Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Feb 1976, p. 19

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i4le,,-Îmq, V~g IJJ~.~g ~«À~4~O I Fiee Press Emporium 1969 PLYMOUTHI SATEý,L- LITE - new battery, ncw tires, winterized including ttune-uipmi A-1, will eertify, $875. Cal 655-4101. 1975 (C1EFA' IMPALA CUSTOM 6,000 Miles, factory warranty remnaining, $5,000 irmn. Caîl 576-6197. 1965 MERCURY COMET licenses, uncertified, good runn ing condition, $30 or best offer. Must sell. Caîl 655-4834. 1971 DODGE DENIAN - 34 0 engine, raeing canu,. hooker headers, 4 speed, new paint job, $ 1,200 or best offer. Cal'668-7856.- 1968 DODGE DARI.- excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CHEV, restor- able conidition, $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1966 CHEV CAPRICE - good mechanical condition, tires, not certified, $200 or best offer. Call Don at 66 8-7 71l1 ex t. 274. 1964 FORD FAIRLANE - 6 cylinder, in fair shape -ge rerally, not certîfied, nec-ds some bodly vork, $125 or best offer. Caîl 655-4525. 1968, 302 ENGINE automatie transmission, Caîl 655-3463. ,à - -with $200. 1967 pONTI->& STATION- WAGON - 283, good running c ondition, body fair, power steering & brakes, certifiz-d, S300 or bceçt offer. Caîl 668-7006,' - 1965-CHfEV-1IPALA - body fair, miotor good, interior fair, $250 as is. CuIT 668-9757. ONE PAIR OF SKIS - pole, cl'tvçrnadboots CLASSIF-IED.. 668-61 .1* i ADVERTISING' (?omplete SNOWMOBILE OUTFIT- 1972 RUPI> Knitro 400 complete with tuefi, excellett condition, only 300 miles; 1972 Thorens double-wide traiter, custoal RUIP meins suit, spaire belt, case or oit, and hielmiet, asking $ 1,000. ('aIl 668-9902. OUTBO0AR D Johinson 3 horse, conditioni, $125. after 5 1),111. MOTOR - good runnlig Caîl 668-5060 MOPLDI- Newv Bronco, 150 mbiles, highirise iandlebars, delu\e seat, 148 miles per gallon. will go 40 mi.p.h., $450 or beýst offer. Cail 668-7 190. TANDEM TRAILER - flat bcd, 3,000.lb. capacity, ail lhcavy ý"uty framne, aIl new tires, corn- piete ith lighit accessories, $450. Cail 668-4939. FERRING - H-arley Davidson 1200, $65; 4 MAG wvheels and tires for forcign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. Caîl 668-4449. -, CHIP TRUCK - fulîy equip- ped, freshly painted inside, new tires, auminum body, asking $3,000 or best offer. Caîl 728-7623. Customn-made extra heavy dluty TRAILER HITCH for, 1974-7-C: pinto stationwagon $25. Cal 11969 CHEV '/, TON PANEL TRUCK - un..ertified, needs some body work, $1,200 or best ffer. Caîl 655-4356. r EýT RAERS'- $45; Set BUNK BEDS, with springs, nu mattress, size 36 mncli it, $50. Caîl 668-9009. BED CHESTERFIELD - 3 mionths old, Beverley . nattress, plus chrome fram-e, tinted glass end table, bought for $500, wiiI sli for $300. Cal 655-4101. onungs, saieens t-speedlBICYCLE size 7, only been used 4 tim.esý. Men -pe IYL $6.Cal 728-1291. Ialmost new, $60. Cal 728-0664 $65. - fter 6:30 n.m. 1975 GREMLIN - standard, excellent condition, $2,650 or nearest o ffe r. Caîl E d a t 668-1152 or 728-7S2.7. 1970 DODGE CHALLEËN- WGON - 12V8,funew ctires $1,00.rbestoffer.8Cati455-49 1969 CRBILERNeHOrEr vlery good ony6 don, wthaIl loti o s o age, 2cete, 15s fe.Cit 655-019. 