Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 17

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Scouts to forwvard plans for camp dev1openi The town is currently waiting for the Whifby District Boy Scouits to conie P witlî dcvelopnctît propo- saIs for a 1 -acre parcel of' land ut Camp X whlichl woLîld presumfiatIy give fhcm access to the bay formced by Corbett Crcek, accorditîg f0 Co-ordi. nu for of Developinent Forthes McEwen. Mr. McEwen feels tuat thle parcel would be "ideal". f i)r canocing, canîPing and nature trails. Once thcy know what they want f0 do with the propcrfy, wvhich fthe fown woîîld ACVI Cc Consulates fron, Britain, Korca, D( Finland, Bulgaria, Cc Romania, United State Malta and German, parficipate in seminars with "Peace through standing" during Ar Coliegiatc Vocational tutc's second antîual1 Day toinorrow. The seininars wvit students in the affi make up oniy a smalJ flic day's activities. The activifies bcgin rnorning with a varicty Film borro wît Beginning June 1 a s film departmctit fo r convenience of pal wishing f0 borrow films projectors wvill be set u the lowcr cast wing of Whitby Public Library. Ail bookings wiIl 'be ný from this dcsk and al jectors wvill be chccked in Ouf from this departmcnt. Sulent films for usev home projectors will stili chiecked out from flie i desk but ail other ci millimetre sound and millimefre films and projectors will be handied the newv desk. Mrs. Susan Paton svill in ch arge of this departmcj Earn more on your savings Get 477, on your regular sav ings. Pay no service charge on cheques if minimum balance of S1,000) is main tained (and even if this balance is flot majntained you get 12 free cheques p( quarter and pay only 10 cents for ecd cheque ove, the 12. Compare this with your average "savings ac- count" paying only -37 an, costing you a service charg of 20 cents for every chcq ue Special Savings (non chequing> accounts pay 8ý, per annum calculafed on Minimum monthly balance Funds deposifed prior f0 May I5th and leff on leposit earn full inferesf oèr aIl of May. VICZORL4an CGREY probably Icase to fhem fthey would have a part ini plannting a programi for financing',the developmleîit, lic said. The town owns 50 acres of Camîp X, situatcd on the WhitbY-sîawa boundary. Mr. Mci3wen expecfs fliat fthc scouts will be opcrating back froni the lakefront, leav- ing the 2,500 feet of beach openti f0the public. Any torni of public irivolvement ini financinthei dcvcloprnent would niake the projcct eligible for assistance fromn Wintario. iznada Day prcsented by the students. Durhanm West MPP Dr. Charles Godfrey will be flic kcynotc speaker and will express his views oti "'The Olym"pics In Catnada, Cati Wc Really Afford It? ODavid Murdocli, National Speakers Chairmun lfor flic Orguniizatio> Comimittce for flic Canadian )lympics, wvill speak ini reply. Great ýena rk, >1 Linibia, cs, Peru, y will dealing undcr- ridersoni 1 nsti- Catnad a h flhc part of in the Towvn ishow o Whitby 1g TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES trcîa D etreners will b e bie y \Mr. WA. ' I ringbold, ýtron sVlîtby, until ;and 2-00 P-ni1.,'Nednesduy, \May 26,I1976, lorthe f lollng. p in the 1) CONTRACT W76-5:S Supply and :pplîi atîun uo dPProXî n iatetui 45,000 gz ilions nade of I)bttUflJm)tisr(>dprimer, pro 2) CONTRACT W76-6: Supply and application oft adbitiliiinoLIs uhd cover wifh nia terial (su rface trea ting). 1, be Specificatiorîs and tender foris arc uvajlubie Ironmthe mn Departnientof Publie Wurks, 1380Hokn Street, Unit 2, 16h Whitby, On tario. Telephone 66X-774 1. aIl Lowcst or any tender not necessarrrly acceptLd. RýA- CLARINGBOLD,1 be Deputy Treasirer, nt. Ton(> hi y M 12Tnn XVtb A i MORIGAGES L 1 M T'A Li (D 1st &2nd Arronged, Bought olrd SoId ot Prime Rotes conl Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Mt. ýer 149 Irock St. N., Whltby Tow of Whitby TAKE NOTICE that the Administrative Committee of the Council of the Town of Whitby wiII receive a submission fur the deveîopment of the former B uckîe property on Brock Street South bounded by Brock Street, Ontario Street, Byron Street and Dunlop Street, as a commercial shopping centre, at a meeting to be heîd in the Council Chambers on Monday, May llth, 1976 at 9:00Op.m. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.ç.f Cîerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WH ITBY, Ontario. GREAT WALL CHINESE & CANADIAN RESTAURANT 668- 7021 668- 7301 FR11 DILIVERY SUSNESS fMURS Monday -Thursday ....l.... a.m. Frihy and Saucay.Il. n..11 3 &.m. Siartdy .................11&n. - opin. now open Tuesdays 116 Dundas St. Wot Whitby complete with ligîîting in Brooklin Memorial Park, being part of Lot 23, Concession 6 in the Town of Whitby af an estimated total cost of $51 ,750.00 and fliat flhc sum of S37,500.00 shaîl be raiscd by thte sale of deberîtures payable on the general rate over a period flot exceeding 5 years. 2. Application will be made f0 the Ontario Municipal Bâard for ain Order f0 Dispense with the Assent of the Electors f0 the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer inay within 21 days affer the first publication of this niotice send b>' post prepaid f0 the Clerk of the Towni of Whifby, at fthc address given below, a notice inî writing stating bis objection fo such appro.val.and the grounds o>f sucli objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to flic statufes fliat the assent of the Electors shail not be required and ma>' approve oUfltc said works but before doing so if ma>' appoint a time and place for a public lîearing when any objection will lie coîîsidered. [)ated at flic Town of Whitby this 12fh day of May', A.D., 1976. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. CLERK, Town of Whifby 405 Dundas Street West, 3UNGOLDFRUITMARKE juAi am~iI BOX PLANTS NOW'AVAILABLE Vegetable Pant Har FRESH CUT ASPARAGUS ARRIVING DAILy 49"BUNCH 124 BROCK ST, N WHITBy 668-4177 OCM" ;,eroniums iging Baskets 1 1 mmmýý 11 Petunias Marigoids WIHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, MAY 12, 1976, PAGE 17 Open 7 d4fs a w..k RESTAURANT 120 BROCI( ST. N. WéHTBY - TEL.: 668-9461 Dolicmous Cavradioan od 'alion Ds. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F PTHE TOINN 0F WHITBY To dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting the construction of Tennis Courts in Broolin Memorjal Park. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby

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