PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1976, WHJTBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the County Town Warriors deserve SERVING OVER -28,000 REAIDERS Publislîcd cvery Wednesday r jj byaM.B.M.Publising Mike Burgess, Publishe The Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whîtby, Onlaria. Box 206, Whilby. j Maîlinq Pormît No. 2941 Phono 668-6111. Toron~o Lino 282.1004 AssistantIiEitor- 31ake Purdy ('oîTlrnunity liditor- Brian Winter C;ontributi *ng EdTrtor - Jim Qluail Production Manager - Mari@ Burgess Display AdvertîsIng Manager -. Robin Lyon Classified Ad Manager - Cireulation Manager- Marlene BYTOM Sharon Lyon support Ontario Hockey Association Senior 'A' league mnost certain- ly deserve muntch nmore sttiport A than they have been getting recen tly. The suzes of the crowds, tistally made tip of the sarne faces, that show tip for the Warriors' reguîlar season gamnes are sad but bring in the Mos- cow Kimi-iks and everyone and his brothier shows tup. Mighty uinfair we say bêcause the saine dedication that ivent into the Khimiks' gaine seerns to go into ail gamnes the War- riors play. Take Sunday's road gaine in Barrie for example. The . - Barrie Flyers are a tough go evenl at the best of tirnes, nevermind when you have tot'e play themn with a depleted roster. Yet I13 Warriors and some front office types made the effort. They lef t Iroquiois Park Arena at 5 ini their own cars, drove to Barrie, suited up, played their hearts % htblqc baClç to their cars and arrived homne after miidnight putting in the equiiv- aleîît of an average person's fuUl work day but expending iiiich more energy. If they can mnake the effort, to play the gainies. you shoLild irnake the effort to sup)port thei. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Speciafisis say cancer is lin kdèode Dear Sir; New evidence by can- cer specialists in a 300 page report are finding nîcreasing evidence that ingredients in our daily diet may be causing haif of ail cancers in women and 30 per cent of those arnong men. .A cancer epidemnic has exploded in the United States! Cancer death ra te for the first 7 rnontlis of this year juînped to 5.2 per cent. Thîe normal rate is only 1 %( a year for the last 30 years. Metropolitan farriors aj Dear Sir; The Whitl>y Warriors Hockey Club would like to tlîank 13 & R Transport for Ilie use of their vchiiles ini Wlitihy's SanLa Claus Paradle. Tlîanks cspcci;îIly Io Presiden t Harold Bon- netta, for his persoiîîaýl involvemeni; lie wcnt ho considerable troubles Io Insurance Company re- ported an alarmning 617 increase in first 6 mon ths of 1975, and a 7/r jumip ini deaths froin lunig cancer for t-ie first hiaîf of the year. The journal Cancer Researchi suggests that nutritional factors - - including diet Iîigh in animal fa t, excessive alcoliol intake, deficiein- cies iii Vitaimin A & C, certain food îadditives and contarminents il] food- are reaited to. the developinent of cani- cer of the colon, sgornacîî, ýpreciative ensure that we would have a, tractor, trailer and driver for our float entry. Whitby would flot have a parade each year, wcrel t not for the great co-opera tion exten*Jed to many grorips by B & R Tr,-îiisport. Sincerely, T>îî Fitzsiininonls esophlagus, bieast, liver and Ltertis. Sup)porting the theory was a report by Dr. Erilst Wynder, Pr-esidenit of th( Amnerican Heailh Fomn- dation iin New York wlio lead a synîpositum on Ca ncer and ,Ntitrition sponsored by the Nation- al Cancer Institute and the Amnerican Cancer Society. His report includes canicers of dlic kidney, blad(ler, pani- creas anid prosta te; and1( î)<ssibly leikemiia whiclh may bc (lirectly or indirectly relaied to nutrition. D)r. Wyi-idcLý- said dtal"lielary (lefi- ciencies lea(l to bi<>em- ical abnorinalities whiclî ini turn înay initate cani- cer processes. Largely on the basis of epidemiilogicaî evidence, nutrition has a profound influence on the patlio- genesis (developnient) of a gro-at variety of huma n cancers, Dr. Wynder said. Dr. John Berg 'of the University of Iowa told tlhe conference that *breast i acer is inked to a fiatty ciet in iti umn stildies and animal exper- inien ts. Higl fýat diets h lave a 5 ti 10 fold Ihiglier breast cancer rate then do p)eople in cointries wlhere diets ar-e Iow in fat intake. It is thouglît the typica'l highly reffined North Amierican diet overstinîui- lates tlhe body's hormone systenli produciîîg whant D)r. Berg,), ternîed I tlie sainie efl'ect as ruinning ai dliesel engine on)Iiliigh1 ocfanle airplaiî.. fuel. more tlîan $50 million is spcn t yearly on cancer r-esear-cli ili 1an aittcmjit to flik i rises g <>caicei wlîile' vir-tua liv no(thlinî, lias I>eeii speni (>on flic effeets oflIlitj(>tin inî cancer p)revclltioii. The respIlts linking diet to j canicer lias finally sparked 1 investigation ilito nutri-i tion -- 50 long neglccted.t For years leading re-i searcliers iin nutrition i have claimied a connection1 but few doctors would listeui. It was too simiple. i Dr. Leo Fr2idiinaiî, toxicOlogist wi th the U-S. Food -and Drug Adrministrationî lias ré- peatedly stated thiat "'CHEMICALS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SOME 90 PER CENT 0F THE CANCERS IN MAN". Ralph Nadar researcli grDL-aIp published a book 'The Chiemiical Fea t" 011 thlecsLibject wvhile otlier fainous nu tri itionlists like Dr. Cal toin Fredericks, I)r. lZogýer J. WVilliams, (Nu- irit0il 10aist isea-,sei D)r. Curtis WVood Jr., Dr. Emimanuel Clheraskin, Adelle Davis, WD. Cur- rier M.l). have aIl Niarncd rcpeatedly tt cellular Inutrition i s ature's ivay of protecting us froml 'lot onlly caiicer but nunlnerous diseases. Thieir pleas for research inito thiîs field wenlt on deaf cars wlîile- hutndreds of millions were poured ilito flic elusive virtus tlicory. Vitaniifis A and C Ilcii tioned iii flie report, along %vith seleniunî (fouiîd ini bran, wheat germi, onions, broccoli, tuna) namned as inhibitors or canicer-cati:jiio sunl- stances are weil worth the smnall cost involved as a safeguard against the iîost dreà ded disease of al ........ caicer. Dean J. Kelly P.S. There are over 400 cliemnical food additives approved for use in Canada today. The ,iverageCinadian con- mines approx. 3 lbs. of these 400 chiemicals a year. Thie average Cana- dian cats abouit 120 Ibs. of suigar each yea r. MALNUTRITION ini On- tario alone costs O-IiP (you) $1.000,000.000 *ïaillion) annually. Send letters to Box 206, Whitby b"