- WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22._1975, PAGE 13 Fre.Press FOR SALIE HONDA'MINI TRAIL - in good condition, $150; YAMAIIA 80, in good condition, onlly asking $400 tirm. ('alil 655-3785 ask for A ndrew. 1971 PINTO- 2,000 CC, lime green, 40,000 miles, body great, motor very good, 4-specd, radio, fully certit'ied, good gas milcage, best offcr over $t1,300. Cal 9Sgj2.4 - SWINGOMATIC - For baby, $12. ('alil668-9888. AÎNTIQUEb - Dresser $90; kitchi.n cabinet $120;, beauty table with 3 mirrors $120; 2) chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. Cali 579-2939. DRUMS - Complete set; 2 toms, I1floor tonm, base, chromne snare drum, high hat, 2 cymbal stwids, excellent condition $190. 219 Keith Street aftr 6 v.m. PINE DESK CHEST - Flan, crafted, hias 4 drawexs $95. Cal 668-4677. DOORS - 2 aluminum stormn doors with frame, one 6-8x2-8, other 6-8x2-10, $35 for both. PIANO uprighit, Palmier of Toronto $300. ('alil 66 8-5 06 8 after 6 _p. m. Ladies browvn SUEDE COAI like nev, size 18-20, $20. Cal 668-1123. SANDWICH GRILL --$5; HUMIDIFIER $25. ('al 668-6644 MOPED - Bioncu orand inew 150 ides, highrise handlebars, deluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, wîll go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cal 668- 3186. WOOD- One trailer load soft wood suitable for fireplace $35. ('ali668-8957. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil and train $50. Cal 668. ý446or 66 8-44 10. Emp. -STERE0U - LFoycs receiver, eight-track, turntible and two speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. ('aIl 668-7190. Emp. fMS " - our -14 7 .chrome reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 28' heads $40; 2 bueket scats $30; set of headers $10; Ford 1/2 ton 15 in. Rimns, $8 each (4); Ford 1/2 ton rear axle $15 and 2 drums $15. ('alevenings 579- 1690 and day 668-5823. POS- euxe rewoa, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old.- Repossessed by' bank, sacrifice 1/ price. Cal Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. 668-6l11 FRedleswing macing65baIlo 668-6080.fe6ocok iesOes,-unc0rifncd, good n- cdition, $300 or bcsMTEoff6r. Mustsd.6Ca-6755__-4834 STOEFO COMPONENTS - (Turntale)$, seak es er good. asndonîairfc85-,nthRamondb sredejst îkmacne $850 firm PROPAe, tNcErtfURNACE rngo ~vrgcondition, 3ilor et a Musrooîn house $5.'al483-836 STROT - LadENîak sia Iamapp rximateî1Y sizd20,aige odtondition,0. Il dIfor$50 925a 725-5714. - Ep. S96KIOOTSabre -ies s6 buckîc st' l eoryngnel$2. (AIl, 668-2119. rpuabl cmp mpe GA74SKSTOVE-Feeidl4y40 excellnt condition. $175. lcat a 6-4468.ue$8.Cl63-36 i -'i AFGHANS- Old fashioned 45in. X 45in. for $45. 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both muiti- coloured and wouId suit anly decor. ('ail 655-4776. Emnp. WEDDING GOWN Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece included, long sîceves, excellent condition, regular price $150.00O, asking $50. must sec.e..aul 668-9120 afler 4. TV - B&W 20 inch $100. ('ail 668-1384- King-size BED - with quilt mattress pad & fltted sheet $100; Single wardrobe cabinet $18. ('ail 668-8316. DRUMS - Olympia,18 piecu set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. ('ail 655-3563. I DESK - $10; Compic-. UNIFORM $10; steamn IRON $8, two smnal carpets $6 each. ('al duty 30 in. $60. 5 picce DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. ('aIl 668-6750. WKINGE.ftWAbflER ~- I mushroomn KITCHEN SET, wbhite with black padded seats $100; STROBE LIGHT - almost WEDDING DRESS, size 9, comn- new, 1 new bulb, factory made, plete with floor length veil $90. warranty and ail parts $50 or* Calil 723-7147.- best offer. FERRET - aîbino, 1972 GRAN TORINO-V8 brown maIe or female,$25. ('alil 4-door, green with black vinyl - roof, black in terior, certified SPEED BOAT - Reasonable $2,300. ('al 655,3406. $95. ('al Doug.aI 668-8957. HAIRDRESSING- Triîangular WASHER/SPIN DRYER - Carousel with 3 mirrors and lights Westinghouse, uscd two months good condition, asking $150 or $165.00, 3 picce sectional, blue best offer, STEAMER (hairdrcss. green orlani pile with bar $400 ers) $20. ('ail 668-3061.