Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1975, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE)I 3 1975 PAGE-13 FOR SALE AQUARIUM - 15 gai. with ail accessories inciuding fish $50; aquarium miith canopy $ 10; sand- wich grill $5;- humidifiîer $25. Cali 668-6644. BrDROOM SUITE - Double dresser, chest of drawers, box spring mattress $135; chesterfield and chair $20; chest of drawers $30; baby bcd $15; Cal 668- 9009.1 TRICYCLE - for 4-5 yearold $15; 1 doit carniage $2 ý._' skates $5; girls bikes one $15 and ige$25. Ca11 668-5541. ANTIQUES - Dresser $90; kitchen cabinet $120; beauty table with 3 miriors $120; 2 chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. Call 579-2939. DRUMS - Complete set; 2' toms, 1 floor tonm, base, chrome mnare drum, high hat, 2 cymbal stinds, excellent condition $190. 2 9KethStreet aftr 6 .m. PNEDESK CHEST - Hanq, crafted, has 4 drawers $95. Cali 668-4677. .1 1960 CADILAC - Fleetwooc! 390, automatic, running condi- tion, ittle work needed, nmust sel $200. Cali Sunderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 p.m. and ask for Phil. Emrp SWIVEL CHAIR - Ski boots and skis sire 31h, ail $15 ecd, humidifier $25, antique stand which needs top $10, vaporizer $5, brownie uniforai $8,y ajd îuni- tation fireplace $50, antique table $20, fertilizer or grass seed spread- er $3. Cati 668-9404. - mp, H{EAD STONE - 12 years old $125. Cati 655-3159. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil and train $50. Cati 668- ý406 or 668-44 10. Emp. STEREO - Lloyds receiver, eight-track, turntabte and 'two speakers Just like newv $150 or, best offer. CaUi668-7190. Em,, ICfM S L-Iiii?14 incon reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 283 heads $40; 2 bucket seats $30; set of headers $10; Ford W ton 15 in. Riais . $8 ecd (4); Ford I/ ton rear axle $15 and 2 drumis $15. Cail evenîngs 579- 1690 and day 668-5823. POOLS-e1x'é7 001, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed - by bank, sacrifice V price. Cal Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. WRINGER WASHER - $25; mushroom KITCHEN SET, wh,.ite with black padded seats $100; WEDDING DRESS, sire 9, com- plete with floor tengti veit $90. C211 723-7L47. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8,' 4-door, green with black vinyt roof, black interior, certîfied $2,3 00. Cai 655-3406.1 IIAIRDRESSING !Triangulai Carousel with 3 mrrors and ights good condition, asking $150 or best offer, STEAMER (hairdress- crs)-20. Cal 668-3061. MATERNITY CLOTHLS Including four tops, one pair sîacks, two pair shorts, a pant suit and a dress, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for everything. Cati 728- 5061. . 66861 iCLASSTFIED '68ml !--ADVERTISING' I i. r94CE tainWgnuing condition, as is $150. rCali 576-2366. ___ 1972 KAWASAKI 750 -112 Iow mileage, excellent condition, 'ý1.100. Cati 668-4368. ; MOPED - Bronco brand ncw %10miles, highrise handiebars, ~ luxe seat, 148 mites per galion; .iII go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cati 668- 3186. WOOD - One trailer toad soft wood suitabie for rirepiace $35. Cai 668-8957. STOVE -~ 30 inch, good con- diion $75; space HEATER $60. Cail 668-6750. STOVÉ Smaii $60, B & W Philco TV $60, fridge $50, teak chesterfield and chair $85, antique Raymond treddle sewing machine $65. Cali 668-6080. REPAIR MANUALS - Coin- piete set of smaii gas cngine $45. Cati 668-6779. STEREO COMPONENTS i Sears receiver, t Garrard changer (t'jrntabie), 2 speakers, very good condition $ 150.00. Cali 668- 9256 after 6 pm. EM-p. 1967 BUICK eSar-nes mnotor work, everything else A-1, new muffier and 'transmission instailed by reputabie conipanies 1$10. aU683-8796 -&Leading manufacturer of lifetime warranted above ground aluminuni pools is 0v- er stocked in many mnodels. Immediate delivery and in- stallation at reduced winter price. Caîl collect 416-536- 927V.' 1969 OLbS -- Cu tlass 442 VS power disc brakes, automatic, AM/I:M radio, ail gauges includ- ing tachometen, 2 door bard top, body nceds paint, approximatety 76,000 miles, $11100 or best of- fer. Cati 668-1066. lump STE RI-O Pioneer systcmn brand new AM/IVM receivef, 8 track, turn table, 2 speakers, $400 c ili668-7190. [up. CAMERA -X-15 instamatic (Kodak) with carryirig case, in cxcztlent condition $ 10, ski boots size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dicc in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains micro- scopc, slidcs, spccimnîis, for oh- scrving $8. Cati 66&-4465. 1973 NORTON - intersta te $ 1,200. Cal] 668-9925. PAN GUITAR- Replica of. IGibson Les Paul, two double pick- u ps, ex cellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $100 firrn. Cati 668-9772, Emp. CHESTERFIELD and chair - fr. colon, good. for recreation roomn or cottage $50- Cati 668- 5404. - _____ good working condtion, ccrtified one owner, complete with Iuggage rack asking $ 1,500. Calt 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 aftct 5P.rn. BABY FURNITURE- Stroli O Chair, includes carniage, strotîci, chair, high chair, with inter-î changeable parts $50. Cati 728-1 0333. Em p. 13 ton, sciling offer. Cati 668- I Emlp. FOUNTAIN- Approx. 6 t diametcr, 4 ft. tati $ 10. Cati after 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' mcd ium size, 3 p ieces, h ood, jacket and pdnts $55. Cati 579- 2652. PONY Strawtberry Roan previously used for chiidrens' rides comptete with good as new saddle bianket, bridte, haiter and reins $125. CaiI655-3031. M'XMASTEk - Large Sun- bcm $20; B&W TV $70; chest ol drawers $30. Ca11668-3679. ELECTRIC BROOM -Regina with pile adjustment diai new condition $25; Chiîd's BED foid- ing type 27X52 with mattress good condition $30; 2 humner stove eiectric 220 volt heavy du ty 25 in. high with sheif, no oven $15. Cati 655-3860; TRICYCLE - CCM 16 inchi wheel $20; doîl CAR RIAGE 24 X il inches $12; pair of white1 SKATES size 6 $5; boys SKATES size 5 $5. Cail 668-8619. FERRING - iIarley Davidson 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG wheels and tires for foreign car asking $80;,3 sets of car ROOF RACKS $8 a seL Cali 668-4449. KITCHEN TABLE - Ovai, 3 chairs, almost new $90. Cati 67FORD-20MUSTANG umidfi6 aynd erstandard transmision,7 as is $300 or best offer. Cali 668- 1384. 69 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX - 400 V8, power disc brakes, power steening and windowvs, automatic tinted glass, radio, console, good condition, will certify $1,500 or hest offer, MAG WHEELS 4 inter- national aluniinum sîotted mags 13" with Goodrich T/A radiai tires, littie used,$300, 2 5'/h Bosch Quartz-Halogen Conversion units Hli-Lo beani, excellent condition S2S. Ç.i66e-23J-3.. SWINGOMATIC - For baby, $12. Cati 668-9888. --REVERB - Traynor signature A 4X 10. $250. Cal 65-4978-.J FIiNCING -- I rolofheavy guage atvanized, approx. 75 t. pýlu.s galvanizcd gaie, hest offer. r MIRROR SET - Monaco with waIi sconoces vcry different, [new $40; one room divider, verY large, $20; one scte and match- ing chaiîr; ncw upholstery $40; two other chairs for rec-roonî or .cottagc $10 cach; vanity for bcd- îoomi or powder roorn with very large mirron $40; arborite, 2 sheets one pink and one white $10.ý Cai 66"-567. 