19756EALOADDITTION- DAOGE-DART,-forwtbraes, $inylor eouf liht ackage,-stee. beed white wanditirs, whel wpinowefroste, cceengie,- 71,50mls 40. Ca n be-319 19705h/pEboss 302MTOR OD) - com-poer baaned &bleprwited, c rescam & roers, trw pisos, ulticards wou sysem, sheer cclutchass,., rew5kedtopmaer,,004speed & meer 3,000KngSt. istedmu s1i!0$1,65bor b2est ofr 1967rs COUGARiton, mallrV8,s ariutoatioe, p/ &adio ery uods oiyton, sreet paitchjob & wmnred, er 00ifmsed, must5o best of fer, must seil! Cul 655-446 1, ask for Wayne. Now! Look Naturaliy Good We go aiong with Nture to bring out the best ini you and your hoir. Wé cut it he way it grows. .. and shape t to suit your face. MEN'S HAll WhIthy Pieu YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR- with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p.m. «1GOALIE EQUIPMENT - Two SNOW TIRES - with rmsq, Uniroyal Winter Ride, ,1 78-14, new, $55. Caîl 655-3879. Duncami five drop TABLE -$10m5; ornaI bo.xý $100, pess back rocker, 6 cliieken coup chairs, 668-ag4. table, $75. s tove, $ 125; $ 150; Cal SKATES 1,OR SAL-Lmns size 8, as new $5.00; men's burrer, size 11, almnost nesv, $5.00; men's size 8, good, $5.00; me's size 7, $3.00; ladies figure, size 5, $3.00. Cal 668-2479. -LADIES brown COAT --. ike new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls coats, size 10 & 12, $6 each. Caîl 668-1123. Premitive pine CUPBOARD - witli glass doors, $450; large pine wardrobc, $375; pine blanket box $175. Caîl 668-7944. Two Firestone SNOW TIRES - C78-14, $20; Two RIMS, 4-hole, fits 1970 Maverick, $8. Cal 668-4461. One Lloyd CARRIAGE - bro'vn and white, also une JOLLY JUMPER, $30. Caîl 728-9663. SYMPFIONIC STEREO- with radio, record player, and 8 -aek, asking $200 or best offer. 4,x 8 POOL TABLE, ail accessories, $150. CalI 655-3180. RUG - 12'xlO'x6", orainge, gold, brown tone, $60; STOVE, 24 inch, white, excellent working condition, $40; COUCII & 2 CHAIRS, black leather, $60. Caîl 728-8467. WINDOWS WOODEN S'T)RMS -3, 34 x 54%/; 2, 31x43-, 2, 28x43; 1, 24x47; 1, 28;42-Y, $4 eacb. Caîl 655-4559. FI-IARING AID - six mionths old, newv wouid cost $349.00 but wiIl selI for $ 150 or best oller. Cail 668-4885. Two vinyl covered I)AVE-N- PORTS with inatciing CH-AIR orange, suitable for playroorn or cottatge, $50. Cffîl 668-5029. 1i yeur old, fts b-oys 9-13, pads, mnask, gloves, arm & chiest pro tee- STOVE - 4 burner, Iîeavy tur, $60. Ca1668-5714. du ty 3 0 i n-,$3 5, 5 -p iece 1)I1NI1N G ________________ 1_ ROOM SET, woodumî $140. Two lectric quarter horme CadI 668-6750. MOlTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER - BOX. S15. Cuit 668-6750.,pih 9 cubie foot Ludig7-iee DUMSE -FREEZER - Nvitil upper fridge, wit geuie Zldjansymbols, botlî are in good condition excellent condition, asking $550. ICî 5-63 Ca1 728-2655-1683 Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE -- witlî auto- matic turn table, about 1943 model,' fuîly functioning, soIid walnut, $300 cash. Cal 579-1593). SWIMMING POOL SACRI- FICE - Leading Manufacturer and distributor lias above ground aiuminum pools left over from 197 5 season, 1/ 2 price, guaranteed installation and terrns. Cadi Credit Manager, coilect, Mississ- auga 416-625-8819 days or even ings. MOFFAT built-in