- like new. ('al 668-4377 or 668- MATERNITY CLOTHES -- 6078., lncluding four tops, one pair - WINDOWS- Basement 21X slacks, two pair shorts, a pant suit ,71/ $6 eaeh, picture window, anîd a dress, neyer worn, size 10- storm 58X64 $30, window size 12 $25 for everything. ('alil 28- could bc altemed slightly. ('al et-%< 1723-8220. Poreai"nenameldStulsigle 1967 DODGE MONACO white LAUNDRY TUB with excel'cnt condition, Lic. No. sturdy steel stand $25; CHEST DYU-017, $800 or nearest of"fer. DRAWERS $45; Set BUNK BEDS ('al 655-3902 after 5 p.m. with spings, no mattress, sîze 36 inch width $50. ('alil 668-9009 STEWART DRUM§ - g00d ~ condition, $150. ('al between STOVE -westinghouse cee 5:30-6:30 p.m. 728-9732. trie, 30 inch, four huniers, excel- lent working condition $35. Cal HUNT CAP- black velvet after 5 p.m. 655-4454-. with safety harness instaled, size - RANGE - 24 inch electrie 12 2.0 Cal66-47 westinghouse, four humner, good 199 FR WAO condition $40, ('alil 6689-3692. 199 FR WAO I8 seater, uncertified. $400. .12 guage Stevenrs pump ('alil 655-4416. SHOIGUN $75. ('alil 683-1469. BICYLE -New mars stnd- Cmplete DRUMSET - 'ledy' ard Super Cycle, duli gold, size h lncinzlincmas 19 n.,accssois $4 5. ('al thro ne, iudwig speed pedal, sname 668-37.acsois$4.Cl 14", hii bat sizzler, hass 22", tom 668-3748. _________ tom 12",' loor tom, etc., vemy Large box o f GI1R LS C'L OIH- good condition, $375. c'ail ING- neà ly new, size 10-12, 728-5486. $25: BOYS ('LOTH 1ING, size 8- 12, L RPOIHR -$0 $20; STIKAM IRON $8; Girls LO PLIHR -$0 ('DATS, size 12, $6 cah;12 Cl 6-29 botule SI('E RA.(K $8. 'alG ane 0 et 7-121 referably Iwo (or more) car .SNOW I I-,S -I pair mount- îocated in or near downtown arca. cd G7815 w.w.,,$40, other pair Calil M.BM. Publîshing and Photo- 178-14 (700 mliles) w.w., $35 graphyIn. 66861. ('ail 668-9880. CLASSIFIED- ADVERTISING 1 - UJ- . t, &i - - . . . Jf . - c' 4* f SKI BOOTS and SKIS - size 31/2, $15; swivel CHAIR, $15; HUMIDIFIER $25; VAPORIZER $5; brownie UNIFORM $8; eI- ectrie coffee PERK $ 10; sandwichi GRILL $7; TOASTER $7; carpet SWEEPER $10;- snaill lectrie HEATER $ 5; G. E lLOOIR l>OLISHER $10; 6 lighýt bar type BATIIROOM FIXTURE with shiave plug in, like ncw $20; 6 apple crates $2 each. ('ail 668-9404. FLOOR POLISIIE-R -$30; TABLE & 4 chairs $25; El,'ectilec (JJRLERS, $15. Ca11668-5311. RUGS Il i't. X 8 ft. 3 in. ELECTR[(' BROOM - Regina & cl10 ft. X 6 lt. 8 in., carth colours, rust, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. ('aIl 668-7923. CEDAR SHINGLES -8/ bundles $90.00; homemade 12 ft. aîuminum housetrailer $250. ('al ORGAN- Get in tune tor Christmas with this play by numi- ber oran. $25. (aIl668-7102. AMPLIFIEiR- Vox, two 8 in. speakers, excellent volumev, must seIl $35, 1526 Dufferin St., ,No. 2, or cal 668-2860. Swimrning Pool Clearance -Leading manufacturer of lifetine warranted above ground aluminum pools is Ov-, er stocked in many models. Immediate delivery and in- stallation aI reduced winîer prices.- Caîl collect 416-536- 9278." 1969 OLDS --'o tIass 442 V8 powcer dise brakes, au tomnatie, ANit/FNlM radio, ail gauges includ- ing tachometer, 2 dloor liard top, body needs paint, approxinliately 76,000 miiles. $1,100 or bcst of- fer. C'alil668-1066. Fine. (;,OALIE --EQUJIPME.-NT 1 year oîd. fits boys 9-13, pads, miask, gloves, armi & chest pro tee- lor, $60.('ail1668-5714. CAMEIRA - X-15 instamatic (Kodak) with carrying case, in meecllen t condition $ 10, ski boots, size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of al dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains mnicro- scope, sides, specîmeass for oh- scyFving $8. Cal 668-4465. PAN GUITAR - Replîca of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $ 100 firm. ('al 668-9772. Emp. CUTTELRS - one in excellent codtoÎ150; one racing cutle in good condition $75. ('alil 655-4964. CH-ESTERFIELD) and chair - -1 fr. colon, good for recreation roomn or cottage $50. ('ail 668- 5404. 