WIIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1975, PG.1 MM 668-m6l11 CLASSIFI ED ADVERTISING a- _________________ w T FOR SALE STOVE. - westingbouse elec- trie, 30 inch, four burners, excel- lent wo.rkiig. condition $35. Caji ifter 5 p.m.'655-4454. FRAMUS -- 6 string banjo. $100 or tiearcst otier. Phione 668-4187 ater 6 o'clock. STOVE - 30 inchi, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. ('ail 668-6750. STOVE -- Smaii $60; B&W TV Philco $60; teak chesherield anîd chair $85;, antique Raynmond LADIES brown COAT - like treddle sewing machine $65. ('al new, size 18-20, $201, Aiso girls'4668-6080. coats, size 10 & 12, $6 each.1 1965 MER('URY ('OMET ('al 668-1 123. 1licentses tincertitïcd, good rîîîîîiîg conditioni, $300 or best offer. SWINfflMATIC --For habv. iMist sedI.('al 655-4834. $12. ('a11668-9888. ____ ANTIQUF. -- Dresser $90; kitchien cabinet $120; beauty table with 3 mirrors $120; 2 chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. Cai 579-2939. DRUMS - Complete set;2 toms, 1 floor tom, base, chromne snare drum, highi hat, 2 cymbat stuids, excellent' condition-$ 190. 2 19 Keith Street after 6 D.m. FILTER QUEEN VACLUUNl CLEANE7R - withi accessories, like new, $200. CalI 728-6169. 1964 ('1-EV IMPALA- motor A-i1 condition. $100. Caîl R on at 728-6188. Two Firestone SNOW TIRES - ('78-14, $20; Two RIMS, 4-hole, fits 1970 Maverick. $8. ('al 668-4461. - 24 inch Moffai borner, $25. ('al MOPED - Bronco brand iiew 5 0 mles, highrise handlebars, ~eIuxe scat. 148 miles per galion, ~vilIýgo 40 m.p.h. $460. ('ait 668- '386. WOOD -One trailer ioad soft wood suitable or fireplace $35. ('aIl 668-8957. WEDDING GOWN- Size 12. veil and train $50. ('aIl 668. Z406 or 6684410. Emp). STEREO - Lloyds receiver, eigbt-hrack, turnit-bie and two speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. Cati 668-7190. Emp. One Lloyd CAR RIAGE - bro'vn and white, also one JO LLY J UMPER, $30. ('aIl 728-9663. 1967 FORD MIERCURY ('OUGAR- - 289 V-8 engilie, mechanically sound, $250. Cal 668-9670. 1967 PARISIENNE - V-8 automatic, nev transmnission ck rear end, pover steering anîd brakes, good gas mileage. Cali Stan at 576-176 1 or Rick ah 728-7092. WRINGER WASHER - $25; mnusbroom KITCHEN SET, wvhite with black padded scats $100; WE-DDING-,DRESS, site 9, com- piete %vith floor lengtli veil $90. Call 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8, 4-door, green with black vinyl roof, black in terior, certified $2,300. (Calil655-3406. STOVL 4 borner, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DINING ROOM S ET, woodcn $140. ('al 668-6750. MATERNITY CLOTHES - Including four tops, one pair isiacks, two pair shorts, a pant sit and a dress, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for cvev-rything. ('ail 728- C AMIEL (OAT- good condi- ton, svnrn tvice, size 14. $15: S5ANDALS, xlite, $2; 00015, size 7, black, S5; Swe aler and bloce, x.ieskirt. $ 1.50 ecdi. Calil 655-4166. Twvo 1965 i>ONTIACS - onc is V8, good- bodly & motor, trans- mission needs work, as is, $450 or bcst offer. Ollier is certificd, 6 cylinder, $450 firin. ('ail 668-9757, CUTTERS - one in excellent condition $150; one racing cutter in good co ndition $75. ('al 655-4964. PARTY DRESSES - long evening gowns, size 9, Il & 12. Caîl 668-9256 after 6 p.m. BICYCLE - boys' ('CM Targa, only one year old, in good condi- tion, $60. Caîl 655-4409. COAT - Ladies black persian iamb approximately size 20, in good condition, will selI for $50. Cail 725-5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTSo --Laduies size 61/2 buckie st,:le, worn once $25. ('al 668-2119ý. Emip GAS STOVE- Findiey, 2 years old, gold coiour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $175. ('a' 668-4468. 