WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1976, PAGE 15 BWMHA Br-ookiiliu.WhMitby Miior hLckey Association Atom AlIstar teamns have been busy of la te. MINOR ATOM The Witby Mail Florists rinor atonisemnerged as Grand Champions in a recent tournanent at Newmarket. Joey Nieuwendyk paced the Florists to a 5-2 victory over Chingacousy in the first garne. Gary Roberts added a single. Robbie Rousseau and Rory Hunter repliedfor the losers. The Florists then downed host Newmarket 5-3 on a pair of goals by Dave Saclhko and singles by Dave Donaldson Gary Roberts and Joey Nieuwendyk. Scott Cote, Andy Mattice and Ken Smith scored for Newniarket. The final saw the Florists trounice Orillia 7-1 on two- goal efforts by Gary Roberts and Joey Nieuwendyk and singles by Billy Callan, Dave Sachkoand Dave Donaldson. Todd Chapman picked up the losers' only goal.. In an exhibition contest, the Florists edged Pickering fYS DIFFERENT, 000 lt's a registered retirement annuity for people who neyer before would consider -buying a registered re- tirement annuity. ISun Life of Canada's Flexible Premum Retirement IAnnuity. New and dramatically different. Does every- Ithing you'd expect a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to do today ... for tomorrow. %MWb FRANK GRIFFIN 668-8394 WHITBY 5-4 on a hattrick by Joey Nieuwendyk and singles by Dave Sachko andi Gary Robcrts.' D. Kelyk, B. Spragnola, S. Young and K. Powers scored in a losing cause. MAJOR ATOMS The Brooklu Concrete Products major atorns were blaniked 3-0 by Lindsay in a regular .season gpalle. Ronnic i laili and Dale shared the shutout and Paul Ellis, Jeff' Schaeffer and Gary I lowell provided the necessary offensive punch. "ONE 0F THE YIAr'S lIN lEST" .;-Clyde GiImour, Toronto Star p HO N E-723-3467 CINEMA 17:10 9:30 ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST Starring Jack Nicholson 7:00 9:20 p %J tý N F- 7M-3447 CENTRE RESTAURANT& TAVERN OSHAWA CENTRE (Next ta the Cinemas> Excellent Food Fast, Courteous Service WERE THE BEST IN SIGHT THE OPTICAL I16lMOUI '- 4 %WJ 13 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 579-1242 KARL A. BLAKOLMER ELFI KROHN DISPENSING OPTICIANS LUVE HIT SINGLE 'HOLD ME TOUCH ME' - . MASONUC HALL COCHRANE STREET WHITBY $6 COUPLE SHIRLEY I FIELDS. TV STAR 1ALI H aTE OoWhere were you in '62? COMPLET SHOWS NIGFITLYp U'N -430 70& < 9:15 ['HONI 125 5833 t M 1immended aso AOULT INTSRTAINMENT COMPLETE SH( 7 00 y Sat. & Sun.2-4: 7 & PHONE 723-2843 The year is 2024.- a future you'll probably live to see. )WS 30, a rather kinky tale of surviva SPLE -ASE NOTE! THI S 1 S NOT A FI LM FOR CHI LDREN! CHILDRENS MTINEE EVERY SATURDAY 1H15 -WEEI HEIDI AND PETER ALL DOOS PE 1:30 ENL' 0ILO'SSAURAYNATNE DAWSEATS DHOWRS OEN 12:30 $Nf 11O ATRA ITNLDA SHOW OUT APPROX. 4:15 IST PRIZF 1 CCM PURSUIT (5 SPEED, courtesy ol PLWCCEAND SPORTSAT%.IW) m ,MUSTDE PRESSEENT TYFORM WITM SACH PHNE75-83 N ORDEA TO WIN MATINSEE ADMISSION PHON 725833 RAW DATE MAY 29th, 1978 .4 J? SINCE 1950 THEY'VE BELIE VED "ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING WELL" - AND) BELIEVE ME. f CHARGEX TflTN'Q DOES IT WELL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION'S FOR UNBEATABLE WORKMANSHIP & PRICES 728-7339 222 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CANADIAN SCOTTUSH CLUB DANCE SAT.FEB. 21 6, Registered Retirement Savings Plans Compounded 1/2 yearly Paid on five year term (Guaranteed Investment Certificate Plan) Member Canada Deposit Iiisurance Corporation ~ Serving Ontario since 1889 VICTORIMAnOGREY TRUST COMPANY 308 DUNDAS STREET W WHITBY » e . A& -- P M 00 NN if Y 22 33 - 33 012 1