Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976. PAGE 11 Three locations Base bail registration The Whitby Minor Base- bail Association wiIi hoid a final registration for the upcoining ser-,on Saturday, April 24, front 9 a.mi. to 1 2 noon at three locations. W.M.B.A. Registrar Dean Keating, who is in charge of the signing, reninds the younig bail players that they niay register at the Whitby Municipal Building. The Brookîju Cominunity Centre and Westrninister United Church. The W.M.B.A. programn involves boys from 6 toI19. Those humn in 1968, 69 and 710 are enrolled in the Teebaîl division piaying the modified version of the game in which they learn somne of the fundarnerîtals of the regular gaine. Those bon i in1965. 66 and 67 play in the \.M.B.A. Tyke group which offers house league action and hopefully this year to return to the Eastern Ontario Basebail Association. There has been no enbry tin the E.O.B.A. Tyke series in the past two seasons but prior to this absence Whitby had Lake Vista wins in basketball Lake Vista won the Whitby YMCA Industrial Basketball League 'A' Division chamipion- ship recently, defeating East- dale Collegiabe 83-64 in the final game. Bob Myers, with 31 points and oubstandinïg defensive play, sparked bis eam to the win. Bonis Belinski scored 15 points, Gus Nisbit 13, Mac- Donald and Bill Pabosti 11l. Lake Vista were presented the Dupont Trophy by Whitby Y Executive Directur Ron Hupfield and Olympie giyle medals by Y staffer Roger Gomnes. Fire Bugs captured the 'B' Division crown, for the second consecutive year the Outsiders 76-42. Beath wibh 19 points, Potter and Harris wibh 17 each led the way for the Bugs. Fire Bugs also received the Dunlop Tropby and Olympic style medals. Other squads in the two- division league were General Motors, ACUL Rookies, West Lynde, Gabourie Pand Fi, Sklar, Optical Boutiquie, AForm . -ed -in 1971,'r he mystery of isolations, shim- mies and zills at the Centen- niai Building, Roon 203. The course commences April 29 and ends June 1 7. Registrations wiil be takcn April 22 and 23 at thie VWitby recreation deparl- ment, 105 Colborne Street East from 9 a.mn. to 5 p.m. an enviable record in thlis group with two Ontario crowns and severat Eastern Ontario titles. The Pcewee group is muade up or boys born in 1963 and 64 and tbis division has been onie of the association's most successful through the years xvith an active bouse league and the Legionaires in the E.O.B.A. The Bantam group is macle up of boys bon in I1961 andi 62 anti aiso bas botb house league activiby and a club in the E.O.B.A. group. Midgets and Juvcniles born in 1959 and 60 and in 1958 anti 57 have a bouse Gene County strikes. Il was Bowi in Bill Cond April. 24th league prograni sbarted last year and Whitby.has an entry in the E.0. B. A. Midget se ries. Registration fees are $5 per boy, ànd $1 2 maximium per l'amily, providing all miemlbers of a fcarily register ai the saie tirne. Most house leagues begin play tluring the first week in June while E.O.B.A. cltîbs îstîaily get mbt action about thc 24th of May. The W. M.B. A. is in need of vtlunteers to act as coaches and tpires and anyone interested ini assisting is asked bu caîl President D)on Kennedy ai 668-4678. Deschenes recentiy bowied a perfect game at Bowl, picking up 450 points on 1 2 consecutive s TOWN 0F WH ITBY GARBAý',E COLLECTION GOOD FR IDAY & EASTER MONDAY Garbage which would normaiiy be picked up on Friday, April l6th, wilI be picked up on Thursday, l5th, 1976. Garbage which would normaliy be picked up on Monday, April l9th wiII be picked up on Tuesday, April 2Oth, 1976. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. VISIT THE NEWN OU EEN' RstSrn 1028 Brock Street South, Whitby Good Quality Junior Club Steak $19 French fries, salad. roll & butter We specialize in TAIÇE OUT ORDERS A Famiiy Restaurant Lots of Parking 9:20/1 0:20/11 :20A M /1 : 20 / 2:2OP M YOU MAY WIN! $1 3.50 EVERY GAME $67.50 EVERY DAY UP TO $337.50 EVERY WEEK A GRAND TOTAL 0F $3e375.00 . CASH ! MON. TO FR1. - 5 TIMES PER DAY 1_ 2 24 22 44 31 59 61 428 47[165 14 1634 57 62 6 30 32 4866 AMI fulint w ' Ils upicale *nners ShIf r pze Winners must Cà ai on *ut, *i, 30 mnutesand anwef queston corectly OMte 1v, d *here pcibilei by law tIHtS CARO S F Rif - NOPIJPCIASE ilOQUIRLD 5 IOMLU GME S S* MNDY *FIA AT SER IES 2 PICK UP YOUR FREE BINGO CARD AT ANY 0F THESE STORES: Mïdtow\n Malil, Oshawa Oshawa ('entre (Lower level, next to luriire Dept.) Thickson Rd. S., Whitby and Sheridan Malil, Pickering Oshawa, Whitbv, and Courtice Oshawva, hitby, jiownmarville ail locations Townline Rd. Nýorth, Oshawva Oshawa Cent re 377 Stevenson Rd. North, Oshawa 15 Taun ton Rd. East, Oshawa 321 Brock St. Sout1h, Whitby 1100 Sirncoe N. & 650 King E., Oshawa Oshawa Centre, Oshawva 918 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa P&M Plaza, Rossland & lHortop, Oshawa lois King St. East, Oshawa 1l180 Simcoe St. Sou th. Oshawva Oshawa and Whitby, ail locaions 15 King West, Bownanvillc Orono 4 I oiy the second perfect game bowied at County approximately 20 years, according to owner Free Press Photo 13ASKIN R01BINS 31 K(1. CRIANI EA'FONS GOODES & JAC'KSON DOM IN:O9N IIARI)WARI. IIENRY BUILDALL JURY & LOVLI. DRUGS KAMIING UNLIMITE'D LIGIITING UNLIMITEI) M & S BRAELMORE GIFT AND) VARIETY MARY BROWN'S VIRGINIA FRIED CH-ICKEN MERCANTILE î)EPARTMENT STORE MISTFR DONUT OSFIAWA BI.AUTY SALON I>ARKWAY TI'LEVISION PAT & MIKES I'ISII AND CHIPS RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE RANCH SUPERMARKEIT- S'OTT'S ('HICKEN VILLA STEDMANS DEPARTMIENT STORE-l STUTT'S PHARMACY

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