PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Autos [ Auto Parts 1975 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, low mileage with safety check, asking $3,200, owner selîing because lie needs a 1/2 ton truck, cali 985-3393., 1970 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. Cail 668-5745. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. Cal 668-9757. .1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283, good condition, body fair, power steering & brakes, certified, $300 or best offer. Cal 668-7006. 1968 COUGAR - good for 289 engine, transmission, rear end parts and good tires, $150 or best offer. Cal 668-6176 after 6 p.m.' 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83,' 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best offer. Calil579-3569. 1968 DODGE DART - excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CHEV, restar- able ccindition, $200 or best offer. Cati 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 C'alil668-0705. 1975 GREMLIN X - 6,000 miles, 2 year warranty, 50,000 mile warranty on radial tires, power steering &l brakes,p lus many mare options, asking $3,000. Cai 668-1143. 1970 FORD !4 tan pick-up - standard, 6 cyclinder, radio, re bu il engine, as is .'800; two used Ford rims, 15", $5 each; twa new Ford rims, wide aval, $20 pair; VW statianwagon rims, 5 boîts, $5 each. Cali 668-8376. 1964 % 4TON GMC PICK UP TRUCK - new mator, 6,000 miles, good for parts, $250. Can- be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitbv. 1949 CHEV 1/2 TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body work, $400; Volkswagon VW TR AILE R HITCH, $20. Cal 668-8376. CHIP TRUCK - fully equipped, freshly painted inside, new tires, aluminumn body, askirig $2,00or best o ffe r. '~Cali 728-7623. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $ 100. Cal 623-2043. 1970 CHEV - 350 V8, 4 doar sedan, pomver steering, radio, mecha.nically good, wil certify, best offer. Caîl1668-3371 ext. 273 and ask for JIm. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very low mileage, $2,900. Caîl 668-1134. 1961 FORD door, automatic,1 running order, 668-5815. FALCON - 2 6 cylinder, good $500. ('ail 1965 CHEV - good 283 motor, new tires, no rust, needs pai,iiing, Lic. No. HXY 270, $450. ('Ah 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. 1963 OLDS SUPER 88 - automatic, 77,000 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, -lots of extras, $200. Cati 728-2094. 1967 D)ODGE POLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very cdean, in good running condition, $450 as is. ('alil 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1970 GTO CONVERTI BLE - automatic, excellent condition, $2500 or best offer. ('an be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 evenings or weekends. 1971 FORD - power steering & brakes, radial, good condition, $400. Cati 668-5318. 1966 PONTIAC' - complete power, 6 way seat, $100 as is. Cali 728-6470. FERRING - Hariey Davidsor 1200, $65; 4 MAG wheels arnd *tires for forcign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. ('alil668-4449. 1967 VOLKSWAGON F~AST- BACK - as is $200. ('al 576-6592. 1965 PONTIAC' WAGON - automatic, 283, power cquippcd, $250. ('an be, seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby- t'1965. FORD GALAXIE - will selI as parts, $150 or best offer. ('alil668-8567. Custom-made extra heavy duty T.RAILER HITCH for 1974-7c: pinto stationwagon $25. Cal 668-65 22. TRAILER- (Tandem axie), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable for car, boat or skidoo, $375., Cal 655-3411. TIRES - 4 goodyear belted whitewall, 640 x 14, approx. 1,000 miles on same, $25. Cali 668-6068. Two SNOW TIRES - with. rims, Uniroyal Winter Ride, F78-14, new, $55. Cali 655-3879. TIRES - 4 wide, B60-13, $10 each. Cal 668-1063.' I-EADERS - for 68-74 Nova, $60:. 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60; BICYCLE, 2 wheeler, $10; Cal 723-0855. Snowm.obiles. Trcilers, etc. 1975 MOPED - Bomadier, 552 miles, front & rear suspen- sion, lights, speedometer. saddle bags, double seater, $400 or best offer. Caîl 579-1953. 1973 RUPP HUSTLER - 12" whcels, good condition, asking $250, 12' plywood boat, made lasi year, semi-V bottom, askinz $100. Caîl 655-4616, 15 foot H-OUSE TRAI LER - 1968, compîcte with hitch, slcep-s 6, lots of storage, portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent included, $1,500. Cail 1-705-277-2790. OUTBOA RD Johnsan 3 horse, condition, $ 125. afler 5 p.m. MOTOR - good running ('ail 668-5060 1971 CZ 250 MOTOCROSS - AI condition, $625. Calil 576-4676. 1971 WOODS HARDTOP TENT TRAILER .- sleeps 4, in excellent condition, $600. Cati 668-6522. liamemade SNOW CRUISER - excellent for working in b-sh, $100; anc MINI BIKE F RAME, with matar, $50; car parts, Chevs & 66 under; also 1960 ARMY PANEL TRUCK 3/4tan, '$150. ('ali 728-0234 and ask for Dan. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA - good condition, $ 1,000. ('al 723-2351 anytimne. Tour-a-Home l972CAMPE-R- for pick-up truck, sleeps 4, lots of cupbaards, sink, place for fridge, no stove, very good condition, $950; 2 JACKS, $100 or best offer. ('ail 655-3006. BOAT MOTOR - Scott-at- water, 3 gallon tank, Sh.p., $50; Walkie taîkies, new Realistic TRC 999, 3 watt output, $135. ('al 668-8080. 1972 KAWASAKI 750 - low mileage, fair condition, some new body parts, %!xcellent running condition, $900 or best offer. Cal 640-2726 anytime or 668-2860 after 5 p.m. 1971 MOTO-SKI - twin cyl., electric start, new battery with caver, runs good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., with caver, -used very ittle, $525. Apply 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. ('an be seen aI 385 Larindate Dr., Oshawa. TANDEM TRAILER - flat bcd, 3,000 lb. capacity, aIl heavy duty framne, ail new tires, comn- plete with light accessaries, $450. ('alil 668-4939. MOI>ED - Bronco, highrise handie bars, deluxe seat, 148 miles pur gallon, will go 40 m.p.IL, $275 or best offcr. Calil 668-8381. REAR BUMPER -- for 1975 ('hev Van, painted, excellent condition, $30;PAINTED GRILL, for 1975 Chev Van, $30; 4 chroine TRIM RINGS, fit 14" wheels, new condition, $20. C'alil655-31983. Cciii 568-si11 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREF PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seîl! There will flot bc any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMP>ORIUM unîess the item advertised is sold. When t.he advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Al advertisements nust bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WFIITBY FREE PRESS 'mrd run at lcast onc mon 1h if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price'up ta $4 00.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $5000 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may dclete il from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can onîy be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cal 668-611Il MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRES-S EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadîîne for emporium ads is the Mon day at noon. Furniture Junior BED - with mattrcss, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, everythîng includcd but ining, $300 or best offer. Cali 655-3583. CANE BOTTOM CHAIR - rerinished, $35; also a small cane bottomi chair, $25. Cal 655-3768. Two VENETIAN BLINDS -- creamn metal. sizes W631/2 x L66, $12; W221/î x L-3M, $4. Caîl 668-8273. Upholstcred CH-AIR - unfin- ished, $25; KITCIIEN TABLE, $12 (chairs frec iîeed to be rixed) Cali 725-1211. BED - -Y steel, complete with springs and mattress, $40. Cati 655-4630. CONSOLE B&W TV- good condition, $60. Cal 668-9095. DRESSER - with six drawers, and mirrors, $45; four "RAWER CHEST, $35; continent; 1 BED, 54" complete with headboard, boxspring, mattress, $60; auto- matie radio conibination radio 8-track car 'stereo, $45; Cali 723-7147. Double WOODEN BED - $10; 53" SPRING for bed, $5; 38" SPRING for bed, $5; 3 chromne CHAIRS, $3; RECORDS, 78's & 45's, $1 eachý B & W Philco PORTABLE.. TV, $50; CHESTFERFIELD with 2rnatching ARMCHAIRS, $75; TOASTER, $5. Cal 655-3545. FURNITURIE- antique hall table, 60" x 20", $65; child's desk & chair, $6; built-in BAR, $ 10 plus removal. Calil 668-1063. Clothing Red Wool Curling JACKET- size 40-42, $25; Bowling SH-OES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cal 668-9073.- HUNT CAP - black velvet with safety hamess instailed, size 7'/2, M2.50. C,,1668-2407. COAT - Ladies black persian lamh approximatcly size 20, in good condition, wilI seIl for $50. Cal 725-5714. BED CHESTERFIELD - 3 months aId, Beverley mattress, plus chrome franie, tinted glassi end table, boughl for $500, wil selI for $300. CaI 655-4 101. RUGS - Il x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 earth colours, rut, gold, brown, beige, $500 for bath. ('aIl 668-7923. Victorian CHAIR - set of 6, in good condition, asking $70 each, wooden stave, $50. Cal 668-8376. DINING ROOM SET - Spanish style 5-piece* black with wroughit iran, $249 new asking $100, anc year aid. ('an be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anytime. Queen size BO».- SPRING - with steel frame, $50. Cal 668-5987. CHELSTERFIELD SUITE - 2 icce, very gzood condition, $135; ~OTS &PANS, $l10; RUG, 9'x 12', good quality, green, like new, $75; RUG, small, mushraom colaur, $12; runner, green, $3; mats (twa) $2 & $4; drapes, 2 sets, $5 & $10; short drapes, $3; record player, $5; chrome table, $6; piîlows (two), $1 each; table lamp, $6; bedspreads, single satin for $3; double ones $4 & $5; blankets $6 & $7; teapot, wear- ever, $4; electric frypan, Sun- beam, $6; floral arrangement, $2 & V', jolly jumper, $4, bathroam scales, $ 1. Cali 723-2426. ANTIQUE DESK - with cabinet, over 100 years old, restored, $250. ('aIl 655-3750. Old Queb'ýc WOOD STOVE - $75; leather RECLINER, like new, $75; 2 antique BUFFETS, $50 & $75; aId cedar farni fence rails, $ 1.25 each. ('ail 655-4335. Antique CHEST - two drawcr, $75. ('ail 668-8527. RUG -- approximately 12 x 12, ycllow shag, just been clcaned, $65. Cai 728-1291. Victorian BEDROOM SET - antique with twin beds, box spring and mattress, very new $400;, two end TABLES, haif moon style, $6 ea. Caîl 668-9009. Swivel ROCKER - green-blue colour, $55; ane bucket CHAIR, leather, orange colour, $20; anc sectional kitchen SUITE, leatherette, one year aid, $155. ('ail 668-9520. