pick-up truck, slceps 4, lots of pboards, sink, place for fridge, D stove, very good condition, 50l; 2 JAC'KS, $100 or best Fer. (CaIl 655-30016. BOAT MOTOR Scott-at- ter, 3 gallon tank, 5h.p., $50; Ilkie taîkies, new ReaiisticTR(' ý9, 3 svatt oulpujt. $135. Cali )8-8080. 1972 KAWASAKI 750 ) w milcage, fair condition, some ýw body parts, .-xceîlent 'niîng condlition, $900 or be.si 'fer. ('ail 64(0-2726 anytiîme or 8-2860 aller 5 paîn. 1971 MOTO-SKI- twin cyl., Ictric stan, new battery with ver, runs good, $525; 1973 l-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., th cover, scd very little, $525. )p!y 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1973 SCAMPEI-R TRAII.ER - 16 feet, $2,800. Cao bc seen ut 385 Lonindale tDr., Oshawa. 'TANDEM 'lRAILER flIat bcd, 3,000 lb. capacity, ail Iîeavy duty fraitie, ail nesv lires, com- plete with liglît accessories, $450. Cal! 668-4939. MOPIE)- Bromîco, Itiglinise handlebars,deu- seat, 148 miles per galion, wili go 40 mn.p.lh, $275 or best ofier. ('aIl 668-838!. I'RBUIMIER t'on 1975 (1mev Van1, paimîtecî, excellent conditîti, $30;I>A INTEl-ý) CI LL, for 1 975 ('1ev Van, $30; 4 chîromne 'IRIM *.ýINGS, l'il 14" whicels, ticw condition, $20. (-'ai! 655-3183. NOTICE TO IZEADERS Advertise FR11' in thie FE FIjSS EMPOIiUM, pay ON LY svhen you soli! There svîll ilot be any charge to advertisers in tthe FREE PRE 'SS EMPORI UM unless thie item advertised is sold. Whie'n' ie advertiscd item is sold, you pay a commis *sion based on 'lîl\I)VEI-î"ISI) PRI('F as illuistrated below. AIl adivertisenients niuist be placed on an exclusive basis svitlî the WlIITIY F~REE PRES'-d ru n ai leasi one mon th ilf no i sold. RATES (il.article is sold I 5% of adveriised price up to $40)0.00 2% of balance over $40000 EX AM>LE: SoId item advertised l'or $50.00 - corninission due $2.50 (minimumi commission is $ 1.50) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer Iisted as a private advertiser. PIease nutîfy the Whitby F-ree Press iinediately Mhen itern is sold so that we nay delete it fromn the following issues. Services, !îelp wanîed, cîothing, real esîate and personal message type ads can only bc handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cal! 668-6 111 MAIL ALI, AI)S TO: I-REPRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby -lthe cdcadlinc for emporium ads is the Moniday ai noon. Furniture Junior BE'D -sviîî matrcss, $20; chrome 'TABLE, withl four Chairs, $20; SMNV!MIN(; 1100, every tîung inlclud(ed bu t lining, $300 on best offer. ('ail 655-3583. CANE I3OTTOM CHiAIR . refinishied, $35; also a sinaîl cane bottomi chair, $25. Cal! 655-3768. Fwo VI'Ni'.'IAN 13INDS crcam iniaI, sizes W631/-, \ 166, $11; W221/ x 1.321/2 $4. ('al 668-8273. Upliolstered CHAIR unfin- ishied, $25; KI'l'(HEN 'ABLE, $1 2 (chiairs free niced to bc fixcd) C'ail!725-1211. B!VI) Vi steel, complete vi th springs and mattress, $41). ('alI 655-4630. Ot TBOA R!) M 01O R - .Io!înson 3 hiorse, good running condition, $1 25. (Xsll 668-5060 afier 5 p.in. 1)RE'SSER wiîîî six drawcrs, and mirrors, $45; four RA WER ('HR-ST, $35; con tinen. I 131A), 54" coînplce with headboard, l)oxsprîng, mattress, $60: juto- miatie radio conîbination radio 8-track car sterco, $45; ('ail 723-7147. Double WOODEN BEI) $10; 53" SPRIN(; for bed, $5; 38" Sl>RING for bcd, $5; 3 chrome CHIAIRS, $3: RECORI)S. 78's & 45's, $1 cacli; B & w Pimilco POR'TABLE TV, $50; (,IIESTER FIELU wi th ? matchin' ARICHIARS, $75, TOASTER, $5. Cal! 655-3545., F-URNITU;1E antiqlue hlli table, 60" x 20" $65; child's desk & chair, $6; bili-in BAR, $11)plus reino>val. ('aIl 668-1063. Clothing Red WooI Curling JACKET - sîze 