PAGE 14, WEDNESDAy, MARCH 17, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS FREE, PRESS E MPORIUM 1969 PLYMOUTHt SATEL- LITE - new battery, new tires, '.interized including, tune-upmi A-t, '.ill certify, $875. Cal 655-4101. 1975 CHEV IMPALA CUSTOM - 6,000 iles, factory '.arranty rernaining, $5,000 firmi. Cali 576-6197. 1971 FORD MERCIJRY TRAILER HITCII - 200-2,000 tbs., chromne ptatcd, used 1 year, $12. Cali 655-4364. 1971 DODGE DEMAN - 340 engine, racing cani, ooker headers, 4 speed, new paint job, $ 1,200 or best offer. Cal 668-7856. 1968 DOOGE DART excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CI-IEV, restor- able ceundition, $200 or best offer. Cali 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1970 VOLKSWAGON - Stationwagon, excellent condition, real gas saver, $ 1,195 or best offer Cal 668-7084. n . 1964 FORD l"AIRLANE 6 cylinder, in fair shape generally, not ccrtified, neods somne body '.ork, $125 or best offer. Cal 655-4525. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. CatI 668-5745. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283, good rcinningq condition, body fair, pow.ser steering, & brakes, certified, $300 or F"sL otfer. Cati 668-7006. 1965 CI'IMPALA - ['air, motor -goocl. interior $250 ;s is. ('ail 668-9757. ONE PAIR OF SKIS biidings, safeiy strap and sîze 7. oniy beem i cseci 4 $65. Cail 728-1291. body 1 1 ir1 pole ' boots ti ni 1975 (;RLMLIN --standard, excellent condition, S2,650 or ni 'aresi offer. Cali Emi at 668-1152 or 728-7527.t REF'RIDGERATOR -- Ad- miraI, '.hite, 6 months oIc1, mancial defrost, $250. Cali 668-9786. 1972 MOBILE IIOME sleeps 4 possibîy 6, fridge & stove, lots of storage, 2 closets, 8 x 15 canopy, asking $5,400 or i:est offer. Caîl 655-4558. 1972 SKIDOO -- 33D *Olympie, trailcar, double becd trailer, cover and acccssories, asking price $600 or best offer Cati 655-3932. 1949 CHEV ½TON PANEL - one o%'.sner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body work, -$500; VOLKSWAGON VW TRAILER HITCH. $20; Vie- torian CHAIR, set of 6, in good condition. asking $70 each; woonl %tove. $50. Cati 668-9293. Il-)foot IIOUSE TRAI LER-- 1968, compiete with reese hitch, sleeps 6, lots of storage, portable toilet, propane frîdge & stove, one 12 x 9 kiiehien tent inciuded«, $1,500. (al 1-705-277-2790. T'.o boys Unisex BIC'YCLE;S - with 16" wheels, one mniversai standard nodel, sturdy fram-e, huntergreen colour, in good condition, $25; Supercycle, witim banana seat, Iigh handie bars, ight greemn, fair condiion, $20. ('aIl 728-9777. Deluxe AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER - $75. Cati 579-0757. ý OUTBOAR D Jolîuîson 3 liore, conîdtion, $125. after S p.nî. MOTOR - good running Caîl 668-5060 MOP.LD Nev' Bronco, 150 miles, highirisc hiandiebars, deluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, w.ill go 40 mi.p.h., $450 or best offer. Caîl 668-7190. TANDEM TRAILER fItat bed, 3,000 lb. capacity, ail hecavy du ty framec, al new tires, corn- rplete with lighit accessories, $450. Caîl 668-4939. FERRING -1lîarley Davidson 1200, $65; 4 MIAG whcels and tires for foreign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. (Xîll 668-4449. CHIP- TRUCK- fulfly equip- ped, freshly pain tedj insidle, new tires, alumînumn