WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31,1976, PAGE 1l Fornmulite nîolded bathroonî BASIN & COUJNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $100; seven picces aluiinumi trailer coveri ng, 61/2 x 14 ft., $35 each. Cal 655-3411. Gendron STROLLER -- excel- lent condition, $25. Caîl 655-3624. BABY CARRIAGi'- $18; non-electric STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4.50; new born SNOWSUIT, wvhite, $3: 18" aubuirn HAIRFALL, $ 15; siligle BED, 30", $12; Healthwvay scu ba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; svater tung, sport diver regular with reserve, $85. Caîl 839-7774. BIRD CAGE with stand, $20; portable TV STAND on casters, $ 10; Caîl 655-3167. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING, SET -good for children 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with soîid aîuminum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardiy used, $ 10. Caîl 668-4465. Two electrie quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER BOX, S15. Cali 668-6750. Singer Feather Weigh t SEWING MACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new tovs, Barbies, Ken, Big Jirn and camper, etc., stilî in boxes, reasonabie. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Cali1668-6715. BABY CARRIAGE -by Perrego, $125; car bcd, $12; bassinet, $15; high chair, $15; prices finm. Cali 668-9805. TV - 23" Admirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusteover, $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style in beige olefun, $190; ail items in excellent condition, mnust seli, best offer accepted, eaul 668-0856. CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 piece, $45; large floral arran c- ment, $3.50; coffee TABLE,te d3uble-bed spread, $4; single bcd spnead, $3; teapot, $4; ladies carcoat, like new, $6; ladies good winter coat, $10; dresses $1 & $2; slack suits, $4; aIl dlean & in good condition, size 12-14. Cal 723-2426. WOULD LIKE TO RENT two bedroom apartment, approx. $165 - $185, for a mother LI chiîd. Caîl 668-6295. FOUR BEDROOM - two storey home on Calais Street in West Lynde, finished nec room with svet bar. Cali 668-3050. LINE CONTROL MODEL AIRPLANE-IS --four partiy built, one large completely built with 035 engine, two compieteiy buiit r with 015 engine, large amountof parts & accessorics, $150, complute. C:ali 579-0757. s LloydÇ W R eaito?'" Real Estate Lmled 1 WINDOWS- Baseunent 21X 371/2 $6 cach, picture windosv, stortu 58X64 $30, window size cou Id be aîtcred sligh tly. Cal 723-8220. Two 600 x 15 goodycar SNOW TIREIS- new, $10 cachi, one Rodger Majestic car RAD)IO, $15; one« Lesvyt canister VAC- UUM, with ail fixturcs, nceds some repair, $10; gallon winc bottîes witlh handies, 45 cents each; waînut veneer, 2' x 4' sheets, 75 cents each; one bab" iîtems - car bcd, $7; xalkcr, $4; snow sled, $4; jolly jumiper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottle warmcer, $1. Cal 683-1602. MINI WASHIER, used twice, $49; bicycle EX-ERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cali 668-6078 or 668-4377. One ten gallon AQUARIUM - compîcte sith stand, fish, etc. in excellent condition, $60 or bcst offer; two aquarium heaters, $4 each; one Philips Beauty Set, neyer used, $25. Cal 668-4690. Beige CI-ESTER FI ELI) CHAIR - modemn style, good condition, $100; 23" black & évhite Scandînavian style TIV, like ncw%, $ 75; 1963 ARCADIAN BEAUMONT. gYood nmotor, nceds little body work, owned by lady, as is, askîng S$250, ('al 723-9225 after 5 p.rn. English BOIECHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Cal668-5767. BABY CRIB - $20; IIIGII CHAIR, $10; bathitub, $3;JOLLY JUMPER, $5; porta-gate, $5; baby seat, $2; STROLLER, $5; eight-track TAPE DECK, $15: eight-track TAPE DECK, $35; Cal 576-0585. Pioncer 2000 TURNTABLF,- 2 Sure M91 hi-track needles, 1 M91 cartridge, 2-3 way sterea voice speakers, 8 mon ths old, asking $375 or wilI take close;t offen; Blue leather waist COAT, size 38 with matching blue leather shoes, size 8, $1 10. Cali 668-2781 after 5 p.rn. and ask for Ken. ONE COUNTERTOP WITH] LEDGE - 67", $7.50; one countetop, no ledge, 50", $5; one countentop, no Iedge, 36", $4; one countertop with ledgc, 31t/2", $3.50; one countentop with Iedge, 28", $3; one piece of dark brown arbonite woodgrain, 361/2 x602, $5; approx. 30 cabinet doors suitable for smaîl vanities, al different sizes, $25. Cal 655-3534 50 amp. Service BRE-lAKEýR - $4; 30 amp. knife switch BO0X, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cali 668-9605. Lloyd BABY CARRIAGE- excellent condition, $45; ('al 668-6986. Wan ted WANTED 121NIS1-ER OR 668-3262. (EM ENT MASTERll. CALL YOU GET IT ALL %""IPLI Lisitile[ WHEN BUYING OR SELLINC, MEMBER 0F The canada-wide real estate service - w(ith 350selectedreal estate offices ln 220 commu- nities acroas Canada. ~ocoe For Sale 1 ST ANNIVERSARY SALE March Ist/3lst New & Used Orgatis from $399-00 Petersen Music Co. 390 King St. W. Oshawa 723-2259 COMPRESSORS GENERATORS Etectric motors, Grinders Drill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. WE SELL BUY & TRADE ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a liimited number of steel, inground pools at greatly reduced prices, 16' x 32. inground, S3,750 instailed. Othier sizes compar- ably priced. Cali now Potynesian Pools 519-453-2210 LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER - imust dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluiminurui pools ruade to selI for $1I890.00. Willing to ciose-out for $1188.00. Full warraities in effect. Cal collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. SWIMMING POOL - Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 'h price, Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or eve--ngs, 416-625-8819. SWIMMING POOL - Less than 1 yr. oid. Fanta-- Sea above ground Redwood +16 x 24, cost $4500.00. Must seil immediately - will sacrifice -~ savings of $2000.00. Cal 416-625-8817, days or evenings coilect. