WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEL)NESDAY, MARCH 17, 1976, PAGE 1i Warrorsface Th under Bay in. opentiing round of playoffs A wild ineiee rnarred last week's Ontario Hockey Association Senior 'A' conlest between the Whitby 'Wrriors and the.Napanee Cornets Thutrsda-,y. The Warriors lost the game 5-O but defeated the Lindsay Lancers 8-2 iin tleir finw,4! regular season game Friday. The Warriors 110W meet the Thunder Bay Twins ini the first round of the playoffs. Ail garnes in the best-of-three series will be played ini Thuunder Bay with the first on Friday, the second on Saturday and the third, if necessary, on Sunday. Free Press Photo by Blake Purdy Lasco leads Men's Hockey League Wliitby Xarriors' fat iit uy hiave sccn the last of tIheir teainithis year. Thie X.'a rrior-s arc faced withi the unenviable task of fLacing thc povv'erful Thunder 1Bay Twins in the rirst round of the Ont aruio Hockey Associa- tion Senior 'A' playof"fs. Worst ou' aIl, [lic entire besl-ol-tliree scrics will bc played in 'Thunder Bay this weekend, because the lcaguc sets a deadlinc for thie series' cnid and thie only otheri way Whitby coutld have met dhat decadline would have been-to play weeknighit ganies' thiere soinieiiing which nîosl l)layers, because of thie travel limie involved, cuuld nol do. Teani President Tomn Fitzsimnions, on the Warriors' chanices againisl Thunder l3ay expressed ul)timinsm. "We have the hest record in the Icague againslThunder Bay besides Barrie Flyers", lie si id. "We arc the unly team in the league lu couic onIt of Thunder Bay with a pl)il '. Th"le Warriors, in Thuniider Bay, lied the Twins 2-2 and lost 5-2 iii a -pair of Nýovember games. At home, Whitby sulTcred lwo 5-4 lusses, one in uvertirne, to last year's Allatn Crp Champions. The Warriors split a pair of honme games last week. TH-URSDAY Napane Cornets' goal- tender Steve Rexe kicked out 34 drives as his 'k.anii blanked the Warriors 5-0 on Thursday. Scoring for "'apatice, who managed 27 shots at Nikc Laing, were Charflie Convery, Bob Ferguson, Pete Fleming, Rick Gerow and Dave Gil nou r. FRIDAY Whiîby recorded an 8-2 win over the Lindsay Lancers in a reschecdîîled game on Friday. L-asco Steel, wi th '29 I points on 12 wins, five ties, ï' three lusses, 89 goals for and p 56 against, have a four point iead on their nearest oppon- ents in the Whitby Men's Hockey League. H. Sait Fish and Chips and Munn's Press trail with 25 points cach, the former on il wins, three lies, six losses, 84 goals for and 69 againsl and the latter on i12 wrns, one tic, seven losses, 108 goals for- and 73 against. uuiris Catering are in third place with 22 points on nine wins, four tics, seven lusses, 75 goals for and 74 againsl. for 221 points, good enough for third place. Boncleco Rustproofing and Fireplace Plus are lied in fourth place iwth 1 8 points each, the former on eighl wins, two lies, .10O tosses, 64 goals for and 76 against and the latter on inie wins, I1i tosses, 79 goals for and 91 against. Shea Real Estate trait witih 14 points on six wins, two tics, 1 2 lusses, 81 goals for and 91 agains. The. Orphans arc in the basernent with four wins, une tic, 15 lusses, 61 goals for a nd 11I3 againsl for inine points. In recent play, Munn's Press downed Chris Catering 5-1, the Orphans tipsct Bondeco Rustpruufing 8-4, Lasco Steel trounced H-. SaIt Fisli and Chips 8-3 and Shea Real Estate edged Fireplace Plus 5-4. at -Q ur~' Sink gour teeth into SAVINGS Brand name merchandise priced ta seii! All