1967 i"ON iST 0 IN - WAGON - ';8--,, gooul nning condition, body Catii. puwer steering & brakes;. certi',.ti, .,10 or : -;t offer. ('aIl 668-7 006. CHIP TRUCK - Cully equip- ped, freshlv painted inside. new tires, alurninurn body, askiîîg $3,000 or best offer. ('al 728-7623. TV - B&W 20 inch $ 100. ('al Kent Spariishi .FTi GUITAR - like îîcss, witlî costoni mîade anmplifier and speaker, SI()O) or hest ofter. (aIl 576-8042. DRUMS Olynpiaj8 pieci set includes stool. in good condi- tion, asking $250. ('aIl 655-3563. UNIFORM $10; steam IRON $8, tsvo smail carpets $6 cadi. ('al 72J-1,211. BOYS BOL E R SKAiIS ize 41,½, $15; Underwood Scripter TFYIWRITEIR, $125. (Cal 668-6297 ater S p.mi. STROBE LIGIIT new, 1 new buib, factory warranhy and ail parts$ best offer. FERREÃŽT- brown maie or emale $25 668-7 190. SPEED BÃ"ÂArVL Reasonable $95. ('ailDug ah668-8957. WASHER/SPîN DRYER -- Westinghouse, used hwu months $16500, 3 piece sectioîîal, llue ,green orlan pile with bar $400 like new. ('ail 668-4377 or 668- 60 78. WINDO(WS- Basement 21X .)71/ $6 eacîî, picture windlow, storm 58X64 $30, window ite cou Id be aitercd ligh lly. (aIl 723-8220. Large bo x ofCGiR[.S (L OTII1 ING- nearly nesv, size 101-I2, $25; BO0YS ('IOTHiING, suce 8-12, $20; STI.AM IRON $8; Girls COATS, size 12, $6 ecdi; 12 . 725-121i. si7e 31/, $ 15; sw ivel('HIAi1R, $ I5; VA>OR IZER, $5; col-lce PERK, $ 10; sanidwich GRI LL, $7; T1OAS'î'ER"I, $7; carpe t EiTR $ l0; 6.. loor i>OLISI i ER, $ i10; 6 igh t bar type bath rooni ix turc sith shave piug hti, like nesv, $2t0; 6 apple crates, $2 eaclî. RANG- ET,$1i5; EET CBROOM, $10; VACUUM ('LEANER, $5. Caîl 668-940)4. 1968, 302 1ENGINI- au tomnatic transmission. ('ail 655-3463. syî tih $200. RUGS -I11 1'. X 8 ff. 3 ini. & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth colours, rust, gold, brown, beige, $500 tor both. ('ail 668-7923. CT-D A R SIIINGLES - 8/ bundies $90.00; homcmradc 12 ft. aiurninumi housetraîler $250. 'al 655-3411. TRICYCLE CCM 16 inch wvheel, $20; boys skates, size 5, $5. ('aIl 668-86 19. 1963 DODGE - 4 door sedan $100. Corne and look it over. Caîl 668-5386. DINING ROOM SUITE --9 piece. $285; white FOOTSTOOL, $5; TELEIIIONE DESK $6; Duncan five TABLE, $75; bedsit- ting chair. $6; smiall CHESTER- FIELD, $75; aiso mniscellaneous. C'ail 723-8934. Antique R CA Victorola RAIO CONSOLE with auto- matic tUrm table, abou t 1943 miodel, fuliy functioning, solid walnut, $300 cash. ('ail 579-1593. MOFFAT buiît-in Oven & sur- face unit, $400; holding TANK for boat, $25; girls (CLOTHlNG, size 6, $ 15. 2 lamp bases, $8; smnali electric sCroVE. $15; electric BROOM, $7; floor POLiSHIR, $ 15. ('ah 576-6592. GOA LI E EQUIPMI.