Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Jan 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28, 1976, WHITBY fREE PRESS whitby Voice of, the- County Townl Mike 9ERVING OVER 28,000 READERS - Publishe d cvery Wednesday bM.B.M. and P1iotogr The Free Press1 r.-Managing Editor.121 BokSre Burgess, Publishe- wla u ~IO.WhitbyOtro /î,sistant Editor -Blake Purdy Cornmunity Editor- Brian Winter CotiuigEditor - Jimn Quail Production Manager - Marie Burgessi D)isplay Advertising Manager - I Robin Lyon 'ablish Ing Classif ied Ad Manager - -ah cIn. Marlene Byrom ~py Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Building Mailing Permit No. 2941 tNorth, Phone 668-6111: Toronto Line 282-1004 F inger. pointed dirèction Further to our editorial of last week.calling.for, ain investigation. into allegations by a Whitby resident that minutes of a public meeting were îlot recorded correetly, we would like to apologize to Whitby- Council, and Town Clerk Bill Wallace (who was tiever involved) for referring to the public meeting as "the proceedings, of council". In fact, the allegations were addressed to a particular planning, meeting and flot, as we unin- tentionally indicated, to the proceedirîgs of council. Never-the-less we're happy that Mayor 'Gart- shore took it upon himself tio investigate' the charges and respond publicly Mo-ý.day n ight that hie was "satisfied completely" that the minutes of the planning meeting were "in no way, shape or forrn" tampered with. The Mayor also pointed out that "thie concept of public meetingsis to take notes of substantive itemis. It is absolutely impossible to take -nýites of everything said". Further, lie also p)ointed out that the Ontario Municipal Board is not concerned with what occurs at public meetings as its decisions are based on personal evidence where crossexami- nation on the evidence given is perrnitted. This wvas apparently the concern that resulted in the charges. We might also point out that council had prior knowledge and the opportunity to handle the charges "in camera" as, was suggested by the person involved, but preferred to have the matter presented at a public committee meeting. We're happy that the matter has been cleared up, and feel that council has handled a tacky matter well. We're only sorry that we directed the charges at council instead, of the planning meeting where they really belonged. Watch f or reader survey next week Dear Sir; While Wasingto, hlas taken action bannitùg Red No. 2 dye in foodstuffs, Ottawa fiddles--saying it will inake up its mnîd ini two or three weeks. lRed. No. 2 according, to reseý-rclier Dr. J. Verrett of ý the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is extremnely toxic and causes birtlî defccts and loss of liibs in chieken emnbryos witlî only a few parts per bilion--defeets similar to thi(se found in tliialidomide babies a few years ago. As littie as 25 parts per billion cause death ini 90': of tie baby chicks. Latest U.S. t-igures show birtlî defeats ini humnans have risen to be- tween 6 and 7 p)ercenit. Canada allows 300 parts per million (300,- 000 parts per billionî) to be used in foods. More than hall of ail processed foods contain the cancer- caiing suspect--Red 2 dye. The tests conducted onu rats by Dr. Verrett slîowed conclusive c i'n- cer-causing effects. Huî- nians are 10O tinies more sensitive tlîan thie hardy rats, stated Dr. Verrett It is an estabhislied fact t:îut food addiJves cause a variety of allergies and learning l)robIeIiis ini children. The hundreds of foods coiîtaining thîe dye ini- clude chocolate, ketchup, soft drinîks, ice creani, cakes, cookies, bake mixes, pie, gelatine des- serts, pickles; red* vitanîins, drugs, oranges, butter and icing sLlgar, to naîîîe a few. Alcohol is hoaded with additives, says *Dr. Verrett. Rum"ýwas mien- tioned as beiîîg the nurn- ber onîe user- of thîe dye. Chocolate contains Red No. 2 as do dozens of foods that are tiot red ini color. Additives do nothing to the quality of the foods but are for cosnie- tic purposes only, like lipstick whichi con tains it. Dr. Verrett wloolhas written a book on the subject states that less thanl 5%ý arc used for pre .ervation of the food and are coiipletely un- neccssary. Even pet foods arc loadcd withi the dye to niake it kIck like red nmea t (niost pets arc color blind). The Soviet Union ban- îîed the clye years ago after scientists found it caused bi rtli defeats.and cancer. Canadian and U.S. scientists hiave knowvn for 16 years the damaging effects* of the dye. Ilie recent 300 p.age report ýon cancer re- searcli liniking cancer to diet -says that increasing evidence shows that HALF of ail cancer ini woi',n and 30% in meni înay be caused by diet. Certain food additives wvere cited anid the lack of pro tective vitarnins A & C and seleniiuni. (Sel- eniium is found in bran (good fibre source) wheat 'lerni, onions, Iroccoli anid tuna. Halibut liver oil is a convenient and iniexpenisive va>'to-en- sure initake of vit. A. Vitaini C is about hiaif the price of aspirini and is nion-toxic and safer. More and more chem- ical food colourings anîd flavorings are beinig added to food supply. Onîe example, imiita,,tion orangie juice-loaded witli sugar and artificial flavours- devoid of vital potassium, folie acid and enzymes so necessary for good health. Tod-ay iii the U.S. there are 'betweeni 3,000 and 10,000 additives iii use. Read the label. Deani . Kelly D ye should be banned fromfoods says Kelly Àdom

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