Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1976, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1976, WHITBY FR1E I>PRESS .ONTARIO) LOTTERY CORPORATION 6 I N VIT ES APPLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTORSHIPS The Ontario Lottery Corporation froin lime to lime lias territories corne available in various parts of the Province for the distribution of Wintario tickets. A distributor is required to be acîively engaged on a full time basis in the operation of the dis tribu torsbip, each distributor mnust employ adequate sales personnel, and maintain sound accounting and clerical office praclices. Wintario distribulors are independent businessmien working on a commission basis. A disfrihu tor is requiîred to pre-pay for Winîario tickets and re-selI theni 10 the 500 or so Wintario retail outlets in his terrîtory. The cuirrent commission structure for each draw is 2V2 cents per Wintario ticket for the firsi 100,000 tickets and 2 cents each on the remnaining Wintario tickets sold. In accordance with an 2ýgreernent wilh Olympie Lot tery, Wintario distributors presently act as wholesale distri butors for Olympic Lot tery tickets as well. Sales reports and audited financial staternents will be required by the Corporation. At present vacancies exist in territories centered in Toronto, Paris and Windsor. Others rnay arise in the future and al applications received will be kept on file frorn which any future vacancies could be filled without furtber public notice. Interested individuals can obtain further details and application forins by contacting the Corporation at (416) 961-6262 or writing to: Distributors, File 2400 ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION 2 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M14W 3H8 Applications for existing vacancies shouid be received by May 31, 1976. Pros and 'cons of Montreal Olym«pics topic of speeches at Anderson C.V.I.> 0F APPLICATION BN' THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY To dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting the construction of Tennis Courts in Brooklin Memorial Park. TAKE NOTICE THAT- 1. nhe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to construct three double Tennis Courts complete with lighting in Brooklin Memorial ftark, being part of Lot 23, Concession 6 in the Town of Whitby at an estimated total cost of $51 ,750.00 and that the sum of $37,500.00 shaîl be ra ised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period, not exceeding, 5 years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order to Dispense witli the Assent of the Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the fi-st publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice ;ti writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statutes that the assent of the Electors shallflot be required and may approve of the said works but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered. Dated at the Town of Whitby this l2th day of May, A.D., 1976. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CLERK, Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, M 12, 19Whitby, Ontario. by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer "Everything that is worth- while has to ove rcome obstacles", according to David Murdoch, National Speakers Chairrnan for the Organization Committee for the Canadian Olympics. Mr. Murdoch made the staternent in defence of the problein beset Olympic Gaines to be held in Montreal this sumrmer. Mr. Murdoch was taking the affirmative side of the argument "The Olympics in Canada - Can We Really Afford It?" during Anderson Collegiate Vocational Insti- tute's second annual Canada Day activilies Thursday. Durhami West New Deino- cratic Party MPP Charles Godfrey took tlhe negative st a nd. Mr. Murdoch spent mnucb of bis speaking lîie attac,.ingl the media fo r ils barsb criticisnm of tbe games, tbeir cost and their organizers. He lried to straiglen out sonie of the mnisconceptions wbicbi lie said tbe media is responsible for. He likened tbe situation facing tbe organizers of the gaines t0 that wbicbi faced the organizers of Expo '67. No one believed Expo '67 would be ready fo r ils scheduled opening but it was. He said the same is Irue of the Olympics. "Tbe I1976 Olym pic Gaines will he open on lime", Mr. Murdocb said. "Pretty well everything bias been coinpIe ted". The main stadium, whicb bas been tbe subject of mucbi attention, wvill be coruplete on time as will tbe change moms wbich will not be where lhey wcre originally scheduled, he said. In defence of the criticismn of tbe fact that tbiree to six athletes wîll bave to share each roorn in the Olympic Village, Mr. Murdocb said Ibat, until recently, tbe athletes were quartered in barracks, aI approxinîately 1 50 per roomi. Problemis are notbinig new tu tbe Olympîc Gaines, Mr. Murdoch bold several biundred studenîs i the school 's gymnasiurn. He described some of the difficulties which have arisen at past gaie's. At the 1886 games in Athens, there was a stadium but il had no seats. In 1900 in France, tree trunks often got in the path of flying javelins. In. 1904 in Rome, the swimnuing events were some- what disturbed when the raft at the starting line sunk with the weight of the competitors and the rope at the finish line moved with the waves, making the distance of the race différent for each athle te. Despite aIl the probleins in the past and the difficulties aI present, Mr. Murdoch maintained tbal the Olyrnpics are worthwhile. Nol only will the gaines bring wealth 10 the country they will bring heal th as well, bie said. Mr. Murdoch feels thal the wealtb will corne in the forni of nioney spent by visîtors froin other counîries to the Olynipies. In addition, he said, tbe value of the Canadian dollar bas already increased one per cent on tbe international market because the games are being heîd here. He beli:ves tbe gaine will bring health to the nation in two ways. The facilities used wiIl be left after the Olympics for varioî).s aîhleîic events. la addition, the exposure that the ganws will be given will help familiarize Canadians witb the various sports and should generate inlerest 10 tbe point wbere people will participate in thein. Dr. Codfrey would be ecsta tic if tb 'at is the result of the gamres. However, he believes otberwise. lie feels that tbe games will hurt tbe country inancially. Dr. Godfrey said that Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau persuaded the International Olympic Comi- miîîee 10 hold ganies in bis city by telling [t Ibat littîe expenditure would be required. Mr. Drapeau bias main- tained that the chances of mioney being lost by the gaines were as remote as a man baving a child, Dr. Godfrey said. "Mr. Drapeau has called in Dr. Morgenthaler", he commented. The federal goverinent also misled the public, *according to Dr. Godfrey. "The governnrient said *we'll be rolling in il. 1 doubt the 'it' will be money", he remarked. Because of the cost invol- ved, Dr. Godfrey feels that the Olyrnpics, instead of being a unifying force, may be a divisive force. "Quebec rnay be asking for a lilîle more than the rest of Canada is willing 10 pay", he said. Dr. Godfrey not only crilicized the Monîreal gaines and their costs but also offered suggestions on how to save money. Hold the Olympics in Wbitevale, he said and elaborated on his plans to Free Press Photo hold the gaines in that village of 140 famiies in the region. Most of the required facilities are already there, he said. The gravel pit would make an ideal stadium with seating for 40,000 people. The diving competitions could be held at the pond with the bridge for the low dive and the mill for the high dive. Toilet facilities are a problein, Dr. Godfrey con- ceded but said that the, problein could be overcomne if people took bags with thein. "The bags are flot a reposîtory. People wilI thein over their heads when they do it to save embar- assmen-, he said. Although no one said il,' the thought that maybe the Olympie organizers should wear the bags over their heads lingered in the air. Leather designer at station Whitby leather designer Paul Williams shows off one of his crations, entitled "Vertabrae" at the Whitby Arts St.ition. The sculpture is -m-,-de of two pieces of wet formed cowhide intertwined into a vertabrae form. Mr. Willi,,,:ms, and Oshawa artist Dan Reid are exhibiting their works at the Whitby Arts Station until May 30, indicating what local talent there is in the Whitby-Oshawa area. Free Press Photo MPP Charles Godfrey Addresses A.C.V.I. students. Ontario  i MORTGAGES L 1 T L4CT 1sf 2nd Arronged Boughf o1nd Sold of Prime Rtes coul Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 Irock St. N.. Whltby WHITBY COMMUNITY BINGO lvery Monday Night 7*15 p.m. first Early Bird game BUS SERVICE AVAILABLE i-leydenshore Pavilionl JAYCEES KINSMEN KIWANIS OPTIMISTS

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