Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 18

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PAGE, 18, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1976, WHITBY.,FREE PRESS F. Fee Press68-11 Emporum 1969 PLYMOUTH SATEL-I LITE - new battery, new tires,I winterized including tune-upmI A-1, will certify, $875. Cali 655-4101.I 1975 CHEV IMPALA C'USTOM - 6,000 miles, factory Narranty renîaining, $ 5,000 tirîi. Caîl 576-6197. 1965 MERCURY COMET- licenses, uncexrtified, good running condition, $,00 o cr best offer. MustseIl. Cali 655-4834. 1971 DODGE DEM#%N - 340 engine, racing carni, hooker headers, 4 speed, new paint job, $ 1,200 or best offer. Cail 668-7856. 1968 DOUGE DART- excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CHEV, restor- able c=.dition, $200 or best offer. Cal 655-4213 or 655-3733- 1966 CHEV CAPRICE - good mechanical condition, tires, not certified, $200 or best offer. Cali Don at 668-7711 ext. 274. 1964 FORD FA1RLANE- 6- cylinder, in fair shape generally, not certified, needs some body work, $125 or best offer. Cali 655-4525. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $1,800. Call 668-5745- One 8 track TAPE P"Ay- ER, $50; One lazy boy recliner, in per fect copndition, $80; One transistor radio, $5;2 snow tires, size G78-14, rims &-discs in good condition, $50. Cal 668-3549 after 5 p.m. OUTBOARD MOTOIR - Johnson 3 horse, good running condition, $125. Cail 668-5060 after S p.m. 5 MOPI-1) - New Bronco, 150' miles, highrise liandlebars, deluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, wil go 40 m.p.hi.,-$450 or beSt offer. Caîl 668-7190. TANDEM TRAILER -fiat Ibed, -3,000 lb. capacity, al heavy ',duty framie, aIl »ewv tires, com- Fplete with light accessories, $450. Caîl 668-4939. FERRING - Hiarlcy Daidson 1200, $65; 4 MAG wheels and tires for foreign car, $80; 3 sets ,of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. Caîl 668-4449. CHIP TRUCK- fully equip- ped, freshly painted inside, new tires, alum-inumn body, asking $3,000 or best offer. Caîl 728-7623. Custom-made extra heavy duty TRAILER HITCH for. 1974-7.5 pinte stationwagon $25. Cal 1 rA - ,', 1972 VEGA STATION- WAGON - radio, automatie, good running condition, mnust selI, $995. Ca11 668-5731. 1967 'PONTIAC STATION- CHEST DRAWERS - $5 WAGON - 283, good running Set B3UNK BEUS, with springs, condition, body fair, power no mattress, size 36 inch width, stecrinig & brakes, certified, $300 $50. Cali 668-9009. or best offer. ýCalI 668-7006, _____________-1____ 196 CHV IPAL - ody BED CHESTERFIELD - 3 fair, motor good, interior fair, pmonthr omd e rey titre ss, $250 as is. Cali 668-9757. plscrm faetndgas end table, bougit for $500, il ONE AIROF KIS- plesell for $300. Call655-4101. bindings, safety strap and boots - si7, onty been used 4 times.. Mens S-spced BICYCLE - s65.Cell728-1291. j almost new, $60. Cal 728-0664 $65. atI 'fter 6:30 n.m. 1975 GREMLIN' - standard, » YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING excellent condition, $2,650 orI GUITAR - witi case, $200. Cati necarest offer. Cail Ed at 655-4385 after 5 p.m. 668-1152 or 728-75-27.I - GAI Q~MN year oîd, fits boys 9-13, pads, REFRIDGERATOR - Ad- mask , gloves, ami & ciest protec- mirai, white, 6 months old, tor, $60. -Ca11668-5714. man68 der9t7825.6a. Two - clectrie quarter horse 668986 _________MOTORS - $10 each; 1 !SPEAKER 1972 MOBILE HOME- sleeps 4 possibly 6, fridge & stove, lots of storage, 2 closets, 8 x 15 canopy, asking $5,400 or --')est offer. Call 655-4558. 1972 SKIDOO - 335 Olymnpie, trailcar,. double bed trailer, cover and accessories,; asking price $600 or best offer Caîl 655-3932. 1949 CHEV ½/TON PANEL - one owaer, 44,000 original miles, needs some b ody work, $500; VOf'KSWAGON VW TRAILER HITCH, $20; Vie- torian CHAIR, set of 6, in good condition, asking $70 each; wond stove . $50. Cal 668-9293. 