*NT 1 year old, fits boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arrn & chest protec- tor, $60. Cail 668-5714. fFour cylinder Viva Voxhial EN GIN 1-l' t175 cc's $65; 4 speed standard TRANSMISSION lor 4-cyinder Viva or 1-pic enginc rebuilt' last Fcbruary. $50. Caîl 668-4838. YAMAKI DE-'L[JXJ; 6' -STRING GLIITAR -- with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 af'ter 5 p.t11. CHiEST DRAWERS- $45; Set BiUNK BEDS. wvith springs, no mattress, size 36 inch sidth, i $50. al 668-9009. mubm& Mens 5-speed BICYCLE- aîmost almost new, $60. ('aIl 728-1)664 made, aC'ter 6:301 n.m. ____ albino, 5. 'aIll Iwo(, ;60- 14 qualifier sîow tires on GM wagon inis, brand new $50 pair. ('aIl 668-2423 ater 5 n.ni 1 i)eluxe VOODBURNING S ET good Cor children 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; P>ACK SACK, nylon witii solid aloinum Ci rame, neyer been osed, $25; SKIS, approx. 5.1' lonîg, great for beginner, $ 10; SKI 13OO0IS, si/e 7/8, gond conditioni witli carrying rack, $1 0, portable RAIO, excellent conîditin, lîardly usd, $ 10. (aiI 668-4465. 1F0 W '1R UCK 3 ton. selliîîg a,, s $900 or best otier. Ca Il 6068- 76 4. - Lýlifp.- R CR)PI AVR - portable S15. 'kitchen table, cliroie & renîrbcin design $0.pIeuse ejîliaer 6 p.îîî. 655-3240).ELino. SNO\V TI RIJ.S le' i-'70-14, ustedone ssinter. ecdn coniditii. askinu S$30. C(a Il 608-41862. Fonder Stratocasier G VilAR - $300 (inin. C(ili C76-1535. FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 ft. diameter, 4 ft. tail $ 10. ('ail after 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' oidiu n size, 3 pieces, hiood, jacket anîd pants $55. ('ail 579- 2652. RONY -- Strasvberry Roan previousiy used Cor childrens' rides coîîplete witb good as nesv saddle hiatiket, bridie, balter and reins $ 125. ('ah6055-303 i. WINTER ('OAT - mitation C'tr, leopard type, 2 years olci, worn tsvic $25. Cati 579-3569. ELECTRVC BROOM -~Regina wvitli pile adjustnîent diai new cond(ition $25; Clîild's BEI) Coid- iîîg type 27X52 witiî nîattrcss good condition $30; 2 buriier stove ciectrie 220 volt iîeavy duty 25 in. liigli witlî siieif, no oven $15. ('ail 655-3860; FLOOR POLISHER - $10. CaÇ~l 668-3209. SNOW TI7RES_ town & country nylon, 7.35 xJ-4 on rims, Iow mileage, $30 or best offer, CailA668-RS84. 1/4-steel BED- comiplete with spring & mlattress, mahogeny dresser & dressing table, $40. ('ail 655-4630. KITCHEN TABLE - Oval, 3 chairs, almnost new $90. Cal 668-6604. 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian V8, sedI as is $800 or best offer, 97,000 miles, Cail1668-7980 ater 6 p.m. _____ GOLF SI-iOES - 2 pairs, w.hite and peach coloured pair, size 7 $10, wvhite and black pair size 7 $10. good condition. Cali 863- 1806 -an,0 ask fer Cath y. 19/U DODGE CHIALLEN- GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $1,800. Cali 668-5745. AM-F-M STERL R EC El VER $325; unique kitchen table, soiid maple top $450. ('ail1668-5910. Red Wool Curling JACKET size 40-42, $25; Bowiiîng SIIOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfecct condition. Cal 668-9073. Gendron STROUFLi-R excel- lent condition, $25. ('ail 655-3624. 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT & sotids offenhainser twin carb high risc for small block Chcvy, like ncw, asking $200. Cal 655-4723. REVERB- Tray nor signature 4X 10. $250. Cai 655-4978- COUICIi & CHAXIR -vl.ry good condition, $S75. C'ail 668-7221i ater S t, ni 19 72 GR.