Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Jan 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28,,1976, WHITBY ]FREE PRESS S't. Members of St. Mark's United Chiurch anniversary commrittee will be holding their tirst meeting tonight'at 7:30 p.mn. ta start mnaking plans for the ehurchi's 15Sth anniversary. The Whitby circuit ofthe Methodjst Church of Canada was estahlishied in 1826, and a commrittee of 15 memibers of St. Mark's will be meeting throughiout this year to decide how the lSOth anniversary will be cele- brated. Anniversary Sunday is Nov. 7, when, The Rev. Wilbuùr K. Howard, Moderator of the United Cliurch of Canada, will be, the guest preacher. The church plans ta invite M rk'Is plans f or, an nîiversary former memibers of its con- gregation who live out of town to return for this service, says the minister, Rev. Johin Smith, who hopes t1iat eaeh of the church organizations will shtare in the annîversary by holding special events throughout the year. At present thiere are dis- eussions under way to instal a mierorial window' to corn- rnemorate the 150 years of the church in Whitby, and the inclusion of the Alm onds congregation with St. Mark's. This year also has special significance to St. Mark's United Churebi for the present building- was opened 100 years ago this September. Members of the anniver- sary committee are Session Represenltatives Ray Eleanor Correl Davidson; Steward R Pascoe and Jim 1 UCW Reps Helen Xi y' Oliver, and Bill Reps Ron Marshall; Winter, Marion Petty and OliveRichardson; choir members Margaret Webber and Milton Raney; Church School reps Clarence Freek and Muriel Smith, C.E. committee rep Bill Hay, Stewardship Com- mittee rep Shirley Sweet, and member at large, Brian Winter. Anyone-who knows tL, naines of former members o. St. Mark's congregation asked to contact Joye Rammler at 668-3091. mas Seal Cam.paign continues l3ecauise of the mail strike last fall, the Christmas Seal campaign in the Durham Region will keep its books open to the end of February instead of closing as usual January 3 1. Anyone who has not made their- annual contribution to Christmas %eals, can mail donations to the Bank of Nova Scotia, Il Simncoe Street North, Oshawa. savs Mrs. Madeline Collins, executive director of the Durhamn Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association. The Christmas Seal fund is $22,000 below last year's level for this period, due to the mail strike, she said. A courrier service delivered the Christmas Seal envelopes throughout the region froni Nov. 7 to Dec.. 22, said Mrs._ L ISTEN TO 1350 THE OSHAWA STATION EFFCTIVE Monday Feb2 n Collins, but a number of tributors wil homes were missed. she said, ani "We feel our regular con- cna mntis Grand Jur, i support us" d therefore the being extended V - - - - - - - - » J is concerned The Grand Jury for the Durham Region is concerned that the Whitby Psychiatr-ie Hospital and Durham Centre for the Developmnentally Handieapped are not making adequate use of space. More patients eould be accommodated for the facilities provided, the Grand Jury reported, after finding only four patients in one of the adolescent cottages. The Grand Jury also sug- gested tha t an efficiency advisor be obtained by the Durham Centre to asist in making better use of its buildings, because In somne areas more children could be accornmodated". The Grand Jury had no other complaints about the hospital and the centre this month, except for a siiggestior that religious training be offered at the hospital to those who are interesied. PC dance The Whitby Progressive Conservative Association is holding its year-opening dance at the Cen tennial Building, Saturdav from 9 p.m. to 1 a.rn. Tickets are U3 per person. available froin Bob White -at 725-9720 and John Pisani. 6684322. ONTARIO CONSUMER Protecting Your Reputation and Credît Rating Morning Report cornes to you at thenewtimes of 6:iu20 arn7&l7:20 arn I Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relatiolns turned down. The loan man- ager has a report reveallng in- forniation unacceptable for Iris eini to ex tend you credit. Now y ot're faced wiîth not Nbuvuw. the car, or, if vou can -e-1 c1'tdir elsewere. probah- Iy pay~iîîg a iuchl hgher rate of' îiterest as a mar'i'inal rist.. If vou are turned down in ;t crodit applicatioli as a re- suit of ;1report tîxidt lias ben conîlpiled about you, the ioati rirni iN required ta tel.l v on t lie ixînie and addres.s otf tihe souirce age ncy. That apO11.:y is obligated ta dis- close out file ta Vou. if you write rqetn an appoint- nment for that purpose. If an error lias beeiî numde. the re- portiiîg agency lias ta send ont a corrected version ta, atîvone îvli- received the ini- correct report. TIhe Adý clearly provides for significant fines for peo- ple anîd coînpanies- that re- fuse to correct any mis- in formation. Tlhis is only an example of what can happen. If you have somne questions tlîat were not answcred here, write. Re- memnber, your credit ratiig is your responsibiiity anîd it's LIp ta yoti ta protect vour reputatioli. Reocrencc: 4 Errol T. Weaver, O ,recto r, < <7ommun icatiolns, Ontario Colasumuler. (Otcetils Park, 10 1 if ma a ,t tar10 r-:--- How iininch do vou think people have to do Nvith vour credit record anid our te pui- tatio? Perails iiwre îih Repiîiîg Actr ro-videstfor the r0titilia I'VportînIg agetîciv 11%d il 'se for, c- mmiit teortiig put- l'lie Aoc eîie epui tuait g<îlivr, store. sscînhle ort use Ci cdii ,tll(14it)l persol;ia wVhutevomi lnumorilav not ziîgrcc îîîti lit, priliciple oi Ilivimmg l'îles collîpîleon tityou, the (,'oîmsnnlt epîtng \C cover yis agailsit (lie inlisilse of the inb'foi. il liiom, or just plainî iîlaccum î<me ilii baruna- tioli. ('redit -as vellas rersoilal reports are used extensivelY by most leiidÎinginstituitionsý. Iii additioni, niany cmnploy- ers, companties and landlords use reportiing agencies to ob- tain persoinality background, profiles. Let's say you've decided to buy a new car- and your loan appication lias been Ontario

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