PAE2, WEDNESDAy, JANUARY 21,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Outdoor educationtis anew wayoflearnin by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer, A total of 32 grade five and six King Street School students, accompanied by a number of aduits, are spending this week at Camp Samac in Oshawa. Thiey arrived Monday and will return Friday. Be fore you ask "whiat about school?", we lhad better tel you that, yes, the students are continuing with their lessons. They are combining their studies with ouitdoor activities. lt's ail part of a retatively new phase 'of elemnentary school called. Outdoor Educa- tion. This is the second year that King Street School students have participa ted. In 1975, 72 students, accoinpanied by four of the school's staff mienibers, four senior students fromi Dunbar- Agnes Disney's Fashionable Hlaif Sizes 668-4.375 108 Brock St. S. , Whitby, Ontario Our 2nd Annual starts Thursday January 22nd 20% TO 40% OFF o ton Secondary School and four students fromi Oshawa's General Vanier Secondary School, had inany of their outdoor 'activities styrnied by a January rainfali. The 32 studenits involved this year were accompanied by thieir teachier Nike Bible, three student teachiers frorn the Ontario College of Educa- tion and three stuideftts frorun General Vanier Secondary School. Mr. Bible, assisted by thie three student teachers, is supervising the youngsters while the- Vanier students, enrolled in jnstitutional cooking, prepare the meals, the first of wliceh - breakfast - begins at 8 Tlie studeiits, divided into groups, lake turrus ut scttiing up after the meals. A quick glance ut the shopping list shows that the students will comsume, among other things, 117 quarts of milk, 50 loaves of bread, seven dozen hog dogs and 38 pounds of spaghetti. Breakfast is followed by classes such as nathematics, science,, spelliflg, creative writing and art from 9 to 11: 25 a. Lunch precedes outdoor activities which include hikes along nature trails, obstacle, courses, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, sleigh rides, camipfire building, orienteering mapwork- and studies of weather, snow, trees and shnibs. Following dinner, bound Several students from E. A. Fairmnan Public Sohool Oshawa as part of an Outdoor Education cours.e. Fe to be gobbled down-after aIl those outdoor activities, the evening program includes a stronomy, films, a talent show and a winter carnival on the various nights. The winter carnival will be held tonight with the students' parents involved. Scheduled events are tug of war, toboggan races, snow shoe races and cross country relay races. A 11gb t snack follows with bed time -at 10 p.m. and, says Mr. Bible hopefully, 'ýsilence!!" The students will sleep in bunks in Kitchie Lodge. Besides Mr. Bible, much of the credit for the week must go to John Pratt, Supervisor of Outdoor Educa- tion for the school board., ý ïï-ï .E spent Iast week at Camp Samac in Press Photo by Blake Purdy_ Stli plenty of openings in recre 'Inere are suii plenty of openings available for the various programis offered by the Whitby Recreation Deparîrnent. Anyone interested in ation prograins signing up for the prograrlis, a.Jin. and ý p.m. which include swimming, The bad weather of the yoga, ballet, wind buggy ,past week resulted in the sailing, and numerous creative numnber of applications being art programis can register by considerably less than expeet- caling 668-1325 between 9 ed, leaving pleiity of openings. 668-4435ý 110 BROCK ST. N. ___ (4 Doors North of 4 corners) musI ~MANN GU1TAR AC 652 Reg. $359-00 SALE PRICED $270.00 G & B StrÎing Martin Darco LaBella Fender D'Addario Vinci Qutarius Sweetone Classical Martin Marquis $4.95 $5 .20 $4.25 $4.25 $4.95 $4.60 $2.95 $8.50 Bring this AD in' for a FREE music lesson -I 1350 THE OSHAWA STATION I. Sizes 12 Y2 to 52 SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND- FIND OUT WHAT US'GOINO ON IN DURHAM1 NOON REPORT 12:20 p.m. Weather, Sports and News LISTEN TO 1