ines Anîd a happy Si. Put rick's day b aIl of yoti! Jusi wish the trocs and grouîid vre "wearting of flic green". 5h11l il shouldn'i be too long before wve roulîy stiari b soc sigus of' Sping.I hl lope. Wiîiter break is lieu-e with uts nexi. weck. Aînd onîce agaiti the Brooklini Library is goiîig ail oui tb lîlp keep fie youingortiiniters huippy, eacli afteruîoon. Betweeui 2:30O and 3:30 on Moîduy ie 22nid, andl Wedncesdaý,y 241h, and Friday 26t1î liero will bo filin shows. And oui Tues. fihc 23rd anîd Thiurs. 251hthet -ire will ho puppeci shows. Adiiissiohi is f' givo Mouli a break, Junior. Take yourself over t0 the library for anuinr oachi day andd have sorne fun. By the way al you prosclîoolers ... a uî\vsessioni for you and Moili will ho startiuig on April 6tli. Gel Moil 10 regisior you for it on Marcli 22nd or aîîy day ufier. Don't forget that space is iîited, sd it isa case of firsi corne first served! ! And for you bike enthisiasts tiiere is a specil Bicycle Safety and Repair Clinie being hield on Marchi 24th, Wednosday .. t the Ashburn Comîuîuniiy Centre. Betweeîî 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.nî. you eau learn sonoe basic repair routines from Mr. M. Robertson of the Pro-Hardware Store in Brooklin, and sorne fine safety lips froi Con. Bey. Graharn of tie Durhian Regional Police. On top of-,this PRESS 1 rali thore will be a safle y cuiz, plîzes and rcfr'teshmticiis ... a 1-î II or flie fiantasiic sin iof' 25 cents.1 .Idon'ltihink you couild go t a botter bargain anywhec. If' you liveii Brooklin thore is also i ranispori a I ion il' you nocd it. J usi caîl 655-3348 bItiwake the arrangemnents. Tickets arc obtýainable f'ronithte Ashibun Genceral Storec and ait te Brooki in Pr-o-1-,I ardwarie Store. Lasi roîinidor lfor ordering-those Liaster goo(lios dit are being sold hy tie Mot hors Aux. of oLir local Guides and Br-owioes. You gel flic goodios, and youI also gel the -Chance lu l p iaise foniids 'or the girls outiings and camping t rips. Cail Mrs. M. Liwson, 655-4168. or Mrs. I lilI, 655-4822- bel'ore Marchi 26th. l)oiî'i forge t dit Anderson C.V.l. will take al] thoso bitsý andI piocos'tha t you \vatl t 10 cloar ou(t of you r lionic, duri uîg iha iSpritig clou n iitg fronzy i hat y ou are houa ci Io hiave any clay now. Thcy want il Io putit i lîir May Day Auiction ihai ihecy will ho hiolding on Nlay Isi. Auit Niarthia's whia tnul, and Unicle George's lintibati igh t tnt thrill you , buti thcy could ho 1151 flho ti cket lor soînoono's wlatrnot ortt li at cullecition. Give Anderson 'a caîl alt 668-5809, for furî-her de tails on wha t thocy nccd, and when they will colleci. Calling aIl Logion iniemibers..Sunidiy ilhe 2 I st is thle day for your-noxt 1:30 p.mi. and of course the *Place t10 meci is aut he Brookîju Legioti I laîl. AT A GLANCE. THURS. I8th MARCFI Directors meeting of the Brooklin Spring Fair Board, a thie Brooklin Cornînunity Cenire at 8 TFIURS. l8th MA'{CH -- Annual meeting of the Ontario Hunane Society ai fthc Municipal Building in Whiitby ai 8 p.mi., SUN. 2Ist MARCH - Meeting of Brooklin Legioui Memnbers at 1:30 p.în. ai the Brooklin"Legioi hlall. Quiltmng is popular at Ail Saints' Chureh by JACKIE ROTH TUrkey tracks, bow ties and sunflowcrs have onec ihing iin coniuion. Tlîey arc al] naines givon 10 jusi a few of the hundreds of quili patternis stiîl used today. lu pioncer tinies, quilliug was a necessary art ltat BROWN'S OOMAST ER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO l.c atisf actlor ORANGE PEAGE AOASTEO ABSORFEO PLAVOUSS 8 ffl .f P . PIEZ; CISIE N &TAN T LGUIS Red Rose Chase & Sanborn LaumfUS«"I' McLAREN'S Taster's Choice SUNLIGHT TEA BACS COFFEE PuddingsOLVSCFE Deegn PACKAGE O 0 I-LB. gAG 5oz.TINS ý L V S C F E ee g n 2 Fr oz AR 4-OZ JAR 24 FL. oz coNr ,lteO9 si129 4i78 78c $1.59 59, CARNATION M IPOAL I<F 1-Lb. Tins W R . NEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 11 Fl. Oz.c Itis..d4 Kellogg's Cereal Rice Krispies 13-oz. c Pkg.__ Aunt Jemima Frozen WAFFLES 10-0z. A Picgs. 