1970 MGB ôConver tibleë good working condition, ecrtificd one owncr, eomp':c te with luggagc rack asking $ 1,500. ('ail 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 *after 5. p. BABY lURNITURE - Sîroîl O Chair, inclodes carniage, stroller, chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. ('ail 728- 0333. EmnP. TOW TRU('K-- 3 ton, seling as is $900 or hest offer. ('ail 668- 7654. Em P. Rîrý('ORD PLAYER -R portable $15, kitehen table, chrome & grey marble in design $20, please ea ftr6p:m. 655-3240. 1Km p. HUMIDIFIER - $5, eczercise cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, sterco record player $15, 8 golf* clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electrie scwing machNc $20, rocking ore$5, baby walker $3, sworci $5. ('aIl1668-6257. dîamoter, 4 fI. tlu $10. ('ailafter 6 p.m.579-3536.I SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and patnîs $55. ('ail 579- 2652, - previously used for chîldrens' rides complete withi good as new saddle blanket, bridle, halter and reins $ 125.(Calil 5 5-303 1. WINTER ('DAT --imitation for, leopard type, 2 years old, womn Iwice $25. ('aIl 579-3569. withl pile adjcstmcnt dial new condition $25; ('hild's BED foId- ing type 27X52 with mattress good condition $30; 2 borner stove electrie 220 volt hecavy du ty 25 in. high with sheif, no oven $ 15. ('al 655-3860; T'RICYC'LE --(C'CM 16 inch wlvhe $20; dJoîl CARRIAGE 24 X 1l inchrs $12; nair of white SKATES size 6 $5; boys SKATI,. Isize 5 S'5.('aIl 668-8619. FERRING - 1liarley Davidson 1200 asking $65; 4 MAC wvhceIs and tires for foreign car asking $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RAC'KS $8 a set. (ail1668-4449. KITCiIEN TABLE - Oval, 3 chairs, almnost new $90. ('all 1968 PONTIAC(- Laumenltian V8, seil as is $800 or best offer, 97,000 miles,(CaIl1668-7980 after 6 p. ni GOLF SHOLS - 2 pairs. white and peachi coioured pair, size 7 $10, white and black pair size 7 $10, good condition. ('ail 863- 1806 and ask for C'athy. t970~ DODGE ('HA LLEN - GER- 31 8 V-8, new back limes $1.800. ('atil668-5745. AM-l.'M S1-EREO RE('EIVER $325; unique kitchien table, solid mnaple top $450. ('ail 668-5910. Red WooI Curling JACKET- size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. 'al 668-9073. 2 use O L EATER wit thermostats. ('ail 683-3967. 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT & solids offenhainser Iwin carb high risc for small block Chevy, like ncw, asking $200. ('ail 655-4723. __REVERB - Traynor signature 4 X 10. $250. ('ail 655-4978. SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation classes and readings. Phone 66843 1l. M EN S&.ILOTHIN(; Separates, suits, coats - current fashions aI low prices. Husbands, don't let your wives and kids get aIl the values at the Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby. Shop d alI1 from 9:30-5:30, Fn d ays i2i9. BUGGY- Twin stroller comn- bination, good condition $40. ('aIl 668-5272. ______ IiOCKL~Y SKATES - ('(M Bobby lulI signature model, black, size 7. Good condition and rcady 10 wcar for this ycars hockey season $13.,('ail 668-977 1. 1973 NORTON -- lnterstate j$ 1,200. ('ail 668-9925. GARAGE: for one car, wood frame, steel overhead door. Ex- cellent condition, $250.00. Caîl 1655-4590, evenings. GIJITAR - TIriple pickup electrie, will seli for $35, ideal for rok rou. ('aIl 668-2860. TIRES -- Nriý_e i r-ad1i aI7ýsi 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim $45. ('ail 668-5040 aftcr 5:30. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FRE1É PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY~ when you selI! There wiIl not, be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unlcss the item agvcrtised is sold. When the 1 vcr . d it em is sold, you 'pay u commission, bascd onl THE ADVERTI SE PRICE as ilîustrated bclow. AIl advcrtisements must be pIaccd on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Icast one month if nol sold RATES (if article is soîd)': 5% of advertised price up 10 $ 400.00 2% of balancc over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item tidvertised for $5000 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiscr. Please notîfy the Whibby Free Press immediately w hcn item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can onîy be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 66 8-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY 1968 PONTIAC -S tratochief - aulomnatie, good mechanical and 283 CIIEVY MOTOR- With running condition $425 uncerti- au tomatic transmnission, asking fied. (all 668-7644. $100. ('aIl 668-7553 or 723- ____ ____ - Geen!5366. ('HETLRIIELD22 BOLI ACTION - With gold broquade, good condition, scope, gun rack, good condition, $75. ('ail 668-7644. $45. Caîl 668-3956 or Wed. to .