Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Jan 1976, p. 6

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CAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28. 1976, WHITBY FREE PRFÇS Br~kin O.K. Let's go. We had a fair amount of calîs this week and l'Il deal with this one first. It wasn't offering information, rather the lady was asking about the paper drive that used to take place on the second Saturday of every month. As far as 1 knew the First and Second Brooldin Cubs and Scouts had stopped the collections. not thro' any fault of theirs, as they really appreciate your cooperation in helping them raise money for their varlous activities. I made some enquiries and I have very good news for ail you generous people who have been steadily piling up your old newsprint. The collections are ON ....0 keep those piles handy and have theni out before 9 a.m. on Sat., l4th Feb. As their was no collection in the Brooklin area this month, let's make this coming moth'-ts a super one. But do be sure that you have them out BEFORE 9 a.mn., it you really want the boys to pick them up. l'11 give you another reminder before the day. I'm always disappointed when 1 get news that is a little late. I'm putting in the following for the benefit of those readers who got their Free Press on a Wednesday. And to the person who put the information in my screen door..... I'm sorry, but as we don't use the front door as often in the winter I'm afraid 1 didn't find your notes until after my copy had gone to press. Thank you for writing it out, BEST BUY! - RED ROSE - Orange Pekoe <Paper> 120 to Pkg TEA BACGS '2.09 FEATURE! - DETERGE - 32 FI. Oz. Sise JOY LIQUID 99 FEATURE! - BEEF or IRISH- 24 FI. Oz. Tin PURITAN Stewvs88, FEATURE! - STOKELY'S - WHOLE 12 FI. Oz. Tirn KERNEL CORN 391 FEATURE! -Orange or Grapefruit ýReconstituted) 48 FI. Oz TREESWEET Juices 5 9 FEATURE! - INSTANT, 44-o:.; Quick, 48-oz. package 9UAtKER OATS 88 FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! FINEST CALI FORNIA.SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES -DOZ89 TEXAS NO 1 GREEN CABBAGE, -HEAD 39" CRISP JUICY*FANCY RED DELICIOUS APPLES -3 LB POLY BAG, 794 HIGH LINER FROZEN - BOSTON 24-0z. Pkg. BLUEFISH Sticks .4 MCAIN FROZEN 3 o Pack BREAD DOUGH 9B9c FATUREI 10-Lb. Pkg. TIDE Detergent s4.39 ROSECofes.49 FATURE! - DIAPERS - Super 24's - or- Reg. 30s package BABY SCOTT s2.1 9 KITT LIW E R 1". 'ig994 STOfl OUEtS OPEN six DATs A WEÉK 8:3 0s.0. - 6 p... EXCPlT TUES & FUI KimOII 'I. p e GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Cj.SE KRAFT Fi 'SH NIC STYLET SINGLES S O L E okRatl.9 c--#OZ. PACKAOK 6 9 YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM AND PRICE.. PORK BUTI Roastsl .1 9' ýc FLAVOUR CYTL WELL TRIMMED - TENDER - TASTY - FOR FRYING AIIen's PORK BUTT cmpos 1.29 c c ORANGE SCHNEIDERS - 1&0Oz. GIRADE A HCE 479 r BOLOGN A LEGS1; Z. 4 KG71c ALL BEEF or 95c REAST p 0 - -BLUE RIBBON lb B E IE 9 Choc: Quality GARLI BEEl ý nIVERW 69o le .....LIE DRDEEI1 AYLMER Lunch Iea MINI SIZZILERS'.1.1 6 PATTIES 2lbs 1.99 14r,1ý IS4 'eu WIENERS lb 79-9 Cut fram No. 1 Red Brand Steer Beef Store Cut &. Wrapped 2 9 HINDS 0F BEEF - $1.18 111 SIDES of BEEF- 991 lb » FEATURE! - CARNATION INSTANT Chickn Noodie Hot Chocokute ______w4'eur LIPT N 12 1 -Z. t pck $ ,19CKEYS COUGH 21,8.BI LIPON 2 1ox.opak $.19 Mixture 89c S :FEATUREI - LAURA SECORD Assorted JACK JILL CHILCREN'S 100 Mi. . 2OUPSiKA Puddings (Cough sym 19 3 9 j 5F Ozfns489 Iory Soa 65c FEATUREI - ALL PURPOSE $1.9 Five Roses Flour n wB '-fvn ! Pro-Piced 1.69WESTON'S CHOCOLATE DOWNY 5-1.beag 8.8c SW ISS FABRIC SUPREME FROZEN - MIXEO O L SOFTENER O L 65 L Z JJGVegetables59 $1 92-1b, Bag 79c4to Pc 9 el49 9 FROZEN FEATUREI SLICEO 15-0z. Pkg. L2-PLTIDRO STRAWBERRIES 55c D ELSEY FEATUREI - CARNATION TISSUE COFFEE MATE 16-oz. Jet $1 .09 FEl ATURE! - RED WHITE 5- z . Jar 2i419 INSTANT COFFEE sl.35 W! OBSERVE THE! RIGHT 10 UMIT QUANTITIES 3 BIG DAY$ SOIS Jan* 31 DEIVRAT and for delivering it ....next tirne bring it to the side door, It was good to hiear fron1 the Brooklin Hlorticultural Society mnce again, and for those that read this in time, there is a meeting tonight, Jan. 28th at the C.E. Building, United Churchi in Brooklin., starting at 8 p.m. This is the first meeting of 1976 for the society, and even if you are flot a memiber you may still go along and see what the society is planning for'this year .I.. do hope they'll keep me informed also. Mrs. Margaret Davies, this year's President, and the new executive have a good meeting planned for tonight, with Cordon Wick speaking on growing the newer varities of annuals from seed. The society also has a library. of over 50 of the newest gardening books for you to borrow ....if you are a mernber. If you are really serious about gardening it may well become you to join this society...i.you'll get plenty of expert advice as weil as making friends with