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. ('ail 668-1297. Appliances Deluxe, AUTOMATIC WATER, SOFTENER - $75. Cal 579-0757. Antique RCA Victorola F.i-Dt;O CONSOLE - with auto.. r.à tic turn table, about 1943 rnodel, fuîîy functioning,. solid '.v,,nl'lne, 300 cash. Cal 579-1593. BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION - 24 loch screen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom 'or cottage, $40.1 Cal 579-3569. Kenmore automaticWASHER - in good condition, moving to an apartment, $125. Caîl 668-5745. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100. Cal 668-1384. Airway Sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - The cost was $399.50 but will selI for $200. Cal 668-8957. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Cal 723-0855. Philips BEAUTY SET - with 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Cali 668-4690. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Calil668-675 0. Dual 1219 TURNTABLE - base & dust caver included, has automnatic shutoff & antiskate, audio technica cartridge, only used for two months, $230 firm. Cal 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. 21 cubie foot FRIDGE - n working condition, asking $100. Caîl 668-3290. VAPORIZER - $5; electric coffee PERK, $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpet SWEEPER, $10; G.E. floor POLISHER, $10, six apple crates, $2 each; RANG- EUTE $ 15; VACUUM CLEANER, $5. Cati 668-9404. AM-FM STE REO RECEl VER- $325; unique table, soîid mb~ple table top, $450. Cal 668-5910. Singer SEWING MACHINE - wîth stool, $165; STEREO componient set, with wooden stand, $210. Cal 985-3393. EMERSON TV SET - with radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Cal 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - electric, recen tly recondition onîy $8. Cali 723-0722.. SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzer. cane, 8 ohms, brand new, actual price $18 only $10; BOW & ARROW SET, Ai condition, retail $15 only $8. Cal 668-6790 after 4 p-m. SPEAKERS - 8 inch wîth vizzer cane, 8 ohms, brand new, actual price $18 only $10. 411l 668-6790 after 4 p.m. SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzer cane, 8 ohms, brand new, actual White SEWING MACHINE - zigzag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. Ca1l1723-1 802. REFRIGERATOR -- 12 cubic foot, $95; I-eavy Duty RANGE, 30 inch, $35. Cati 668-3889. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, ideal for cottage, $20. C;11i 683-6638. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatic, 6 months used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot watei CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. CaIl 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cail 668-9605. Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel re.-ervoir, $30; S pitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but still as new, $10. Caîl 668-7014. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $125. Cali 668-6598. Instruments Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET - with genuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cali 728-2518. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - with case, $200. Cati 655-4385 after 5 p.m. Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - ike new, with custom made amplifier. and speaker, $ 100 or best offer. CatI 576-8042. Gibson SG Custom Special GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramner basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cati 725-1797. SPEAKERS - two large 16", approximately 31/2 high, contained in- black leather casing, $60 orý best offer. Caîl 668-2860. REVERB -- Traynor signature $250. Cali 655-4978. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISHER, $20; CalI 655-3534. ACCORDIAN - brand new, double row buttons, shoulder strap, carrymng case, $80. Cal 668-3195. Press ]Emnporium w 'i. 0W. Lookt i INaturally Good Ntr to bring aut the. best ini yos and your hoir. W. cut it the. way it grows . .. and shape it ta suit your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PA Y MORE? $VONPREM IUM OUAL5TV GA DIESEL FUEL I *MOJOR Pit ~t .-OUl Ietfwn pI.t a oe OH. < "0-3381 whltby Fiai.6W-6122 BROOKLIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Dominant Contractors for Electrical Services Residenticil - Commercial. Industriol 655-3439