body, asking $3,000 or best offer. Call 728-7623. Customi-made extra fiîavy cluty TflAILER IIITCH for 1974-75:' pinto stationwagon $25. Cali. 66R-6ý 22 1965 A(ADIAN 6 cylinder, ýau toniatie, stcrimîg, radio, body Luncli iîterior good conicition, askîne $600. ('alil668-4903. CHEST DRAWERS- $45; Set BUNK I3LDS, s'.ith springs, no miattress, size 36 inch seimtl, $50. ('alil668-9009. BEI)(ID Ei1L) 3 nîontms nid, Beverley n;ttress, pluischrome franie, tîntIedlas ernd table. bougit lfor $500.,'.sili seli for $300. (':iIi655-4 i10 1. esiMens 5-spcedBCYL jalinost ne'.'. $60. il 728-0664 f te r 6:30 nm YAMAKI DEUIXi 6-STRING GUITAR -'vith case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p.m. GOALIE , EQUIPMENT 1 year old, its boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arin & chesi protec- tor, $60. Caîl 668-5714. Two lectrie quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER BOX, SI. ('al 668-6750. Lcîd'.vg 7-piece l)RLM SE~T '.vith genuine Zilcjian symibols, excellent condition, askinig $550). Cali 728-2518. Antiqcue -1ýc(A Victorola RADIO CONSOLE with auto- matie turn table, about 1943 model, fuiiy functioning, solid walnut, $300 cash. ('ail 579-159. BABY CRIB - $15; training chair- $5. Cail 668-9 103. TRAILI.R --Tandemn axie), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitabie lfor car, boat or skidoo, $375. ('aIl 655-3411. 1964-"4 '[ON G'M(' iICK-UP' TRUCK -îesv motmr, 6,000 miles, as is or parts, $350. Cail 668-5î731. SWIMMING POOL CLEAR- ANCE dis"posing of 1975 Trade-ins, various sizes & shapes available in alumninumn and wood construction, sonie with iiantîfacturers warranties still in effeet. WilI seil at fraction of original selling price. Cali collect anytinie 667-1302. 'rwo SNOW TIRES - with Sne otbe SW rimsUhioyalWiner g MACHIINE - $35; 39 inch single .F78- 4 e, Cal653879. matt'ress, $20. Cail 725-1211. 19/0 UHEV -- 3b0 Vi8, 4 door secdan, steering, radio, mechaniicaliy good, will certify, best ofiler. Cali 668-337 1 ext. 273 and ask f'or Jlm. EMERSON TV SET with radio, record lîlayer, in good condition, $80 or nearest oller. Cati 668-7446. SET OF STEWART DRUMS - coimplete '.ith pedal seat and, symbols, $ 150. Cali 668-6760. Wl-lTE RATS - mother & father, plus eiglbt young, $10. Caîl 668-9860 after 5 p.m. and ask for t)an. 1971 CUIDA 340 auto, new radiais, loaded, certified, $2100 or best offer. ('alil 668-264 1. MINI WASIIER, used tvice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINETl, glass both sîdes, $80. Cal 668-6078 or 668-4377. ANTIQUE' cabinie t, uver restored. $250. I)ESK s'.itiî 100 vc';rs olul, (';ui 65ý5-3751).1 ON E CO U NTE RTO P W ITI11 LE-D G 1- 67", $750; one couintertop, nio Iedge, 50", $5, one couintertop, no ledge. 36". $4; one eotintertop '.itliîlemige. 311/2", $3.50; une cocmn tertop ".ith i edge. 28"', $3; une pic ce uf lark browvm arborite '.ouclgraimî. 361, x 60½/ý". $5; ;ippro.-. 30 cabinet duoors suitable for simili vanit:es. ail diflerenl suzes, $25. ('ail 655-3534 RIVI l'308 S;ivWc elver aiction 5 sîmuL clip. 3 vcars oid, like ne'.'.$150. ('ail 668-2244 afier 6 ii. 113l1 Douoble-bed NM1A T R1'-S S pu Ck eltecd Springs, excellent c onild itïin, $20; il AI1 R 1D)R Y 1 R. '.itfm carry ing case, $8. 