Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1975, p. 7

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Historie ai Whi tb y by Brian Winter qN'S HOUS by Norm MeaIing WestLy.nde ixdBowling Le-cg3Že_ Our first itemn this week comes to us cou rtesy of Mike Bible, the congenial statistîcian of the West Lynde Mixed Bowling League. Mike passed along the lbague standings and, the best individuai scores, as of Tucsday October 28t1i TeamLag Sweath ogs Yo.yo's Hot-Shot's Gutter Crawlers Pat's Fat Cats Blood, Sweat & Tears Dynamos Alley Cats High Single, Flat Me Standinp&sI Won 1l 10 10 9 Lost 4 5 5 6 7 8 69 3 12 I~ii ivîcual bc res: Ladies Jan Bentley 286 Myra Bale 283 Aline McDermid 275 High Single, Myra Bate 321 Handicap Jan Benlley 312 Jennifer Hopson 308 High Triple, Jan Bentley Plat Barb Holweg Myra Bale High Triple, Jan Bentley Handicap Barb Holweg Myra Bate Iligh Average Barb Holweg Jan Bentley Aline McDermid 744 711 649 822 765 763 198 198 191 Pôints- 26 )4 23 21 17 14 9 6 Men Ivan Booth 3 Gerry Schempp 3 Tim Crooks 2, Gerry Schempp 31 Ivan Booth 3, Leon Thiorburn 3' Ivan B3ooth 9 Len Logan 7( Jim Cameron 7( Ivan Booth '9 Geriy Scbcmpp 8: Len Logaîn 8 [van Booth 2 Tom Cox 2 Len Logan 21 iiowlers of the Week: Ladies: Jean Booth, 204 + 166 + 248 = 618 (699) neÇn rt.iJi J1'?.J+i ? L + 15 72 (65 WHITBY One of the most histbrie homes in downtown Whitby is located at the corner of Byron and Coîborne Streets, where it is presently used as a meeting house by St. Mark's United Church. The brick home, bulît in 1864, was the residence of Dr. Robert John Gunni, who served a record 58 years as a physician and surgeon in Ontario County. Dr. Gunn was born at Caithness, Scotland, February 14, 1815, the son. of Rev. Alex Gunn, of the Kirk of Scoland. He was educated at a privat e school and at the University of Edinburgh, where hoe studied miedicine. Ho was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ediniburgh, and practised for two years at Thurso before emnigrating to Canada in the autumn of 1842. Dr. Gunn scttled at Whitby, thon a tiny village, and proceeded to make his rounds, which included riding on hiorseback for 30 miles northward through half.clearod forests. He was also the first physician in this part of Canada to use a stethoscope. It is said that hoe neyer refused to attend the calîs of the sick, rich or poor, whatevcr might be the stato of die weather, by night or day. In 1846 Dr. Gunn received his licence to practise medi- cine in Canada, and upon the formation of Ontario County in 1853, hoe was appointed surgeon for the County Jail at Whiitby. Dr. Gunn led an active life in politics, serving as truste and chiairmnan of the Whiitby Board of Education for many years, as a justice of tie peace, î%awn councillor, and Mayor of Whitby for th ree years-- 1862, and 1867-68. A nmember of the Prcsbyterian Churchi, Dr. Gunn was an Eider for mnany years and une time hoe was appointed as a delogate lu the Churchi's general assembly. He was also a mcm nber of the MLsonic Order, anîd was one of the prinçipa1 supportersý of Uic local Bible Society. On October 24, 1849, Dr. Gunn married Miss ýgnes The next itemi that wc deal with in this week's colun is the upcoîing Mayoralty election liore -in Whitby. M4onday, October 27th was the final day for miembers of the cxisting Council to dciîde and speculationw'ýas rampant. Would wc have one, twvo, or none of' our existing Council camipaigning for thc vacancy crcated by Des Newman's resfgnation. And, if we did, would one of those cami- paigning beave a Counicil vacaricy which could be comipeted for by somieune broni West Lynide. Weil, as iltutrrncd out two Councillor-s.ii Gartshore 9 and Johin Goodwin. resignied lu contest the Mayoialty, and, sinceoune of them., Mr. Gartshore, reprcsentcd the West Ward, whiich incbudes West Lyrnde. the way is clear for one W aniong us tu seck to represent us on Counicil. As 1 write ýd this column, rio one bas yet come forward, but there is ;s, still time, and, pcrhiaps, one of our aspiring polit icians wiIl decide 10 ron. At any rate, thiere are a few weeks- to go before the election, and 1I uhougit fthat for today 1 would outline the coverage,.that 1 intend 10 give this most important race. Next week, 1 will spell out wlhat 1 feel to be tho major issues, and why, in the campaign. 