Oven & sur- facc unit, $400; holding TANK for boat, $25; girls CLOTHING, size 6, $15; 2 iamp bases, $8; small electric STOVE, $15; electric BROOM, $7; loor POLISHIER, $15. Cali 576-6592. LIEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER bu hs 1975 above ground Redwood type pools avuilable. Wiiiing to sacrifice aI haif price. ('aIl collect anytime 16671302. __________ 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - V8, 2 door lard!p, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, minor body work, $2,000. Cal 668-9805. Two SNOW TIRES - 6.50 x 15, ideal for a Volkswagon, 3,000 miles, asking $35. Cali 668-6491. Black Persian Lamb COAT- size 16, also small bats, both in good condition, $125. Cal àçu-oJJ.. I1 SUSPENSIONIiITCII - une axle (Minti) and torsion bar supports, asking $55. Caîl 728-8056. BUFEIT$15; stainlcss steel SIN K, $10;, desk & chair, $20; convertible bicycle, medium size, $10; b)eautifulti crissy doîl, $3; Mlibu Iarbie doîl, case & soiiîe clothes, $3; bake-o-matic oven, iii good working condition, $4.50. Caîl 668-3414. T1RlIi*S- Michelin radial, size 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare wvfthi rini, $45. Caîl 668-5040 after 5:30. Englishi BOIIE ChIINA neyer used, 54 piece set in lridal Wreathl pattern, $300. Caîl 668-5767. SWIVEL CHAIR - $15; VAPORIZER, $5; coffee perk, $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpet SWEEP- ER, $10; G.E. fluor POLISHER, $10; 6 apple crates, $2 each, RANGETTE, $15; VACUUM cleuner, $5. Caîl 668-9404. RFVERB Traynor signature $250. Caîl 655-4978. Electrolux VACUUM CLEAN- ER - with power nosal, very good condition, ' 130. Cal 723-1213 after 6 p.mn. Four piece LEEDY D)RUM SET- with Ludwîg Chrome snare and stool, aIl remno leads, Zilgian ride symbols, higli bat ancl speed King pedal, lardly usecl, $325. Cal 728-5486. Dual 1218 TUIRNTABLE - base & dust cuver included, has automnati shlu toff & an tiskate, audio technica eartridge, only use(l for two montbs, $230 firm. Cal 668-3015 after 5:30 p-in. One 20 gallon AQUARIUMI and STAND - ail aceessories inludinlg fih, complete $90 or best offer; One I10 gallon AQUARIUM with stand & fishi, complete $60 or best otter, extra accessories also for sale. ('ail 668-4690. Kent Spanish EFLECTRIC GUITA R - like nw i 'customil made amiplifier and speaker, SI100 or best offer. (Xmll 576-8042. BROADLOOM RUG - 9'x 14' $30; Axnîiinister rug, $50; Wine rug, $25: Oval hraided rug, $12; 2 bîtue unes, $ Il; Silence clotlî for dining roomi table, $4; drapes, $2 pair; large floral arrangement, $3.50; gu ide uniformi, $ 12; browvnie unifornî, $10; 5 piece. chrome sel, $ 16; coffee tabIeý,$3: easy bake oven, $5; ladies winter coat, ail weather coat $10 each, suit $8, dress, $3, sizes 12-14. Cal 723-2426. Cooper G.P. GOA LIE PADS -. $55; Blueker & catcher G.M. 12 junior, good condition, $20, both used 2 years; Imura SKIS by Garmish witb harness 120 c.m. long, neyer used, $20; Lace-up SKI BOOTS, $5. Cal 668-5685. b() ~Four belted TIRES - G 14,' B&W TV- 20 inch, $100. Iow ilecage, $10 eacb or 4 for Caîl 668-1384. 