WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESOUAY,,SEPTEMBER 17,1915, PAGE 11 Whitby Sen ie Whitby Senior 'A' coaches. Mike Keenan, who ey tearn opened the' played part of last year -76 training camp minus before suffering a serious in- insor and coach. jury, will guide the team be- cDonalds Family Rest- hind diue bench until a perma- uts, which sponsored the nient replacement for 1 last year, altered the. Nicholishen is found. s of the sponsorship. Meanwhile, the training r the tearn's executive camp continues eachi week- 'wed the revised terms, night, except Friday, frorn decided to drop McDon- 7:30 to 9:00 p.rn. this week Restaurants and opted and next plus Saturday, seeking several sponsors. September 20 from- 6:45 to Fhe teami is, therefore, no 8:45, September 21 from er known as the Whitby 6:50 to 8:50, Septeniber 27 )onalds. The squad's froni 7 to 9, October 1 frorn inamne wiIl be the Whitby 7:20 to 8:50, October 2 frorn riors. 7:20 to 8:50, October 7 fromi ?he team is also without 8:30 to 10 and October 14 services of player-coach from 9:20 to 10: 50. e Nicholishen who joined Home exhibition games squad last year in mid- are scheduled for Sunday, son. He resigned Friday September 28 a2air.,tLi nid. personal reasons. Th e say and Sunday, October 5 rriors' executive is negotia- against London, bodi begin- with several potential ning at 7 p.m. They will visit BROOkLIN-WH ITBY m HA PRESEASON HOCKEY CLINIC conducted by Jim Demille IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Sat. 2Oth Sept. 12 noon - 1:05 p.mi. 1:05 p.m. -2-20OP.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:.40 p.m. 8 yrs. & under 9 & 10years 11, 12 & 13 3:50 p.m. -5-00p >m. 14 yrs. &over Sun. 28th Sept. 8:00 am. - 9:05 a.m. 8 yrs. & under 9:05 am. - 10: 15 a.m. 9, 10, & il yrs. 10:25a.m.-11:40a.m. 12,13,14,15 Sat. 4tb Oct. Sat. 11lth Oct. 11:S50a.m. - 1: 00 P-m.- 12 noon - 1:05 P.m. 1:05 p.m. -2.20Op.m. 2:30 p.m. -3:40 p.m. 3:50Op.m. - 5:00OP.m. 12 noon - 1:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. 2:30 p.m. -3:40 p-m. 3:50 pan. - 5:00 p.m. Goalies - ail ages 8 yrs. &under 9 & 10 years il, 12 &13 14 yrs. & over 8 yrs. & under 9, 10, &11 yrs. 12, 13, 14, 15 Goalies - ail ages FULL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY Limited Amount of Goalie Equipmeflt Available - On Request $1.50 Per Session iors open triniing camIp Tl' hlock( 1975, a spc auraii tearr term,. Aftei revie, thecy alds fo r longi Me[ new Wari T the Day( the seasi for War. ting between periods, and after the games. Further informa- available by telephoning Smith at 668-9257. Lindsay on Monday, Septeni- ber 29 and London on Fr1- day, October 5. The Warriors open their 44 game sehedule at Whitby's Iroquois Park Arena on Thursday, October 9 against Barrie. Season ticket prices remain the same as last year, $40 buys an aduit season ticket, $24 does the sanie for stu- dents, and $16 for children. Season tickets are available froni the Whitby Senior A Hockey Club, P.O. Box 41, Whitby, Ontario." Season tickets are also available from any of the executive, and fans in Ajax fhould contact Bill Morrison at 683-1914. Fans in Oshawa can get their season tickets by contacting Greg Steffler at 723-9348. Fans who pur- chase their season tickets before September 20 wili be given a free menbcrship in the Whitby McDonaids Boo- ster Club. Th is nienbership entities you to admittance to the Booster Club Lounge marks the spot on ekection day, September 18 i our nainisontule ist of' voters, you hiave thec righit t) vote ill thlis1 Ontario Provincial Election. lb make it as convenient as possiÎble, the polling places in cach district arc ccntrally locatcd in your area. An attemrpt has also been made to make polling places as accessible as possible for physically handicapped and elderly voters. Check your proof of enumeration, Form 103, for the address of your polîing place. On Election Dajý September 18, yourpoiling station will be open 9.00 a.m. to 8&OOp.m. EDT MarkingVorBlt On the wall of each polling place, directions for mnarking your ballot will be in plain view. If you have any other questions, ask the person who gives you your ballot. The ballot resembles the one illustrated below, with the candidates' names listed alphabetically. Vote for only one candidate by marking an X in the circle, after the name. L ESJELECTIONS S ONTARIO This advertisement published by the Chief Election Officer of Ontario. PAINT I*1 WALLPAP ER Upto5Q% OFF WALLPAPERS NSTOCK Woner.,20% oOFF ~'-"PITTSBURGH PAINTS. 103 BROCK ST. SOUTH 668-1104 "AT 4 CORNERS" Bob TO0 SEN IOR CITIZENS Registration for League Bowling at County BowI, 118 Byron Street North, wiII be held on Tuesday, September 16, 1975 Teams to be formed on that day. OPEN BOWLING AND LEAGUE BOWLERS WELCOME For further information caîl Bill Condor 668-2651 NOW OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MARGARETAM Ng sBIN URRT 3JHNAY LID -4