Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Feb 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY, FERIRJARY 4,,1976, WiIITBY FREE PRESS WhUtby will make up onemthird 0f Region of Durham's hub Jim Richards (riglit), an engineer anid designer with the province's Ministry of Transportation and Cornmunicati3ns, discusses the proposed widening of Highway 401 with John Nixon of Whitby. Free Press Photo 4101wdnigs (arts soon ol' aboliti 20,000(ai present,1 will beco)il1e part oni ýhc ccittri litîib nflIllettegion ni'l)nrhitat witilî a poplation W of(Ver l 07,000 by te year 2000. liti reLictn)n, contailnec il] Stage l'0ar1-Of'the Iregion1'S of'licial planl, vas IRi t ortît by mlembers of' the Planning and Development ('ommitlice lasi week. About 100 people crowded the conincil chanmbers to he:tr that Whitby, Oshawa and Courtice would become the centre of the region with a population of 365,000 by the year 12000, thus creating a focal point for industry and commer ce. The town's urban popula- tion south of Taunton Road is expected to grow fror 2 1,000 p10) Ittat1 ion is cxl)ected 10 reniain ai 7,000, excIlusive Of Brooklin, cLIrrently the sub- jeci of a special study. Thci plan forecasîs a total 1,950 acres of' industry in Witby by the year 2000. It sets out tbec'maximum total iloor space for retail and personal service commercial arcas in die town as follows: 800,000 square f e ci for Rossland Road and Garden Street, 350,000 square feet' for the four-cornes area and 350,000 square feet for Thickson and Dundas Stý.eets. Two special sbucly areas - Brooklin and the area bounded Thickson, Rossland, and Taunton Roads and the Oshawa-Whitby border -will have iheir futures deîermined after studies by Whitby Countcil hatve been completed. Copies (of disetssion paper four are avttil,,ble ai the Departîment of Planning and Developm-ent's office at 105 Cotisumers Drive in Witby, telephone 668-7731 ext. 74. The public's comrnents, in the formi of written, sub- missions, wiIl be accepted u ntil March 1. Anyone wishiing an appoint- ment t() appear beore the Planning and Development Comnmittee should mail his or her request by February 20. <Address your submîssions or requesis for appointrnentS to The Chairman and Mem- bers of Council, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. Attention: Mr. C. Lundy, Regional Clerk. The widening of Highway 401 can be carried out with no future expropriation of properties in Whitby, accord- ing 10 officials from the province's Ministry of Trans- portation and Communica- tions. The MTC officiaIs wereéin Whitby on Wedrtesday and Thursday 10 answer questions from residents on the pro- posed widening of the, high- way from four t0 six lanes within the town. The ministry- anticipates that the reconstruction orhe 1I highway fromi Brock Road in Pickering 10 the easterly limits of Oshawa, scheduled to begin shortly, will be completed within five years. No future expropriation is needed because, according 10 the officiais, the province is already in possession of sufficient property to carry out the projeci. Althoughi no new inter- changes will be built for ingress to and egress froni .Whitby, the existing en- trances and exils aI Brock Street and Thickson "'oad, the scene of a number of 2 f or 1 SALE Any TWO alike articles Dry Cleaned for tie price of One. Example i Bring two suits for cleaning and payfor only ONE.I This offer good when this cuo speetdwt incoming order only. NTVALID WHEN PICKING UP CLEANING ORDER Expires February 14, 1976I ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 106 Brock St. S., WhitbyI L - - - - -Phone 668-6491__I accidents in the past, will be upgraded. The minîstry also plans 10 remnove the Canadian National Railway tracks which cross the highiway at Pringle Creek. Bible society suecessful The Whitby Branch of the Canadian Bible Society re- ports a successful year in 1975, wiih total contribu- tions for the ycar amiounting to S4,972.39. am nt 0f tibis anwt S3,328.91 was raised by the annual walkathon in Septemiber. Plans are already under way for ibis years walkatihon, Sept. 25. Students> frorn OLC to JVaterloo Students from the Ontario Ladies' College will be among 2)1 6 senior highi school