PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin ~ B unes The 'meeting has been set and the date announced. Where will YOU be on April 29th at 8 p.m.? At Denis O'Connor Higli Sehool 1 hope. That is where the 'police station- issue' will be aired, and you, the pu'blic are invited ....rather I should say, Urged attend. Don't wait until the Whitby station is closed before deciding to mioan and groan, get into the action now and see if peopie power wiil keep the station at Rossland Rd. Don't forget Thursday, 29th April, at D.O.C. on Gifford St. in Whitby starting at 8 p.m. The Women's Institute Annual meeting was held iist Wed., the 21lst April. Prior to the lunch and social hiaif hour, splendid reports were given of the year's work. Elections were also held with the following results. President: Mrs. R. Sonley; Vice-President: Mrs. McWhirter; Secretary: Mrs. Ardsey; Treasurer: Mrs. Kiveli; and District Director: Mrs. Arsey. The next meeting wiil be heid on the third Wednesday in May ....which is the i9th. It will be held at the Brooklin Community Centre, starting at 2 p.m. Are you trying hard to rid yourseif of those extra inches before the hot weather really arrives? If so this next announcement is flot for you ....tho' on second thoughts if you have been trying really hard then perhaps you should give yourself a treat. I'm referring of course, to the Bake Sale that will be held on Saturday, May i st from 2 p.m. onwards at St. Thomas's Anglican Church which is on the corner of Winchester- and Anderson. Those goodies will be of home-made variety baked by those excellent ladies of theA.C.W. A variety of pies, breads, cakes, etc. Mill be on sale..... aiso somne home-made pickles and preserves. Too good an opportunity to miss .......0 make sure you get there early and get the pick of the crop. I hear that the Anderson production of 'Caesar and Cleopatra' was a great success, and very weIl done. Lefs hope that the school's next venture is just as successful. I'm referring to the May Day Auction that will be held this Saturday, the lst. I've heard that there a mnany interesting articles to be bid for don't have any regrets on missing, out on some'bargain ....just make sure that you get down to the Collegiatc on Saturday. This Saturday the Ist, is also the rnonthiy paper drive date for this month ....NOT the customary second Sat. The Lakehead Regional Conference with Whitby doing the hosting has caused the change in dates. But the Brookiin lst 'and 2nd Cub packs ask you once again to help thern out, and have ail your newsprint neatly bundled up, tied securely, and piaced outside, before 9 a.rn. They cannot be picked up if in boxes - only if securely tied. This is the only chance that I will get to remnind you, so please make careful note of the fact. Any possible donors living way out in rural areas who do flot get called on but who do have papers to donate, why not drop themn off at the Ashburn Community Centre the day before - that's the Friday. Cubs will pick themn up from there. Again make sure, please, that they are tied. North ward people have been very good about this, but the directive has corne from the "high ups" and the cubs just want to make sure that no one washes their efforts - because If the papers are flot tied they cannot be picked Up. Has anyone lost a watch? My. daughter found one on the corner of Durham and Winchester. If you have lost one and your description fits the one I have then it is yours. Give me a caîl at the usuai number. AT A GLANCE. THURS. 