'40' PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Fatrecreation programs beg in SOOfl The following Programs being the Whitby Departnient ser are the Fail offered by Recreation -vine your recreational needs. Ail regis- trations for the following programs will be tonight between 6 and 9 p.mn. at the Iroquois Park Arena, Whitney Hall, corner of Henry and Victoria Streets, Whitby. Late registrations will be FUNDY SEA FOOD SPECIALIZES IN EAST COAST PRODUCTS SOLOGNA SMOKED FILLET LIVE LOBSTER SHRIMP SCALLOPS 140 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ACROSS FROM THE SALVATION ARMT OSHAWA# ONT. SALT BEEF DUGBY CHICKS PHONE 728-11711 acceptea at the Whitby Recreation Department, 105 Coîborne Street East, Whitby Thursday and Friday be- tween 9 a.m. and 12 noon. Any requests for further programrs are alway s welcome. Please feel free to call the Recreation Departmnent at 668-5803. Ballet provides an opport- unity for children five to 12 to gain poise, gracç, coordin- ation and to learn the basic techniques. Cost for 10 weeks is $ 10. Begins October 6. Modemn jazz dance, a pro- gram for girls ini junior and senior high school, stresses body movemnent and exercise "OuSHAWAS OHLY FORD DEALE MacDonald Ford Sales Ltd. Oshowa 1973 Mqstang FASWÀXC%- PoU wer Ste efla o braks, cmugoe, bucket mats, radio, autiUc, V/8, grey with btlacli $3895 r1975 Granada power steuing, power brakes, l~yinder, radio, steel betted tire, fbd Ion red with white quarte vinyl rof. tLic. lIA 891. 1 478U - 1972 Oldsmobile Toronado - one owner. white, broig interior, %A vinyl roof with opera windows, fully'Ioaded. Lic. JJM 777.~ $4,5 1973 Ford» raao, t0 / ptm atiC, upoer rs ado«, oWgld >Mon nteror and çwithOpW U tfdW i.DU? $2995 1974 Maverick 4 doar, 6 cytînder, automatic, radio. brown, tan interior. Lic. JPV 91l'. $34OO 1974 Renault R15 2 mmue, radio, steo.bel1ted radiaIs, 4 speed. Lic. 1«AO043. $2995 V ~ Invites you to visit their OSiIA A CAR CENTREK Here are soin. of the fine selection of previously owned vehicles. 1971 Montego v/8 automatic, powef steer'n9, radio, gen, black interi«. Lic. JNP 306. $2155 1969 Pontiac STATION WAGON Safari- Full equipped,ý 9 passefr, pwe windows 350 V/8 engin. Oc 1A 437. sj1595' 1970 Maverick 191door, 6 cylinder, red, black înterir, radio, racng minfos. LLc EAN 313. $1795 1915 Maverick 2 dmo, automati, pMMr seefiM six empsgear éo.sefoetires. pin "lÃfmcW. JRA 181. 44100 1968 Pontiac STATION WAGON S3fari - 9 passenger: cornpletely -re.conditiofled, '/8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, gold, black irïtertor. Lic. HRF ff8. $1475 1971 Plymouth Fury 111 - Spit bench seats, radio, greeni, back interio, V/8, power steering, powei brakes, automaic. Lic. EAY 981. $1625 F1915 F350 1 Ton Truck Short wheel base, .4 speed transmissi, 360 '/8 engine, radio. ic C 96 099. .$450 1974 Volkswagen SUPER BUG - Low mileage, 1 oWef, blue, black interior, malio. Lic. HPY $2825 We do try harder - We do listen botter ..that is why our customers brin g their friends f0 * Services Parts e Body Shop * Leasing 81I5 King Street West ot Thornion Rood Oshawa, Ontario - 576-1800 1969 Plymouth bwl I Six cylinder, standard, borsý interior. Soid arn "AS IS" bus. tic. DU 375. $825 1972 Maverick 2 dmo, blue, blue inteiot, 6 cyinder, automaic, radio. Lic. UAN 611. $2550 1972 Mêteor Mmeu 500 - 4,door /,luûtr estemngnLio 4: on bWak ULicDAX 106. $1995 1975 Pinto 2 door, automatic, radio' wbitewall tires. 230Q,p.c. engine. Lic. JINA 069. .$3.550 lit. in a modem dance format. Industrialites applaud extension of street by Charlotte Gentles people wrking andth doing buesse oinhenHopkin C trsies indutialHokismeia srves centre, thmer ian oervie wetreto onhefore a Auustetcametto Tan. ed te brigeuscander onstructione ovide Prnlereekonscton- pleed arnd enCed tas or-c Greedadalyteebusinessmen anduoffice wokes inste andokicentorereain he Hopens eantreabout hvet belet n Rsmansuta diret coet 'in weastodBrock tretîan te siness rcn Stree of thebownefromcHn- ktre otreet.TMwny ofotheHopr kinsrSreot apy abouti haviseng odit hyout residntadrisetohya- reientha sthridn.tithea subdivisions wouldn't be happy about the extra traffic but it "is much better *than going north on Hopkins Stre - et to that intersection (Dun- das - Hopkins - Anderson streets). It is a real hassle trying to negotiate that in- tersection with the traffic congestion. We shudder ev- ery timie we approach that intersection. Now that the school term is starting it will be that much worse. There will be a mingling of traffic and the school children. It is much better to use the Burns street outlet and the Champlain Avenue outiet at Thickson Road than to go north to Highway 2 (Dundas street) and the aptly named 'suicide intersection'%" is the trated' businessmen and in- Iustrialists. -We are frust- ated", said Regionald Broughton, owner and exec- utive of Storage Techniques, 401 Hopkins Street, Whitby. 