PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY,21, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS FORAUU~ RE5 Japanese 23-27 Businessman's Buffet Luncheon $2.50 Ail you can eat MON-FRI 12 noon to 3 p.m. Phone for Reservations SSUNDAY BUFFET DINNER $5.95 ALL YOU CAN EA1 SUNDAV EVENINGS 5 p.m. - 9 pa. 1 "The Forsyte -"31 5 Drama- tizes 41 il Astringent 12 Nature goddess 1 13 Shade of green 14 Took to the stump 15 St. An- thony's cromi * 18 Nigerian * 17 Marsh *eider 18 SemAi- preclous gem M -King Cole 21 Trampled 22 %" o dust 23 Fictional Éleuth 24 $"mond,&- 25 Chineze word for god 26 Big bundie 27 By what means? 28 Starve 30 Gold (Sp.) 31 Inoense- ment 32 Child -kof Loki 34 Dell dweller MM 36 Elephant's- [MAN ear mt*: 37 Lye or mo :1 ammonla aborigine 39 Room; iodge 40 Engen- dered DOWN 1 Table item 2 A.ssuxned appellation 3 Blunder (4 wds.) 4 Wooden core 5 Crossed home plate & Alpine region 7 Arab garment 8 Bug; TODAY'S AN~SWER 9 Ennoble 10 Dignifled 16 Presently 19 Empres Farah's land 22 African federation 23 Hymn set to music 24 Made the 25 Raxn's-horf 2x "Peter Pan" playwright 28 - gà ases. 29 German City 33 Clamorous 35 Montb of May (Fr.) Se Dinner ARIES Mar~. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20May 20 GEMINI May 21-lune 20 MOONCHILD Jiane 21-JuIy 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTAR lUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 you-tee*aLeu BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: January 25 to January 31 A chain of events, this week, will cause many members under your sign to think in terms'of changing the job, task or project. The ability to concentrate seems to be a big thing in your chart.' Evidently, a few routine tasks w ill pay off. Romance is functioming behind the soenes, but flot to your advantage. It would be a gobd idea to prepare for a surprise. 11we planet Saturn might force you into a downbeat mood. So, you'll feel as though you're crawling from one event to the uther. It seemns as though you'I1 lend your support to a winning 'cause. You're entering a cosrnic cycle when you'll do no wrong. You'l make gains at your job, task or project. Which, incidentally, will bring you no well wishers! A memnber of the opposite sex Is beginning to question your motives. Also, don't take your mate or similar alliance for granted. Don't despair if you have picked a string of losers. The law of probability is now on your side. Apparently , this week, you'l receive more help than you'l need. Actually, there will be distraction on your job or project. According to your chart, you'll close the door on one project and open the door to another. Don't rely on help that's been promised. This week, you're on your own; you'l do well! You'1l get your own way with a member of the opposite sex. As a matter of fact, af- fairs of the heart are favorable. PEMSNALITY PROFILE For your Suns Siges Analysis, s.nd the day, month, yeor ond place of birth, plus SAVE BY ALTERIIdG LOWEST PRICES SHOPS - UP TOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE f tasGk4UJt EVENINGS As, Sta 55 GIGYOUNG 8 RGES O aslsCsuness CoSiaing WILLIAM ATHERTON _4yrViVed. ROY THINNES-GGYU-BRES MEREDITH- CHARLES DURNING- RICHARD A. DYSARI 7 :00 & 9:1i5 Musc 5y SAAVID5115E- Basea on me book Ev MICHAEL M MeSSEY Scoe Stofy y MC4ARO LEMà VIN £WAM UNE O)rig inal so und track avai lable Excl usively on MCA Records & Tapes Recommendied a SUNDAY 2:00 - 4:30 - 7: 00 & 9:15 AOULS ENTERTAINMENT CHILDREN'S MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY~ 1 LASSIES ADVENTURES ThiweU N THE GOLD RUSH DOOR OPN 1230 NTER ODEON'S SATURAY MATINE DRAW D OW. PN 23 S.IOW STARTS 1:30 1ST PRIZE i CCM PURSUIT (5 SPEED) SHOW OUT APPROX. 4:15 M al§ §]Ou PELLEN CYCLE AND S PORTS Ti PHONE 725-5833 MUST BE PRESENT 1 ENTRV FORM WITH EACli N ORDER TO WIN MATINEE ADMISSION PIJRCIIASED DRAW DATE MAY 29th, 1976 ALL SEATS $1 00 E ST. N.I FBLOODI Si. Petersburg, Florido 33733. Vitamin D Vitamnin D helps the body absorb calcium and helps to build strong bones. lU's found most plentiful- ly in fortified milk, cod or halibut liver oil. sait water fish, mnackerel and canned salmon. Vitamin C Vitamin C-ascorbic acid- aids in maintaining intercel structure. Also, Vitamm C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps in healing wounds and re- sisting infection. Vitamin C is available in oranges, grapefruits, limes, lemons, strawberries, cantaloupes, collards, mustard greens, cabbage, green peppers and potatoes. Storage Hints Keep foods like jelly, pickles. peanut butter and mustard in the refrigerator only if the label says refrigerate after opening." if possible, keep coffee in the refrigerator. tightly covered. Store fat drippings, lard, margarine and butter tightly wrapped in the refrigerator. Vegetable shortening should be covered at room tem- perature. Homemade salad dressings must remain in the refrigerator, too. Going Shopping If possible, eat before you go shopping. If you go to the store hungry. you may buy things you don't need. Shop for foods that are good sources of important nutri- ents. Variety in foods and meals is the best way to make sure your diet is nu- tritionally well balanced. am * * CAROUSEL. INN FEATURINO HELLFIRE CENTRE RESTA, RANT & TAVERN OSHAWA CENTRE dokA (Next to the Cinemas) Excellent Food Fast, Courteous Service Open 7days and evelings "fýLUCKY STARTS Aif FR1 1AY LY BURT REYNOLDS O~I GENE HACKMAN LIZA MINNELLI P H Ot. E - 723-3467 19111111R 9Feuîvre-0cili 7:IO0& 9:20 à . Pararnoufli Pîctures PreSentS ~.CATuI-RIrE DEN1EUVE! ARoBurt Prodluction ii Color ... A PpZ0k AÙ' p M' >*W*4 PLAZ81,