Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1976, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNES!DAY, MARCH 24.1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS 194 9CH-IEV /2TON PANEL - one ovier, 44,000 original miles, needs sonie body svork, $500; VOLKSWAGON VW TRAILER IiCîl, $20; Vie- torian CHlAIR, set ut' 6, in good conditioni, asking $ 70 ceh; xvood stove, $50. Cali 668-9293. 1964 FORD FAIRLANE 6 cylinider, in fair shape gcnerally, nul certified, nico'ds soine body sork, $1 25 or besl offer. Cal 655-4525. 1967 PON'TIAC S'fATION- WAGON- 283, good rutiing condition, body fair, po\ver steering & bra':es, certified, $300 or best olfer. Cal 668-'7006. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN- GER- 318 V-8, ncw back ires __$ 1,800. Cal 668-5745. 1968 DOi)GE l)ART excellent condition, uncerttihed, $900; 1959 CIEV, restur- able cc.ndition, $200 or best offer. Cal 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1965 CIIEV IMPALA- body fair, inutur good, inlerior fair, $250 as is. Cali1668-9757. 1971 DODGE DIEM 'NAN -- 340 engine, racing catît, iooker headers. 4 speed, inew vpaint job, S 1,200 or besi offer. ('alil 668-7856. 197i CUSTONI w arranîs' fini. Cali ('11EV INll>ALA -6.000 il es, faelory rernainînge, $5,000 576-6 197. 1969 PLYMIOUTHI SATEIL- LITE- new batlery'. ness lires, winterized inciudinîg lune-lipul A-1, will certil'v, $875. ('aIl 655-4101. CHIP TRUCK- fuliy equip- ped, frcshly painted inside, new tires, aluiminum body, asking $3,000 or best offer. Cali 728-7623. 1965 ACADIAN- 6 cylitnder, au tomatie, power slecriug. rzilîo, body and interior good condition, asking $600. Cali 668-4903. 1964 3% T'ON GMC PICK-UP> TRUCK --new iotor. 6,000 miles, as is or parts, $350. Cali 668-5731. S 1967 OLDSMOBI LIF CONVERTIBLE - excellent condition, ('lB and tape' deek, S1495 or best offer. Cal 668-9757. m24 1974 FORD CUSTOM IICK UP - 360 niotor, radio, cab for back, aiso sorden box, $4,500 Cali 668-0705. 197(0 CIEV - 350) V8, 4 door sedan, powser slecring, radio, meclianicaliy good. wil certify, best offer. ('ail 668-3371 ex t. 27 3 and ask for Ji1m. 1971 CUDA - 340 auto, new radiais, loaded, certificd, $2100 or best offer. Cali 668-2641. 1975 GREMLIN - standaîrd, excellent condition, $2.650 or n':.arest offer. Cail Ed aI 668-1 152 or 728-7527. 1967 PONTIAC PARISIENNE- in very good condition, power brakes, powver steering, power windows, V-8 automnatic, rear- window defogger, vinyl rouf, wiii certify for $700; 1973 VEGA WAGON, best offer. Cali 576-8247 afler 5 p.m. 1966 BEAUMONT - 2 dour, 283, power stcering & power brakes, body in good shape, nul certified, $125. ('ail 668-6467. 1975 GiMLNX 6,000) mniles, 2 yc'ar warranty, 50,00 mile warrjnly (ou radial lires power tecring. po>wer brakes. pins imany iiorc options, asking $3,401). ('ail 668-1 143. 1965 ('IL.V good 283 miolor, new tires, nu rosI, necils paiîtîing. Lic.' No.. IIXY 271), $450. ('Ail 668-9792) afler 2-.30 1).n. i96.3 o.iisS SUi>i'.R 88 auitoitiatit . 77,1))100 le. ood rtînnîn!y. 2 ncs ires, pins 2 sînioss lires, lots of1 . xlrias, $ 20)0. ('ail 728-20)94. Custoini-made extra lieavy du ty TJI 'AILER. HITCII1 for . 1974-75 pinto slationwagon $25. Cali 668-6522. TRAILER - (Tandem axie), 6 fout by 12 foot, sîitable for car, boat or skicloo, $375. Caili 655-3411. 