4 McCORMICK 12-0z. Cello AFIERNOONTEA £%sott.ot 79c Salemon sl.79 1Fish&chips l1 ..ES ON 1..2a t WhteOrà . _---- ~uVB A CLEANS WHITENS FRESHENS Ron y .1b s.79 Sq areuy 8 c PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE TRANES 4, F1Oz.Ji FRAPS F., Cryt.o43l'O.Pkg. CARESS BODYý BAR -Reg. size - . R PSE'T BTOMACH... ASSORTEO E .SpI M.. a ng e 79c BROMO SELTZER - 75g9 bottl CONCENTRATEO LAIINDRV 75. ýPkg. FABRIC SOFTENER Pkg 2 S HC lBA E k.o Ail D.togt s2.1 9 Cing Free 819c BRCI SFÀMPOO 50 uIT ik 59C 3511 le .. 89C 5's . 99C botle 99c WE RESERVE THE IGNI 70 LIMIT OUANTITIES sioux OURS OPEN six LATS WEEK 8..30 *m. - 6 p.m. EXCIPT THURS. & FR1' MORITS 'TI 9 gp.., 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Mar 18 Sot.. Mar 20 INOZM MARGE. provided both warntt and decoration. Today there are s ome Whitby womien who are keeping the age-old custom ailive. Quilting fzames are set up in the balcony room of the Alil Saints Anglican Church à Schiool, and five days a Wieek, fromn 10 a.rn. 10 3 p.m., the roomi is open for women \,htr want to quilt. Sheila Cormack, president of the church's afiernoon guild, organized the fund- raising project in January, 1975. There are oiy about six Womien involved ini the quiliing but the group welcomnes anybody interested in gettîng invol-ved. To make a quilt, the womien first decide. on a pattern and piece the bloc ks together. Whien this is coni- pleted the quilt is !2ut on franies t0 finish assembly. Georgie Dilling is the quilt -hairînian. Shie finds timie 10 go 10 church about iwo miornings a week. "Quilting is very relaxing and] il (the chiurchi) i§ a quiet place 10 gel a way to", Mrs. Dilling said. Shie said that sonmetinmes visil ors Ironi othier orgafliza- lions wvill spend a day or two quiltîng ai tlic church. 'rs. Dilling enjoys this hiobby and saîdl il is very easy t0 learn. Anybody wisinig 10 place an order for a quilt can do so by calling Mrs. Cormack ai 668-29 13, and thiose inierested in gel ting involved ini a quilting project can cal Mrs. Dilliipg at 668-2330. A bow)\ tic quilt is on the traines iiow and dhe next proieci vili be a sunflower qufilt. Register for spring progfratns Mareh 29 Re,,ii-ýton frtesrn ssinof' ptusiliool ptring al fic Whiiîhy Public Librarv vitake place du rinio the wcok olt Mai-chi2l Moîllers \vislling- 10o regisier ihocir chiildIren tor thie session. wh ichi startls April I13. are asked 10 o oso ai flic library during that week, andI also indica le a t thoiefine il'. they wish 10 join thie niothiers' group which inîcts during the session. Sessions are Tuiesd-ays and Thnrs--days çfrom I 10 i0 NORTH WHITBY PHON-E 655,4521 Cut from the Hip- Fuit Suice RqOUND 132C STIEAj<5 Tender -Lean -Meaty.- Boneeis RUMP» 19 Mapie Leaf - Boneless Smoked DINNEMR, 88 HAM S i Ideal for Meat Loaves or Burgers FRESH GROUND 88 C CHUCK MAPLE LEAF f S rT-A RINDLESS ROUND B3ACON STEAK lb. 19 c lb. 142 Cý SCHNEIDERS.- LARGE SCHNEIDERIS BOLOGNA RINGS BOLOGNA I1/ibAIli8 lb. 95 c Swifts Fresh, Meaty Ranch Style SKINLESS PORK BOLOGNA WIENERS HOCKS ByT HE PEE 89 69 48 MAPLE LEAF This week only LIJNhI MATSGRADE A-1 RED LUM MEATS SterHid Pitk. & P,,,.,, tor nd 5Ch j. . LAh.,,, L..f 12 Or f of I 09 e 88ç 125-150 lb. 10 cadiaverage lb. Store cut &. wrapped Finest Clifornia Sunkist Navel Oranges Doz. 894 Tasty Caulif lower Large Heads Each 694 Ontario No. 1 YeIIow Cooking Onions 2 IL.8Bag39' MON. .22id MARCU - Filin Show ai Librailry, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. MON. 22îid MARCH Brooklin & l)ist. Kinsimel, Roguil,,r , neoting aithie Lcgion 1I lu ini lrooklii.- ,TUES. 23rd MARCH- Puppct show, 2.30 - 3:30 pin.1 ai Ithe Library. WED. 24th MARCH - Film show, 2:30 - 3:30 P)11. ai the Library. WED. 24tlh MARCH - Bicycle Repaiir and Safety Cliic ai Ashiburn Commiun-ity Cejî>itre, 2-4:30) p.m. THURS. 25thi MARCH - Puppet show, 2:30 - 3:30 pin. ai the Lihrary. FR1. 26th MARCH - Filin show, 2:30 - 3:30 p.nî. ai the i ibrary. Wcll ilhai is il for- îhis week. Any ihing going on your way inIitllc nexi few wocks, that you would liko the rosi of te North Ward t o share iin? If so give nie a caîl ai 655-3750 and lcits hear allabout il. Till thon takec care and sec you noxt weck. LIZ 655-3750 ...........