là tvirin% V17e DLc vAivrnTICfAV IWFCFMBFR 17. 1975, CHRISTMAS CAROL PULL-OUT SECTION PAGE 'I We join with Santa to send glad-hearted greetingsy with the wish that Christmnas bring ta you myany good things. good f riends and good cheer, good health and good fellowship, good fortune now and in the days ahead.. It's a happy time of year, and making it even brighter for us are our memorues of the times we have had the pleasure and privilege of serving you. STOKELY.VAN CAMP 0F CANADA canners anal al/r6ulors oJ-veeailes anc'Jruds P.O. BOX 297 - WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN 5S1 Van Camps HEM, (M. ENJOY* t m P , 'WHITBY FKLE FKtbb, vvrvi-ma"mi, air, JL.'fýj 0