PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21,1976. WI-ITBY FREE1 ~ Byines 1 haie to say this but i'm ei ther iosing iny touch or you are losing your interest. Either way if things don't change we'it ail be tosing a column! Thaw out and give nie a cati this week or it W-- li be zilch for the North Ward. Over at the Spencer School Community Centre there wil a General Meeting on January 22nd at 7:30 p.m. If you have. enjoyed the facilities and activities of this centre during the last year, then plan to attend and help get this year's activities off the ground. Thanks for the cati S.S.C.C. - I hope l'Il be hearing frorn you again in the near future. Brooklin Community Centre is the place to be on January 29th if you are a Director on the Brooklin Spring Fair Board. An oid saying, "Many hands make light work" coutd. be the key to anotiier successfut Fair Day - to be hetd this year on June th. Those directors that attended the hast meeting held earlier in the month have somne good ideas but obviousiy more will be achieved if al directors turn out and give a hand. So ait those concerned - circle in red ink the 29th Jan: and make a point of being at the Centre at 8 p.m. There are some meetings to be hetd at the Council Chambers in Whitby this month that could, and shouid. be PRESS of great inte rest to the tax payers of the whole of Whitby and that does inchude the North Ward! These meetings are being held & review the 1976 budget estimates - in other words how to spend our money. I doubt if you'll be asked your opinions at the meetings, but ai heast you'Il see first hand who the free spenders are. The meetings will start at 7:30 p.rn. on the evenings of the 22nd, 27th and 29th of Januar3-. Plan 10 attend and show that you do ike to keep takes on public spending. 1 see that one recommendation that lias been re(erred to the 1976 Budget discussions is the one miade by Rec. Director Wayne DeVeau that a programme director be appointed for the new senior citizen's activity centre -- t a sahary not to exceed $12,000. 1 have more faith in our older people than Mr. DeVeau or Mrs. Thompson sem 10 have. Don't tell me that we haven't any abie, and more than eager, Senior Citizens who are capable of arranging their own activities - and who would enjoy the opportunity to show that their is stiti life in the over 60's. And Mrs. Thompson's "Every senior citizen's activity centre has a director" is a poor reason for having to have one in Whitby. Our senior citizens are neither senile nor littie children - give them the chance and et's see what they can do for themsetves. I bet they'll enjoy the challenge -- ancL the chance 10 show these "young uns" that they are flot over the hili yet! AT A GLANCE. THURS. JAN. 22nd - Spencer School Com. Centre Generai Meeting ai 7:30 p.m. THURS. JAN. 22nd - Whitby Council Chambers - 1976 budget estimate review at 7:30 p.m. TUES. JAN. 27th - 1976 budget estiniate review 7:30 p.m. at Council Chambers. THURS. JAN. 29th - 1976 budget estimate review 7:30 p.nî. at Council Chambers. THURS. JAN. 29th - Brooklin Spring Fair Board ut Cornmunity Centre at 8 p.rn. MON. FEB. 2nd - Group '74 Generul Meeting ut Brooklin Cornmunity Centre at 8 p.m. Before 1 close - congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. H-arold Townsend of Brookln who recently cehebrated their SOtli Wedding Anniversary. That really is somnething to celebrate - l'm only sorry that 1 didn't heur of il sooner. Anything going on your way'? Give me a culi and let the who!c North Ward in on your activity. T'ilI next weck . take care. LIZ 655-3750, Corridor Grapevine Greetings of a snowy new year! This is your column reporting for you the news regarding Counicil Chambers at hand. There wiit be a budget meeting for the Town of Whitby open t0 the public for "siiting-in on the following dates - Tues. Jan. 201h, Wed. Jan. 22nd, Tues. Jan. 27th & Thurs. Jan. 29th - ail ai 7:30 p.m. sharp, These couid be most interesting. Congratulations 10 our Kendalwood Rd. neighbour, Mr. R. Santuha, who came a very close second in the recent Cross Country Labatt's Loppet ai Mosport Park. lt's not too early to be thinking about your Corridor Cupers 2nd Dance on the 27th of Feb. - Tickets