PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAIKCH 17,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS tThe ExpropriationsAcfRSO,17 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE' LAND IN THE MATTER 0F an application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM for approval to expropriate a limited interest in lands being the free, tininter-- rupted and unobstructed righit and easemenit to »construct, operate and niaintain sanitary trunk sewer works inclttding other accessory works and a saiiitary sewer pipe an-d other accessory works on, inacross, under and.tlîro-ugh the lands being part of Lot 8, Registered Plan 591 and part of Lot 18, Concession 2, ail ini tle Town of Whitby, ini tle RegionamI Municipality of Durham, (forr-nerly ini the Township of Whitby, ini the Couinty of Ontario) and shc.w'n as parts 1,.2,4, 6, 8. 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 on a Plan of Survey lereinafter mentioned. Together witlî flue riglit of The Regional Municipality of Durhanm, its successors, and assigns and its anîd tlîeir servants, agents and wcrkmief withî ail rtecessary equipieiit to enter uipon the said lands at ail timies and to pass and repass tiiereonl for the purposes of constructing, examining repairing, renewing and rnaintainiiug the said samitary truîîk semer works including a sanitary sewer pipe and other accessory works or any part of the sewer systeni of The Regional Municipality of Durlhanm, whi'ether or îuot the parts to be so conl- structed, repaired, reinewed or mnaint ained be situiate on the lands abov'e described. And together with the further right te ,estrict or prevent the erection of any building, structure or obstruction upon any part of the said lands; AND IN THE-MAlTER 0F an application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM for approval to expropriate a lîimited-interest ini lai *ids, beîîîg the free, uninterrupted and unobstructed right and easeerel4t to construet, operate and naintain sanitary trunk sewer works including other accessory works and a sanitary sewer pipe and other accessory works on, in, across, under and through (lie lands beîîîg part of Lot 18, Concession 2 in the Town of Whitby ini The Regional Municipality of Durham,. (formerly in the Township of Whitby, iii the Counity of Ontario) and shown as parts 3, 5, 7, 9, Il, 13, 15, and 17 on a Plan of Sun'ey hereinafter nientioned. Togetiier witlî tle riglit of The Regional Municipality of Durhanî, its successors, and assigns and its and tlieir servants, agents and workrnen witlh alilnecessary equipnient tc enter upon the said lands at A times and to pass and repass thereon for the purposes of coflstrtictiiig, exaniiiiig, repairing, renewing and nîaintaitiing the said sanitary tru nk sewer works inl uding a sanitary sewer pipe and other accessory works or any part of the sewer systeni ot iThe Regionai Municipality of Durham, whether or not the parts to be se constructed, repaired, renewed or maintained be situate on the lands above described. Aiid togethier witlî the further right to restiet or prevent the erection of any building, structure or obstructioni upon any part of the said lands. This would be a teinîprary easenient or riglît ini the nature of an easement and it would terminate one year after coinmeuceuieflt <of the coni- struction of the said sanitary trunk sewer wvorks and other accessory works on1 parts i., 2, 4, 6,8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 on the Plan of Survey. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT apl)")ication lias been inade for approval (o expropriate a limited inerest in thlIands describcd as follows: Name f Owîer AMERICO BARONE NANCY BARONE EULALIO CINELLI MA RISA CINELLI CARMELA COSCARELLA LEMBIT HIIUVAIN VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY ANTON JANEZIC FRANivCA JANEZIC NICK DEMKIW R.S.M. HOLDINGS, LIMITED SAMUEL LEONARD ANNIE LEONARD ROSE ELIZABETH JOHNSTON ROBERI SANFORD JOHNSTON RICHARD ALBERT YOUNG Location cf Pro )erty Southi side cf Forest Rozid 1 57 Garrard Road 1 55 Garrard Road I53 Garrard Road 149 Garrard Road 143 Garrard Road 135 Garrard Road 131 Garrard Road East Side cf Garrard Road Part cf Lot 8, Registered Planî 591 , beiîg IPart 1 Plan 40P,-2836 P>art cf Lot 1 8, Coîîc.2 Whitby, bciîîg Parts 2 &3 Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 1 8, C ue. 2, 'Whtby, being Parts 4 & 5, Plati 40R-2836 Part of Lot 1 8, Cone. 2, 'Whitby, beiiig parts 6 & 7, Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 1 8, Coric. 2, Whitby, being Parts 8 & 9, Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 1 8, Cotie. 2, Whiitby, being Parts 10 & 11, Planu 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 18, Conc. 2, Whitby, being Parts 1 2 & 13, Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 18, Conc. 2, Whitby, being Parts 14 & 15, Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 18, Couic. 2, Whitby, being Parts 16 & 17, Plan 40R-2836 Part cf Lot 18, Couic. 2, Whitby, being Part 18, Plan 40R-2836 A copy cfPlan 40R-2836 may be seen in flue Office cf the Regional Solicitor, ANY OWNER cf lands in respect cf which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking cf such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievernent cf the objectives cf the expropriating authcrity sIuaII so notify the approv- ing authcrity in writing, (a) In the case cf a tegistered owner, served personaliy or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication cf the notice. -(b) luInt he case cf an owner who is flot a registered owner, withuin thirty days after 'the first puiblication of the notice. t' i i.' "4' Wo-m-en's Instiitute works, "r by JACK É ROTH Wlitby and woeîcn^ chiangcd a lot silice Iý anid the Wliitby and Broo Woeîeîs Institutes hi chaniger! with the tinies. These organiizat(ions part ef a worl d-wide fcd tien of Womien's Iîîstiti Vie l1irst one vwas fon iii Stoey ('rock iii when Adelaide I teec l'el t tha t mVmflCflshl>i itil*(riiîeci about prole thiiel r c re MVIrS. 