WHITBY FRFF PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975, PAGE 1 FreePres LLL .~ CLSSITEDNOTICE TO READERS I i III VER ILNG - ,Xvertise' FREE in the FRE1É PRESS EMPORI UM, payON Free Pre s , 68. 1 li ADV RTIINGwhen you seIl! There will not' be any charge to advertisers I E m poo riu m the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item m vertised is sold When the aLlver . sed item is sold, you pay ýa commission basedOf THEADERTÉDPRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisemeft IO AL RAMUS - 6 srigbaîijo TABLE- Antique $20, imita- I OUNTAIN- Approx. 6 It TEADVT1E $0orrcrst fr. h inFELC 5;SKnotgir e,4fi.tl1$1.Cl re must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FRE -p 66 8-4187 aftter 6 o clo£k. andî skis, size 31/2 $15; swivel 6 p.m. 579-3536.PESadrnu esoemntifo ol 1959 -ý/4 Ton FO(RD pick-PCAR$5IUMII1R$5RAE(iarclissd) open box truck, excellent ttre, STOVE 3 mCHodco APOIR $5; BrownDIIERui BA$25G;E SI good running conditiofiai dtion $75,s S U ýHTER $60. form n,$8; electric cofr.ePFRK gîrk' mDîu IZC, 3 pETe hodSUoIdvrisdprcTp o$400 395 uncer tied i o 4 7 Cal I 668-6 5JE10 snwich GRILL $7; TOA- jacket and pants $55.iC aîl 5'ood, % of aa e ve ric$400. 00 -0 ('il68-638STER $7; car)e t SWLI PIR $10; 62 STOVL - Sînaîl $60; B&W snîal lectric 1-EATI R $5; ..-PN tabryRa RANGE - 24 in. electric, TV Phîlco $60; teak clîesterf ïeld torOL I$10;6lgtba OY SrwbryRa XAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $2,5 Westinghouse, four burner, good anfcaio$5;aniqe ayîod AI-RO$10;6FiXTUaR previously used for childrens' co dtin $ 0; c m aee nddeh si$ an tacine $ 5.Raym lnd type B T R I F X U E rides complete ith good as new oCKEYio ut4i -,for boy ag red 68-6080. cine$65 Cal ith shaver plug in, like new, saddlc blanket, bridle, halter and (minimum commission is $100) 1012,Excellet c onditon $40. 1668-6240.$20; ap)ple CRATES (6) $2 ecd, rein s $12 5. Call 65 5-3031. 10-2, xcllet ondtin $0. ELECTRIC STOVE -2 inch, Cai1 Cal 68-392 4 ellements. Good cniin WINTER COAT- imitation Private advertising only! Please notify uîs if you find a retaie DRMSET - Juinior orcestra $40.00. Cali 65-49,vnitin. 74 MUSTANG Il- Best offer ttur, leupard type, 2 years old, listed as a private advertiscr. DevruM 655-4590,54. erifed a e73-31.ven wie 2ngs 59-56. Please notify the ,. flitby Fre Press immediately when item is sol SWVINGO)MATIC - For baby, STEREO COMPONENTS I 1 UGS Il ft. X 8 fit 3 in- ELECTlR[(' lRROM -Reginai so that we may delete it from the following issues. $12. ('aIl 668-9888. Sears receiver, 1 Garrard changer & 10 fit. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth with pile adjustment dial new Sriehl atd itig elett n.dproa esg ANTIQUEà - Dresser ;(unal) paes eyg colours, ru-st, goîd, brown, beige, ondition $25; Child's BED fold Sriehl atd cohnra saeanaesnlmsaetp kitcen cbint $ 20;beauy coditon $50.0. Cli 68-_500_or__________ 66-792.____tye_2752__thingtetype ca27X52bc withd n anattresssîs tabl ewih ùirors 120n 2 25caferr p- - Cp (EDAR SHINGLES - 81/2 good condition $30; 2 burner If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l chairs $30 ah okn hi 1967 BU-ICK Le Sabre - neceds bundles $90.00; hornemade 12 [t. stove lectric 220 volt hicavy du ty MI L D O $130. Cai 579-2939. motor wvork, everyà ing else A-I, aluminuin housetrailer $250. Cahi 25 in. higli with shelf, no oven MI L D O DRUMS - Complete set; 2 new mnuffler and transmission 655-3411. - $1.5. Cal 655-3860; FREE PRESS EMPORIUM smare drum, high liat,2cybl10(aI 683-8796. SNOW TIRLS Wthris RICYCLE - ('CM 16 inch PO o 0,WIB stunds, excellent condition $190.- 1974 SKIDOO - Frecair 440 sizCe *78-15, $25 pair, cal 725- whleel $20; doîl CARRIAGE 24 X 219 KelhS tree tafter 6 .m- used onîy a few months, must be 1691 days-, evenings 668-4593. Il inches $12; nair of white PINE ESK CESKATESnussize 6stl$5;newboys SKAT LIFI 1968 PONTIAC -Stratochief PIANO - Upright, good con PINfE dÉ sK CaErST$9-.Hallnilen jst ik nw $50fim. AMPLIFIER - Vox, two 8 in. SAE size $.C66$8;boy6l9. ,automnatîc, good mechaîical and dition $300. Caîl 655-4416. crafte, has drawes $95.Caîl -speakers, excellent volumc, must_____ running condition $425 uncerti -_______________ 6847.1972 KAWASAKI - 750 H 2, _______1_el___ 66-67 ow mileage, excellent condition 2, or c35I 1526 Dufferin St., No. FERRING - Harîey Davidson fied. 