available fromr the Corridor Ratepayers executive mernbers. How about heuring from you readers about dates for speciat events and give us something 10 print once in a whiie. Thought about any new namnes thought about for our cohumn as yet? Be hearing from you - Phone 728-6028 or 723-2193. BROWN'*S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 C tisf 0'tlor SUPREME BRAND 10 ta Pack 5ARBAGE Bugs 241i FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! Fresh Bradford Marsh i No 1i CARROTS 2 21b. bug 491 Ontario YeIlow No 1 UNIOUNS 21b. bg 361 P.E.l. Table touT'ATOEF 20 lb bug, $149 Washed & waxeu 10-lb inO1No 1 RUTABAGAS, --O -lb SBEST BUVI 100 ta Cello Bag PRIOR PARK TomBugs 8 8c FEATURE! - OATMEAL or CHOCOLATE CHIP DAD'S COOKIES 1-1 o8 9c FEATURE! - BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 3-l6. Carton $1.891 ASSORTED FLAVOURS 1/-GaIIofl SUNSPUN ici ammsl.49 MRS SMITH'S FROZEN RHUBARB PIE 2"z.LSile 89q Na. 1 GRADE - WHITE CREAMED HONEY BROWN BEAR 2& té Sil069 STM olaU OPEN six DAYS A WEIK OS30 Isnt 6 peme EXCPI THUES &iFUI- 0e GOVERNMENT INSPECTIED Cram eu Tender M.aty Tender Julcy Cut f rom dm. Ch"c SOMT MB BLADE BLADE J jerROASTS ROASTS STEAKS ar 1 95&c Pa. 95, ' $1.09 ST. LAWRENCE Cu1T FRAON TmgcH*ucK Tender .-.iulcy bWffS 6,oz SIIODER Bo..Is c UKN INR 61EER STEAKS Blade Roust OIL 79' lb ILb$1,09 C lb. SIO18C 25 SW EC LOCA' DEVON BRAND MAPLE LEAF n'COITAG&E RUNDLESS L~s gRLLS BACON a H -9' ZIP$1.39 ib. $1.49 ni. $1.19 FO0O0D lb. uIll. 89% 16 FL. OZ. TINS L 6 , I 9 11 MRS. LUKE'S PECTIN JAMS t.,.berry. oRspb...ry 24 FI. Oz. Jar Salad Dressing MIRACLE IWHIP 32 FL. OZ.IAR LIO ElID JAVEX BLEACH 64 FL. OZ. JUOS 59c FREEZER SPECIALS No. 1 Red Brand S mSteer Beef INDS1.13 lb SIDES 991 lb CUT & WR APPEID KEuALTE& DEMUT Listorine Afntlseptlc 16 FI. Oz. ottle -J9 SCHICK INJECTOR Blades mg. of 7 s S00TlIING LIRTERINE 12 t. Pkg. Lozenges $1 3 IGDAYS rhurs., Jan. 22 Sot. Jan. 24 DMERYAT Whitbyite conference chairman Mrs. Betty Andrew, of Whitby, past president of the Durham, Region Mental Heulth Association, is execu- tive chairman of a "Woman Alive" mini-conference in Oshawa Jan. 28. More thun 400 womnen of ait denominutions froru Whitby, Oshawa and sur- rounding area are expected to attend the conference. Woman, Aive, whose founder and director is Mrs. Neil Maxwell of Barrie, is a conference-centred organiza- tions concerned with hehping wornen find a sense of worth, a mieaning for life and frutiful living through a deep faith in Jesus Christ. Since the inception of this interdenominutionai organizu- lion three years ago, atten- dance at the annuat spring conference heid at the University of Waterloo, has risen t0 well over 4,000, with more than 2,000 applications turned down due 10 lack of accommodation. It wus because of this need that the idea of smatllscale conferences xvas born and thc mini-conference in Oshawa is one of a series being orgunized in Ontario by Mrs. Andrew. The mini conference wili be hietd aI Eastdule coliegiate, commiencing at 2 p.m. The progrumn wilh include semninars bused on the themne, "New beginnings". Regionul representutive of Womnan Ahive for this mini- conference is Mrs. Helen Batten of Ashburn, and Mrs. Lindu Death of Ashbtirn is ticket convener. Admission 10 the imini- conference in Oshuwa is by ticket oniy and the closing date for purchuase of tickets is Jan. 24. For furiher informa- tion contact Mrs. Deeth. Aretie Winter Cold, short days and wind characterize the Arctic coast winter. Temperatures maintain an average daily low of -25 degrees Farenheit. Cold temperatures. com- bined with severe winds. create the severest *wind chilh-the maximum body- cooiing rate-known any- where. £VAPORATED 1-Lb. Ti"s CARNATION Ik 31s1 GOLDEN CORN 3b., Tin BEI HIVE SYRUP $1l STOKELY'S - Dark Red or New Orleons Style 14 fi. o.;lins KIDNEY BEANS 3M.'s1 LEAVER'S - PIECES end STEMS 10 FI. Oz. Tins MUSHROOMS 28s1 FROZEN LAYER 13/i-Os. Sime SARA LEE CAKES 1s PALAN DA - Crushed - Sliced - Tid Bits 1I9leFI* Oz. Tins PEAPPLE 23i1 KING BIZE %, MORE FREE1 FROZEN DOWNEV FLAKE SURF DOVE WAFFLES DEORWE LIQUID F'OE: HU1KIN 5-LB. PACKAGE 32 FL. OZ. OTTLE Egg RoUis $1079,87 6.OL Pu79C W ER E5W71E RIGHI NT fOUAffWuS 1 mmillilh, 9 ... -. -'l 1