'ail 668-8273. ('I11 S TFI' ýR 1 I 1'1 i) StL;ITII 2 piece. $45; laîrgc floral arranoc- mient, $3.50; euffee TABLE, $2, lou bic-bed spread, $4; Single bcd spreacî. $3; teapol, $4; ladies carcoat. like me'.'., $6; ladies goud( '.inler coat. $10; dresses $1 & $2; slack soit'., $4; ail cicani & in gooci condition, size Ca14 (ii 723-2426. Uprighit 9 cubie foot :REEýZE-R s.ith upper tridge, $100; older mode1 ERIDGE, $50, botih are in goocl condition Cali 655-3683. LINE ('ONTROL MOI)E'L AIRPLANE.S- four parti,,-buit, one large comiplcteiy built withl 035 engine, t'.o completeiy hufli with 015 engine, large amnocmnt of parts & accessories, $1 50, compie te. Cail 579-0757. Gibson SG ('istoni Speciai GUITAR -'vitlî case, $400. Traimer basecniaster amp, iii good condition, $250. ('aIl 725-I1797. B&W TV ('ail 668-1384. 20 incli, $10)0. RUGS - Il x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 eartiî colocîrs, ru t, goid, browvn, beige, $501) for bolli. (:ali 668-7923. AM-EM STERL R ECE i*,'I'.VE-'l $325; uiiume ta ble, sol F iitmpie table top. $450. ('ail 668-5910. STOVE -smîaii. $60; B&W Plîilco, $60; teak chesterfield and chair, $85; antique Raymnond Itremdile sewing imachine. $65. Cal668-6080.' WIN'l'lR COAT - iiii talionï fcur, leoparci type, 2 years oid, \vorn t'.ice, $25. ('lii 579-3569. 1 AQUARIUM - (ail glass), 40 gallon complete with 2 punps, air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish, sonie of them 10 years old, $75. Cail 668-8527. TIRES - Michelin radiai, size 150 SR'I12, Icss than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare, ith rirn, $45. Cail 668-5040 after 5:30. Englisih B)tE CHINA uiever used, 54 picce set in Bridai Wreath patterni, $300. ('ail 668-5767. 1967 OLI)SMOI3ILE' CONVE RTIBLE excellent condition, C/B and tape deck, $1495 or best offer. Cal 668-9757. ni24 1974 FORD CUJSTOM lICK UP -- 360 niotor, radfio, cab for back, aiso %voodlen i)ox, $4,500 Cail 668-0705. S R 1 V ER B 'Iravnior sg;Lr _$250.'(Caîl 655-497 8. lieige (iETIiL)& ('l- lAI R modern style, good condition. $100; 23" black & whiite Seandinav.ian style T V, like n,ý.. $75:, 1963 AR(AI)IAN BEAUiMON , tgond motor. needs uitile body v ork , ow..ned v lad'., as i 1N, asking, $ 2S0: (al 723-9225 after 5 p.m.. Dunal 1 218 TU RNTIA BIi li:s & d s i cove r me Inde d.las ai orniat -ic sîmtoti & an tiskale, ammdo tt:nccim;cartridue. onl'. usemi l'or tisso montis. $,-230lirmni. (aIl 008-301-5Sa! 1r 5:301 pi. v.-i>O)R0I/. zI.R $:electric cofîce 1R ,$ 10; sandwi'.ch GRILL, $7:T. lOASTI 1.R. $7: carpe t SWI [.I*1 R, S$10;G.. floor POI.ISI ILAZ, $10, six apple crates. $2 each;ý RANG- 11 1-' S5: VACUUN CIANIR. $5. ('ail 668-94(04. Kcn t Spanish 1.LI (7Tk 1(C GiU Il A R - lîke ne'.. . \ itli cstoînl madc amopliier and s'peaker, $100 or hcst 011e r. (ai i 576-804 2. SWIMMINC POOL SACRI- FICE: L.ading Manufacturer and disi rihu tor lias above grotînd aluminum pools lefi ovCri roini1975 season, price. gttariiteed installation and ternis. ('ail Credî t manager. collect, Mississauiga 416-625-8819 da ys 0or evcnings. lloineiiadte SNOW ('RUISER - c'\L'elc'iit f'or wvorking in busim, $ 100; une MINI BIKI FIAME. i 1h inotor, $50;. car parts, Chevs & 66 cnder; iso 1960 ARIMY PANI' L TRULCK " ton. $150. ('ail 728-0234 and ask for D)on. BABY CARRIAGE Perrego, $125; car bed, bassineti, $ I15; h igli chi ir, prices Iirin. ('aIl 668-9805. by Singer I"ea tier Weîit SEWING MACHIINE, $40; Chiids Bl('YCLlý:, $ 15, bothi are in good condition. Brand new to.'