PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17, 1975, WHITBY F REE PRESS MiniLstry approtves toan to encourage housing Housing Mitister Donald R. lm-vî reccntly ainousîced approval otf a $39,647,000.00 i,îterest-t'rec lban to assist die Regional dMiinicipality of Durham service land for an eventual 52,000 dwelings. Thie fuiîds, to be provided through Uic Ontario Housing Action Prograni during tie nle.i'iv jcyears, will 1I1nîcc trunk. water and scwagc f*ac- ilities in Witby, Pickcrig, Ajax, Oshiawa and Newcastle. "Titis boan means tlic local miunicipalities wil be able to provide serviced land suf- ficient for '52,000 homes during ie ncxt rive years," dic minister said. "'Ile arca illuilicipilitics arc coninit ted Io supporting die region ini scrvicinig tie land and expediting the app- royal process. Ilie municip- aities have already agreed to approve 44,000 dwellings," hc said. "My rninistry has worked closely with officiais 'from Durham Region and its area niunicipalities over, the past few months to identify spcc- ific areas for this future housing," he said. "1J'Ile provision ol, -(lie funds is consistent wilh UfIc provincial policy of' directing growth away from Metro Toronto," Irvine said. Under OFIAP, dhe interest- frec boan will be repaid over I 5-year periods, commenciflg thrce years after the loan advances are made. Since OHAP was activated in 1974, a total of $66 mnill- ion in intcrest-free boans has been commnittcd to munici- palities to assist them mneet thirlndscvcig euie moents. OHAP's objectives arc to accelerate housing production in selected growth areas and to encourage private devclop- ers and buildcrs to market more units to famniies of moderate and low incomes. Provincial zoning orders covering municipalities in the vicinity of the planned- Pickering Airport have been revised, mcaning that almost 24,000 acres of land may be Programn too successful? Whitby's Meals Wthout Wheels project is successful ...too successfub perhaps. T'he project, which pro- vides inexpensive meals for senior citizens at Uic Knights of Columubus Hall, is exceed- ing its quota, according to Carl Mantz, one of Uic :zrganizers. When first established, was estimated that approxi- mately 25 people could be served. However. about 35 senior citizens can be found éa.ting at .the hall on thc days ti-tt, thc service operates - frtond'ay, Wednesday and Friday. As a resuit, the project's admini4trators want to ex- pand,' .espécially the area of serving f"ciities. They nieed mnoney to do thiý and thc most Iikely souitee. is a grant from Uic *Or.ovicial government. To CENTRE RESTAURANT & TAVERN OSHAWA CENTRE, <Next to the Cinemas) Excellent Food Fast, Courteous Service Open 7 days and evenungs TED'S FISH & CHIPS mRestaurant #'The Halibut House" LUNCHEON SPECIAL 1 EXTRA Largo Fish (Halibut) fries, lemon, sauce. Un or out 1 $1.25 111 Byron Street South, Whitby 668-4301 214 byock street $cN'fl whitby. onorto 416 «>8 C22 I I ge a'gýrat from the pro- vinces omunity and Social Services department, thé ,.group must ,complete a study of "The Needs of Sen- ior Citizens in the Town of Wýhitby." To carry out that study, the group also requires mon- ey, whicbi they hope to get in the form of a Local Initia- tives Prograni grant If the grant is approved and the five or six people who would be working on the study can irnpress the provincial gomerment, the Meals Without Wheels pro- ject could be subsidized 80 percent by Uic province. devcloped according to local zoning bylaws, Housing Min- ister Donald Irvine annouflc- ed recently. Strict zoning controls were imposed in March, 1972, on areas likely to be affected by excessive noise ievels from the operation of the airport. The zoning orders, which take precedence over local zoning bylaws, were applied ini the towns of Whitby, Markham, Whitchurch - Stouffvile, Ajax, Uxbridge Township, and the former Township of Pickering, now under the jurisdications of Ajax and Pickering. The zoning orders have the effect of restricting de- velopment in areas. that would probably be affected adversely by high noise levels, said Mr. Irvine. "However, the Ministry of Housing recently received a more, precise noise contour map from the federal govern- ment. The arca covered by the zoning orders has been revised to refleet this latest information," he said. Details of the amended provincial zoning orders are avaflable from the Ministry of Housing, Plans Admnini- stration Division, 56 Wellesley Street West, 7th Floor, Toronto M7A 2L6. Sehool teacliers receive increase, reached on salaries, beneflits and staff complement bet- music 1 1,0 BROCK ST.N WHITrBY, ONT. 668-4435 *Music Lessons. - Custom Guitar work. -Musical Instruments and repaîrs. -Pioneer home entertainmeflt systems, Car Stereos, and installations. -Repoirs to al Stereos and radios. - Musical accessories. I _______________________________________________ Il - '4. CL. CL. 'ee tary Schoob Teachers and the Durham Board of Education for Uic sehool year 1975/7.6 recently. This conclu4çes approximateby five monUis of bargaining. The total agreement rep- resents an estimated max- imum increase of $5,064,750, including increment, over the present 1974/75 levels by the levels by the end of Uic con tract. Beginning teacliers wfIl be paid $8,890.00 by Januay lst, 1976 and the maximum salary for the most experi- enced and quabified teacher will be $23,770.00 by Jan- uary lst, 1976. Thie average increase for present staff is estinîated to be $3,325.00 by the end of the contract. Principals' maximum sal- aries will go from diîe present $24,000.00 to $29,300.00 by January bst, 1976. Employer contributions to Frirrgic Beneflits wfll be 75% including a dental plan in the new contract. PARTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS SPECIAL PANT SALE ALL BRAND PAME PANTS V/2 PRICE1 THEY MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL STOCK OTTENBRITE MENS WEAR, 103A DUNDAS ST We WHITBY 668-3261 Moi çn nu bb PAUTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTS PANTSPANTS PASSPORTS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY onday to Saturdayl0:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open until 9:00 Friday Closed ail day Wednesdlay CUSTOM FRAMING f or OUL PAINTINOS AND PRINTS We also have a selection of o i paintings und prints plus imported ceramic picture tiles f rom Holland MR. REC ROOM WHITBY MALL WHITBY 728-2762 i mmmmmong 1