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOES and case size.8, $10. I3otîm arc in perfect condition. Cul!I 668-9073. IIUNT CAP a. black velvet with safety harness instaîicd, size 7'A. $23.50. ('ali 668-2407. (:OA'î'- Ladies black persian linb approximaiely size 20, ini good conditionl, wili sel!l'or $50. Cail 725-5714. Bi--1) ('IIESTFERIF'IE-LD --3 mionths oldj, Beverley înattress, plus chromne fratre, tntedl glass end table, bough t for $500, ssilI selI l'or S30)0. ('aIl 655-4 101. RUGS - Il x 8 3 and I10 x 6 8 carîli colouns, ru. t, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. ('aIl (68-7923« Victorian ('HAIR - set of 6, in good condition, asking $70 each, wooden stove, $50. ('al 668-8376. ININ(; ROOM SELA Spanish s.tyle 5-piece, black wîti %vrought mron, $249 new asking SI1110. one year (Ad. ('ami lc seen ai 20 Mason /\pi. 2101anvtimie. ')wecn suze 1î0- SPRIN(; ssitlî steel franme, $50). (al 668-5987. ('HE1'STERF-IELD SUITE 1 pîcce, very good condition, $ 135; POTS & PANS, $11);RUG, 9'xl21" good qualîty. green, like ncw, $75; RUG, smiall, mushrooin colour, $12; ruminer, greeni, $3; inaIs îtsvo) $2 & $4; drapes, 2 sets, $5 & $10; short drapes, $3; record player, $5; chrome table, $6; piî!owvs îtsvo), $1 ecd; table lanîp, $6; bedspreads, single satin l'or $3; double ones $4 & $5; blankets $6 & $7: teapot, wear- evcr, $4; electnie frypan, Sun- beann, $6; floral arrangeenmt, $2 & V, joî!y jumper, $4, baibrooni scales, $1. (:aiI 723-2426. ANTIQUE" DESK -ss'itm cabinet, ove r 100) years oId, rcstored, %250. ('aIl 655-3750. 01l1 Qucb:,,c WOOD STOVE $75; leather RE-CLINE.-R, like ncw, $75; 2 antique BUFFE--ITS, $50 & $75; old cedar farn fence rails, $ 1.25 cadli. Caîl 655-4335. Antique CHEST- two drawcr, $75. Caîl 668-8527. RU(; --aîproximately 12 x 12, yellow sîîag, just beein cI -ned, $65. Cal! 728-t1291. Victonian BEI)ROOM SE'T antique , vitlî tsvin bcds, box spring and mattress, very new $400; two end TABLES, hait' moon style, $6 ca. Caîl 668-901)9. Swivel ROCKER greeni-blue colour, $55; one buicket CHAIR, leulher, orange colour, $20; mie sectional kitchien SUITE; lethierette, one year old, $155. ('ail 668-9520. AN'I'iQUE PIANO ('aIl 576-1424. $250. Appliances Ant:qque RCA Victorola 1'. .'DIO CONSOLE- with auto- gâtic turn table, abçQut 1943 m'îodel, ful!y functioning, solid v:',1i,. S3ü0 cash. Cail 579-I593v BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION- 24 inch screen, in cabinet, suitable for rccroom or cottage, $40. Cail 579-3569. Kenmore au tomnaticWASIIER - in good condition, moving to an apartment, $125. Ca11 668-5745. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100. Airway Sanitizer CLEANER - The $399.50 but wiiî sdil SCM ELECTRIC BROOM $6; PORTABLE HAJRDRYER, %4. Cal! 723-0855. Philips BEAUTY SET - wiih 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Cali668-4690. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cal 668-6750. Dual 1218 TURNÎ'ABLE - base & dust cover included, has au tornatie shu toff & antiskate, audio tcchnica cartridge, only uscd for two months, $230 firmn. Cali 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. 21 cubic foot ERIDGE- in working condition, asking $100. Cali 668-3290. VAi>ORiZER -$5; electric cofî'c perk, $10; sandsvich grill, $7; toaster, $7; carpet sweeper, $10; 6 apple craies, $2 ecdi. rangettc, S$15:-('al 668-9404. VACUUM cost wa-s for $200. COLt) DRAPE 'S .