Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 23

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Forraulite rnoided bathroonn BASIN & COIINTERTOI> - 48 inches lorrg, res\%', $ 100; seveni pieces alunirîurîî trailur covering, 61/2 x 14 t., $35 each. Cal 655-3411. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cali 655-3624. BABY CARRIAGE --$r8; nion-clectric STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4 50; rrew borrrc SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $ 15; single BED, 30", $12; l-ealthsvay scuba tank, 71.2 eu. [I. harness & (k) valve, $85; w.ater lung, sport diver regular sith reserve, $85. Cal 839-7774. BIRD CAGE- with stand, $20;, portable TV STAND on casters, $ 10; Cati 655-3 167. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for chiildren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon wiÎtl solid alunîinurn [rame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/' lonrg, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good corndition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cal 668-4465. Singer Feather Weigh t SEWINC MACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLEi,S$15, boih are in good condition. Brand new tos's, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonable. Childs T'RAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Ca11 668-6715. TRAINING CHIAIR $5. Cal 668-710O3. TV- 23" AdmiraI B&W. $75; 8 irack car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusicoyer, $30; mcn's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40;,[)AVEN- PORT, brand nesv toxedo style in beiue olefin, $190; ail itemns in excellent condition, must selI, best offer accented. call 6-Olgt5. BA1BY CRIB- $20; HIGII CHAIR, $10; bathtub, $3; JOLLY JUMPER, $5; (irta-gate, $5; baby seat, $2; STROLI.ER, $5; eight-track TAPE ' ECK, $15: eight-track TAPI. DECK, $35; Cal 576-0585. BABY CARRIAGE -by Perrego, $1 25; car bcd, $12; bassinet, $15; high chair, $15; prices firmi. Cal 668-9805. LINE CONTROL MODL AIRPLANES - four partly built, one large completely built with 035 engine, two completely but with 015 engine, larg e amount of parts & accessor, $50 complete. Cal 579-0757. Pioncer 2000TURNTA.,BLIj - - 2 Sure M91 hi-track needles. 1 M91 cartridge, 2-3 way sterco voice speakers, 8 months old, asking $375 or will take close-,t offer, Bluc Icather waist ('OAT ' size 38 with matching blue leather sh oos, size 8, $1 10. ('al 66 8-27 81 after 5 p.m. and ask lfor Kern. ONE COUNTERTOP WI'TII LEDGL, 67", $7.50; one coontertop, no lcdge, 50-1 $5;onu coontertop, no ledge, 36", $4; one counitertop sith lâeg, 311/",, $350; orne countertop with ledge, 28", $3; one picece of dark brown arborite woodgrain, 361/2x60/, $5-. approx. 30 cabinet doors sortable for srnall vanities, ail different sizes, $25. Caîl 655-3534 TYIlWRITFER >recondition- cd, IBM model 'C", 19" carniage, $350. ('ail 668-3346. t RUG ' & UPIIOLSTI-RY CLEANING E QU. PMLFN T vacuum cleaner & cleaning supplies, like new,' cost over $3,000. WilI selI for $ 1,850. Caîl Port Pc rry 1-985-7704 eveninigs. WINDOWS- Basemerrt 21X .7/ $6 each, picture window., nstorm 58X64 $30, window suze could be altered slightly. Cal 723-8220. CIIESTERFIEL-13 SUITE 2 piece, $45; large floral arrani;c ment, $3.50; coffcc TABLE, $?., d.' bî-bed sprcad, $4;, single bed sprcad, $3; teapot, $4; ladies ýicarcoat, like new, $6;, ladies good -winter coat, $ 10-, dresses $1 & $2; islack suits, $4-, ail ean & in good condition, size 12-14. Cail 723-2426. Englisi BO'iE l IN A - ileyer uised, 54 piece set ini Bridai Wreath pat terri, $300. Cali 668-5767. Tss.) 600 x 15 goodyear SNOW TIRES -- new, $10 each, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; orne Lesvyt canister VAC- UUM, with ail fîxtures, needs sierepair, $ 10, gallon sine bottles wîth handles, 45 cents