Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 4

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SERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS r itllsiscce( cvery Wedniesdaiy Sby M.B.M. Pubi4iing and Photograpliy Imc. Thu Fi-et! Pre%% Buildiriq 121 Brock Street North, Mike Burgess, Publisher-Maflagiflg Editor. Whtby, Ontario. w hitby Voice of the County Town '~ssistant Editor Blake I>urdy ' ~'omîriunity I(litor B rian Wintcr 1CoitntuiElditor - Jimeuail Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classif ied Ad Manager - Marlene Byroni tl<ox206, VWhitby. Mailiricj Pernmit No. 2941 Plioti 6686111: Toronto Line 282-1004 Let's figlit closing We, ini Whitby, have an opportunjity to voice our opinion on the regi on's decision to close the I18 division police station O0n Rossland Road at a public meeting April 29, exact timie and place to be annouinced in the ne-ar future. Lts not sit back anîd say "Ve- can't fighit the rcuîin" ')ecause we can. whitbv 's represelitatives to regioflal council have donc their be-st to keep the station open, but, possibly the only %vav' to iIiilress the regin is with sheer numibers. We look boiste-rotis nie-eti ng. for ai good anid crowd at the I __________I ~- ~- w - - - - e., P~ace and security bih cari not serve Canadians well re-strîcted powers iii tlîe store or transport a firearni for ~'ou in home, briuig you so me C-83 ,rity), ni en t, suich (iver-eent issuies Zas elcctroiicsurvcihlauice-, gu iiconit rol1, crime Îii quilles. parole-, etc. iii (o onie bill. to reccive-oie- vo)te for or agmainst y an M. . I pe- %-," W-~'qfe -l-t a/ the gun colitr>h se-ction is tiini,',-e-ssary and wil do îîothiug to reduce or preveuit crimne: f'cctioni 106.3(16) - place- arbi trary ail un- haîîds (of ani appoiiited officiai, lîo caîî vestrict and co>ntrol ini any nianner lic wishies, eveîî if nlot prescribed by re-gu hatiolis, howv a person may uise, carry, posse-55, handle or store any tire- amni or amniniitioli. Sectioni 99.(2) - every' one who stores aîîy fire- amni or anînîunition ini a "ýcar -,',ss mîn îner" is guilty of an itîdictable offenise and is lhable- to iprisoninelt for 5 x'ears. Section 100.0 - every 1erson in a business con- cerning firearnîs or ami- mîunitioni iîu-t ke-ep a record of e-verx' trans- action and a ruuning, stock invéntorv'. Everv snîall counItry 'store wilI have to record thec sale )f e-yen onec box of aniniuni- tioui. Section ("8.(lh -an L"uilicensed persoi" )os- se-ssing firearnîs or anînîuii- iiti(>Ii s guilty of an iuîdictable offense- and hiable to iiiprisolinieut for 2 years. A 44fircarm-" iiîclude-s "a n y fra nie,1 barre-I. re-ceiver, breecli block, firing pini or lîaiîer". This ie-ans that your wife or a friend, uuîless licensed, could itake- no u lrcha~seor delive-ry (>11y'our behiaîf, deliver a p)art of a firearmn to a gurismîith for repair, .or eveui temporarily, automobile, trailer or vanî. Sectioni 95.(0) - sainie penalty as above, but covers ".e-very one wlio se-Ils, barters, gives. lends, tr.ansfers or de-ivers' a:y firearin or anînîuniiition to an unficeniced personi". What do "tranr,;fer" or &"deliver" nie-an in actual practice? It is oniniously vaýy,,e. 4 Explainatry Notes", page 13 -_"en tire costs of tlîis p)rogranii" are to be bornie by the guîî ownier. No fe-e is stated - will it risc annually to prohibitive levels? Section 106.8 ay tiîîg onîitte-d, or miore probably, felt to be a linidranice to passage of the bill, cali be- broughit iii later by Cabinet order overniighit - no îîotifica- tioni of Parlianient - nio de-bac - nio vote. 900 ne-w 4registrars" arc to be hircd. So iîîuch for lîoldiîîgy down govern- nint expeniditure. An iniforne-d public niake a sejîsible decisioni about thie merits of this bill, anld 1 hope, iniake tlîeir feelinigs knowni to tlîeir M.P. T.F.B. Phîlips, MD., Ottawa Dear Sir; 1 should like- tot to the attention of amid vour readerss details of Bill (Peace and Se .,, now before Par ari whîichî nay be tunkiîoWii to votu anîd undoubtedly' are uninowvlit(> niost ()f your readers. This "package bill" cannot serve Canadiaiîs we-Il -- humnping as it (tocs Chamber of Commerce against station elosing_ EDITOR'S NOTE: Foi- Iowing is a copy of a letter sent to Tom Jermnyn, Chairman of the Durham Region Police Board of Commissioners. The directors of the- ý,Vhlii tby Chazniher o f Commierce wvish t(o express their deep) conce-rn with the- planne-d closiiig of the Police Station in the Town of' whitby. We be-ieve (bat a police Se, iim and Linda Brougli, grade 10 students at Andersonl Coiegiate, have fouuîd that yein- at plants is the second best way to make tlîem grow behind playing rock mnusic. Tlle exhibit, entithed "Do plants have feelings?", was one of over 100 at the Durham Region Science Fair last week. Step)heii Grylîs helped the Brouglis set up tileir exhibit. Free Press Photo esseniti.al to ensuire ade- (itate protectioni to its inhabitants, its businesses, anid (o conmmierce- ii the- Towiî of Whitbyv. There-fore-, we- respect- fulhy r !quest tliat <)u take inîniiediate ste-ps to ensure thiat tlic Towvn of Xlitby continues (o be servedl witl a 1police- preselice. Yours very truly, J.,C. Caiger, Prcsideiît. n dlette rs toua Box 206, Whitby ------.--.,----,-...--------..-................~--~,-,---- '-----------.---,-- ~ 'q PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS

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