WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCU 17, 1976, PAGE 1.0 NOW US THE TIME TO B00K YOUR CHARTERS TO lBRITAIN 8 EUROPE FOR THE ' 76 SEASON CALL US FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, DEPARTURE DATES & PRUCES PASSPORT PHOTOS COMPLIMENTARY WITH BOOKING AI & Linda Russei RUSSELL TRAVEL LTU. 116 Brock St. S.,ivihitby 668-5000 -Mon. - Sat. 9-5 Fni. Till 9 -Your Iravel Is Our Business" For your protection registereâ under Ontario Governnîent No.1259988 THE CORPORATION )F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W76-1 ONE HYDRAULIC'POWIZl"R 7 GANG MOWER Sealed tenders wiII be received by Mr. R.A. Cîaringbold, Deputy Treasurer, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario until 2:00 p.mi., Monday, March 29, 1976, for the supply and delivery of one hydrattlic power 7 gang mower. Specifications and tender fornms are 'available at the Treasurer's Departr-netit, 405 D)undas Street West, Whitby. Ontario. Telephone 668-5803. Lowest or any tender wA. neeessarily accc.-pted. R.A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby. SPEEDY TV Sale & Service rREE Shop at Home Service on Fleetwood & Sharp Repairs to A makes Trade in's accepted used TV's bought & sold 104A Byron St. S. 668-1818 or 725-4234_ VIOLIN - suitabte for AM-1M compact STERl*-O student, in good condition, $50. SET - 8-track, turntable, speakers, Cali 668-5994. stand, $ 13 5. Cail 66 8-6 243. ACCORDIAN -- brand new, double rosw buttons, shoulder strap, carrying case, $100. Cati 668-3 195. BABY CRIB $20; HIGH CH-AIR, $10; batlbtub, S3;JOLLY .iUMPER, $5; porta-gate, S5;' baby seat, $2; STROLLER, $5; eight-track TAPE, DECK, $15: eight-track TAPL)DECK, $35; Cat] 576-0585. Pioncer 2000 TURNIABLE - 2 Sure M91 i-track needles, 1 M91 cartridge, 2-3 sway sterco voice speakers. 8 inonths old, asking $375 or will take closest offer; Biue leather waist ('OAT, size 38 with mnatching bine leather shoes, size 8, $1 10. Cati1668-2781 after 5 p.mn. and ask for Ken. Moffat 24" electric STOVE - $75; 9 x 16 dark green CARPEl. $35. bo th are i n excellent cond ion. Cati 655-3607. 1973 HONDA SLI125 - excellent condition, $500. QIIl 668-4940. Electric RANGETTE- 2 tp etemnents, oven. bottom drawer, has hecat indicator, $30; wringer WASHER, $25; smali HEATER, wick type, $20- Cai 668-4267. SHELTY (miniature coliies) PUPS - 10 weeks oid, needled, deworrned, registered, and tatooed, miother bas obiedence titles, father-champion in breed. Excellent pcdirrecsable &white in colour, $135 eaceh. Cati 723-1088. OUTBOARD MOTOR- Vikin- 24 horsepower, manuel star t, good condition. including 5-gallon fuc! tank. $260; black leather COt!CH, with storage space in bottoni, excellent condutiu'i, $25. Cali 655-4630. Two 600 x 15 goodycar SNOW TIRES- newv, $10 eachi, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyvt canister VAC- LiUM, witb ah fixtures, nceds sonlie repair, $10; gallon ssine bottles witb bandles. 45 cents each; walnut veneer, 2' x 4' shee ts, 75 cents each; one bah", items - car bcd, $7; waiker, $4; snow sed, $4; jolly jumper, S4; rocking horse, $2;. bottle warmer, $1. Cati 683-1602. 1967 PONTI AC PARISI INNI,- in very good condition, power brakes, power stJèring. powver windows, V-8 automiatie, rear- window defogger. vinyl roof, willI certify for $700; 1973 VEGA WAGON, best offer. ('al I 576-8247 after 5 p.m. One ten gallon AQUARIUM- compiete with stand, fish, etc. in excellent condition, $60 or best offer; two aquarium heaters, $4 each; one i>hilips Beauly Set, neyer used, $25. ('ail 668-4690. Complete SNOWMOBI LE OUTFIT- 1972 Rupp Kmitro 400 complee w-th tach. excellent condition. onty 300 miles. 1972 Thorens double-wide trailer, eus- tom Rupp mens suit, spare belt, t:ts of oït, and helmct, asking', $9850. Cail 668-9902. LAKEVUEW NURSERY SCHOOL operating at Ajax Christian Assembly. MacLaren Rd., Ajax 9 a.m. - 11: 30a.m, 2-5 yrs. PHONE: School 683-7661 or Mrs. Rowe 683-8748 TRUCK CAPS from $1 99.00 & ulp BROOKLIN LEISURE PRODUCTS Hwy. 12, 1 mile Nortlý uf Brooklin1 .Alumninumn Shel Panelled and lnsulated .Fiberglass 655-3144 655-3776 Highest Prices Paid for Goid and Silver coins. old guns. dlocks, jcwelry, disiles, furnîturc, crocks, oit paintings, and seaters Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 23 King West, Oshiawa 50 amp. Service BRLAKER $4; 30 amp. knifce swi tch BO3X. S2.50; 8 fuse panet bo\, $8. Calil 668-9605. YOU SHOULO BE SELLING LOTTERY TICKETS!! WINTARIO & OLYMPICI YOU WILL BE AMAZEI) AI THE POTENTIAL PROFIT IN SELLING THESE TIC KE'.'S! Seli thenm t(> vour frie-ds, wiere \'ot worký, or ut \'(ar clui metings! For urther information cufit: W.M.G. MARKETING 110 KING ST'. W. OSHAWA 576-9181 CAR PENTR Y HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitcheà s, Ceramie Tiling. Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 B 0AT M Ni)F(>R Scutt-at- s'.ater, 3 gatlon tank. 51lip.. S-50: Wakie taikies. ne\% Relistic' FR(' 999, 3 watt ou tpu t, $i135. (al 668-8080. Whitby Residential Service Lot - Central 47 x 136 -- $32,000 builder's terms. Call 668-0034. TWO DAY AUCT ION SALE - Wednesdlay evening, Marcb 24 at 6 1).mn. sharp. A t Ly on's Auctioti Hall ut the Corner of' Bond & MecMillan Dr. In Oshawa. lThe compte te private antique collection of Mrs. Ruth Robinson of'ilu n tsville, Ont. Sale witt incînde two grandfather dlocks I both ini escetten t condi- tion &. ssorking), granddaugtiter dlock witlî westiniiste r ciiîînes, 30 dlocks (O.(G. gingerbrcads, Ili-Iai tte cdocks,. chli nu docks, Arthiur l>guegnuat. (Ad punchi clock . oc tugonai aIcle idur clock. scîtot coc k. old ss oodei tele- phonies, of' ~presstiuck chairs. cralle phuounes, vic torian bureau binîkcase . vie torian sof'a, (t1885). tif'tuny t\ype lumip, bqu doIt, eclina dol Is, pilifa t back cup- hourd, phne ssasti stan ds. 1\ioll top) dtesk. pine dry sislser tea services. -copper candielubresý. pr. of'n k. l ass.ataddntin p oId cast baink t 1)naî>li 1itieunes te:î titis,, Id "raini pline , Id \\oiindcn caiv eis te r. 3 il g lihî.2 stiO\s casesý. 4 rouind tle,4 boston îockcrs,. \\;attitit tc;î s aLon , lin adtaes.b sbcd. Quati lty of coul oit diip. i cker sýcttee, nId bot tIcsý. lantertis, bls disties s'.hici s'.ere packed and] coulcdii't h li sted. Aunetiolîcers Note: l'i,,is o ne of" the îiîost e\citiilC sales s\%e have ever liad thte privitege of' selling and] is s'.ett svortli von r at tentlion. Reîîîaindcr of' Sale s',ill bc sol] Saturd.iv aMardi 27 at i p.mî. ut I von 's Auction Hall. Johin Ar .\nni, 985-3477. Ted Lyon, 725-t1613, Aunetionce rs. COMPR ESSORS GENERATORS Electric motors, Grinders Drill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. WE SELL BUY & TRADE ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 I ST ANNIVERSARY SALE March 1 st/3 1 st New & Used Organs frorn S399-00 Petersen Music Co. 390 King St. W. Oshawa 723-2259 STUDIOS - Photography Weddings Portrait Commerical Special Effects Canvas Mounts We specialize in satisfying "YOUR" needs. Quaîity 'professional' photofinishing: reasonabIe rates. Contact: Les or Anne Keefer at 655-4779 __-after 6 p.m. weekdays or on weekends. BUY AND SELL ew FURNITURE <eAPPLIANCES HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOOKS MAGAZINES BABY FURNITURE BICYCLES etc. $$$ CASH $$$ wiiI pick up WE ALSO SELL ON -CONSIGNMVENT - THIS 'N' THAT 100B LUPIN DRIVE (BLAIR PARK PLAZA) 668-7272 From Sweden the perfect car for Canada. Drop in and drive one. MARIAN AUTO 25 Grenfeîl St. Oshawa 728-5179 TOWN 0F WHITBY P U B L I C N 0 T I C E Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law ta stop up and close and seil ta the adîoining owners that portion of Gilbert Street as shown on Werden's Plan west of Brat'-;. Street and Iying between Brock Street and Byron Street, and more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCINIG at a point on the norther'y limît of Gilbert Street distant 17 feet west of the intersection of said limit of Gilbert Street with the west limit of Brock Street. THENCE westerly along the northerly limit of Gilbert Street a distance of 255 feet more or less ta the intersection with the easterly limit of By n Street. THENCE southerly along the easterly limit of Byron Street a distance of 66 feet ta the intersection w1~h the southerly limit of Gilbert Street. THENCE easterly along the southerly timit of GiLert Street a distance of 255 f eet more or less ta a point distant 17 feet westerly of the intersection of the southerly limit of G ilbert Street with the easterly limit of Brock Street. THENCE northerly in a straight line a distance of 66 feet to the point of commencement. And furtber take notice that Council or Committe of C And further take -otice that Council or Committee of Council wiII at 8:00 p.m. on the l9th day of April, 1976 at the Council Chambers in the Municipal Building at 405 Dundas Street West, Whit'uq., Ontario, hear in persan or by bis council, solicitor, or agent any persan who dlaims bis land will be preIudicý--lly affected lby such by-"Iaw and who applies ta be heard. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. m