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving- wiil seli you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of 52100.00. 1975 model, cal 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. SWIMMING POOL SACRI- FICE: Lcading Manufacturer and distribuitor lias above grourid alurninuni pools lcft over frorn 1975 scasoni, !A price, guarmnteed installation and ternis. Cali Credit manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available, wiliing to sacrifice at haîf pnice. Cail anytime 667-1302. collect API>ROXIMATELY 400 BALES OF STRAW - at a $1 a bale. Call 655-4380. Real Estate Whitby Residential - 'Service Lot - Central - 47 x 136 - $32,000 builder's terms. Cali 668-0034. Help Wanted (Continued) Higbest Price s Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings, and sealers Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 23 King West, Oshawa DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 per year. Contact customers around Whitby. We train. Write C. L. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6 * CHARTER FAREý * ALL SCHEDULED SERVICES - operated by AIR CANADA and BRITISH AIRWAY CANADA to BRITAIN Exclusive to Air Canada and British Alrways. effective 1 May 1976 ta 31 Oct 1976. Subject ta Govt. approval. aAVAILABLE ANY DAY FLEXIBLE LENGTH 0F STAY - behiween 22 ta 45 da, 10W 10 SOULDER 1AKSHOULDER PEAK 1 May ta 13 May 14May tA 1Ma i Jun to 24 Jun 125 Jun toit5 Aun 4 Oct to 31 Oct 1 Sep to 31Oct 1 6 Aug to 31 Aug M iscellaneous- EXTRA MONEY Earn top money in your spare time, shampooing, symnonizing & performing other car car services. Cail 725-446 1. IIOMEMAKER - HJOUSIi- KEEPER wa,t.eýd to live in. Caîl 668-8478 after 6 p.in. IIOUJSI-KEI>Eý"'R WAI%11TEI1) -- mature woinan, thrcc days a wcck, live in or out, two pre-sehool agcd eidren, Brooklinï arca. Cal 655-4210. Services BUY AND SELL Used furniture, applia,.nces, household goods, books, magazines, baby furniture, bicycles, etc. $$$CASH$$$ Will pick up, we also seli on corisignment. TIS N' THAT 100OB Lupin Drive (Blair Park Plaza) 668-7272 RNS ELECTRICAL SERVI CES custorn wiring, baseinents, rec roorn, dryers and additions CaîIl 655-3932 for FREE ESTIMATE "DK the Di" RECORDI) MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS Cail 668-2244 aftcr 6 p.m. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramnic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 SATURDAY, APRIL 3, AUCTION SALE - of house & lot plus aIl the furîtiture. The estate of Mrs. Fred MadilI, Victoria St., Clarernont. In- cluding Iridgc, stove, wicker rocker, spool bcd, victorian setce, 9 picce dining roui suite, toilet set, âinner bell, feather ticks, bedroomi suite, antique kltchen cupboard, aîaddin lanmps, codI oil laims, itilie- r tuks, LON GLA MAN IO LA4 L- MAN LON GLA MAN LIN GLA MI 299 284 292- 309 ?94 302 359 344 352 389 374 36f L AI &Lindçu Russell- et RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD. 116 Brock St. S., whitby 668-5000 Mon. - Sat. 9-5 Fn. Till 9 -Your 1iravel Is Our' Business"1 For your protection registeneà unden Ontario Governgient « No.1259988 I CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY P UB8LIC N 0TI1UCE Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-Iaw-to stop up and close and oeil to the adjoining owners that portion of Gilbert Street as shown on Werden's Plan west of BrW'ý Street and lying between Brock Street and Byron Street, and more particularly desc6vibed as follows:- CDMMENCING at a point on the norther'y limit of Gilbert Street dIstant 17 feet west of the intersection of said limit of Gilbert Street with the west limit of Brock Street. THENCE westerly along the northerly limit of Gilbert Street a distance of 255 feet more or less to the intersection with the easterly limit of Bytron Street. THENCE southerly along the easterly' limit of. Byron Street a distance of 66 feet to the intersection w2th the southerly limit of Gilbert Street. THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of GiJ,]ýert St reet a distance of 255 feet more or less to a point distant 17 feet westerly of the intersection of the southerly limit of G ilbert Street with the - wsterly imit of Brock Street. THEI'CE northerly in a straight line a distance of 66 feet to the point of commencement. And further take ;otfice that Council or Cimmittee of Council will at 8:00 p.m. on the l9th day of April, 1976 iit the Council Chambers in the Municipal BuiPr'ing at 405 Dundas Street West, Whit'ý,*', Ontario, hear in person or by his council, solicitor, or agent any person who dlaims his land will be prejudicÉ,Ilyaffected hy such hy-Iaw and who applies. to be heard. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 IJundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. SPEEDY TV Sale & Service FR EE Shop at Home Service on Fleetwood & Sharp Repairs to ail makes Trade in's accepted used TV's bought & sold 104A Byron St. S. 668- 1818 or 725-4234 Free Press Emporium TO FROM TOflONTCO 75q '9s Clctssif ied Ads THROCGH LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. EXPERIENCE, RELIA BILITY, ACTION à - 40 KING ST OSHAWA E 728-467:81 1 M Il Ã