Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1976, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1976, PAGE Ile General Mo tors, donates cutaway van A major contribuition' to the autoniotive training pro- gram of Anderson Collegiate mis nmade recently when a cuttaway Chevrolet van was donated by General Motors of Canada. The van was presented ta the school by Bill Nurse -of Nuirse Chevralet Oldsmobile on behiaif of General Motors. In making the preseintal tion, Mr. Nurse said: "Such contributions have proved of real valuie to educators iii their shops for trairning qualif'ied service Lewinlcians ta mneet the need of a growing automotive service inidustry". F. J. Logernani, autoniotive instructor, in accepting the veliiele, said: "This niew unit, equipped with higlh energy igniition, power dise brakes anid othier tnidern equipinent will permnit uis to uipdate our training prograils". lu 1975 General Motors made 25 cars anid truck dona tions ta secondary sclhools and commnunity colleges ta hielp train students in the field of auto miechanics. Hospital offers course for region 's clergy Clergy fromi the Durhamn Region are participating this month in a course in pastoral care ta the emiotionally disturbed, at the \Vhitby Psychiatric Hospital. The course started on Feb. 9 and consists af seveni one-and-a-half-haur meetings ta discuiss supervision iin graups. five onie-houir sessionis of incividuial supervision, two hiaif ta three hours a week sessions of direct pastoral care and periods of written prepar- ation outside classes. Assisting in the pragranm are Michiael Enigel and Michael Conlon from Whit by's St. Johin die Evangelisi Ronian Catholic Chu rch. zand Rev. Charles I-ainer of Brook-- lin United Chiurcli, who supplenicat the xvork of Rev. Jacques Tremblay wvho ministers fuil-titnie ta Ontario Services at the hospital, Coming our frorn under and registering his approval of the new Chevy van donated by General Motors of Can'ïda ta Anderson ý'oIIegate, is fourth year auto stLldent John Krowes. Bill Nurse (left), presented the vehicle oni behiaîf of GM ta F. J. Logernan, autornotive inistrtlct(>r of the sch ool. General Motors Photo Whitby Arts offers quilting course A workshop is quilting techniques by Caroline Wick- ham, a Toronto artist, will be held at the Whitby Arts Station Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The workshop is designed ta introduce applique and embr oidery techniques for use in wall hangings and free- hanging room dividers. The student will be expos- ed ta the work of recognized 'textile artists and will deÈign tand execute at least one com plete wall hanging. Caroline Wickham has J!exhibited in galleries in Ontario as well as having a quilted banner called "Ramn- bow" in the Whitby Arts March exhibit. Shie has con- ducted several warkshops in Ontario, the one this weekend being co-sponsored with the Ontario Crafts Council. The Grindley plaque for winning the spot landing contest, was awarded ta Arthur Stevens of Brooklin at the annual presentation of Wings and Awards at the Oshawa Flying Club recently. Mr. Stevens was the only award winner froni the Whitby area, the other being froni Oshawa and Toronto. About 375 members and guests, including representa- tives froni the City of Oshawa and the Ministry of Transport attended the awards night. DeIicmious Canadion and Itolean Dishes EChNIus eHit SYD S LVE F 187 R N SI J LEVhuuJEs AS ORShaO. G ETRBA..LCARGE2ENS' 448E TOWN'CF WHITBY NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING A meeting will be held by the Administrative Committee on Thursday, April 1, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 405 Dundlas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of this m3ýeting wiII be to consider the following applications to amend the Off iciai Plan of the Town of Whitby. NATURE 0F THE APPLICATIONS: P. & R. Daigle, H.R. Stark, and Dor,is Developments Limited have made applications to the Region of Durham to arnend the OfficiaI Plan of the Town of Whitby. These applications have been referred to the Town of Whitby for consideration. The applicants are requesting that the OfficiaI Plan be amended from Open Spac e to permit a residenti,3l development of approximately 500 people on their properties outlined on the sketch below; and, will be presenting their proposais to the public at the above -scheduled meeting. AIl material relating to these applications is inspection at the Planning Departm'3nt,1 Ontario. Telephone: (416) 655-3346. on file and is open to public 14 Church Street, Brookîin, Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M. C. CLERI< YA I~lAAi.~( oU H o a n o U I o z .1? i 1/ I I H.' STARK LI~ ~io j __ ~ - -i Brooklin man wins spot spot landing prize TOWN 0F WHITBY 1976 ELDERLY PENSIONERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME' (Home-Owners in the Town of Whitby Only) To provide financial assistance to elderly home-owners, Town :~ouncil has authorized the Town Treas irer to allow certain owners of residential property a credî-: of $100.00 against the 1976 taxý,s iniposed on such real pt:operty subject.to the following qualif icationis: TO Q'!ALIFY, THE OVNNER OR SPOUSE 0F THE OWNER MUST: A. Be 65 years of age or more by March 31, 19'>6, which is the last day for filing applications: B. Be in receipt of the monthly GIJARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the Old Age Secur' y Act <Canada>: C. Occupy the property on wh:-h the municipal taxes are imposed and: D. Have been continuously assessed as the owner of residential real property in the Town of Whitby for flot less than 5 years immediately precedîng March 31, 1976. If you qialify for this assistance and have not received an application form, TELEPHONE THE TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 668-5803, and an application form will be mailed to you. Appli cation must be made each year for this assistance. This credit where aîlowed, wilI be an outright grant made by the Town andl will not entail repayment of any kind. For further information or assistance, telephone 668-5803. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. AI'"PLICATION MUST BE MADE NOT LATER'THAN MARCH 31, 1976. .1 ~I. i H - ~ o' j j ~zÀr o. ~~V'LflJL lAYE YILTC'i ruz

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