300 HI.P. CAMSHAFT & solide' offenhainser twin carb Iligh risc for smal block Clievy, ike new, asking $200. Cali 655-47'.3. Two SNOW TIRLS -sih riîns, Uniroyal Winter Ride, F78-14, new, $55. Cali 655-3879. TIRES- Michelin radial, size 150 SR 12, iess than 500 miles on 2, pls good spare sitiî rim.i $45. Cail 668-5040 al'îer 5: 30. Vl'R RING -I iarlesr Davîdson 1200, $65; 4 MIAC s'.heeis and tires f'or lorcign car. $ 80; 3 sets of' car ROOF' RACKS, S8 a sel. (Xiii 668-4449. Snowmnobiles. Trcilers, etc. 15 fout IIOUSETIRAILE-*R 1968, complete wsith reese hitch, slccps 6, lots uo' 'dorage, portable toilet, propane lridgc & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchien lent înciuded, S1i,500. ('al 1-705-27 7-279(). 1972 SKI1)O() 335 Oiynpic. irailcar, double bcd trailer. cuver and ac cessorics. asking, price $61) or besi olfer ('ail 655-39321. 1972 MOB3ILE'11 OM E sleeps 4 possibis' 6, fridge & stove, lots of sturage. 2 closets. 8 x 15 canopy, asking $5,400 or ;,est offer. ('ail 655-4558. O1UTBOARD1)M OTO R Johnson 3 horse. good runnring condition, $125. ('ail 668-5060 afler 5 p.mi. 'F'AN )1I ",\lTRA iLE R- liait bcd, 3.000 lb). capacity, al l eav', du ty lramce. ail ne\% tires, coin- plete sithliit accessories, $450. ('ail 668-4939. Flomcmiadc SNOW('ISI- cxcellent for w orking ini bt'sh, S 100; one MINiI3BIKE [RAMIF wit lbiotor, $50; car parts, ('bieys & 66 undcr; aiso 1960 ARMY PANL ' TRUCK ~ton. $150. ('al 728-10234 and ask l'or D)on. OUTI3OA Rt)MOTOR --Viking 24 horsepuwer, manuel start, good condition, incinding 5-galion fuLe? tank, $260; black leatiter ('OU('II, with sturage spacc in botlom, excellent condi!io'î, $25. ('ah 655-4630. MOPI'1) --New ironco, I150 miles, highrisc handiebars, deluxe seat, 148 miles pcr galion, %vili go 40 mn.p.b.ý, $450 or best offcr. Caîl 668-7 190. 1973 SCAMPER 'ERAILER 16 feet, $2,800. ('an be seen at 385 Lorindale Dr., Oshawa. BOAT MOTOR -- Scott-at- water, 3 gallon tank, 5h.p., $50; Walkie tlkies, new Realistie TRC 999, 3 watt output, $135. Cali 668-8080. Complete SNOWMOBILE OUTEFIT - 1972 Rupp Knitro 400 complete wýth tach, excellent condition, only 300 miles, 1972 Thorens double-wide traider, eus- tom Rurpp mens suit, spare beit, e'e;e of oul, and helmet, asking' 1$850- Caîl 668-9902. 1973 I-fONDA excellent condition, 668-4940. -SLI 25 - $500. Ci Clothing Wl NTIlR 'OA. Imlitiation lu r. leopiard ty pe , 2 vears olLi, ssoru -Se 25.-('all579-3569. Rýcd WOOl('n riing i A('Ki" suze 40-42, $25; Bowling SliOES and case suec 8, $10. B lii are in perielct ondition. ('all 008-90)73. 11UNLI 'AI> black veivel wîlit saiety iîarncess insîalled, si/C 71/2, $23.50). (ili 668-2407. Cali 668-6111 NOTICE TO READERS Advcrtise FREE in the FRIT PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you soul! There will nol be any charge td advertisers in the FREE P>RESS EMPORIUM uniessthie item aclvertised is sold. When the advertised itein is soid, you pay a commission based on THE lA DVERTISED PR ICE as illustrated below. Ail advertiseien ts must be placed on an exclusive basis sitlî tle WII ITI3Y FIEE. PRESS md mn at least one mion lb if nul soid. RýATE-,S (if article is sold): 5%ý, of advcrtisedi price up lu $40000 2% ot' balance over $4 00.00 EýXAMPILE.: Sold itein adverlised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 tiiumcommliission is $1.501 Private advcrtising uniy! l>iase nuotil'y us if you find a retailer lisled as a priva le advertiser. Please nuli'y lte Whiiiby Erce Press immiiediatly Miîen itemn is suid su tai we ntay dele te i t froim the foliuwing issues. Services. bieip