each; salnut veneer, 2' x 4' shieets, 75 cents cacli; one bal," items - car bcd, $7; walker, $4; snow sied, $4; jolîy junper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottîe sarmer, $ 1. Cal 683-1602. MINI WASIIER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cal 668-6078 or 668-4377. Lloyd BABY CARRIAGE - excellent condition. $45; Cal 668-6986. One ten gallon AQUARIUM complee ith stand, fishi, etc. in excellent condition, $60* or best offer; two aquarium hieaters, $4 each; one Pliîiips Beauty Set, neyer used. $25. Cal 668-4690. SPICE RACK - with I18 bottîes, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies clothinng, size 14, reasonaole prrces, ladres short leather jacket, site 14, $21):sîngle matiress, S! S: also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, S5. ('ail 725-I1211L Soiid sterling silver ICIN; a îmiited cition by llcnry Moore, a beau tii'ul ssork of' art. OnIy $850. (dlI 723-0722. Sports Equipment Steel York %Ic('oy Wl -I(1I ' SET -250 lb', total. C'aill 668-51 23. SIP IGYM 1l'.XiI'R('ISI-LR wvitih instruction book, asking $25 or best offer. ('ail 683-5737 after S p.m. GO ALIE t' EQUIPME-NT - one year old, fits boys 9-13, pads, miask, gloves, armi & chest pro tec- tor, $60. Cal 668-5714. ONE: PAIR 0V SKIS - pole, bindings, safety strap and boots size 7, onîy been used 4 finies. $65. Cal 728-1291. RA(CER BI -C. excellent condition $35. ('ail 668-5541. Two boys Unisex BICYC'LES- with 16" whels. one universal st andard ruodel,st rd y frame, hon tecrgreen col ouir, in good condition, S25; Sujcercycle, w~ifli banana seat, high handie bars, li(ih t .recn, f'air condition, $20. ('ail 728-9777. TFE*NT -I- 2' x 9', b r andciness, used only Is'.ice, $1 50; two girls' BI KIiS, one small, $ 15, Orne large, $20. (al668-5541. pets & Supplies AQUARI UMI (ail glass), 40 gallon complete with 2 purnps, air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish, some of them 10 years old, $75. Caîl 668-8527. Brown Shetland l>ONY - with bridle and saddlc very tame with children, $150. Cal 668-0705; WlHITE RATS- mother & fatîner, plus cight young, $10. Cal 668-9,860 after 5 p.m. and ask for Dan. Wan ted Highest Prices Paid for Gold and Silver coins, oîd guns, clocks, jcwelry, dishes, firrniture, crocks, oil paintings, and sealers Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 23 King West, Oshawa Free Press Emporium (Continued) Misceilcmneous IIARL[Y DAVII)SON 1200 cc., 1958 model rebuilt engine, $ 1,500 rirru. CaîlI 668-0293 after 6 p.rn. and ask f'orJ Jack. COMPR ESSORS G EN ERATORS Electric motors, Grinders Drill Press, Heavy Duty Power Toi. Is, etc. WE SELL BUY & T RADE ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a irited number of steel, ingron nd pools a t greatly reduced prices, 16' x 32' inground, S3,750 installed. Othier sizes compar- ably priced. ('all ow Polynesian Pools 519-453-2210 LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER -must dispose of brand ncw 1975 above gromnd ai iminumr pools muade to seil for S1 890.00. Willing 10 close-out for S11l88.00. Fui) xarranties in effeci . (ail collect anytirue I-41 6-667-1 302. SWIMMING POOL - I)eluxe, Redwood, a bove ground pool. I16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice '/- price, Cal Mr. Hlarvey, collect, days or eve _;ngs, 416-625-8819. SWIMMING POOL - Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta Sea above ground Redwood 16 x 24, cost S4500.00. Must sel] immediately- wili sacrifice savings of S2000.00. Cail 416-625-8817, days or evenin2,s collect. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Movinig wiIl sedi you 1 6 x 32 ahove ground Modular Redwood Pool ai sacrifice price of S3000.00. Savings of S2100.00. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. SWIMMING POOL SACRI- FICE: Leadrng Manufacturer and distributor bias above ground alurninuru pools Ieft over t'rom 1975 season, 1/2 price,' guar'ojteed installation arrd ternis. Caîl Credit manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. APPROXIMATEL.Y 01, STRAW -at Call 655-4380. a $ 1 abae FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 Roomn & Board I)aitîslir farm ST1UIENT REQUIRESroorri & board, May I to Nov. 1/76. For further information ceuh 655-3267. For Sale frarnes,1pi c tutre s, dlishles, od1ds & S t. Lawvrernce, 668-2973. liglil fi xt ure S, ends, ai 112 s t., Whlithy SPRUCEL [RFES lFOR SA[LE- l'or mlore i iifo r, n t io n cal 655-3211. BAB3Y STROLLI'R -(CAR- RI AG', ('RI B with riew mattrcss, BASSINET, IIIGII ('lAI R.('all 668-0767. l'OR YOUR 1FLOWI*R I) horse nanure, garbage bag [ohl, $ 1. FI your osvn bag or bushiel, A0 cents. Only [arrn on Way 2. Brooklin at bridrze. 655-4464. Help Wanted WANTEI) DESPERATELY a Iead guitarist and' a singer or cornbined for a beginning rock group. Cail 668-5337. WANTED FINISIIER OR CatI 668-3262. - CEMENT PLASTERER. WHITBY FREE tëRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976, PAGE 15 Clctssified Ads te IontefoIl kwlo cafée about peo pie 101 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-8865 COU NTRY LIVING- $5,000 DOWN Lovely 3 bedroom home. 100 x 150 ft. lot. Double attaclhed garage, fuîly broadlooined, large farnily kitchen, L shaped living and dining room. 3 years ol d. Real value at $51 ,900. Margie Aukema 668-8865 or 655-4248. STARTER DEEP LOT 2 bedroorns, a cosy home and only $40,900. Caîl Bobbie Heron 668-8865 or 668-4844. BROOKLIN-CONCESSION 8-Lot 100 x 225 3 bedrocrn home withi marvellous view. Spacious L. shaped 'ing roomn, dining roomn, extra large new famnily I :ýhen. Recreation roomi. $79,900.00. Doris Smuhd 668-8865 or 655-4339. Frîz Now over 30 offices ta serve yRu1 SPACE FOR RENT l'OR RI'NT i- n Oshiawa, approxir-nately, 1600 sq. ft. 1100 Cedar St., unfurnishied, for lighit manufacture for $300, 3 bedroomis, roc roomi, craftsmnen, Hwy. 12 between April 15. Caîl Toronito 533-1679. Rosslarid & Tatrnton. 668-4180, Il a.m.-5 p.m. Wvlitby Residential - MOBI3LE HIOME- 38' x 8'. Service Lot - Central - fuîly furnishied. 2 bedtroomis, 47 x 136 - S32,000 builder's ('aIl 668-9619. Lerrns. Cail 668-0034. A i MORIGAGES Li M 1 T L O 1sf & 2nd Arronged, Bought and Soîçi 0f Prime Rtes caol Peter Kade 668-155S6 ANUBIS UNVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 Brock St. N.. Whltby__ SPEEDY TV Sale & Service rFREE Shop at Home Service on Fleetwood & Sharp Repairs to alrvnkes Trade in's accepted used colour TV's froin S$199 up Services BUY AND SELL Used furniture, appliances, houselhold goods, books, magazines, baby furniture, bicycles, etc. WiII pick up, we also selI on I.-r ignrnenit. THIS 'N' THAT 100B Lupin Drive (Blair Park Plaza) 668-7272 RNS ELECTRICAL SERVICES custoîn %wiring, base-îmen ts, rec rooin, dryers and additions Call 655-3932 for FREE ESTIM ATE EAVESTROUGIIS Cleaned and Repaired Eliiniate ever cleiinirig theru againi. Will inistaîl screen, reaisonable. Caîl 668-9870 aifter 5 p.ni. Whitby Javcettes GARAGE SALE MAYlst 1 lamn-4pmi 131 BROCK N. (ne xt to Kniglhts of ('olurnibbs laîl) CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic T'iling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-4686 AUCTION SALE Friday, April 16 1lousehold furniture & antiques. The property of Sub Valley furnitr.re, Mussel- m'an's Lake, 9th line of Whit Cluirch, 4r/ ruiles north of Stotiffvillc. Sale at noon. Terilis cash no reserve. Eari Gausin, Auctionicer. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has I1975 above groutnd redwood type pools av nIiable, willîng to sacrifice at haîf price. Cail collect anytirne 667-1302. A-t BARN BOARD &BEAMS lFOR SALE.-('aIl 1-705-454-8686. Real Estate

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