Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1975, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22,1975, WHITBY FE RS TYPE WRITERSý IRENT -ITI IBM, SELECTRUC OLYMPlIA LAT EST MODELS ELECTRIC or MAN UAL NEW & REBUILT TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS DICTATING MACHINES ADDING MACHINES. TELEPHONE ANSWERING EQUIPMENT DANFORTH TYPEWRITER SALES AND SERVICE 2940 DANFORTH AV. TORONTO (Opposite Shoppers World) 698m2589 AFTER HOURS 655-3295 (BROOKL1N) AU D~V JVITU 'Niaar Fits9 *n hitby Tuesday pr4c h ruptrsa nowaceaargannumer Following are a list of the films to be shown in the Whitby Public Library pro- gram rootn until the end of November. On October 28, 'Niagara Falls' stars Michael J. Pollard as a foottoose wanderer who finds himself at Niagara Falls and hiears the. legend of Maid of the Misi, and Indian prini- cess who was sacrificcd. 'Arnericans on Everest' is the Novemnber 4 feature. Orson Welles narrates this ac- count of thc first American ascent of Mount Everest. Thie climb was led by Norman Dy- hrenfurth who also doublcd as phiotograplier. 'Loý Indios' on Noveniber 18 stie.ies mnan's near final look at a final look nt a group of South Arnerican indians who are becoming extinct be- cause they could flot bridge the gap between the bronze age and the space age. 'Footnotc to Genesis' is schedluledi for Novemnber 25. It is a porti WE CAN OFFER YOU MORE FOR LESS ELKIN TOURS BARBADOS ONE WEEK TWO WEEK VACATIONS VACATIONS J31V FRM43 Total per persan Total per persan Flights depaît fram TORONTO via WARDAIR 747** JET eveîy THURS- DAY thru inid-Apriî, 1976. Visit the Sunsfine Isle. home of steel bands and limbo dancers. W th miles of gloriuus sand -..sailing. . scuba divlng. . su full of Brtish tradition, its called 'Little England!" Plus the fine hotel accomrnodations5 at your choîce of Holiday funn, Barbados Hilton, Sam Lords Cstle, Paiadse Beach of the Sandy Lane Hotel. Your tour includes completp Infllghl caleitng. auc iiioe accommodationfs. ttilAmetican breakfast daîly. round-trio fransiers, pe-reg- stratioli of rooms plus many more fetures for your convenience. *qJjIM l it to Sm tilt i, iiOu"e lOiarî WE ACCEPI CHARGEX ARUBA ONE WEEK IY<O WEEK VACATIONS VACATIONS ROM319 * 1 111 4191>4 Total pelr persan Total Per Persan With weekly departures every FRIDAY via WARDAI R 7 47 JET tram TORONTO beginning Octaber 31, 1975 thru Tae April 16, 1976. 1 r v l iust 15 miles off the Venezuelan Coast. an lîndustryl isand of 70square mile n the Dutch fradi- IRegistatiOfli tion. With 10-12 fours of Caribbearinsrî a day: swim. sait. waterski past miles of Suïdi.- No.1 305984 white beaches. 'IÃŽUR LLKItI TOURS PRICE ItICLUDES îouridti trip ail tîansportation. plus complete in-ffight caterin., service. air-corditiofled accurmrîda- tions at your choice of hotel (Aruba-Sheraton. ivi-Divi. Mancheba Beach, Tamarîlnl Beach, Holiday Inn or the lafh Of The lown). fuîl breakfast daiiy. and Canacijan and Aruba deparfure taxes. just te name a tew of the ar.commodating features for your conmemence. . Il% "l = l tioOc. 310. Wu.c. 14. 21.llv« 05 & 12 dqu' ,l. 1.14 W14e orlad mincfebo aSud, iiçs4. .-, >. tilt &pIm lotOtt. 3 1. Nut 41. 14 & Du. 05 OS di let f" i lb to la.,md MMcw4 lch lft0'1 EVENINO SLUDE PROGRAM trait of Ralph Ed- INTRO DUCING ST. LUCIA TWO WEEK ONE WEEK VACATIONS VACATIONS FRM429* FOMÃ"l9 Total per persan Total per person Flights depart from TORONTO via WARDAIR JET every WEDNESDAY beginning December 23,1 197 5 lhru rnid-April, 197 6. Fromi the moment yuu tcPi yoirt lgrt iino the *arrnitropical sjnthine. you'ý f l fthe dlf- feience: $1t. Lucia ha-î yet to be spo lpd. Your Elkin Tour price rncludes rund tnýp lit tiansportatiofl, complee în-Ight calerinn ,ervice inuludirig corplimefllaty bevc:aïýs. êu wjnditioiied accommodations a? vour choice of the Ilotel La Toc or Holiday Inn Hufef. Irre tennis. reune.trip tian-feir, & baggage trans- er.pre- îegirýtratioîofi! iîoori'~.t. Luia ouni t;u St. tLucia and UdnddîJfl Jepaitule toues p1uý much mole. ÃœRRND CRYMAN HOLIDAY ONE WEEK TWO WEEK VACATIONS VACATIONS o$0m309;'e 0$439 Total per persan Total per persan Flights depart tram TORONTO vii NORDAIR 737 JET every FRIDAY irom December 05, 19715 thru April 2 3, 191 6. ,îiil,h in thi 'irt along ad"rift, white beach seven riles lonç' Dibruver ,eclrndêd coves where noe anc ha,. walPed ri tcnliiit*,Ailtilr; plus th.e exceptional rrmp4 AI ir.. - l Gand Cayman Holiday Inn. 1our tour fu~ds ll breakfast daily. Iriday and lutesday n;iht Rhr -0u-c- vîilh dancing andl ertrainiment, hri'day Inn TreaSure Chest Boohiet. trec tennis, routnî-ti'p trainitfei5, p'e-egistration f froorrs, plus much. much