wanîed, cioliîing, rei estate 'and persotiai message type'. ads eau on i bc iandied on a prepaid basis. Il' in (doti. e, au66 8-6 i i i MAII.,\ALI, AI.)S TO: ['RFI'. PREISS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206, Whitby 'l'lie deadiinc t'or em purinm niadsis thie Monday ai noon. Sports Equipment issu boy s t nisex iY(lS- ss it i6",slîccls. one tuniversaýl standard rîodel , stu rdy Iraie burniereen colon r, iii goud conditîin. $25; Supercy cie. w lbt bamiana seat. higli liandie bars, ligîit t een, l'air coindîiin, $21). (ail 72ý8-9777. T;N'I' i2' x 9', brand ne", used oniv twice, $ 150; two girls' BI K ES, (lue sînali, $15, une large, $20. ('ail 668-5541. ON'.PAIR 0>1- SKIS pole, bindings. safe ty st rap and boots suie 7, oîtly been used 4 timie't. $-65. ('ail 728-1291. SLIM GYNI 1" Xl'.RC(ISF"R vitlii instruction book, :sking $25 or best offer. ('ah 683-5737 afier 5 m. Menls 5-spccd aimnosi new, .$61). afler 6:31) p.ni. Caui 728-0664 Rii"LF 31)8 Savage, lever action 5 sh01 clip, 3 years oid. like ncss $150). ('au 668-2244 aftcr 6 pn. m3 1 Steel York MIc('oy WI.IGIT sI"l 250 lbs total. ('all 668-S5123. RA'RBIC'YC'LE condition $,35. ('ail 6( excellent '8-554 1. Pets & Supplies AQUARIUM - (ail glass), 40 gallon compîcte wilb 2 pumps, air filler, etc. and 12 goldfish, some of îhem 10 years old, $75. Caîl 668-8527. WHIITE RATS - moîher & father, plus eigbt yuung, $10. (Calil 668-9860 afler 5 p.m. and ask for Dan. For Emporium call 668-6111 Furniture 11H)('ilESTERFEIELD --3 miontlits uld, B3everley mai tress, plus chruime framne, lin ted glass end table, bougli t l'or $501), svii sei f'or $ 300. ('al'.655-4 101i. BABY C'RIB $15S; training cha;ir $5. ('ail 668-9103. RUG(S il x 8 3 and 101 x 6 8 earth coiours, ru ýt, goid. b)ro wvn, beige, $500 for botb. ('ail 668-7923. Dou bi-b YI MATTrRi-F5 pockcted springs, excellent condition, $20:,iiAIRDRYER, wilh carry îng case, $8. Call 668-8273. LAR(GE OAK )ESK -suitable fILir oflice or studun t, $75. ('al 668-8473. I3ASI'.MF11N' SA LE.," 'urniturc. dse.framies. ulirrurs. ligli t lxire.picilires. îniscelipneous & coliectabfles. At 112 St. Law- rence, Whiiby. 668-2973. ('unie anytinie. in24 R (; & Li>10OLST 1'.R'iy C'L.E.A N 1N G iIÎQU:l> 1M i NTr vacuumt clcaîîcr & cieaning su pplies. like new, cosi uver $ 3,001). %Vil] seli l'or $1 ,850: ('ail Port Perry 1-985-7704 evciiings. ANZI_1.11.K wt cabinet, over restored, $250). l1t) years old. ('ail 655-3750). Beau tilîl an tique lall('ClINA BUFFE"T --iarge glass front, medium honeywood, wouid match any decor, $500 firm. Cali 668-9792 aller 2:30 pro. Antique CIEFST -- tsvo drawver, $75. ('ail 668-8527. CFIEST DRAWERS - $45; Set BUNK BEDS, wîth springs, nu matlress, size 36 inch width, $50. Caîl 668-9009. Double-bcd BEDSPREAD - satin guld, wilh curlains lu match, $10; spice rack, with 1 8 bolhles, $6; boys pants size 14. $2; laidies clothing, size 14, reasonabie prices, ladies short leatiier jacket, size 14, $20; single MATTRESS, $15; aiso odds & ends of carpetirig, recordl player, $5; ('ail 7 25-1211. Appliances WAER SOFTENER - $75 Cali 579-075'7. Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE- witîî auto- matie turn table, about 1943 model, fuliy funclioning, solid walnut, $300 cash. Cali 579-1593. Upriglt 9 'cubic foot FREEZER - with upper fridge, $ 100; older model FRIDGE, $50, bo th are in good condition ('ail 655-3683. B&W TV 20 irnch, $100. (Xiii 668-1384. AM-1"'M S'i'EREO RECEl VER- $325; unique table, solidi 'napîle table top, $450. Cail 668-5910. STOVE smnall, $60; B&W l>ilco, $60; teak chesterfield and chair, $85; antique Raymond îrecdlc sewing machine, $65. ('ail 668-6080. STOVIi- 30 inch, good con- dlition $75; space IIEATER $60. Cail 668-6750. Duai 12183 TURNTAî3LE- base & dust cover iuciuded, lias autoinalie sliLtoff & antiskate, audio techuica carlridge, only used for lwu tuonlbs, $230 lirm. Cail 668-3015 afler 5:30 p.m. 21 cubic foot ERIDCF. in working condlition, asking $100. Cali 668-3290. STFEO RECEIVER - ('al 668-7601. $75. VAPORIZER - $5; ciectric coffce l>ERK, $10; sandwichi GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpet SWEFPER, $10; G.E. fluor I>OiISIIER, $10. six apple crates, $2 cadli; RANG- IjTTE $15; VACUUM CLEANER, $5. Cali 668-9404. Antique WOOD STOVE - $75; Antique iUE" $50; sntaîl gas space IFATE-R, $25; double compartîtienl. fuel tank for fuciling construction equip- nient, wsili ft in pick-up compicte with punips, $150; ('ail 655-4335. Westinghiouse 1) R Y FR ciectrie, reccntly recondition only $80. ('ail 723-0722. )R Y FRe Calil 668-9234. good condition. AM-i"M compact STEREO SET -8-track, luru table, speakers, stand, SI135. Cail 668-6243. less than one year old, 6,000 BTU used only 1,/ months, asking $175 or beSt offer. Cali 668-9503. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automnatie, 6 montiîs used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca sterco TAPE PLAYIER, $45; Hlot water CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car (fils any car) $15; 19" Philco B & W î>OTABLE TV, $50. Caii 668-9746. E-MERSON TV SET - with radio, record player, in goud condition, $80 or nearest offer. Cail 668-7446. STERFEO- AM/FM 8 track Multiplex' component unit by ATS tape and phono input jacks unit with two speakers, $125; c*tra speakers (twu), $25. Cali 668-2478. Electrie RANGETTE - two top elemrents, ovrn, bottom drawer, has heat indicator, $30; small 11EATER, wick type, $20; ('al] 668-4267. Musical Instruments SET Ol'STEWART DRUMS - complele with pedai seat and symibols, $150.('ail1668-6760. Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET wilh genuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. ('ail 728-2518. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - with case, $200. Call 655-43 85 after 5 p.m. Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, with customn madle amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Caii 576-8042. Gîbson SG Custom Speciai GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramier bascînaster amp, in good condition, $250. Caîl 725-1797. GUITAR - Triple pickup eiectric, svill seli for $35, ideal for rock group. Caîl 668-2860. REVERB - Traynor signature $250. Cail 655-4978. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISIIR, $20;, Cail 655-3534. ACCORDIAN- brand nesv, double row buttons, shouider 1slrap, carrying case, $100. Cal 668-3195. Now! Look Naturally Ce oud n wtNature ta bring out the best in you and your hair. We cul it the way it grows . . .and shape Ur fau ofce. itasi M E N',S AIRSTYUING Whithy Plue 668-6922 TRUCK CAPS from $199-00 &tim BROOKLIN LEISURE PRODUCTS l-iwy. 12, 1 mile Northi of Bruuklin AluminuiumSheili Panelled and InsuIated .Fiberglass 655-3776 655-3144 ]Free Autos j Auto Parts Press Emporium A TTEP4TION FARMERSIIP WH Y PA Y MORE? SAVE NPREIUM QUALTY I.MTOR OIL 668-3311

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