TRAVEL CANADA SUPPLEMENT, WHITBY FREE PRESS Recreatijonal Vehicles - A low cost,, versatile way ___to enjoya holiday Recreational Vehiicles (Z.V.'s) vaca:tionl. Choosintg a R.V. takes miake sure you (>btaini the vehiicle sLited lu your needs. of styles. suzes and miakes arc avaita bic to the constumer. of' the imany repfttalc c(mpanies ini thc arca you wil about purchasing a (Xu r ianuflact urci s daimi t lia I iel cIIItNi iptioil moiii ilicreuses abouit -151; to 28 \Vitie Lad itiy towil1110a ta In lit t ri wi\\riis. a car iliti oe I2îuu .. tn \ i prolhaiîi> get orn (10i \~ilo t uîne atowiigatrî l - i it l enti traile a îV iii anIt kV. :e: troj)IIt \Viti seI-coli1aiued unit 1 itately ltalit . tlim t h r a (mit Wil it hut lttwa te r. sh ove r, etc. ('a npgrutn uit Ice S4.0 lier day. 1.' S7 to SQ \Viti i'eed a itatuilv out live verv eaisily i i y epare Noul OW1\ Ti iea1Is. 1Hîtat l tdt eVCli hui it ue testatiiaitt1 nical for the same famnily! ) Cars Luse gasolitte wiîethler îtey are puling a t railci or tot iThe stiglit tilCreiise wIîiI ci niing long dlist ances t ow ngo an lR.V. is Lctually onlly 53) to S4 laity. A stantdcard niut el tradîiert or tenu t raiter cati operate loti or l'ive \veeks w\ittî the \01tilie La seltcotaii i nit wi tii --as Ltplia ice s wî t t neeci to refilt cvIil ites eveîv sevenl to itlliam-, (Co)itiitutiitls Lise). \ar.tisîttu, a fi£ure ol about i gallo n per ciLtyper persoit tlopi cl it0 iiill. wLliirnk.Lut wiii ltliitci e ;Li Litt\ of, tout abolit t()ie week. 1 Ie 1iiiig ~ieti iiiuea o a re iltt a1 ttec t cci b, tuttiber ot pLss- The ct s to stay in CLttitpgrout ituls averLiges S3 to , .5' 1 pet iighit. dependiiîg oin \letttei ttey Luse liook-u ps (wvLter, . ,.ý:er. se\ver) or nol. Rogttty. S525 bS30 \veekty. wltils a fair c ry troti typicat S140i)tii S200 weekiy in ittotets,. t tfor sttelt er atone. Camîpi ng vettic les often htave bet ter road ctearantce tItan autoinobîles. Trailers, fo r instance, have better cleatance than cars. It is si,' to say that driven sensibty R.V.'s cati go places where cars caît go su, svlien the pavemiren t ends, carry on! The life (ifati R.V. depetics on)tt tlype retueinbcriiig tîlLt are the fastest growing way to enjoy a careful thotiglit, planning and researchi to By consulting onle find out the facts a traiter lias very f'ew înoving parts. Applianices, water systcfis and saiiitary systetus require periodic mnainitenance, bu t given prpe care anid Littent ion roosi \veti-nade U.V.s viil lasi as long as tiîir Offvne rs. Onie of' TII E nîost inîpor- talit t li igs Peoîple pay too tittie aittenitioit to is nîaking sure tlhey Lre correctiy hiitched. By titis we nieain. thecccrrect ttitctt assembiy 1for your car and traiter. Use equaiizerr- v<'hiti required. isi) a s\vay- con trot. Make suire <'our Iiitelithalt is thle correct hieighit and don't try to save S2 by buyinig a clîeap bail. Il is the dealers responsibitity to ad- vise you whiat you need in the wvay oif a lîitch, lirake contr-ot, transmission cooter. etc. Aîîother iiitlortaiit and costy item if overtooked, is correct winterizing. Last, bu t iot teast, when you buy a traiter or tent traiter, you have mnade a good investinient, yoîî witt hiave fun, years of enijoyinent and at very tittle cost. R.V.'s DO NOT depreciate Ii!:e cars. North Brock Motor Sales Limited G LE NDETTE GOLDEN FALCON SCAMPER CITATION i TRILLIUM G LEN E LLE FALCON FLYTE CORSAI R TRAVELINER BOLER Parts and Accessories GLENDALE CITATION CORSAI R LCENTUR ION MO TORJ HOMES- At These 3 Locations 2069 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 516 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-17 2' HWY No. 12 1 mile north of MANCHESTER 985-3372 839n4423 WNe pride ourselves with carrying a selection of R.V.'s tci suit ahi tastesand pockets. TRA VEL TRZ4ÃLERS mm R.V.