'al 668-7644. 283 CI-EVY MOTOR -Wt 668-2860- leto $5. al 6-46. 1200 askîng $65; 4 MAG wlîeels CHESTERFIELD - Green/ automatic transmission, asin 390, automnatic, runlning condi- CA aiFb kprinS'winining Pool and tires for forcign car asking goîd broquade, good condition, $100. Caîl 668-7553 or 73 tion, ittle work needed, must selI COTl-earancbeak$pesianCFFEE6TABLES4 3, 5 23 BL6CTO6-.t $200. ('ail Suînderland 1-705- lamb approximately size 20, in Cerne$80;,3 sets of car ROOF RACKS $7 (aIl 66-7644. $5366.2BOT CIO 357-2135 after 6 p.m . and ask for good condition, will selI for $50. $8 a set. ('aIl 668-4449.2talLMP$1;bcknonspgurckgododio, Phil.EpCa7551. Emp. nP 'Leading manufacturer of KITCHEN TABLE - Oval, hockey pants $7.50. ('ail 655- $45. Caîl 668-3956 or %e.t TOLT&TANK - desert SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 6½2lftm wratd aoe3carams e 9.Cl 73 Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. sand, good condition, $25.00 buckle stx-lc, worn once $25. ('aIl ground aluminuni pools is ov- m rsokdi aymdl., PNTC-Larninxe(Mi)ndtsonbrs- 283 heads 40; 2 bucktseats aze 18-2000îkernbws$2.o('aIl exitentMconitiondSIo0rskinboot $ 3 0; set ofthea d erse10; F ordin-66 8-1 1 2 3 t15 in.imrs$e ach(4; RUS lyapa,8 iec tale ronadioirIe sap f GAIEpdsan qupmn, 109. 'l 68-42.mutpe.. (ai 75495 e x cell nt c o d iti o . $ 1 7 5 C at O L F SH O U S E B OAair , -hN e M th isîe Fo d13 tn e a 158n6.st icld s sto, inaondn i dc v rpoo o diin $7 î c y eqîîi rent pfor ,Ba aieBEDS - 2se , 36 n.c nt oinnt al p hing 6 et, tn in motors, Mr. Woos ~twosmal crpes $ eah. 'aI l'N CITA - eplca t TU10, goo ad rbrlncondi szeitio rn, like new $80; r 0,alsoCOY VN ys se igt ak)wt _______________ or____________for$5.___ Gult- A/MaibsoLs al toule ick- 80 das sk50 (aio 65 16aftthATyCPIRmoe8403 n afteround m i!i i colourd and w uld sui any ing tachBABYSrTTINGr - Witopbabysit SmTEt-rTV8le goodARIUMd 15igal vei a d rai $ 0. Ca p.68 y 668-3s 573 af te p.m. E mi 3 . T R N O M A S G fine dressers; g al. bdriu m ______________-_______7/8_76,_00.miles,,Î$1,100lor lP tabfe j grey nîarbte in design $20, peaetrame, steel overhead door. Ex- ATEDNT 2 Parker table; Gateleg tbe calfter 6li.nm._655-3240. Irmp. cellent condition. $250-00. Caîl ATNANS(> old pictures and frames;mr 655-4590, eveninqs. required by rr;pn al;hrettbe cyceU5,baDIcrHed -$, cterie UCiTAR -- riple pickup Henry VIII1 Massage Castîe press back chairs; hall stns j ccl $, bbyca bc $ser c i, Il elfor $35, ideal for record player $ 15, 8 golf' clubs & rn~ooui 'I 6-80 old telephone; captâifl's hi bag $15, typcwritcr $25, lectrie TIRES icallinr8d-l860.z Must be wiîîing to learn, rocking chairs; numeou hse$5, g bymachie$, rcn, 150SR 12, less than 500 miles on maintain$5 dppearance, srnall tables; wicker babyal A$5. ('aIl 668-6257. 2, plu668 5040 aete r 0ri45. well mannered, friendly, doîl carniages; toilet sets;cp Cail668504 aftr 530.$30 -$5 daily plus. per wash tubs; lanterns; rs ATTETIO FAMERIIIbn-nefits, hours flexible. lamps; hanging lanips;Tf j~TETO Accomodatin o fony lamps; oil laxns;de WHYPA MOE? asistnceinrélcatonpression glass; carnival gas Westyle your hqir your A H OE sitnei éo ati n aithyst glass; crystal;sve wçy. Need suggest ions? We SAVE ON PR5M IUMQUAU.V available, 77 Victoria St. tea set; silverware; dcs Cngive them. Know what y- w- GM *9 DIESEL FUEL Toronto. crocks; old iron pots; nur 10a'.1 W_ -I.do 0t.AWe *1Oitof old dishes; Duncanif yqU wnW l oi.W 0plmwC#â Contact Miss Cathy table; bow back chairs; po P' ruri our.shop to serve you. Ou 7 ow,. -aeco olc (1) 361-0838 coîlect bed; 15 ft. cedar stripfsin ( TON 'S HARSTYLNG 0WOMEN to sew part time boat; old 22 rifle; 57 Sie LDI...u Park Dh~w, 668-5441 i * WNITSYa home. Sraight seams onyril;nmosoheatce. ruiAi.. ~ '~" 668381Reasonable wage. Calli r Terns Cash. No Reere 'Bar ak lza6 854 1MI68481Smith 6554449.. John Annie and EarlGasi - 1, WOWImmamÈMW ffl1MýllîAuctioneers. Cati 683-4.