.s, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., still in boxes, reasonable. Cîîiids TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Caîl 668-6715. Souîîîd AM-I"M soId 'EEO RE('EIVER (':tll 66'8-7601.' sLa te $75' NOTICIE TO. READERS Advertise FREF ini tie EREF PRESS E'.MI>ORI UM,.pay ONLY '.vhen. you sedi! There will not be any charge to à dvertiscrs in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the itemi advertised is sold. When the advertisedt item is sold, you pay a commission basedon TrHE ADVER-ITISIED PRICE as illustrated below. Al advertisements miust bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WI-IITBY FREE PRIiSS and 'mn at lcast one mnon <h if not sold. RATE,'S (if article is sold); 51X,,ol'advertised price up to $400.00 21X of balance over $ 400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item adveî'tised for $50.00 -'commission due $2.5c (minimum commission is $1.50) Private advertising only! Pllease notify us if you find a retailer listemi as a private advertiser. Please notify tlie Whitby i"rcc Prcss inmmediatcly svhen item is sold' so that we mnay delete it froîn the following issues. Services, hielp wanted, ciothing, real estate and l'ersonal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If' in doubt, call 668-6 111 MAIL ALL At)S TO: l:REF PRESS EMI'ORIUM 11.0. 1Box 206, Whitby The deadiinc l'or emporium ads is the Monday at inoon. LARGE OAK DESK - suitable l'or office or student, $75. Cali 669-8473. RA('ER BICYCLE - excellent condition $35. Caîl 668-554 I. WINDOWS- Basem-ent 21X j7'/ $6 each, picture window,' storm 58X64 $30, '.vindow suze cou Id be altered sliîghtly. Cal 723-8220. (CL:LLI( ;AN WA'FL.R CON DI- 'FIONI R MARK 5- automnatie. 6 mion 1h' used aind in perfect condition, $2511;.Meccu sterco lPEPLAYI'R, $45; Flot water ('I ('u[A'l:R P[MPt'or car (lits ;mns' car) S 15; 19" Phljco Bi (IV, IORTAILi.TV. S50. ('ail 668-9746, A.M (;YNi\ E[XiER(ISE-R wî,thl instruction book, asking $25 or best offer. C'ait 683-5737 CIESTIEI'11:1-i1) &CH'I1 mli good condition. $50. A('ait 668-2987. (;cidron STROLLER- excel- lent condition, $25. Cali 655-3624. 13I RD CAGE' with stand, $20; portable TV STAN1D on c;isters, $ 10; ('alil 655-3167. SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a hinited nuniber of steel, ingrouîîd pools at greatly rediîced prices, 16' x 32l' inigroutiid,, S"3,750. installed. Other suzes coîîpar- ably priced. Cail now Polynesian Pools 519-453-2210 Red WooI Cuirling JACKET- size 40-42, $25; Bow.ling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Bothi are in perfect condition. Cail 668-9073. 21 cihiet'oot lFRlIDGE-l in '.'.orking comndition, asking $100. CalI1668-3290. APPROXIMATE-,LY 400 BALES] 01: STRAW - at a $1 a bale.~ ('aIl 655-4380. HUNT CAP- black velvet with sat'ety hiarness instal'ed, size 71/2. $23.50. Ca1668-2407. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good l'or clîilclrcn 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK, SACK, nylon withi solid aluminumn frame, neyer been uscd, $25; SKIS, ap)prox. 5V2' long, great for beginner. $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition '.ith carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, lîardly usecl. $ 10. Cati 668-4465. 