people with similar interests. Also heard'from the Durham Trail Riders this week . i. bet thjey are really enjoying aIl this snow! They are starting the new year in a big way ...they now have their own clubhouse. That is really good news for ail their members. For those who are thinking of joining the club there is a meeting on the lst of February at 8 p.m. at the new clubhouse which is the United Church at Prospect Corners, north of Myrtle Station on No. 1 2. New members are always welcome. The club snowmobiles from club property now*'and good runs are held every Sat. night and Sunday. You also geL up to date information regarding the miles and regulations of running a snowmobiie ....not only the machine but also information on what roads can be used, etc. l'm nota hundred per cent for the machines 1 have to admit, but 1 do see that a responsible group lîke the Trail Riders are doing a great deal to educate owners in how to enjoy themnselves without being a pain to the non-snowrnobilers in the community. If you are one of well learn some new tips on how to eat wisely. Are you a one car famnily? And if so are there days when you are without trans- portation and you suddenly an urgent trip downtown.. either to the doctors, the dentist, or to the supermarket? Well 1 have good news for you. There is in Brooklin a Volunteer Car Driver Pool which is organised by ladies of both the A.C.W. 9nd the U.C.W. These ladies are only too delighted to help you out in your hour of need. Thiere is no charge.... i is a Free Community Service. They do ask tho' that if thiere is anyone with a car that could occasionally spare somne time would they please get in touch. The car pool is constantly being altered and adjusted and they could always do with backup drivers. This is the kind of project that you just do flot get in the big cities...please make use of it. Numbers to cali are 655-4466 and ask for Mrs. Royce Irwin; or if unable to reach that lady, then cali Mrs. Beverly Bird at 655-3953. You can also cal thlese numnbers if you want to volunteer your services and car.- Monday. the 2nd of February, sees the inonthly meeting for Group '74... also hield at the Grmnmunity Centre-and also at 8 p.mi. Any ladies wvho feel that they would like to join the group are nmore than wclconme 10 attend. WeIll1 guess tliat wraps it up for thiis week ....save for AT A G LANCE: WEDW JAN. 28thi - Brook- lin I lorticulitural Society, 8 p.m. aIthde Uitcd Chiurchi Ikall. THURS. JAN. 29tli - Direc- lors Imeeting. Br1-okhi Spring Fair .......- 8 p.m.-aIthtle Brooklin Comimunity Cent re. THURS. JAN. 29tli - 1976 Budget Estiniate Review, 7:30 p.m. at Whitby Council Chiarnbers. SAT. JAN. 3lst - C.0. R. S.A. (snowmnobiling) dance aI Club Anrenne. Port Perry starting atI-) p.m. Tickets $7 a couple. SUN. FEB. lst - Durhanm Trail Riders meeting.... 8 p.n. at clubhiouse, United Church, Prospect Corners, Northi of Myrtie Station on1 No. 12. MON. FEB. 211d - Group '74 geieral meeting.... 8 P.11. -lt Brooklin Community Centre. MON. FEB. 9thi - Ui.C.W. meeting at 8:15 p.m. aIt de Brooklin United Chiurchi Speaker Miss Caithie Armi- strong on 'Nutrition*. SAT. FEB. 14tii - Paper coilllecitio)l---n aers oLIt BROWN'S FOODMASTER B ROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 rhurs, Jan,* 29 PMMM"mw- those lone riders doing your owfl thing, why flot go aIonIg to a meeting and make sure that you do know how 10 handie your machine, and that you do know, what the by-laws are regarding *where you can and cannot travel. A C.O.R.S.A. weekend is coming, up with evenits and competitions for members and a plain good old fun day for non-mem-bors, with babysitting available by Girl Guides for srnall charge. A dance will be held on the Sat. evening - Jan. 3lst, at the Club Annrene in Port Perry starting at 9 p.m. with the group 'Something Blue' providing the music. Bar and refreshments available, and tickets are priced at a very reasonable $7 a couple. And the D.T.R. will hold their own club dance at the same place on the 28th Feb ...a disc jockey this time, and tickets $6 a couple. For further information regaïding any of the above, then caîl either Linda or John Darling at.655-4422; or Leesa Wagg at 65.5-3287. They will be only too delighted to hear from you, and tell you how you can get your tickets for either of the dances. ' t would seemn that most people, if not all people, are interested in nutrition these days. And as part of their regular meetings, the local United Church Women are holding a Citizenship Action night at which the guest speaker, Miss Cathie Armstrong, will be tttlking about that very subject. She is qualified, as she is a nutritionist. So if you are wondering if you are eating the right foods, why not go along fo the C.E. Building at the United Church in Brooklin on Mon., Feb. 9th at 8:15 p.m. You will be made

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