'BUGGY- Twin stroiferëcom- bination, good condition $40. Caît 668-5272. i)OLL -- eautiful Crissy $3; Maibu Barbic doIt, case and some clothes $3; Bake-a-Matic oven in good condition $4.50; stainles steel sink $11); desk and chair $20) CaI 668-3414. COFIEE TABLE-l - $10. Cali 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp. ROCKER & SWIVEL chair - brown $5 0; bird CAGE and stand $10. Cati1668-7566. clcctric, wiii rock grouv-. sul for $35, ideal for Cali 668-2860. TI1RES - Micbe În radiai, sire 150 SR 12, iess than 500 mites on 2, plus good spare with riai $45. Cali 668-5040 after 5:30. FRAMUS - 6 string banjo. $100 or necarcst 'offer. Phione 668-41 87 aft(er 6 o'eiock. -RUGS - il ft. X8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth colours, rust, goid, brown, beige, $500 for both. Caîl1668-7923. CEDAR SHINGLES - 8 bundies $90.00% homemade 12 ft. aluminum housetrailer $250.. Cati 65S-341 1. SN4OW TIRES - With rirns size F78-15, $25 pair, cail 725- 1691 days, evenings 668-4593. AMPLIFIER - Vox, two 8 ini. speakers, excellent volume, must seil $35, 1526 Dufferin St., ,No. 2or cali 668-2860. Swirmming Pool Clearance 1974 SKIDOO - Freeair 440 used only a few mùonths, must be seen, justlike new $850 flirni. Cniî I6RtR7,O 1974 PONTIAC ASTRE - Iow mileage, automatic, new radiais, hatchback, radio. Cati 655-4288. COAT - Ladies black persian lamb approximateiy size 20, in rgood condition, wiII sdil for $50. Cail 725-5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 6'h buckie styl'e, worn once $25. Cali 668-21 19. Emp. GAS STOVE - Findley, 2 years otd, goId colour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $175. CatI( 668-4468. L * - AFGHANS - Old fashioned 45în. X 45in. for $45, S4in. X 54in. for $54. Both rnulti- coioured and would suit any decor. Cati 655-4776. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Sire 7/8 long veil and headpiece included, long siceves, ex celen t condition, regular price $ 150.00, askîng $50. must sec..cal 668-91 20 after 4. SWING SET - Tonka, good condition $20; chids TRICYCLE $10; SCOOTER $2. Cait 668- DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piect set includes stooi, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Cati 655-3563. 66 CUTLAS - V8 automnatie .2 door hardtop, good condition, asking $500. Cati1655-4221. DE-SK - $10; comtAttp- cib UNIFORM $10; steani IRON $8; two smail crpets $6 each. Cai - 67 MUtSTANG - 289 fastbact( auto & power stenr-ng, new Good- year radiais, excellent condition plus 22 mpg, witl certify $ 1,400 fin, REFRIGERATOR 10 cu. Ut. Inglis in new condition, war- ranty $150, WASIIER Westing- house twin tub apartment sire also DRYER $70 cach. Cali 668- 3889- WASHER/SPIN DRY E R Westinghouse, used two months $ 165.00, 3 piece sectional, blue green ortan pile wîth bar $400 like new. CatI 668-4377 or 668- 6078._______ WINDOWS .-Basemen-t 21X 371/2 $6 cach, picture window, stonni 58X64 $30, window size Uouid bc aitered siightly. Cail 723-8220. We style your kair your woy, Need suggestions? We con. give them. Kno.w wha t you -went? We'II dq it. We run out 5hOp to senk' you. TONY'S HAIRSftYIG LBJuir Park Plaza_668m5441. i '[0W TRUCK as is $90t0 or best .7.654. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & grey marbie in design $20, please caI after 6_pm. 655-3240. Frnp. HUMIDIFIER- $5, c7,ercise cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs &- bag $15, typewriter $25, eîectnic scwing machine $20, rocking horse $5, baby walkcr $3, sword $5. CaI 668-6257. ATTENTION FARMERSIII. WH Y PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PRIEM fUM QUAIJTV -- ~ U 0ASDIESEL FURL o ru i t fl ; %; e «7mr y <, on -oe af o* "8-338 Fre e -Prns Emporium autmatcPOodTmChSacicaan runnming odin$25 ncerti-d fied. Caîl 668-7644. BABYSITTING - Will babysit one or two children any age in my own home, 8 am. - 5:30 p.m. Mon. - Fni. Caîl 668-5537. MWNMING POOL - Re-, possessed, excellent conidi-' tion, leading manufacturer. willing to sacrifice at 1/rprice. Caîl Collect 416-536-9278. 