PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby wy 1Voice of the County Town Mi ke SERVINO OVER 28#000 READERSr Publishcd every Wednesday by M.BM.Pubishing The Free Press Building BurgssPublshe-Mangin Edior.121 Brock Street North, Bures, UDISerVlalalfg -U'r. Wh, tario Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Community EdItor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jim Quail, Production Manager - Marie Burgess Ù'ispiay Advertising Manager --r Robin Lyon Classified Ad Manager - Circulation Manager -aln yo Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whilby. Miiling Permit No. 2941 Phone 668-6111: Toronto Lune 282-1004 We must keep .up the f ight It has been somnetime since we've seen as rnany Whitb' residents incensed about any one single issue as we have on the closing of our Whitby police station. We at the Whitby Free Press (M.B.M. Publishing> became involved immediatelv because, as Whitby residents, WE CARE. Our judgment, backed up by' a lot of research and our many dealings with the local poice over the vears. dictated that we, as the 'Voice of the (old) County Town', become involved end do evervthing within aur power to retain aur owvn police facilitv. Hence Mike Burgess (President of M.B.M.) prepared and presented à brief on behaif of the Whitby Chamber af Commerce at the first public meeting (and again at the police commission meeting) which we followed up with our *Police station edition last week. He has sent letters on behaif of' the Whitby Chamber to ail the other Chambers ini the region enlisting their aid and support. Another letter has been hand delivered to regional council asking ta appear today and present the samne brief (for the benefit of any regional councillors who may flot read our Whitby newspapers). We, flot to mention your local caunicillors, staff. and somne local groups, are trying our join in now and give us your support, cail yaar friends in other areas of the region and tell t!iem to cati their regional counicillors - rememrber the cast af keeping aur station open is only one tenth of one percent of the budget. If you wait, it may be taa late. West Lynde Comm unit y Association Seven reasons why police station should remain open EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is a copv of a lettier sent t0 Mayor Jim Gartshore. wvest ward Couincillor Ken Hobbs, Chu irmian of' thlel)urtîanî Regiori Police Conmmis- sion Tom Jernivmi and I)urlhun W\est NI\l Charles God frev bv the \Vesî Lvnde Aocaon [)ear Nia yo(r Gartshorc: ,Mcliibers ot our e\ecuI- tive attended the mieet in 2 on1 the Poli1ce StationI closînig, held ut the l)enlîs O'Connor Fl ýiiîSchiool on April 29tli. \We ai tendied the ime! etin l order 10 obtuin tacts 0on AppIy one pol'icy to ai l, cou ncillor Dear Sirs: Regarding Councillor Joy Thornpson's criti- cism of thie propertv owned bv Chiarles San tos. Is this how Counlcillor%- Joy Thiompson operates on our Town Council. Not too long ago. in fac t October I1975, 1 recali Councillor Tho mp- son~s long, battie to mnove for a Resolution in Council to provide green- houses of 10%- or 1000 sq. ft. in resident ial areas. This decision meant that a 1000 sql. ft. green- house would be bujîlt on thie remaining 30W, work- able land area of this particular lot. However, her "Greenhouse Friend" did build a large plastic- covered. wood-framed lean-to, attachied to the back of his homne with a stove pipe sticking ouIt Send letters I o Box 206 the roof'. Thîis buildin L was evidentlv constructed Withliot a buIIIildîne ermîlt- a conitravention ot' flic Town ~-usand Bu]iline Codes. Rememiber iov. that \vas last October.'antI no action lias been taken by the Towni of Whitby in regards to flouting the Bv-Laws of' this Towvn. Now, Mou are publicly cîiticizing Charles Sun bos re2ardinv the condition of his properties. This crtcsni seenis unt'air particularly wMien yoLI allow my' neighbouIr to leave a devastating, look- ingz structure ut the reur anýd side of* nîv homne which ini fuet lowers the resale values of surround- ing properties. Unfortunately. Cotîn- cillor Thompsoni. your decision rnaking thiniking miachiîne turnis nie riuht off. How is it emotion- ally possible for you t0 t'ie-ht su st te place one big mess of- *junlk In miv lack and side yard. then turn around in thie next breatti and criticîze another in anritlat i s "Lots are a lDisrce? Thlen on Mondlay. Aprîl 29. you re ( thie "R iot Act ," t lu ou r Plan 1ni nig 1) 1 recti or anrid Tewn ('ounicil that 1.3. 1 o0f the 0Off i ciaI Planr provides a Iloli1c y to enstire the equality of' li te. and to secuire the hlealth. safe t v, ConIlveni- îenice and welt are l'or the prescrit inhabi tants ofl thie Town. If- yoti are concerned with the above Policv then \VIiv not applv the Policy t'or thle good and welfure of' ail? Yours trulv, 1). Stewart. Morale booster Dear Sir; On bebiaîf of' the Brooklin -WlVhihby Con- solittuted Building Cor- poration Juvenile All Stars, 1 would like t0 express our appreciation for tihe coverage given t0 our Team ini the sports pages of vournewspaper. The team memibers Iooked forward to seeing their names in print and xvoufld add thut these sam-e write L!ps were a great moral builcier. Once again our most sincere thaniks. Yours truly. Brooklin-Wýhitby Consol- idated Building Corpora- tion Juvenile All Stars Gord Kinzie Manager th e imipact of this closingv () i ou r Cofni Liunitv. Quickly \we camle to the conclusion tOut the clositilL! woiîld be detre- mental to Whitbv. The tollw I~2 acts lLis to thhconclusionl. TuIe level of Police wou 1Id be adversely a Ieced-i.we Would becoie 3 zones putrolled oI o0f, Oslha wa. Tue11CYouIth Buireau presently in Whitbv, \voLld he nîoved 10 Os ha wa. -The Safetv Patrol %voul( lie moved ouIt of whitbv. Total Suvings to the Durhani Recion \vill umnount to onlly S74.000. This is com- pured to an 8½ mnillion dollar Police budruet, S900,000 of which is paid by the residenîts of WhitbV. Th'le S 14.000 cur- reîîîlv estimated as the cost of a store front 9) to 5 operation in downtown Whitby to act as a Police station is totally inade- Lluate. Therefore additional fundswould have to be spent, 1'urther reducing the the savings to the regio n. -The closing of the Whjtbv Police Station ancidite consolidation of other Police forces in the Regioni alonL, withi the expansion of the Oshawa Police Station wîll result in a capital expenditure of S600.000 iii the RegYion. This expansion xvill add 1 2.000 sq. ft. t0 the Oshawa Police Station. at a cost of S50.00 a sq. ft. -The present Police bulking in Whitby has a S38,000 a year debenture which would simply be transferred 10 another Dept. in the Regfion as a cost, or to the Town of Whitby as an added expense if the Police Station is closed. In conclusion we feel that the priorities within the Police commission should be changed and that the 574M00 in savings required by the Region should be saved elsewhere. Yours sincerely, Jim Milîs, Marg Boyce. z 'I m r m