-for pic ture windiow% & shorties, $14; green drapes for picture windoss'& shionties, $15; bedspreads, $2, $3, $4; coin fonter. $10; floral arrange- inemts $2 & $4; jolly juiîîper, $4; rose slîorîy drapies, $2; long, drapes. $1 & $i3; nirror, $3; large scatternat, $4: end table, $5; bathroonm scales, $1. pots & pans, $10). Cal 723-2426. Singer SEWING MACHINE - wi th stool, $ 165; STEREO èomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Cal! 985-3393. EME1--RSUN- TV SET 'vith radio, record player. in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Cal 668-7446. Westinghîouse DRYER - electrie, recen tly recondition cnly $80. Cati 723-0722, SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzer cone, 8 ohmis, brand ncsv, actual' pricdj $18 on!y $10; BOW & ARROW SET, AI condition, re tail $15 only $8. Cali 668-6790 afier 4 p.mi. PINBALL MACHINE - for rec roomo, A-I condition, $300. Cal 579-0757. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISIIER, $20; Cal!, 655-3534. CONSOLE B&W TV -- good condition, $60. Cal! 668-9095. REVERB '- Traynor signature $ 250.' Cal! 65f;-4978. SPE-AKEI-RS - two large 16", approxiinateîy 31/2 lî igh. con tained ini black leatlier casing, $60 or be-st offer. Cal! 668-2860. i972 MGB -- new efigine, paint front andc rean eends, ,xcellen t condfilion, sviiî sacrifice t'on $3.000 or best offcr. Call betwveen 4-7 pamn. 668-03-63. CAR RZAIIO- oui of a lord, AM puish button, good condition, askiîng $25. Caîll 668-i1210. White SEWING MACH'NE - zm-ag, huttonhoier, like new, 7Oýfirm. Call1723-1802. WRINGER WASI-ER - square cup, excellent condition, $85. Cal) 725-3637. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, ideai for cottage, $20. Cai 683-6638. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatie, 6 mnonths used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot watei CIRCULAT'9R PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife swîtch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cali 668-9605. Heavy du ty SPACE HEATER -. with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but stil! as new, $10.. Caîl 668-7014. Singer SEWING MACHINE- zig zag, 10 years oîd, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $125. Cai 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Caîl 668-1297. Instruments L udwig 7-piece DRUM SET witîî genuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cal! 728-25J8. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 af ter 5 p. m. Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, with custom made amplifier and speaker, $100- or best offer. Cal! 576-8042. Gibsn SG Custom Special GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramier basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cal 725-1797. In Memoriam GIBSON, DAVID in loving înemory of a beloved husband, dad, and grand-dad, who passed away June 4th, 1975. June comes with deep regret A montîî we can neyer forget Within our home svhere ail seems bright death took from us a shining lighit Our hearts stîli ache froîn sadness And it a!ways svil And secret tears stilî flow What it meant to loose you no one svill ever knosv No person could write, no tongue could tell Our sad and bitter loss But god, friends and loved ones Have helped us bear ouir heavy cross Life must go on we alI know it's truc But miot the same since sve lost you If we could have one lifetime wislî a dreami that could corne truc We svould pray to god with all our limarts Dear Dave f'or yesterday and you. Sadly miissed by svife Judy, sons David and Caîneron, dauglîter Jo-Anne, and grand- children Fiona &. Robert. Now! Look Naturally Pt, ÇGood auu I J ta bring out the best iu you and your thair. We cut it the way it giaws . ..- nd shape it ta suit yaur face. MEN'S HAURSTYLING Whltby Mmii 666.6922 il Press uai tIlmj E %m porium 1, mcon r lx caa lu

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