\N TORîNO SPORT V8, 2 door hardlta.p. pover steering, powser brakes, vinyi roof', îîinor body svork. $2.000. Culit 668-9805. B31-1) IHESTERILI) --3 01011ths old, Beverley nîattress, plus chromne ramne, lin ted glass end table, bougli t tor $500, Nvill sedI Cor $300. ('ail 655-4 101. BUGGY - Twin stroller conYi bination, good condition $40. ('afl 668-5272. GARAGFi -wanted t u ri t. 1rferably tsxo (or mlore) car iocalcd in or near downito\wnt area. .('Cail MI. B.MI. Publiîshing and Photo- graplîyfric. 668-6111. 1973 NO!,, iON $1.200.('aIl1668-9925. i.udwsig 7-picce tiRI 1 N1 \ l' su ii geiluilue z ild iian liii b<15 mceelini Conîdition, ukiigS550. Cali 728-25 18. G L1 11 A R I'i nple pickup elucîric, wili selI Cor $35. ideal C'or kg o p. a 6 (68- 28 60. I50 SR i12, less thaiî 500 miles onl '2, plus good sîîare witli mini $45. r.mt 668-540 ate<r 5:30. A NEW NURSERY OF . tNNOVATIVE ARRANGEMENTS WITH PLANTS & IDRIFT- WOOD. FOR THAT UNUSUAL XMAS"'GIFT. SHOPAT Rtà %TIVEý NURSERY 601 Brock St. N. IAIH 1 TBY 668-5444' Lower Mal Whitbv Mail. Thiickson Rond, Whitby. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise~ FREE in the ÈREEC PRESSEM~PORIUM, pay ONLY when you s.ll! There will no,t.-be' any cb$trge to advertisers iný the FREE eM.ESS EMPORIUM unîess the item vovertised is sold., When the a4ver tised item is sold, you pa%' ù oomission based onl TUIE ADVERTI SED PR ICE as illustrated below. AIl adfertisements must be i34aced on an exclusive basis with the WI-ITBY FREEj PRESS and run ait least one mnonth if not sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item i~dvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (m inimnum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify uis if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whlitby Frece iress immediately when item is sold so tlîat we may delcte it from- the foIlowingý issues. Services, hielp wanted, clothing, real e'statc and personal message type ads can oniy bc handlcd on a prcpaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY Four piece LIVING ROOM SUITE - bigb back style, 3 monthis old, excellent condition, $550 or bcst offer. ('ail 668-9014. 12 gpage S teven s pump SHOTGUN $75. Caii 683-1469. Lustom-made extra lieavy duty TRAILEP. I-ITCH for 1974-7-5 pinto stationwagon $25. Cal NIKON FTN CAMERA - 50- mm., f1.4 iensc, 200 mm., f4.0 nikkor lense, cIcctronic flash, $525. ('ail 668-5259. good shiape, cerîified, good transportation, KLO 881, $675. 1966 PONTIAC Stratochief, good transportation, can be cortifted, [)YY 766, $425. ('alil 668-8957. STORE FIXTURES, VACUUM CLEANER, AIR-CONDITIONER, MIRRORS, ETC ... See ('anadian Woînan, 137 Brock St. S., Whitby. 26" Phillips stand included, offer. Cdl}668-3' ('OLOUR TV - $300 or best 3195. RUGS - 12'x 7'l" and 1 2'x Il',,earth colours, rush, gold, brown, yellow, plus underpad for both $400. WASHER SPIN DRY- ER- Simplicity, harvest-gold, excellent condition $150: RUG - 1 2'x 10', orange, goid, brown tone $60. (ail 728-8467. ACCORDIAN 120 Bass Mtin- diriger -, with case, Il ssitclies on keyboard, very good cotnditioni, asking $300. ('aIl 725-8162. 1 971 TOYOTA COROLLA - 1600, 30 m.p.g., 4 door, good condition, new tires, $ 1,000. Cal! 668-4286. HELP WANTED TORON TO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2) required by HenryViIl Massage Castle Must be willinq to learn. maintain appearanc e, weiI mannered, friendIly, $30 - $50 daily plus br.