*1-ttnmAl, xtaheavv iui Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. pinlo stationwagon $25. ('al 668-65,29-_____ 1_ collar and bottom tim, been womn twiee, size 12. $35. ('al 668-4986. ~S 1 MING POOL - Re-" possessed,' excellent condi-ý tion, leading mnanufacturerý wiîing 10 sacrifice -at '/2-price. Caîl Collect 416-536-9278. GAS STOVE - 30 inch Find- lay automnatie 4 humner. Rotis- serie Roast THERMOMETER $125.('aIl1655-4721. 26" Phîîips COLOUR TV - stand included, $300 or best offer. ('ýd.l668-3195. RUGS - 12X7'l" and I2'x 1Il', earth colours, rust, gold, brown, yellow, plus underpad for '!,oth $400. WASHER SPIN DRY- ER - Sîmplicity, harvest-gold, excellent condition $150. RUG - 12'x 10', orange, gold, brown tone $60. Call728-8467. 1970 ROADNIGHT TENI TRAILER - sleeps 4, excellent condition, $350. or besi offer. Also 1972 SL350 TRAILTWIN HONDA - excellent condition, $400. ('aIl 576-6197. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA - 1600, 30 m.p.g., 4 door, good condition, new tires, $1,000. ('ail 668-4286. HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2> required by HenryVII Massage Castie Must be willing to Iearn maîntain -dppearaflce, well mannered, friendlyl $30 - $50 daily plus brnefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in relocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss CathY (1) 361-0838 collect CHIUAUA -- 10montl old. maie $50.('ail1668-4714. HORSES BOA RDED - hay & grain fred, 10 minutes nortlh of Oshawa. Also HIORSES I-OR. SALE. ('ail 655-3030. WEN MORE FINANCIAL SERVICES MORTGAG ES 1050 SimcoeN., Oshawa 576-0410 1 st and 2nd mortgoges arronged aI prime rates. SUSPENSION l-IT('I- One axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. ('ail 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys hîgh rise 3-speed with banana seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, also boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. ('al 668- 6083 after 7 p.m. WEDDING GOWN- Size Il- 12 $60. ('aIl 668-4595. GARAGE SALE Reach Xhitby Town Line 11/ miles west of Hwy. 12 northside. Oct. 8 -Oct. 30. 655-4776. SHOP. EARLY FOR CHRIST- MAS - beau tiful & unusual hand- crafted gifts, fabrie pictures, dolîs, macrame hangings, bats, ponchos, afghans, etc. Articles to numerous to mention. ('ail 655-4776. WELDING REPAIRS Reasonable rates, 25 years experience. Cal Bill 655-4776. 3 bedroom SEMI - for rent in Oshawa $280 mth., references required, lst and iast months rent. ('ail 668-8.306 after 6 p.m. LARGE ROOM FOR RI.-NT centre of Whitby, balcony, quiet dlean home with kitchen facilities. ('ail 668-1046. APARTMENT FOR RENT - suit quiet couple, central, central equipped. ('ail 668-3038. YOUNG SIDE 0F BEEF 85 CENTS A POUND. CALL 555-4368. DRIVER WANTED - for Construction Equipment Co. Must apply in person lu 39 NotinlRod. Pickering. DURHAM BOARD 0F 1 EDUCATION CUSTODIAN - Scxond- ary School, Pickering-Ajax area, shift work, must have 4th class stationery engineer certificate. Ap- ply to Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 3H3. BABYSITTING - wilI babysit pre-sehoolers, Monday to F'riday, in my home. (';ii 668-757 1. BABYSITTING - wvilIbahysit in 'ny home. Mary Street. ('al 668-9722. WiIl do DAY('ARE- in my home, Monday 10 Friday, very reliable. ('ail 668-7808. AL'S ROOFING & SHEET METAL LTD. 'General con- tractors, repairs to ail types of roofs. Over 25 years experience Audley Rd. Ajax. 579-1464. ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PA Y MORE? SAVE NPRMIUMUAUTY 0 M OUI 668-3381 m 1 l"inilhITAIM - Annmy- 6 1't. 1 1 -il ma -l -k- w U -4 lýl 1