_____________________________ I I CURS CATEINGý AND ]I FOOD SERVICE WITH CATERING FACILITf ES 415 MocKENZIE AJAX, BOX 113 Phone 942-7891 or 839-«74 Weddings, Stags, Offiîce or House Parties, Banlquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types OSHý15AW/IR4UE PLANT Iocated at 133 TAUPTON RD. W. 725-9961 LYON~S ATINHALL 18 McUMan Dr. Wanted Items you have to seli Estate - Antique -Consignment Sales - Appraisals SailMs wice Weekly OpenMonday - Friday 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. SALES & SERVICE IONEER CHAINSAWS * GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS S24 Thickson Road -Si (near Highway 401>) Phone: 728-0690 Wm-I---- Y DENTURE CILINIC 214 Dundas Street East, Vhitby 6687797 Complete Denture Service D. Thapar, D.T., member of. Denturists Society of Ontarîo GREENWOOD NURSERY SCHOOL, OPENING IN SEPTEMBER GREENWOOD COMMUN ITY CENTRE, GREENWOOD ROAD. 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. 5 Syear olds Registration day Septernber 2. Phone: 683-8564 for details MASSGE>n e 4 :H ThekingGOmOrnOdSt1domo, dOS O nce upon aoe Wood*Texn Meodows. f wm o vwond" ~iplaceIo 4.k asuouded ksh fîek, adoepkred and a rave W* ita steci. I was poou wrekg« mom.h gp»oeiee gen sime. They hci W&ce béd bmn, -b* mcwe ires. Ech *eol neLEa& h».e Puoe woe Mmi<1 Cesoer, Kidee sw «dCa"er Caou md ért The dà Me wbo W iIhe kiigdrn od Woodsteon Meod- Of' ows were hpp. They hod rom ( 4 be&oom homes. They hadth#W om boc~yod~' in. The mothe<sof Mi d*fen were khom t10. Thy hd kFr1kider5 >broodlom md 3 ba0ooms. Some even hod f o* rmm -. with a woocbxnig firepIocý. kAMd thppngwoeJst nioes :mPR à ev": d Tbeylx4vci i oe2 Oeo 10. Theci woefw r d .6 r------ Ye, pie weo in isthe kîxgdom 1Woodstreom Meadofl were hoppy. A.nd ou con eeto. Becoese-,tMhIs no a fary' e.Woodstreom Madows rec*y doe et. PRICED FROM 10,990 to ;82,900 Tihe detched kt te"l cud two storey humes *0 t $49,990. There ore 14 gockou mondels tb choose fr. And mcrw lorgekt oe Aat tflcvutIo hm w ohounebuëon. Tke the4O1ecdto HROeMo Rood., Drie ioth ond tm rieot Adek*I. YQU cont niss, Wooà steom Meodows. Thebrds, the freed,thie Serenity wd tel YOu you're thee. - OELR'IEAI.TY NC.O RIALTOR EXtLUSIV[ SALES AGENT Whoe wlh * ~yevv dev Toronto Ue 862-0750 OiwaLiis 723-5371 SUZUKI SUMMER DEALS! Vo ge Selections (.neck ihese. Examples: Retail C.S.U. Model Price Price TS250 $1389 $1099 TM25O $1349 $1099 TM400L $1349 $949 GT185 $1199 $949 GT380 $1599 $1399 T500 $1589 $1389 TS185 $1169 $949 TC185 $1199 $949 TMÎ100 $849 $719 TClOO $799 $649 TM75 $599 $539 TS75 $599 $549 334 Ritsosi Rd. S. Oshowo 579-1818 Opp.n 1hurnday and Friday Nighis titi 9:ý00 p.m. and AI Day Saturdav Eosy Credift ermsN Now Is The Time CARPENTRY Home Repairs Im provements Bathroom& floor tiling,' Recreation rooms, cedar decks & patio doors, etc. CALL 668-4686 COMPR ESSORS GENE RATORS Electric motors, Grinders IDrill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. WE SELL BUY & T RADE ACE MACHINERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 WHITRY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 I1475 PAGE 15 't' I Lucky Number 030 Lueky Number12 W99N9 A FREE HAIRSTVLE (for men or women) by AWARD WINNING I-airstylist - Tony Scanq of Tony's Hairstyling VVT EEK'S VWINNIE Mr. Bill Brant, Myrtie Station Trho Whitby Free Press in co-oporatiofi * Âth Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is givinig awaY a FREE hairstyle to the f irst person phoning. the FREE .PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose last three digitsof their telephone number matches one of the sequenoes found hidden throughout thii issue, If the Iast three numbers of- your telephone number 'Match -one of the lucky"numbers hidden throughout this issue, cail the FREE PRESS at' 668-6111l af ter'2 p. m. Thursday. If youi're the FIRST caller you'll win the Frree Press bairstvle Of the wmek! ME DICAL SUITES "f ma nr&çn vmbk SUMMER DEALS Large Selection FOR RENT Examples:_ Retail C. S.U.'s Model Price Price CB750 12699 12,249 for information C6360 11489 11299 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER MODELS PO dox 304AC O SALE ENDS AIGUST 3th Station Q, /"5e LAm 334 Ritson Rd.S, Oshawa Toronto579-1818 Open Thurs.,and Fri. Nights tilt 9 p.m._ M4T 2S4 AdA o .tro Now ls The Time Save $00 on air f light Fly American Airlines to Los'Angeles and Croise the Mexican Riviera with Princess Croises for 7 to 14 days Ports of Cmli: Cako San Lucas Mazati an Puerto Vallarta Manzanillo Zihuatanejo Acapulco j CONTACTI AI & Linda Russel? RUSSELLj TRAVEL LTD. 668-5000- 116 BrockSt. -S., Wrhitfby -"Your Travel Is Our Business" Mon. - Nat. 9-5 Fri. Till 9 For Ludnllm n e 172 handsomely decorated _irconditioned guest rooms huge heated swimming pool, kiddie pool and sauna e 5 minutes ta beach and smart shopping centres 0 golf, tennis, f ishing or sailing nearby e Die-Bierstube, delicious German buffet luncheon served daily - nightly entertainment e authentic Rathskeller - serving genuine "old country" dinners e winter home of the New York Yankees. 5727 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308. (305) 491-2500 '11 lu oyfonda 1