15 foot HOIJSE TRAI LER - 1968, complete with reese hitch, sleeps 6, lots of storage, portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tcnt included, $1,500. Caîl 1-705-277-2790. BOAT - 1975 Grew SS 151I 70 hersepower Evinroote motor, e-z leader trailer, pllias extra equipment suci as paddles, life jacket, swim ladder, etc., used only one seasen, cemplete package, $4,000. Caîl 668-5386. Ludwig 7-piece DRUM S-ET- witi genuine Zîldjian symibols, excellent condition, asking $550. Çall 728-2518. Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE -- with auto- matie turn table, about 1943 model, fully functioning, solid walnut, $300 cash. Caîl 579-1593. 1975 CHEV - 283 V8, two door, as is, $125. CaIl 668-8567. TRAILER - (Tandem axle), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable for car, boat or skidoo, $375. Caîl 655-3411. 1964 3/ TON GMC 'PICK-UP TRUCK. - new motor, 6,000 miles, as is or parts, $350. Caîl 668-5731. SWIMMING POOL CLEAR- ANCE disposing of 1975 Trade-ins, various sizes & shapes available in aiuminum and wood construction, some with manufacturers warranties stili in effect. Wiii seli at fraction of original seliing price. Cati coilect anytirne Now. Naturally JI Good ar 9 -ta bring out the bet' oit and your hair. We cut it the way it grows . .. and shape t ta suit your face. MEN'S HAURSTYLING, 1i- CLASSIFIED.,ý. .ADVERTISING' Two SNOW TIRES - with rims, $NioyalTItEr-Ride, F78-14, new, $55. Cail 655-3879., Duncan five drop leaf TABLE - $165; ornat box stove, $100, press back rocker, $125; 6 chieken coop chairs, $150; hexagon table, $75. CatI 668-*7944- EMEFRSON TV SET - with radio , record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest ofe.CalI 668-7446. SET 0F STEWART DRUMS - conîplete with pedal seat and !syînbols, $150. Cal 668-6760. LADIES brown COAT - like new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls coats, size 10 & 12, $6 each. Çall 668-1123. SOUND AM-FM SOLID STATE STEREO RECEIVER $100. Caîl 668-7601. Two Firestorie SNOW TIRES - C78-14, $20; Two RIMS, 4-hole, fits 1970 Mavcrick, $8. Cal 668-4461. ANTIQUE lESK --withi cabinet, over 100 ycars old, rcstorcd, $250. Cail 655-3750. radio, record player, and 8S ack, asking $200 or best orfer. 4 x 8 POOL TABLE, ail accessories, $150. Caîl 655-3180. RUG -l2'xl0'x6"', orminge, goîd, browni tonie, $60; STOVE, 24 inch, wvhite, excellent working condition, $40:ý COUCVI & 2 CHAIRS, black Icather. $60. Cali 728-8467. WINDOWS -- WOODEN STORMS --3, 34 x 54-Y4 2, 3 1x43; 2, 28x43; 1, 24x47; I. 28;42Y4, $4 each. Cali 655-4559. l-i-Low IFre,ucilcy SCANOR - onie second dclay. with 8 crystal frequencies ' police band, OPP, fire departmnent frequencies, large antenna, $300. Cali 579-0757. Two vinyl covered DAVEN- PORTS with matching CHIAIR orange, suitable for playroom or cottage, $50. Caîl 668-50219. STOVE - 4 burner, hleav) daty 30 in.., $35; 5 picce DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. Caîl 668-6750. Uprighit 9 cubie foot FREEZER - wvith upper fridge, $ 100; older m odel F RIDGE, $ 50, both are in good condition Caîl 655-3683. 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - V,8, 2 door hardtD~p, ,)over steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, minor body work, $2,000. Caîl 668-9805. Two SNOW TIRES - 6.50 x 15, ideal for a Volkswagoii, 3,-000 mniles, asking $35. Caîl 668-6491. Black Persian Lamb COAT - size 16, also smnall hats, both in good condition, $125. Cal 668-8453. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100. Caîl 668-1384. RUGS Il x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 earth colours, rust, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. Call 668-7923. AM-FM STEREO RECEl VER- $325; unique table, solid miaple Itable top, $450. Caîl 668-5910. STOVE - small, $60; B&W Phlco, $60; teak chesterfield and -chair, $85;, antique Raymond treddle sewing machine, $65. CatI 668-6080. WINTER COAT Imitation fur, leopard type, 2 years old, worn twice, $25. Ca11 579-3569. A CCORDIAN 120 Bass Mun- dinger - with case, il switches on keyboaid, very good condition, asking $300. Call 725-8162. Moffat STOVE - 221/2inchi, $20; Antique treddle SEWING MACHINE, $30; CHIINA CABI- NET, $15; Antique 4' stand, up PHONOGRAPU, $25; 'Antique wood planes, $3 cadi; two TIRES on rims, size F-78-14, $25.. Cal 668-9644. TIRES - Michelin radial, size 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim, $45. Caîl 668-5040 after 5:30. neyer u Lsed, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, 30 Caîl 668-5767. SWIVEý'L CHAIR - $15; VAPORIZER, $5; coffee perk, $10; sandwicl4- GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpe t SWEEP- ER, $10; G.E. floor POLISIIER, $ 10; 6 apple cratms $2 - ach, RANETTX,$15; VACUUM -cleaner, $5. Cali 668-9404. 1REVERB - rayr signature K$250. Caîl 655-4978. Beige CHESTERFIELD & HAIR moem ty .l ELood CondItionmodern stylck & conitiScndi$1avian2styl V,-ke& nwit$75; 1963avARCADl TIAN ik BEAUMONT5; go1d63 or, Dnd lite bUoy vok, orby ldy, astl bod, ask $250; Clay, 723-9225 after 5 pa. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE basc & dust cover incîudcd, lias automatîc shutoff & antiskate, audio techniica cartridge, only uscd for two nmonthls, $230 firmi. ('aIl 668-3015 after 5:30 pi. Olie 2-0 gallon AQUARIUM anld STAND --aIl accessories ncluding fishi, conîplete $90 or l)est offer; One 10 gallon AQUARIUIM itlî stand & fish. compîcte $60 or best offer, extra accessories also for sale. Cail 668-4690. Kent Spaniîli ELE-'CTRIC GUITAR - like ncw, with custoni made amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Caîl 576-8042. $30;Aminiserrug, '90x Wine rug, $25; Oval braided rug, $12; 2 blue ones, $11; Silence cloth for dining roorn table, $4; drapes, $2 pair' large floral arrangement, $3.50; guide uniform, $12; brownie uniform, $10; 5 picce chrome set, $16; coffee table, $3: easy bake oven, $5; ladies winter coat, aIl wcathcr coat $10 caci, suit $8, dress, $3, sizes 12-14. Caîl 723-2426. H-omemade SNOW CRU ISER - excellent for working in bush, $ 100; one MINI BIKE FRAME, & 66 under; also 1960 ARMY PANEL TRUCK -1/ ton, $150. Caîl 728-0234 and ask for Don. VA NITY - extremnely large imirrer, $30; large brown vinyl CHIAIR, $10; Phillips etric tool & knife sharpener, brand new, $8. Caîl 668-6567. Singer Feather Weight SEWING *MACHINE, $40 ; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new tovs, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., still in boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Caîl 668-6715. DOG FOR SALE - pure-bred, iBeagle, 2 yrs old, female, spayed, pet great with children. Cal 668-9722. -N NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in tiheIýREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sèllTiere will pot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless tie item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commissio n based on THE ADVERTISED PRîCE as illustrated below. All advertisemeflts must be placed on an exclusive basis witi the- WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 15% of advertised price up to $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold itemn advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.5C (minimum commission is $ 1.00) listed as a private advertiser. s0 that we rnay delete itfrom the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadlirie for emporium ads is the Monday at on for office or student, $75. Cal 669-9473. RACER BICYCLE - excellent condition $35. Caîl 668-5541. Call 668-6750. sized,* good condition, $40;, formulite rnolded bathroomn basin j7'/? $6 each, picture window, new. $ 100. Cali 655-3411. storm 58X64 $30, window size could be aîtered slightly. Caîl LEADING POOL MANU- 723-8220. FACTURER has 1975 above CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- ground redwood type poois TIONER MARK 5 - automatie, available, willing to sacrifice 6 -mon tis used and in perfect at haif price. Cail coileet condition, $250; Mecca sterco anytimne 667-1302. TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot water ______________ CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car 50 Cedar FENCE RAILS - (17its any car) $15; 19" Philco $ ahGRG OR B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. $1 x7ac$1; SGARAsG DR,& ('aIl 668-9746. 