items in stock for Immediate detivery. Remem- ber: If you haven't taiked to Murray, you may have paid too much! " MERIDIAN " KING KOIL " KILGOUR " FITTON PARKER " SEALY " BRESLIN " SKLAR " KROEHLER " PHILIPS " PEPPLER " VICTORIA VILLE C SOFA & MATCH/NG CHAIR (.olxr. Sure /ta rrance afly Sa ino vr, ,i, WHILE THEY LAST $397 SPECIAL LOVE SEATS SA V/NGS OF /13 and MORE 229""... TO 289'10.. to $497 4 PIECE SOFA SET Smar/ly styled sQ/a wi/h maîch/ng love seat. chair and ottoman mv durable Rerculon stniped /abr/c Long-wearing, good-lovkînq SUPER S ONLY s429 SPECIALS moeimulou's furnituce wwrehouse "At Murray's MAD means 'Make a Deal' for REISEVCESO Quaiity Furnitu.re at Lowest Prices" A~s aSout Our BS Day F/es Credil Plan SOFA AND CHAIR ONLY $299 THIS WEEK ONLY FRIE BOUDOIR LAMP WITH ANY PURCHASE 0F 150 OR MORE BRING IN THIS AD TO QUALIFY FAST, FREE O EL IVER Y NEW HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. phone 839-6081 or 683-1061 Visit our Modern Warehouse/ShowToom Today! TRACK & FIELD CLUB A Track and Field club has been set up in the Whitby area. Any athiete who is interested in any facet of track and field and would like to become a member, should contact either MAike Bible (668-0686) or Hubert Knorr (668-6516) any evening for information about the club. Also, any person who is qùalified, or has an interest in cocaching any track or field event, should contact the above gentlemen as well. Age Classifications for Track and Field: Mite, Tyke, Atom, Bantam, Midget,. Juvenile, Junior, Senior. TOWN 0F WH ITBY 1976 ELDERLY Pi\e.)';7)NERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME (Home-Owners in the Town of /Vhitby Only> To provide financial assistance to elderly home-owners, Town 2-ouncil has authorized the Town Treas irer t,) al low certain owners of resi dential property a credý1 of $100.Ã"O against the 1976 tax. -s imposed on such real p-:'perty subject to the following qualifications. TO QUALIFY, THE.OWNER OR SPOUSE 0F THE OWNER MUJSI: A. Be 65 years of age or mor? by Alarch 31, 19;6, which is the last day for filing applications: B. Be in receipt of the monthly GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the Old Age Secur'i'y Act (Canada): c. Occupy the property on which the municipal taxes are împosed and: D. Have been continuously assessed as the owner of residential real property in the Town of Whitby for not Igss than 5 years immediately preceding March .31, 19c.76. If you qja!ify for this assistance and have not received an application formn, TELEPHONE THE TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 668-5803, and an application form wilI be maîled to you. Application must be made each year for this assistance. This credit where allowed, will be an outright grant made by the lTown and will not entail repayment of any kind. For further information or assistance, telephone 668-5803. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. P,'PLlCATION MUST BE MADE NOT LATER THAN MARCH 31, 1976. SKLA/4/MORI DI AN 4 Irce CHEST ER FIELD) G/OUP SPECIAL PRICE ONLY S399 SKL AR/ME R//AN s4 SKLAR Louml bfý1a"l 0ý,pel ONLY$499 25% off .ail Kitchen Sets in stock VICTORIA VILLE L <,'S999 SELAR - KROEHLER - BEDFORD m;Ihq hai ,FROM5l 99 SINGLE SIZE eEG t1 i.i îî,î 5p in n n.ti ii, "iî e FULL SIZE 81/NK BEOS FR0Ms239 SKLARIMER//)IAN - Q ;",S " .L ' ';-,<- ', , ONLI4$124. DOUBLE BED MATTRESSES fom S55 COLONIAL STYLE trI eîîd ,~ î, .169 each PEPPLER MODERN 1*,, 999 complete 5 PIECE KITCHEN SET, Ii1ibiI.1cni 4, 99 y