more. *ii: br1fý a~'le u " e'w4 i l. K ep*'j »J. Ufat "épie b cePd1it . u etwi f U 1AVAULABLE PHONE ANYTUME 579-2261 ROGERS TRAVEL BOND TrOWER MALL 44 BOND ST. W., OSHAWAý wards and hlis wife and the area of British Columbia that they live in. They help to which faced extinction at the turn of the century but is The films begin at 7:30 p.ni. There is no charge. Tr ees creating a hazarci R. Bobig of Brooklin wants the Town to correct a hazard which he dlaims it created or possibly be held responsible for any damages caused by the danger. "FPor some timne now, I have been atternpting to have someone from either the Utilities or Board of Works correct a problern at my resi- Whitby Council recently. Mr. Bobig said "at some time, one of these depart- nents, or someone on their instructions, trimmed (flot to professionally) several large nmaples at the front of my property". "These trees have been so mutilated that there is now a hazard of falling dead bran- ches, jossibly injuring some- one or damaging property", lie said. Reniai rates 1are fair- Gart-shore overcharging on rentai rates for thie comnîunity centres owned by the Town, accord- ing to Councillor Jim Gartshore. He made the statemnent in reply to seve rai complaints he had received from indlividuals and groups who wanted the rent the facilities for various activities. Mr. Gartshore said that the Town is charging "fair, equit- able and competitive prices" which do flot allow it to breauk even on the operating costs of the facilities. Hc said that the deficits of operating Iroquois Park Arena, Memorial Arena, Cen- tennial Building and 1lîcyden- shore Pavillion, after revenue and costs wcre taken into accounit, totalled alrnost $200,000. Mr. Gartshore said that people should recognize that operating those buildings is a costly endeavour. Authors to speak at BHS meeting Society is holding its regular monthly meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Brooklin United Church Hall. The guest speakers for the evening will be Iim Richards and Rýon Tozer. They have written a book entitled "Birds of Our Area" and will be giving an illustrated talk on the subject. Many nours of research have gone into this book and their colour sldes of the many species of birds pro- mises to make this a most interesting talk. They belong to the Natur- alist Club so have gained a vast knowledge. They will have books available for sale at the meeting. Everyone is welcome. Mr. Bobig warned "no one appears to be concerned, but 1 wish to give notice th at should such injurxy or p.) perty damage occur,, it may be held that the Town of Whitby, whose employees BER GMAN created. the hazard, could be held responsible for the dam age". ofPbiWrk DirectorofPbi rk Dick Kuwah ara will look into the matter and report in the fu tu re. -mm CERVONI Jackie Bergman, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bergmnan, 720 Gilbert St. W., Whitby was joined in Holy Matrimony, Saturday, Oct. 4, at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Toronto, to S,,andro Cervoni, son of Mr. & Mrs. Filiberto Cervoni, Toronto. The couple honeymoofled in Quebec and will reside ini Toronto. Photo by M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Inc. Rev. Austin Reverend Leo J. Austin, whio has been pastor of St. Jolin's the Evangelist Church for thc past 19 years, is re- tiring Sunday because of poor heal th. Rev. Austin will celebrate a special mnass of Thanks- giving at 10:30 at the church. The mass will be followed by a parishi reception in the auditorium of Denis O'Con- nor High School at 3 p.m. at whiich tne there will be pre- Optinists selling Hallowe' en goodies The Optimist Club, of Wlitby is curreittly waging a door-to-door. Hallowe'en candy sale. AIl of the funds raised will be used to sponsor vani- ous cornmunity projects and athletic teams in the town. To place orders for thc candies, cail 668-9722 and remember that the money you spend is going back into the community for worthwhile causes. retirrng sentations to Rev. Austin on behiaîf of the community and parish groups. Everyone is invited. T-shi"rt winne rs, Fire Department Busy Beaver t-shirt draw held during Pire Prevention Week were Jay Miller, 116 Green St., Whitby; Mike Smith, 811 Centre St. S., Wh itby;- Nick Papabasiliou, 607 Maria St., Whitby; Ste-, phanie MacNel, 1010 Centre St. S., Whitby; and Barry Dickson, 146 Michael Blvd., Whitby. The winner of the fire extinguisher draw was Dale Caldwell, 716 Burns St. W., Whî itby Wmtario E. H. I-eirn of 21 Barbcrry Court in Whilby won a $ 1,000 prize ini a recent Wintario d raw. FREE PRESS

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