Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1976, p. 1

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Young stcrnd-ins chosen Whitby Counicil lias not yet decided i'-it wvill take its show on thie road. It wvas suggested- that counicîl hold open forumns or regular counicil meetings iu sultable locations in eachi of the four wvards iu the town during the balance of 1 976. The intention was ho give people wvho cauti ot get olnt to thie regular performances an opportunity to sec the show at an auditorium nearby. If coutncil decides to hit the roat, thiey can take along seconds. Thie seconids are mlemibers of the youthi and civic administration counceil for 1976. On a more serious note, the programn, now in its fourthi year, pairs students witli counicil members and depart- ruent hieads to provide themi withi an insight into civic administration. The students hold a miock cotincil meeting at the end of the programn. The mee ting tliis year will be held iu the councit chanmbeçs on May 3 1. Geoff Wilcox of Anderson Collegiate Vocat louailustitute wvill be paired with Mayor Jimi Gartshore, Cryst,,l FHedges of A.C.V.1. with Couincilor Bob Carson, Anne Dawson of Henry Street I-ligh School wlth Councillor Tom Edwards, Helen Saunders of Ontario Ladies College withCouncillor Gerry Emn, Greg liarton of IL.S.1.S. with Councîllor Ken Hlobbs, Jan Wilson of O.L.C. with Councillor Don Lovelock, and WilIma VanBcrkel of Denis O'Connor l-ligli School with Co',ncillor iuy rthomp- sou. Paired with the regloual, councillors are Mark Millar of H.S.H.S. wîth Councillor Garishore, Daviçi Hubers of D.O.H.S. with Councillor Enim an d Colin Mcllwain o f A. C.V.I1. with Councillor Lovel .tk. Students will also be paired withi the town's depart- meut heads- Jim Murdock, of' 1.S.iI.S. with Clerk Bill Wallace, Linda Brooks of Brian of X.C.' ,Switzer, Fred Horne .V.1. wîth Co-r',rdinator of Deelopentvorbe McEwen, Alec Simpson of H.S.H.S. with Director of Planning Keith Birch, John. Bracken of D.O1l.S. withl Director of Public Works! Dick '(uwahara, Kit Greavesý of A.C.V.I. with Director of! Recreation Wayne DeVeau, Ken Polly of A.C.V.l1. with Fire Chief Ed» Crouch and Sandra Zicike of H.S.H.Sý with Treasurer Forbes McEwen. I Vol. 6, No. 16 Wednesdlay, April 21, 1976 16 Pages J I INSIDE WHITBY A SUBDIVISION 0F OSHAWA? ..... ,........ PAGE 4 BIRD'S EYE VIEW ...........PAGE 5 BROOKLIN BYLINES ........ PAGE 6Ç HISTORICAL WHITBY, WORDS FROM WEST LYNDE ............... PAGE 7 JAYCEES RECEIVE TOP HONOR... ........... PAGE 9 H. SALT WINS TITLE ........PAGE il ENTERTAINMENT ....... ....?AGE 13 Rhodes osks for 25%/c subsidized housing.. The province refuses ttacke ...Council receives and files written request 'no" for an answer Address Whitby-bound letters R-ssst. Cor .rn 1friends out ot ;owu who rire [o)',ou a Io? Piss this alon-g ro rhem. Amoug the rhree ways cof sedm milto Wir î s Yup. Yeu reud ir rig-ht. lu ai recent lerrer to %WhitbN Council in response to comT- plaints -about the level of postal service in the town, C_. A. Goulet, Drector of the Eastern Distric t OntarÎo Postal R~o.epand 'W Irb s a postal station of Oshas;,a and ail mail received for Whitby passes through the Oshawa post office fo)r so)rtation ro lerter c2Lrrier walks'. he saîd. It is then transporred bo the postal station for delivery by letter carriers". C.A. continued, and this is the cruncher, "Mtail for Whitby rnay be addressed as follows: e.g. Mr. John De 85 Clarence St.. Whitb . Ont., LI N 6F4-. Mr. John Doe. 85 Clarence St.. Oshawa Ont., LIN 61F4- and Mr. John Doe. 5 Clarence st.. Po'stal Station '*WhtbY',. Osfavwa. Ont.. LIN 6FV*. -Ail these addresses are good and ît is îimmaterial to us if some customers use one way or another". he said. "'As for the postal code itseli. serves areas. cýharaict, an - theya mainc muain t mainc postal Oshaw.- 'Whitb3 postal OshanaL4post office six forv..î,ard sorration The fîrst three ters of a code represeur S.A-, and for Oshawa are: LIC Oshawa office: LIH -Oshawa office; LIK -Oshaw a office: LIJ -Oshawa station 'W*; LIN - ra postal station ýy'; LI P - Oshawa station 'Whitby '." hiawaA" C.A. zoncluded »-l trust rhis will expîain ro you vwhy mail received at Whirby bears dïfferent types of addresses'*. Sûre does C.A- The members of coLuncil mere so,- impressed wdth rhe explanatiori thar rhey ,want. Whitbýr*'s present MIP Ed Broadbenr and Whitby's soon-to-be NIP Norm Cafik ro take the matter up with Postmnaster - General On tarlo Minister of Housing John Rhodes has «'ritten Whitby Council in the hope of persuading counicil to alter its stand on the amount of subsidized housing it wilI allow in two high rise apart- ment buildings under con- struction on the corner of Jeffery and Dundas Streets. The province would like 25 per cent or 88 of the 352 units ln the twin towers inade available for subsidized housin g. The province has tried on numerous occasions to per- suade council to relax its polîcy of allowing only five percent subsidized housing on a scattered basis rhroughout the town. E ,rh rime. counicil has turcd rhumbs down. T1he mnost recent refusai occurred Mlarch 8 when Christie Hale of the Ontario Housing Corporation made a deporation tb couincil NI r. R o des w.r te tro ý,(AIncÀ1. sa'.îng*"l have just rýceîved '.our fl.er of Nlarch 1. 1976. in v.hich vou indicate the deciýion of councýil ro deny the 25 per ýcent allocation or units to the -enr supplemenrtprogram" I regret the decisvn of counicil". he continued 'hoe~e.1 hope that con- sîderario-,n will be ziven ro this marrer again at some fut are daie'. Council. ar first. did not know what ro do about the laest requesr.. Some members felt that council should write ro Mr. Rhodes reaffirming its stand. Others argued that ro do so mnighr make Mr. Rhodes believe the marrer is stili ooen. Counicil .-ïna1k ,decided ro simnpl,, receive and File the leter in the hope thar NMr. Rhodes -will ger the message -thar the case is closed. Meeting A public meeting on the region's decision ro close the I8 di-vision police station in 'Whirbv wiIl be held on April 29 at 8 p.mn. in Denis O'Connor High Scho, 1003 Giffaàrd Strect. A~ spring visitor in Whitb.v early this veek was the tanker MIaple at the Texaco tanks Monday. and steamed out of the harbor before Branch. the firsi boat ho armie in Wýhitby harbor this season. The nightfall. While in Whi Sy. Capt. Dionne vvas presented with a gif o Miaple Branch. under Captain J. F. [)ionne. urloaded 21.000 barrels of behalf of the tovvn by Harbormaster Ver NiacCarl. easoline. 10.000 barrels of furnace oil. and 5.000 barrels of diesel oïl Free Presis Photo by Nike ,?urgess il os] F R Pl 1 7 a m»mmý

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