'Me intersection at )undas - Hopkins - Anderson Street has been the scene of. rive fatal accidents, the last one occurred on September 25th, 1969, as the children were coming out of Sc hool.- This intersection serves three sehools. Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Anderson Street, the St. Theresa Separate School on Crawforth Street running east off Anderson Street and the Florence' Heard Public School, Dundas Street. This intersection during the scliool year serves approximately 1,000 children a day. There classes and the traffic cornes north from the Hopkins Centre, Industrial Park and Comnmercial Services Centre. Regardless of the traffic lights located at this 'suicide intersection', a tern used by thre police officers, accidents are occurring towv, three and four times a day. Office workers at the business est- ablishments on the corners of this intersection say "it is just sickening the number of collisions that are occurring daily. We are afraid to look out, just the other day a blue van was struck and it Swent directly up in the air. SSomeone will be killed there Syet" 1912 Pontiac Catalina -3 5 ÃŽ' V/8, automatic, POwer steeuing, power brakes, radio. white, blue interior, vinyl roof, air condioning. Lic. 1(05 559. . 2575 1973 Le Mails 4 doo, '/8, automatic, power steering, pr brkes, radio,bron,- tn iteriot. Lic. AVW 097. $2995 '1970 Chevy Nova. 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatîc, green on green. Lic. BEY 252. $1850 Cost for 10 weeks is $10. fé Begins October 6. 8. Leather work is for those $' who are interested in working ar with leather to make belts, in hats, bags, watchbands, etc. In addition, the instructor sI will introduce students to t( innovative and creative f( leather working techniques. is Cost is $15 which includes use of tools and dyes for 10 a: weeks. Begins October 7. r Slim and swim, a corn-C bination of fitness and swim- 1 mning, begins October 6. Cost is $ 10 for 10 weeks. t Draw, dip and dabble is a creative arts and crafts pro- gram for children five to 10. Cost for six weeks is $6 which includes supplies. Be-c gins October 18. Chinese gourmet cooking will teach how to make such dishes as won ton soup sweet and sour pork and egg fo young. Cost for 10 weekç is $13 plus a small weekly amount for cost of ingred- ients. Yoga, a tradfitional course for men and women involv- ing a system of exercises for attaining bodily and mnental control and well being, costs $13 for 10 weeks. Begins October 7. Ladies' sports nite is a "fun fitness" program in- tended to !reep participants in shape wi!t' activities such as volleybaii, basketball and badminton. Cost is $10 for 10 weeks. Begins October 8. Men's sports nite does the sane thing but for men of course. Cost for 10 weeks is $10. Begins October 9. Thle West Lynde Commun- ity Association is offering similar programs as the above two. )od cookirfg begins October j. Cost -for 10 weeks is 12 plus a small weekly imount to cover the cost of ogredients. Stîli'j life drawing and sketching is. an introduction to Ilie basies of the two art forms. Cost for -10 weeks is$10. Begins.October 7. Girls' modemn jazz dancing and tap dancing is for child- *en five to 12 and begins October 9. Cost is $10 for 10 weeks. Wind buggy sailing will teach people on land what to d1o on water. Cost for five weeks is $25. Begins Novem- ber 1. Introduction to quilting- costs $10 for 10 weeks and begins October 7. Craft workshop 'A' will give an introduction to macrame and off loom weav- ing. Cost forl10weeks is $10 Begins October 7. Craft workshop 'B' is a programn on crochet and rug- hooking. Cost for 10 weeks is $10. Begins October 8. Fun after four for children aged five to 12 is a fun-filled program for boys and girls which will include several activities. Cost for five weeks is $1. Begins the week of October 27 at five different. locations. Hockey school, a course in basic techniques, forward and backward skating, stick- handling and puck control, costs $12 for 10 lessons. Be- gins.October 6. Ringette, a ils answer to hockey, costs $6 for 10 sessions and begins October . il. For further information, cail the Recreation Depart. ment at 668-5803. mmmmmý mmommmm»M MMUMMMB" M- mmmmmmmmmmý mmumd Numa" wmý -muffl" wmmmwmRý ...MMMý mmumunmu-0 -Mun---M" m