4PRIL 29th - Public meeting at Denis O'Connor High School in Whitby ....Public Protection in Whitby. Starts at 8 p.m. and ail are urged to attend. SAT. MAY lst - lst & 2nd Brooklin cubs (and packs thro' out Whitby) Paper Drive. Papers out before 9 a.m. please. SAT. MAY lst - A.C:.W. Bake Sale held at St. Thoma's's Anglican Church on Winchester and Anderson. Starts at 2 p.m. SAT. MAY lst - Anderson Collegiate May Day Auction. MON. MAY 3rd - Croup '73 meeting at the Brooklin Community Centre starting at 8 p.m. AlI welcome. SUN. MAY I6th - Monthly Legion meeting at the Brookiin Legion Hall ....elections, therefore ail members urged to attend. WED. MAY l9th - W.l. meeting 2 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. .Once again it is time to sign off. Keep those catis coming. And next week be Sure to read the Bylines ..... .* some special news for you ail, but important for contributors. Till then, take care. LIZ 655-3750 BROWN'fS FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 yVtlte. AbIbUHI VARIETES - DELUXE M CAKE K«« lv0Z PKG DUNCAN HUNES 68 PURE VEGETABI! 1-LB PKG ~HO CRISCO Shortenng59 SULDERS - FRESH PICNIC STYLE FOR ROASTING ASSORTED FLAVOURS - ALLENS 48-FL-OZ TIN PORK ROASIS 99163RUIT DRINKS 21F89, TENDER - JUICY - SOSTON STYLE . PORK BUll ROASISi .09c. Quartered Chicken Powk hopa FAESH CUT 7 F j c You Sve 1lfl Sacks, Wirgs, c TuSeswh Neeks Attache<f 76 ~Tri m and Pricel *1U- B CUT FROM THE CHUCK BLÂDE STEAKS 896 COTTAGE ROLLS 1*396' RINDLESS BACON159 Cooked Ha. ;gL1VfR5 lb59 Swft OO OUTRPOK OCS lb 69' 6.0. ack&"POLISH SAUSAGE lb $1 .09 SEUNIFP PIJINA. -FO CATi MACEUNS 5OML lvii DINNER IKGSo 99c TOOTH Peste 694 CIAO Pu.OF - 50 FEMININE NAPIINS SAiNDWICH "P~ 49ç KOTEX Pig. of 12 85C RESDAM sl.39 BRYLCREEM53: ENOS FRUIT SALTS 99C SoUNdSHIN«E FRqEsH PRODUCE FLORUDA Large size Tomatoes 5911b. No. 1 Ontario UXBRIDGE BRANDbe Potatoes 10O1b. sack $1.39 <good cookers or uon be us.d es ueed) dford Marsh No. 1 CARROTS 21b. Bag 25 OP six LAIS A WEIK st» s@.-6 ... EXari nhui & FUtI MMNTlaTIIP. GHEA V D TY - OAD KG F 10 (ARBA(iEBags 99 Canada Fancy - Hilvez or SIic.d - Delmonte 28.FL.OZ TIN PEACHES 691 jGRAPE - JELUES OR 24-FLOZJA WELCH'S Ja.s 99 CANADA FANCY- STOKELYS 14-FL-OZ TM 'CREAM CORN 39' ASSORTED FLAVOURS - jJEY 3C K JELL-O Dessert 25C CHRISTIES SNACKS "Z PKG BITS & BITES 69' ASSOITTOfLvoui 12OZ JAA SKRAFT 65 POLY BAC PKAOF 00 O PRIOR PARK ff TEA BAGS 99c7 CANA1A1FANCV Il e OZ lIN FRUIT De, monte 7 FIG BARS 89C AABOIEO COI.OUBS- >KY PAOOF 00 i ROYALE 4#5 Facial Tissue POWOEBEO 101.5Box TIDE $5 DETERGENT 4s DRY 000 FOOD 2(0 FAC PURINA 1' DOG Chow $14 WE$TON* i"ECH CINNAmoN f MUT ROL 49c =0IVETA I t P Jaycette Garage Sale The Whitby Jaycettes are holding a. garage sale May 1 from il a.m. to 4 p.m. at 131 Brock Street North (next to Knights of Columb-us Hall) Items to be sold include household, articles, books and toys. Anyone wishing to donate items shouid caîl 668-6700 after 6 p.m. Cattie health discussed The health of beef and dairy cattle was the topîc of discussion at a meeting of the South Ontario 4-H Beef Club recentiy. Agricultural representative Paul Ruth spoke about. the necessary nutriants forheait-hy beef and dairy cattle, incîuding sources of minerais, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. The members of the club discussed the 4-H achievement day which will be heid eariy in September in Uxbridge. The nèxt meeting wiil be at the home of John McWilliamn on May 10, with'the topic being farm safety.- AMCT meets Fifty delegates froin Metro Toronto, Peel, York and Durham Regions assembled at Whitby Thursday to attend the bi-annuai meeting of zone four, Association of Municipal Cierks and Treasurers. Guest speaker on the occasion was Pat Gillis, executive director of the assessment division of- thé Ontario Ministry of Revenue, who, discussed reassessment and property tax reform with the delegates. The meeting, held at the Centennial Building, was the first hosted by Whitby ini about seven years. The arrangements were muade by Whitby's 'Deputy Treasurer 'AI Clarlngbold. 1 3 BIG DATS Thurs. Apr . 28 to Sat.- May 1 qý a 777, ý 1, =71 17 . i