Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS F IRE Message From Fire Chief'E.M. Crouch to the citizens of Whitby Fire Prei'ention Week is 52 weeks a year in Whitby, and the members of the Whitby Pire Departnîent wish to thank ail t/he citizens who have become iiterested and prevented those many hours of sorrow and grief fromn fire by being fire consejous. The Pire Fighters invite everyone to vîit the Head- quarters Hall, 201 Brock Street Sou th, between 7:00 and 8:30 P.M., fronz Moniday, October 6, until Fridav, October 10 'and see for yourself, actital, lire hazards. We know youl will appreciate and respect the mianY common lire hazards that ma)' be in your home or at work, after viewving these examples. BESAFE - NVOTSORRY Remiembr.. Fire Prevenlion Week is 52 weeks of every year. Fire occurs at__any tlne, in aiy place. anîd can cause grief and sorrow to aniy person. Prâcticc lire salfe methods, and en- joy your life. Nine out of teri fires can be prevented, but eachi person must respect lre and the [ire causes. Failing to show respect. may create the problerus of hiardslîip, thait [ire brings: No Home, No Job, No Clothes, No Food, and a LOSS OF LIFE. FIRE Fl RE FIRE If you value your life - tings to remember. WHATTO DO! 1. Lioni t parlic 2. Close the door of the rooni on fire. 3. Caîl the Fire Deparîment 668-9-31II. 4. Keep your family wïîh you. Stick together, and leave the building. 5. Don't wa.te lime picking up valuables. CET OUT STAY OUT! The Whiiby Fîre Deparîmnent urges ail resîdents lu carry oni iheir own prograni of' Ca re, Clean-up. and ('omnion Sense Caution ai ail rîmes. Fire I5SQ FINAL - FIRE ('AN BREAK YOUR IIEA RT! Interesting Facts on Ontarlo Fires WHERE FIRES HAPPEN: (a) Resîdenlial Properlies (b) Farm Properties HOW (a) (b) PRE vENTIOMI Visit Whitby Fire Hall No. 3, 201 Brock Street South, on October 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or lOth [rom 7:00 to S~:30 P.M., and watchi aclual demonstralions on gasoline hazards, hair spray problems, the results of over-fusing and elecîrical wiring, sec the trucks and equipment. Bring the family - YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT WHAT CAN BE SHOWN TO YOU IN 30 MINUTES. IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! A Fire Fighter's Wife Says "My Choice was Right" "No sleep tor me as 1 wait, and niigbîtmares l[or hinMien lie cornes back.îhinking of the horror of* the [ire. lie doesn'l gel (out of a warrn bcd l'or personal glory.. ...God kniows il's niol for the Morley. Just a little added proof- as if I need il - thai rny clioice o f long ago was righ t. He'li bring back the sick- ening odour of smoke and char... his pillowcase wil need washing, but thaî won't matter..if only it doesn't have to happen again tomor- row nigh ..or any night." HELP STOP FIRES SAVE LIVES What needs be done?0 The Annual Fire Preven- tion Week lbas arrived, and eachi year at Ibis lime the many Fire Deparînients througbouî North Anerica assess their programs, acbievcrnents, and problemns. l'le Whitby Fire Depari- nment bias taken a look aronnld and have askcd tbe lollowitng questionis of îbemseives arid YOU the public. What rîeeds lu bc donc? What will YOU lo a bout W! I iow canil te Vithy Fire Deparîment bielp? We niow answer tbese questins wiib benieficial arid progressive attitudes, stress- ing for the gain of saving life and property. What nccds 10 bc donc? Training of your Fire Fighter to develop proper ire fight- ing procedures, esîabiish ad- vaniced ire training îcchnol- ogy and promulgate reason- able initellige nt controls of bazards in order lu achieve the nîltinate goal of the Fire Prevention Programn. What will YOU do about it? This question is answered FIRES START: Careless SMoking Electical Appliances by the attitude;i assistance, and co-operalion of the rnany cilizens of our înunicipality Mhcn your Fire Fighter visils your home, school, business or church o-n his [ire preven- lion inspection. The Whitby Fire Deparîment is exîremnely appreciative of' our citizens respoîisc, as oniy 1% of tbe total people visiîcd bave re- fus-od toco-operate. How cati the Whiîby Fire Deparîmnent lhclp? The per- sonnel atuJ equipmnent of this Deparrnent arc available lu assist, proîect and participate with the requiremnenîs or practices that may be re- quircd by any one cilizens or neighbouring municipality aI any lime. A phone calI or visil to the Fire Deparîment is the prime requisite. Fire Prevention is officiaI- ly recognized one week a year, BUT, Truc Fire Preven- lion is ai work 52 weeks of every ycar. BE SAFE-- NOT SORRY! BUILDINGS ('AN BE RE.- PLACED. YOUR LIFE CA N'T! WEEK What To Do Fire Prevention Week! 1976 is Departuieni ment will fund ions. tbe 1251h Anniversary for the Whitby Fire and throughout the year, the Fire Depart- be involved witb mnany coinmunity service We requestI that the citizens of Wiltby join us and parlicipate in the nmany functions. Two of' tie highiligbits are the 241h Annual Fire Chiefs' Convention being hield May 2, 3, 4 & 5, 1976 at tie Holiday Inn and thc 751h Ontario Fire Fighters' Association Convèniion being hield JuIy 30, 3 1, August I & 2, 1976 at Heydenshore Park. Thie Whitby Fire Fighters hosted dic Fire Fighters' Convention iin 1969 aînd die niost nemorable Pajama Parade lias been Uic îopic of discussion ever since. This again, wilI be repeatcd lu 1976. WORSL MON'FH FOR Fl RES: (a) Decemnber (b) January WORSE DAY FOR lIRES: (a) Saturday (b) Sunday WORSETIMEOF l)AY FOR FI RES: (a) 2-.3 A.M. WORSI: AGI: GROU P FO)R Fl RI. DI;A'I S: (a) Maie 40 - 04 (b) Maie ovcr (05 WORSL (ONTRI BUllNG FA(TORS TO FI RE DI:ATIIS: (a) Sleeping (b) Aicohiol What Is? SMOKE: A person b,.Cori1CS ti[InCuIsCioii ll, fer tlîrcc nli linteS iin a srnoke fiied rooin. FLASH FIRE: Il happens ini a flash. ike a boit froin [lie Nue. MOST DANGEROUS JOB: Fire Fightitng, foîîowed by the wurkers iu mines and .qurrys. Fire Prevention Message From Whitby Fire Department Chairman Joy Thompson Year 1975 The Whitby Pire Department's excellent Public Rela- tions hias paid dividends. The Training Courses have been extremely well attended, in fact, public participation hias reached an aIl time high. The Aduit Training Program graduated 50 participants in ail aspects of home safety. The Junior Pire Departmen t hiad 160 young people who participated in a two week scaled down version of the Fire Fighters Recruit Program.. The First A id Course had an attendance of 52 aduits and 40 Girl Guides received their Fireman s Badge. The above figures prove that the public is beeomi ng more aware of the need for safety in the home. It hias been, for me, a very personal, rewarding exper- ience Io have had the opportunity to work with Ontarîo's top Pire Department for the past year and lt is my hope that the statisties quoted here wili be doubled in 19 76 and I would like to sec a 100% participation in the 1975 Fire Prevention Week in Whitby. Yours very sincerely, Counicillor Jqv Thompson 1976 Conventions The Whitby Fire Department is proud to be the host departient for the 1976 Conventions of the Ontario Fire Chiefs' Association and the Ontario Fire Fighters' Association.

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