PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SFPTEMBER 10. 1975. WHITBY FREE PRESS Brokin . Byli nes Have to start this week with a word of thanks from a grateful taxpayer. After expressing concern regarding the lack of' street lighting on her road, she took my written advice and contacted our North Ward councillor. She now wishes to thank Don Lovelock for his speedy action in getting the situation very nuch improved. Once again prov- ing that our Councillors do read the column, and do take action where and when they can. Councillor Ernm called this week, to keep you up to date on the traffic signal situation at the junction of No. 7 and 12. As you know by now, that corner is under the It's a tUmefor strmng Ieadership Competent, decisive leadership.The kind we have in the Progressive Conservative Government led by Premier Bill Davis. lt's a government that has fought hard for the rights of consumers, wage-earners, senior citizens,young people. It froze gasoline and fuel prices. Reduced sales taxes. Brought in a guaranteed annual income system for older citizens. Introduced a tax on land speculation profits. Established a $1500 bonus for first-time home buyers. Gave Ontario the finest health care program in Canada and an educational system second to none. Provided broad financial support to farmers. Moved strongly to protect the environment. It's a government committed to action on the cost of living, rent review boards, and a positive response to public concern about crime and violence.The Progressive Conservative Government. It has experience and strength that Ontario deserves in these challenging times. For strng Ieadership, vote Progressive Conservative,Septemberl8th Meeting will be held at the Legion at 1:30 p.m. tO discuss new developments that have been taking place over the summer. It is most important that ALL MEMBERS attend .....shouldn't take long as it is to deal with the situation at hand only. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th - Brooklin Squares second time around. Again at the Oddfellows Hall at 8:00 p.m. and again frec. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st - First General Meeting of the new season for the Brooklin Legion. It will be held at iermit Valley with, if the weather permits, a family picnic to follow. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd - Kinsmen meeting at the Legion Hall at 6:30 p.m. That's if for now. Thanks to all of you that got in touch with all your club news. Now where is that Bridge Club? And any A.C.W., C.W.L. or U.C.W. news? You know the give me a call and let's reach all those prospective new and very active members. See you ail riext week. Take care. LIZ. jurisdiction of the provincial Government who did assure us that signals would be placed there by the end of the year. It seems they have now had second thoughts, and we may be waiting until next year. Gerry is doirig what he can, and he is being helped by Dr. Charles Meilveen who is going to try to get things sorted out before the end of 1975! We'l keep you informed. General news first.....starting with the tiny ones! The Y.M.C.A. will once again be bringing their preschooler programmes to the Brooklin area. Co-op play school will once again be operating at Meadowcrest School, Mon. to Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30¯a.m., with Mrs. Holman in charge. Take-a-Break will be held on Wednesday mornings at the United Church Hall between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. This is a programme for both mother and preschooler..... the little ones being entertained in one area whilb Mom gets a complete break with exercises, coffee, and an inter- esting topic presented by a guest speaker or demonstrator. Friday morning, same time and same place, sees the Let's Create programme taking place. Once again Mrs. Daphne Kohls will be leading the mothers in their discussions, while Mrs. Holman will be in charge of the tiny tots. For further details on all these programmes, please cal the 'Y'....668-6868. And registration is taking place both now, and up until the 18th of this month. Make sure of your place in the programme of your choice by enrolling now. Further up the scale we have news from two of our men's groups. Both groups are open to new members and are willing to hear from anyone interested in their group. The Kinsmen organization is open to men between the ages of 21 and 40 years and hold their meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at the Legion Hall here in Brook- lin, starting at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested then give Don Vipond a call at 655-4953. During the summer the Kinsmen were busy with their various activities, playing softball and collecting money for a favourite charity..... cystic fibrosis. In the former they won the 'A' champion- ship, and in the latter they collected $620 thro' the efforts of their 16 clowns and their Crazy Car during the County Town Carnival Parade.....they also won the Humorous Trophy with the car. They haven't stopped, as they are now busy planning the Brooklin District Kinsmen booth at the World Ploughing Match later this month. Don't forget to give Don a call if you are interested in joining in their activities. Branch 152, Royal Canadian Legion, Brooklin is an older and more established organization up here in the North Ward. But they too are opening a membership drive and applications for membership are being sought from veterans of W.W.II and the Korean War, of the Canadian Forces, as well as British Commonwealth and Allied Forces Veterans. If you are not old enough to have veteran status do not dismay. Membership applications will also be entertained from sons and daughters of the aforemention Forms may be obtained from the Steward, Branch 152, Brooklin. Or if you want further information, call Bob Hedges, the membership Chairman, at 6554194...:.evenings only please! Further Legion news in the calendar section of the column. And so on to the your pens ready? WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 10th - Ist Brooklin guides hold their first meeting for the Fall at Meadowcrest School Starts at 7 p.m. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th - 6:30 p.m. at St. Thomas's Parish Hall first meeting for the newly formed Beavers group. Boys between the ages of 5 and 8 years and their parents are invited to this meeting. Meadowcrest School is the place to be this evening if you belong to the 2nd Brooklin Cubs. Over at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m. you can join in the Open Night of the Brooklin Arts and Crafts. And also register for the Fail session of both the adult class and the new younger peoples class. Go along and see what is going on in the craft world of the North Ward. Meadowcrest School again at 8:15 p.m. could well be the place to play a game of Badminton this evening. The Brooklin Badminton Club hopes to start this evening.... but should definitely be there next and every fotlowing Thursday. If you want ta make quite sure before going over, then call Wayne Disney, 655-3160. The club is open to all those who are 18 years and over who enjoy a game of badminton with some friendly don't have ta be an expert, just willing ta have an enjoyable time. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER t3th - Like square danc- ing? Then tonight's your night. The Oddfellows Hall, Bagot Street, Brooklin, is the place ta be at 8:00 p.m. This is a free night for att those couples who are interested in joining in the fun while Bill Robinson calls out the moves. A regular meeting night will be arranged ta try and suit ail those who join..a second chance, if you just can't make it this time, it will be given tater .in the month. Caîl Wes and Helen Bryant at 723-5369 for more details. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER t4th - the United Church will be holding its second Sunday School session at 10 a.m. Church service is an hour later at I l a.m. A very Special