1 $30; STEREO CABINET, mnodemn - design, ideai for putting compo- RUGS - ilx 8 3 and nent set mbt, $50; Bell Tower 10 x 6 8 earth colours, rust, gold, FLOOR l>OLISUIER, $7; Baby brovn, ýeige, $500 for both. Si tiû % 3. ('al 668-1168. Cal66-92.S inger F-eather Weigh t AM-FM STEREO REýCEIVEýR- SEWING MACHINE, $40; Chiîds $325; unique table, soliml nuple BICYCLE, $15, botil are in guod Itbetp$450. Cail 668-5910. condition. Brand new toys, i______________________ Barbies, Ken, Big Jimn and camper, etc., i n havo-..asnal. F STOVE silial, $61; B&W lliilco, $60; tcak clhcsterfield anid chair, $85:, amitque Ru i n tre(dIle sewýinig îmachlme, $65. (aIl 668-6080. Wl NTI- RCOAl Imiitatlion for, leopard typec, 2 ycairs oîd, worn twicc, $25. (aIl 579-3569. 1'\\o Suedte OU'ITS, size 12, reasomiable. Caîl668-6715. VA NlIl) u sed iîachimîesi or muîechîanics tbol C>1îest or I ooî box.('ail l oiaI 668-46216 allter 4: 30)1.m1. Wanted Dead or Alive used Col our T.V.s Black&White Portables 668-3707 NOTICE TO READERS Advcrtise FREli in the VIZEI PRESS l;Ic0lORIUM, pay ON LY when you soli! There will flot lbe any charge lu advertisers ini the FRLE IPRESS EMIPORIUM unless the itemi advertised is ;:old. Whcn, the advertised item' is sold, you puy a commission huscd on THE ADVIERTlISI.,D PRICE as illustrated bclow. Alil adhirtiseien ts must bce laccdl on an exclusive basis with the WilI iY 1 IZRI-E. I>RESS andl run at Ieast one month if flot sold. RA'ITEýS (i'article is sold): 1 5%ý, of advertiscd pricc Up to $4000 2% oU balance over $40000 .EXAMI>LE: Sold itcn' advcrtised for $5000 - commission due $2.5 (minimum commission is $1 .00) Private advertîsing only! PIeuse notify us if you find a retuiler listed as a private advertiser., PIeuse notify the Whitby Free Press immcdiately when item is sold so tbut we mnay delete it fromi the following issues. Services, help %vanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type uds can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby The deadl .ine for emporium ads is the Monday' .at noon. - good condition, $75. 668-7221 after 5 o-m. CuIt RACER BICYCLE -- excellent condition $35. Caîl 668-5541. WINDOWS - Basement 21X j~7'/2 $6 each, picture window, storm 58X64 $30, window size could be altered slightly. Cal 723-8220. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatic, 6 months used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot water CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco B3 & W PORTABLE TV, $50. Cal 668-9746. Antique Vîctorian PARLOUR SUITE-- red & goîd velvel, original upholstery, $450; bed- roomi or powder room VANITY, extremecly large mnirror, $30; tlîree individoal seater COUCH, to suit rec roomn, brown leather, very different, $50; large brown vinyl CIIA!R, $10; Plîiliips cîcetrie tool & knife. SI-IARPEI-NER, brýand new, $8. ('aIl 668-6567. Various HOUSEHO -1LD & GARDEN ARTICLES -- for sale ranging frein bird bath to fireplajce set. Cali 655-4303 after 6:30 p.m., and weekends. Inglis (;AS DRYER -2 wvite, $1 25 or nearest offer. Cal 668-1278 after 6 p.m. Lowvry Starlighit ORGAN - in good condition, $550. Cal 655-3715. NIKON FTN CAMERA - 56 mm., 171.4 lense, 200 mnm., 14. 0 nikkor lense, electronie flash, $525. Cail668-5259. Red Wool Curling JACKET- size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. l 668-9073. 