WHITBY FREE, PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7. 1976, PAGE 17 Ontrio e oernment Tend- GENERAL CONTRACTORS For kitchen renovations to provide centralized kitchen and dishwashing facilities with a new staff dining room, to include construction of new washrooms with showers, change and Iocl«er rooms, air conditioned office space, new refrigerated rooms for food and meat, dishwashing facilities and storage rooms, new plumbing and ventilation, supply and installation of new kitchen equipment, for the Ministry of Heaîth, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. T.O. 228 SEALED TENDERS p.m. LOCAL TI ME on 1976. wiII be received until 3:00 TLJESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Custodian of Plans and Specifications, Room NW-1167, llth floor, Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone No. (41C-) 965-1270. The Oshawa and District Construction Exchange Bid Depository Procedure shaîl be followed by the Mechanical and Electrical Trades. A $65,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required. A Deposit of $50.00 MONEY ORDER or CERTIFIED CHEQIUE, made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, wiIl be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited. Ten- dert.b-'s address and telephone num ber should accompany each cheque. NOTE: For further information regarding this tender, please caîl Mr. T. J. Campbell, Ministry of Government Services, Toronto, Ontario, Tele- phone No. <416> 965-1152. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of Government Services HELP WANTED DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN VVORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 per year. Contact customers around Whitby. We train. Write M. O. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleim, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. CORPORATION 0F ÎTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP Christmas trees wilI be picked up the week of January 12, 1976 on your regular collection day. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Vorks. MINISTRY 0F REVENUE - ASSESSMENT (5 REGION No. 13 Ontario 605 Rossîand Road E. Whitby, Ontario To Ail Owners or Tenants in Durham Region: Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 32, '3s amended) RSO, 1970, I have on the 6th day of January, 1976 deîivered or caused to be delivered ASSESSMENT NOTICES to ail owners or tenants in this Region. The last day for appealung the Assessment Notice is February llth, 1976 and the é ssessment Roll may be examined at the Municipal Office during regular business hours commencing January 2lst, 1976. W. H. Parnell, Reaional Assessment Commissioner. THE LARC3EST TDURIST ATTRACTION IN ENGLANE> 15 TH-E VOWER OF LOND>ON. TH~E 2N c>L.ARGEsT? TH-E PREHISTOPJC MONUMENT ON THE CHALK DOWNS 0F SOUTHERN ENGLANI). BUILTOVERA PERIOt) 0F 500 YEARS, SOME 4,000 YE4RS AGO,. rr'S 3501 IN DIAMETER, INCLUPING 11-4E OUTER CIRCLE. THE 13UI LPERS HAULEL? MANY 0FP1THE HUGE MONOLITI-S 300 MILES VIA LANI & WATER. AN ESIlMATE 0F MAN-HOURS SPENT ON THIS ENTIRE PROJECT: 1,49-7,680. 1-I1STO1RIANS ARE OF 11-IE OPINION TH-E SITE WAS ABANEONEI) IN 114E 140's B.C. AN01lH-ER ESTIMA-TE: I-TTOK 8w00 MENIOR SO, 1D MOVE THE HUGE STONES. N1-4E 1920's, A COL- HAWLEY /ýMDE EXCAVA- -71CN$ TO LEARN MORE SECRjETrS OF STOtEHENGE-. NOW 11-HE GOV'T. VN'T ALLOW t)K3GING -THERE. 35 King Street West (Lower Level) Oshawa For reservations 'phone 723m1066 Ploughman's Luneh.....,...lam - 2pm Ladies' Afternoon Tea (in the Tudor Room) ....... 2pm m 5pm Evening Dining *..eeeeeoss7pni.m l2pm Monday to Saturday Open Sundays 4pm m lOpm LUV.E ENTERTAINMENT'tiiam Slaughter O/ The Innocents... Then Herodwe he saw that he was mocked o) the toise men, taXs exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and siew ail the children that were in Bet hlehem, and ali in the coaists theteoJ from tw;o years oLd and under, ac- cord:ng to the"t:me wh:ich he had diligently enquired of the toise men., Then toas fulf:lled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet , saying, In Rama wais there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning. Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.- St. Matt hem 2:16-18 _____________________________________________ 'I _________________________________________ M 4-.--- bzm.-qb,-q v Inn mQNq 1 DID YOU KNOW? 1