1 have had brief conver- sations with two of the candidates, Messrs. Gartshore and QÇoodwin, so that the week following, 1 will lay out what I understood them to say were the issues, and, if 1 cani, lay down their reactions to my perceptions of tie things that are at stake for ail of us. In my final column on the campaign, 1 will put forward what 1 might have heard at any ail-candidates forums that may have been hield. 76 So, stick with us throughi the campaign, and, let's hope 32 that some good candidates corne forward to fll the vacant 75 Council seat for the West Ward. Scribbles:_ 81 Thiis coming Saturday is thie second Saturday of 76 November. P'resumably the Cubs and Scouts will be out for 13 thieir paper drive. Watchi for the signs, and, if il is go, get )0your papers bundled and out. '10 Don't forget that Novemiber 2l1st miarks the return .of '2the fabuloits MOTHI-BALL-MO-JO-BAND tu our town. The 705 occasion is the W.M.A.A.'s Annual Faîl Awards Nighit and 910) Dance at the Heydenshore Pavillion. Tickets are $7.00 a 83 couple tor Association mnembers and $9.00 a couple for 825 nun-memibers. The price of admission includes a buffet. Titcketsý are going fast, su if you are, going tu attend, gel in 244 touch with Bob Smith (9257) or Adam Chiapmian (972 1) as 207 soon as youi cati. 204 Tommorrow night atIlroquois Park, the Warriurs play host tu die Napanee Comiets. Faccoff lime is 8:30 pa. That's il tor yet another week, folks. Bye for now. FREE PReSS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975, PAGE 7 Pringle, of Whitby, a native of Edinburgh. One ôf his two daughters was the wife of John Bail Dow, a barrister in Whitby, in the early years of this century. Mrs. Gunn was one of the Iast surviving witnesses of th.- laying of the corner stone for the Ontario County Court House in 1853. She was an honoured guest at the 50th anniversary celebrations for Ontario County in 1904 and recatled the ceremony she had watched as a girl 50 years be fore. Dr. Gunn -died in June 1902 at the age of 87, and his wife died a féw years later. In 1912, through the efforts of the pastor, Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, the Methodist Tabernacle acquired the Gunn residence as a parsonage for the church. In 1925 the Tabernacle became known as the Whitby United Church, and the Gunn residence remained as -a parsonage until the new parsonage was 'constructed on King Street in 1963. The building is presently known as the Church House, and is used for various meetings of church groups. In the Iast provincial election it served as a polling station. It remains in close to its original condition, with the exception of a garage at the back, despite being more than 110 years old. Open 7 da>ys c&week A apie teaf 2RESTAURANT 1 0BROCIK ST. M. ,WHIIBY - TEL.. 668-9461 NUS & HER'S HALRSTYLING NOW OPEN MONDAYS from9 a.m. Tuesdays 9. Wednesdays 9 - peme m6 m6 Thursdays & Fridays. 9 .Saturdays 8 -9 M 5 TONY'S HAIRSTYLING Blair Park Plaza 668 m 5441 O)SHAWA CARPET WAREHOUSE 163 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH., OSHIAWA, ONTARIO 728-4675 SUPER SALE " WE WILL DO UTAIL FURTUI CH RIS CATERI.NGI SCARBOROUGH- AJAX - DURHAM REGION PRO VIDES 1-57e4 *à@9and Gathering.. FOR EVERY SOCIAL FUNCTION a I>ART1E.4 0 BANQUEIT.S eS SIIWEHS S WEDDINGS SWEDDING CAKE IRENTAL W. Hieip with Bar and Wine Service and Ordering B ook Asiston#tMonoger shello Camupbell Christ mas COU 685m7891 839u4874' Parties Nw. WALLPAPER. choose from over 100 books 20% OFF AE'LtIDDEN PA I NTS 20% OFF .ALL BRAND NAME CARPET 20% OFF (jents: uon zeun, i-jýt -F i-ýj -

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