9'x7v $5 paihGIA case, excellent condition, $20; 1969 CRYSLER Newyorker - floor POLISHER, $20. Cal very good' condition, with alI 655-3534. options, low mileage, certified,- $ 1,250. Ca!l 6553019. GIITAR - Triple- pickiap -electrie, wiîl seli for $35, ideal for CHESTERIYIELD & CHAIR - rock grup.- Call 66 8-2860. in good condition,$5.Cl WHITE RATS - inother & 668-2987. fatier,. plus eight young, $10. G(ÏýronSTROLER- exel-CalI 668-9860 after S p.m. and lent condition, $25. Cal 655-3624. ask for Dan. Etcctrolux VACUUMMdeaneri New 39" Continental with power nosal, f.ir condition, BEDS - $59.90; New 4 Cal 728-7479 after 6 p.m. -DRAWER CHEST - $29.9b. UPRIGHT PIANO -S500. IBiake's Warehouse Ltd., Call 655-33 83. 11i Dundas St. W. Cati 668-1577 New Sewing Machines _____________ SALES AND REPAIRS. Ail SHELTY (miniature cornies) rnakes, new and used. PUPS - 10 weeks old, needed, Blake's Warehouse Ltd., dewormed, registred, and 111 Dundas St. W. tatood, mother has obiedence Cali 668-1577 titles, father-chanpion in breed. -Excellent pedigree, sable &white NIKON FTN CAMERA - 50 in colour, $135 each. Cal mm., 11.4 lense, 200 mm., f4.0 723-1088. nikkor lense, electronie flash, DRUMMER NEEDED - a $525. C ll 6685259. - 1 ,1.f-r nl hnrsir1 mustcd size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHQES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfec.t condition. Cal 668-9073. 21 cubie foot FRIDGE- in working condition, asking $100. Cati 668-3290. PUPPY - Afghan femnale, nine weeks, purebred, no papers, $50 or best offer. Caîl1668-9879. 7½/. $23.50. CaIl 668-Z407. anù over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, -nylon with solid aluminum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. SI/' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, iardlyused, $10. CalI 668-4465. music' If interested eall 655-4120. SPRING FASHIONS, arring now but we stili have your winter needs at -The Neariy New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., whtby. Open daily 9: 30-5 :30. 12.6 ACRES 0F LAND- house & barn useable, small restaurant, unuseable as restaur- ant. *Approximately 600 feet of highway frentage on Highway 12. Cail 655-3733 or 655-4213. NEW FURNITURE- BUNK BEDS complete from $Î29.95; MATTRIESS 54" from $39.95; S PIECE DINNETTE from $4,91-5 Many oth, Iarticles§ no reasonabte- offel refused. THOMPSON SALES, I302 Kingston Rd. at Altona Rd., '300 Hf.P. CAMSHA7T'& sollds Pickering. Caîl 282-8056. offenhainser twin carb higi risc for small block Chevy, like new, WANTED- - mature asking $200. Çall 6554723. womnan to corne into my COAT - Ladies black prsian home, to babysit an infant, lamb approximateîy size 20, in Mon-Fni. Cali 668-3789 good condition, will seIl for $50. after 5 p.m. Caîl 725-5714. Emo._______________ e'uu & UHOLSERY SWIMMING POOL SACRI- i'i.uha &EQUIPHULSIL-Y FICE: 'Leading Manufacturer vacuum cleaner & cleaning addsrbtrla bv supplies, like new, cost over ground alumninum pools ieft $3,000. Will selI for $ 1,850. over fromi 1975 season, ½4 Caîl Port Pcrry 1-985-7704 pie uriteisalto evenings. pîe urnedisalto and ternis. Cati Credit >u RIjBREE'D IRISII SE-VUrTI- maniager, coileet, Mississîîuga 6 montis 'od, with 1apu, I 416 625-8819 d aîys or Cal 655-3122. evenitngs. ATTENTION FARMERSIII WH Y PA Y ORE? $A N PR £ M OU QA LMY 'w- DIESEL FUEL - IeM OTOR Ol OUI ex lo.> U. 668-3381 -W 1 m m 90 -MM NOTICE , AD RS a ret'ailer BOX, SIS. Call 668-6750. 1

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