21 cubic foot FRIDGE in working condition, asking 1$100). Ca1l1668-3290. 26" Phillips COLOUR TV- stand included, $300 or best offer. CIdl 668-3195. HUNT CAP - blackvelvet - witb safety hamess instaPed, size 71/2. $23.50. Cati 668-2407. 1 dtio $7;0spachEATER $60. Cail 66-8-6750. ______ sized, good condition, $40; formulite molded bathroom basin & countertop, '48 inches long, new. $100. Call1655-3411. SWIMMING POOL CLEAR- ANCE - disposing of 1975 Trade-ins. Various sizes and shapes available in alumninumn and wood construction. Some with manufacturers warranties stili in effect. WiIl selI at fractioti of original selling price. Cail colleet anytime 667-1302. ACCORDIAN 120 Bass Mun- dinger - with case, 11 switches on keyboard, very good condition, asking $300. Caîl 725-8162. GUITAR - Triple pickup electrie, wilI seil for $35, ideal for rock group. Caîl 668-2860. WHITE RATS - mother & father, plus eight young, $10. Cali 668-9860 after 5 p.m. and ask for Dan. NEEL, 10".'.LEPING AND TYPING Si P.ý' 'i -S. WILL DO ATMY H-OME.%^ 7_L668-8943. PEKINGESE PUPPRES - pet & show quality. Stud service & peke grooming. I Mntiore registered. Cal I1-983-5443. ONE YEARLING- part quarter horse, a filly, part Pjackney, 14.3hh, nice mnover, Ijumrper potential, best offer, wilI 1baduntil Spring. Cadi 655-4866. SHELTY (miniature coliies) pUPS - 10 weeks old, needied, dewormded, registered, and tatooed, mutiler lias obiedeuice tties, futher -champion in breed. Excellent pedigree, sable &white in colour, $135 each. Cul 723-1088. STORE FOR RENT Ideal for Jean Slîop Approximateiy 800 sq. ft. 107 Coibomne St., Whitby . $125 month AV1AI1 ARnîIïMMPfl1ÂTEiV 1 Deloxe WOODBURNING CalI 668-31.29. SET -good for children 12 years and over, excellent Sýondition, $3 26;CE ~LN PACK SACK, nylon witiîsolid bouse.& ARE Sc ANDsm alumninum franie, neyer been used, reaurnt, n useableasiesar- $25; SKIS. upprox. 511z'long, rau ran, imsadly 600fetauof great for beginner, $10; SKI, iglîway froxntelon 600iîîway 12 l300.F'S, sîze 7/8, good condition Caîl 65S-373 or 655-4213.iw 12 wîi i arrying rack, $10; portable Cl 5-73o 5-23 RZADIO, excellent condition, lîardly used. $ 10. Cail 668-4465. IIOUSE FOR RENT - in' & sld Oshawa, tlree bedroomî, fully 300FIi.P. CAMSHAF ois broadloomied, two battis, cîîildren offenhainser twin carb high ise svelconic. Caîl 723-1213 after 6. for small block Chevy, like new, asking $200. Cail 655-47'.4'3 NEW FURNITURE - COAT - LadidF black persian BUNK BEDS conîîlete froin lamb approximately size 20, in $129.95; MATTF;..ESS 54" froin good condition. wili selI for $50. $39.95; 5 PIEICE DINNETTE Cal 725-5714. Emo.- from $49.95. Man> other - articles. no re asonable offeiu tLU & UIPIOLSlTI1RY re fused. THIOMPSON SALES, CLIANING EQUIPMENT - 302 Kingeton Rd. ut Altona Rd., vacuum cleaner & cîeaming Pickering. Caîl 292-8056. supplies. like new, cost over $3,000. -WilI seIl for $1,850. LDîS ER XR Cai Port Perry ' l-985-770)4 LAIES AFN ER- evniig-LING SARAII COVENTRY GnrnSTROLLER - excel- IJIEWI LLRY. WC train 1n0 lent ondiion, 25. 'aIl655.324.1 antd no deliveries. lentcondtio, $2. Cal 65-364. ali 284-6507 or 728-6437. RSTYLING 0M64.22 ý 1 mlgîgovim, -1 m 1 .-q.i "i- m very Call 1

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