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT & soîids offenhainser twin 'carb high risc for smnail block Chevy, like ne'., asking $200. ('ail 6.JS-47'z,3. ('OAT - Lalie' liîI;ck persiaii Iamîb approxiiiitely size 20, in good condcition, '.sill seli for $50. Caîl 725-5714. Eo K UU & LI PlOLSTi'El'tY ('LIANING 1 QL1 W1 MEN'F - vaccucuumi cieaîîer & eeaîîim supplies. like îîe".'.c'ost over $3,00)0. Wittlsdi for S 1,850. ('al ,Po rt1 .err, 1-985-7714 evLln. dition $75; space 1-EATER $60. (Calil 668-6750. SPACE 1h1>EATER - redium sized, good condition, $40;' forinulite miolded bathroom basin & countertop, 48 inches liong, ne'.'.100. ('al 6 55- 3411. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available, wiîling to sacrifice at hiaif price. Cali coîleet ariytirne 667-1302. SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS - pool table, rolia'.ay bcd, dishes, drop icaf table, many more articles. Saturdafy & Stindav fromn 12 noon tii 6 at 1600 ('harles St. Whitby. 668-65 19. GtJITAR - riple piekup electrie, '.iil selI for $35, ideal for rock group. Cali 668-2860. Steel York McCoy WEIGHT SET - 250 ibs total. Cali 668-5123. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-clectrie STERILIZER & BOTTLIiS, $4 50; ne'. born SNOWSUIT, '.hite, $3; 18" auburn IIAIRFALL, $ 15; single BLD, 3 0", $12; Healthway seu ba tank, 71.2 eu. ft. Iîarness & (k) valve, $85; s'.ater luing, sport cliver reguiar '..ith reserve, $85. Cali 839-7774. BASEMENT SALE - furniture. disiies, franies, mirrors, liglit fixtures, pictures, iniscellaneous & collectables. At 112 St. Law.- rence, Wiîitby. 668-2973. Come any time. in24 AUCTION SALE - Thprsday March l8th, a t Clareniont Conimunity -Hall, ai 6:30 p.nî. i"urniture & Butcher shop items. The property ot' Tony Lefert of Markhamn. oak table, old cash register, press back chairs, inirrors, pine box, antique telepiione, oîd cdock. old 78 records' brass door knocker, ehesterfieid & chair, cro'.'n jars. anticque cîips & saucers, glass plaites, silver dishes. and ;î number of items froni butelier shop T'ernis ca.slm no reserve. EarI Gamisiin amîd Norîîî l"aclkner Aucti oîee rs. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE REQUIRED -- for Oshawa & Wiîitby area, please caîl H. Sait Fislî & Chips at 668-I1100. WANTEID -onec cub uniformi, size 7. Cali 728-43 10. rn24 " DK the DJ" RI,'('ORDI'.D MUSIC'OR OCCASION S ('aIl 668-2244 aller 6 p.mi. ALL URGENTLY NlEEI)ED thirce 'leaders l'Or <lie se v eîtl Girl Guîide pack, îno experience necessary, wiII trainî. Interested iîn lîelping girls. Please conîtact Mrs. Alow.ay at 668-8692 or Mrs. Tueker at 668-4962. nii 17 IN('OM i.'I AX - \illprc'jare. uîcoîmie tax rettuîinii mi'.' loie. $4.00 & uîp. l'or fcîrîler iiiiuriiatiuii eal (068-7420. Look Naturally We g alng ithNature ta bring out the besti n you and your hair. We cul it the way it graws .. . and shape it ta suit your face. Ž ' " ' MEN'S HAURSTYLING Whlby Plaia 668-6922 A ITENTION FARMERSI WHVY PA Y MORE? SAEON PREMI 'UM OUI.ALITrV I *MOTOR oit i ~ *.?"" ~Pronm tDeliv.,'y 5% 'N~~- 668-3381 1