à nefits, hours flexible. Accommodation assistance in r location available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Con tact Miss Cath y (1) 361-0838 collect 1>RAî .DRYE1-R -aparl- neti/.ex\cellentcodloi $i100. ('aIl 668-9947. Bm-oud looîiiRUC 9' s. 14'. $31); Axnii5lisei SC. 50: NWiiîe RI.G, $2'ý Oval îîrafided R UG. $1 2; 2 I)Lue(),ies. $11!; inhir s5; Sule;n t diii th 1 r ii!line, r0011 table. S44. DRAPLS. $2 pair: large florai .irraiigii.îeiiieit. $3.5011 1111d, vibrator, like nw,$50:'. fe TAB; -E,'-3; table LAMP. $3; 5-piece elîironue set $16; guide uiîifornî, $ 12; browîiie uniforîi, $10. Caîl 723-2426. STORE FOR RENT Ideal Cor Jean Shop Approximately 800 sq. f. 107 Coîborne St., Whitby $125 montit AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ('ail 668-3129. au8matc transmion, asking $100. ('ic ans6687553or723-n 5366. 22 J30LT ACTION - With*- scope, gun rack, good condition. $45. Cati 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION HITCH - One axle (Mini) and torsion bar sup- -ports asking $55. (ail 7288056. by Slingerland, zilgiari cymbats, throne, ludwig speed pedal, snare 14", hi hat sittier, bass 22", tom tom 12", floor tom, etc., very good condition,. $375., OuI 2.2..&-5486. Lovely Walnut 14UFFEI - refinished, $45; Pine Kitchen' TABLE, iefinished, $55; Smailer pirte table, painted, $18; Three drawer DRESSER, $15; Large oak SIDEBOARD with mirror and Ieaded glass door, partially refinished, $65. (aIl 668-6519. Singer Feather We igh t SEWING MACHÊNE, $40; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new toys, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., still in boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. ('ail 668-6715. Cooper G.P.GOLEPD - $55; Bîocker & catcher G.M. 12 junior, good condition, $20, both uscd 2 ycars; [mura SKIS by Garmish with harncss 120 cati. long, neyer used, $20; Lace-up SKI BOOTS, $5. ('aIl 668-5685. GIFT CERT11F'CATIS Eaton's & Simpson's do it and we think it'% a good idea to! (;ive a Ncarly Newv Shop Gift Certificate and tunle somecone intO thie ton of byowsiflg through our racks and finding that one of a kind spccial itemn. The Nearly New Sholi, 131 Brock St. S., Whitly is open daily 9:30- 5:30. WANTIiD - Mature wvoman to care for hiandicapped child and also do soîne ight housekeeping, varied hours, Whitby central. Caîl 668-6667.- YOUNG WVOMAN will give piano instructioninii er honte ai a reasonable rate to beginners and students of primnary grades. For furîher informiation contact 668-5214. PIANOS FOR SALE- Ne\\- \i son & Rien froin S995. (;ood selection ut osed pianos roîîî $350. Piano Slîup, I îlwyNo. 7. 5 miles \vesi of lîooklin. Open this k Frida.i10 -z.ii.-6 pi.. Sa îurday 10 a.nii.- 4 1).. (aIl 683-4500 or 9""5-3477 aller bioums. ODI) JOBS DONE TIRiE ,'REMOVAL l R EWOOD SNOWPLOWING -Phione 668-6080 after 4 p.m. GIANT STUJI--ED ANIMALS brand ncev, $20 each or bcst offe'r. Great for Christmas gifts. ('ail 668-4846. SEARS SLIM GYM - -$50;, SEARS BELl MASSAGE, $50, like new. Cati 683-5825 after- 5 p.m. HUNT CAP - bLaukvelvet with . safety harness înstalied, size 7V2, $23.50 . Cafl.66$-2401. PessI STOVE electrie, 4 668-4750. Hwy. 2 and Phone 723-6792. Ont. Reg. No, 1079998 7 ýw Pl -1 L. o r 1 n tersta te