students visiting the Univer- sity of Waterloo Saturday to take part in a compuiter science day. The students will spend the day learning abo tt computers and will use one w' the mnulti-million dollar cotmputers on the university campus 10 find solutions 10 p roblIems. Lasi year almost 9,000 students from 232 Ontario schools visited the University campus. . Birch says plan,'les too speclifie Whitby Planning Director Keith Birch charged ai last Monday's counicil meeting that the region's official plan 15 100 specific. Speaking before counicil in cornmiittee-of-thie-whiole, Mr. Birch said ihat lie felt the planl does not, as it should, provide a structural analysis 10 de termine the best structure for the region in termis of seulemnent patterns. SHe said ihat it should be dealing wiîh ge ieralized items such as settlement areas, eliploynlent areas and miajor recreational areas aw ci the transportation tb and froni those areas. Section 60 of the Regional Act, Mr. Birch pointed out, sets out ail local nmunicipal itics as district planning areas wvhich establishies a îxvo-tier planning systemi. Hiowever, lie does 1101 feel that stage tour follows Ihat guid'line. lie said ihat, by going mbt detailed policv con trois, the region is duplicating the nmunicipalities' planning functions and con- trolling the chiaracier of individual local m-unicipalities. Mr. Birch said thiat, by going IL) this detail, t1e region is focussing attention on local issues when it should be con- cerning itself with the overaîl regional aspect. As a result, "you can'i see the wood for the trees", he said. Mr. Birch also expressed both public and private, will disappoinînient that, in the be utilized ho achieve the plan, there is little comment goals and objectives of the on how capital investment, region. Theft charges laid Three men linve been Police 'are looking for arrested by Durhiam Regional thieves who broke the' front Police and char,-ed with theft window of Patterson Elec- over $200 after S300 worth îronics, 1 05 Coiborne St. W., of building materials were early Friday morning and stolen froni a truck parked at mnade off with a radio and the Royal 1-l last television set worth S240. Wcdnesday. Police also report thiat two Charged are John Como, cy rnbals and a stand valued 26, of 217 îpowmian Ave and ai $150 were stolen from Terry Sher-arer, 22, of 215 Hcrnry Street High Schi.ol Pcrry St., Whiitby, and Jed last week. Kadwell, 24, of Camnbray. Association for retarded fund-raising dance on February 14- The Ajax -Picke ring-Whi tby Association forithe Mentally Retarded will be holdirtg a fund-raising dance ah the Sheridan Mail Ballroom, Pickering, Feb. 14 at 8:30p.m. Tickets are available at $7.50 a couple by phioning 655-3276 or 668-4402. Offtcers of the association for 1976, elected aI a recent mieeting are: Presidenb, Mrs. liiez CurI; FirstVice-President Mrs. M. Brooks; 'Second Vice-President, T. Stolk; Secretary, Mrs. H. Salmers;, Treasîtrer, P. Dooley; Nursary School Chairmnat, Mrs. J. Richardson; and Member at Large. B. Smith. Celebration singers St. Mark's Church The Celebraton Sîngers, of the Toronto Welsh Presbybery will present an evening of singing it St. Mark's United Chntrch Feb. I15, under the leadership of M rs. Lois 1-lamiltoni and accompanied liv Mr'ç Hilde Toi]. Rev. Harry Atkinson, well known to many in the Whitby area wilI be the song leader. Mrs. Toil, who spent her girl-hood years ini Whitby and was a miember of the St. Mark's congregation, wilI be tlhe guest speaker at the morning service the same day. YO UNG DRIVERSI 0F CANADA FEDERALLY CHARTERED NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION DRI VER EDUCATION COURSE 4j\YOUNG DRIVERS 24 YRS & UNDER UP TO 30% INSURANCE DISCOUNT TAX DEDUCTABLE . 0oAt FUALLY THE COURSE PAYS FOR ITSELF F~OR COURSE SCHEDULES CALL 579-4111 AETDRIVERS, OVER 24 YRS. CALL 579-4112 Agnes Diisney'S Fashionable Haif Sizes Our 2nd Annual JANUARY SALE 20% TO 40% Off ONLY 10 DAYS LEFTI1 SIZES 12% to 52 108 Brock St. S-9, Whitby, Ontario 668-4375 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING WHUTBY THE MOST IN DRY CLEANUNG offers up to 50% SAVINGS ON DRY CLEANIN COUPON 1 m

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