1 loodle5s [un daughter \Vio() lied f Con tra:ct ing ia (e rni lii se su e rganized seiiie wo ini fleiclea witli hIe l that iLICIbtraigedliCS COL 1reventcd. AI duat tinîc, ite wo would geltegellier te I sew anri diSCLsS Ch ild cai_ 'lhle \Vlil by W\ve histitute is iiver 75 <aId aii luas cenitihuLtc great <eal to e 11 emIIU lii the days wlvheîî1I wvas deliveved te homeý horse amdi !utggy' . a meic et' the Whiitby cliapter, Frai* Reburts. felt tinlwrapp1)LIed bcd vs tn itarv. Slhc discussed tbis tl]elladies oet he institUtC il resolutien vas sent 1 heaid office a I xveî histues. Iî rmt betgining ef ,oý'wr:îpped I in tlle area. 1111J110îg \Vrld \Var 1 \Vhîîhtlv \Vleeîl*, ils pi evided places e e W0111 ~ho came ' ie b%, lherse ali 1i2 ' -liecZaM1es a i ('en );1k <<Il II~kSi.S. dî0ilaîed b\ i01C ill'tlIL 1 '>.1 hie j ou.î INelîellp home- and cd erganize thie Victerian erder hla ve et'Nurses in Whitby. 897, The *Wbitby Womien's ikiin Institute 10W lbas about 21 ave mieîîîbers and the Breokfin chapter over 28,. are The Brooki in Women i's icra- Institu te ks a sponsor.-et the utes 44I1 Club and t ries te imcid con îriîîute as inui4 as pessible I897 îe the Brooklin Commnunity. ýdless The meit te for Woeens LI bc Institutes is "fer lheme and 2ting country. The wonucn îîîeet cl a once a mlonthb and pay an froin annuial îîîcnîbersbip fée of iil, A pregrain, set tip by the ,mie head offi ce, includes a ci be di fter-ent t epiceof discussion March is travel month at Whitby library flic Wbiitby PLîblic Library, wituî special progr-anîs for studen îs during the scîîool break. [-very day a t 2 p.nri. froti Marcb '22 ho 26 ilîcre wili be siglitsceing to,îr-s of otlier ran i(ds a i tic library. To take tlic tours ecdi clîild îîîust have a passjert issucd ai thec library anîd stanipcd at f lic port etfeuitry of cadi courîhry visiîed (flic libnary prrniîrooii). ilî îlîis jîassper.)it.echildreuî caîî travel b'.'f i t I lolland. Sca id inivi. Uk rainle, Mallta aind Sco tland. ta] kte people tieîii tliese COLI[tries. sec Co stumiîes andcu rat't s and enjex a I al i nvel advelittire. [Fmn the :idLIIS tliene WîlI be al senieet i o n aveloune 1tiln1 iiîlîtsthnîîuîii Nancli. on ountà ry" each rîîeîth. iine varieus programs are: agriculture andi Caiîadian inqustries, citizen- shîip anîd werld affairs, education anîd cultural affairs, t anîiily and consunmer a ffa i rs, pîîb!ic relatiotis. and resolu- tions. Speakers are senie- imes iîîvited te the mîeetings te provide insiglit jute the pairticular [epic of the moînth. Menîbership is dwiîîdling ini beili institutes and visitors and new rnemîbers are wel- coric. Aîîyene wisIiing to te jeini either cliapter slîeuld caîl Mrs. Acteîî at 668-5535 (Wlîitby), or Mr's. Senlcy au 655-4158 (Breekiu)., '-i.," 1' Tlierea wilevisit e aita1 atheali eamais Mo ari 23 Piderta amasMaera, and3 Motarc h n 30 e teHi Sieras n ef California. Alil film niglîts begin at 7:30 p.î Blood donor. today The \Vbitby Red Cross is hl]ding a blood douer choiie Marcb I17 froin 2 10 -V30 andl 6 to 8:30 ini the Royal Caniiadian Legioui Hall, Il 17 Byr on Street, Sorthti. BlooJ Crclairîîîatî icJyce ('ex lis se t the chcliîjs ebIljecti vc at 300 pints. MOUNT LAWN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED THE A131ROVING5 AUTiIORI1'Y IS: Thle Cotuncil ofThe Regional Municipality cf L)urluani. 605 Rosslauud Road, East, WI'ITBY, Onîtario. LI N 6A3. TUE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY F DURHAM -'C.W. LUNDY" C.W. LUNDY, CLERK NOTES: he Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1970 provides tluat: (a) Wiuere an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appoiuîted by the Minister cf Justice and Attorney General; (b) The inquiry officer, (i) Stuail give every party af the inquiry an opportunity te present evi- de - ee and argument and te examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personaîly or by his counsel or agent, and (il) May recommnud to the approving autiîority that a party te the inquiry hie paid a fixed amount far luis costs of the inquiry net toe-exceed S200.00 and tlhe approviflg autîi<rity nîay in its discretiouu order the expropriatiîig autiîority te pay sucli ccsts forthwitlî. 2. "Owner" anîd "registered owner" are defined ini the Act as follows: ".owner" includes a mertgagee, tênant, execution creditor, a perseuu entitled te a limited estate or interest in land, a ýzommittee cf the estate cf a mentaîly incomn- petent person or cf a person incapable cf managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom Iland us vested; 4"®istered owner" means an owner cf" land whose interest in the land is deined and whose name is specified in an insfirunuent inu the property registry, land titîes or sheriff's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant cf land on the îast revised assessment roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect cf the lands intended te be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE THIRD DAY 0F MARCH, 1976. DATED AT WHITBY, THIS 23rd DAY 0F FEBRUARY, 1976.-