4TAPE RECORDER - Simp-' son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, tike new $20 ,1Grenobie fibreglass skis laminate'i $10. Cati 668-4600. SIDES OF BEEF Cut and Wrapped 98 cents per pound CA LI 655-4334 DOG HOUSE - for mcdium sire dog. 8432. PROPERTY FOR SALE - 50 acres, Dalington, thc future bedroom oU the citizens of Oshawa. Beautiful high land, no building $2,000 per acre, sacrifice C-ati 655-4627 after 5 p.m. Dog Training Ciass in Ajax, stait- ing September 23rd for pet own- ers and obedience enthusiasts, novice, open, utitity. Durham Region Dog Training Schoot, Barb Scott 576-5635, ian, Cool-I idge, 725-3708. HELPWANTED - o e . - -- Thursday evening, September CLEANING WOMAN - i day pcr wcek, must have own car. Cali 668-3815. HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2) required by Henry VIII Massage Castie M ust be wÎîlling to learn, maintain appearance, weiI mannered, friendly, $30 - $50 daiîy plus b'r-àefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss Cathy (1) 361-0838 collect Earn extra cash for Mhier- mas. Siniply show our excit4. ing line of cards and gifts td, friends, neighbours, relatives«; lt's easy, Profitale and nq, experience needed. Starf now. Write today for freeé 96 page Xmas catalogue an4 full information. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 80, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. 2c2pBOguT ACgId ONd-iton $45.e Cu ack,668-3956o Wd to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION HITCH - One axle (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cali 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys high risc 3-speed with banana seat, nceds gear change, in good condition $30, also boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. Cali 668- 6083 after 7_p.mý. END TABLE -Spanish =al- nut 26X26 in. $70; custorn made captains BED, 4 drawers, $125; floor model tcak LAMP $65; Jenny Lind ROCKER $45; single BED $10; 2 beautiful German shepherd DOGS, 2 years old, spayed females, purebred, shots, betofr. Cal 55-4210. RANGE - Heavy duty, 30 ir', $45. Cati 668-3889. YOU SHOULD BE SEL LING LOTTERY TICKETS!! WINTARIO & OLYMPIC YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE POTENTIAL PROFIT IN SELLING THESE TICKETS! For further information oeil: W.M.G. MARKETING 110 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 4th - at 6:30 p.m. Clearing~ auction of household con- tents, etc. The Property of 4"BilI" Holdershaw - located 24 Baldwin Street (No. 12 Hwy) Brooklin. Partial iist includes: oak hall rack, antique "'Toronito" piano (excellent condition), piano stool, Findlay wood stove with warmning oven, oak kit- chen table with 3 leaves and Spineapple legs, oak refrectory table, oak buffet, oak chairs, old brass- lamp fixtures (omate) pine harvest table, vict. washstand, press back chairs, brass and iron bed, old 2 pc. maple bed set, 3 pc. bed set, knee hole desk, pine chest of drawers, occassional tables and chairs, 3 pc. sofa set, standing lamps, copper kettles, tin caddies,, crocks, quilt, trames, pictures, old mantde dock, quant. of glass and china, T.V., fridge, wash-- er, sealers, cut-up fireplace wood, new shingles, and other miscellaneous itemns. Terms cash. bouse sold. No reserve. Kahn Auction Service Ph. 985-8161 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE5 PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you'seli!, There will not* be any ciarge to advertisers in the VREE PRESS EMPORIUM uniess the item à4vertised is'sold. When the adver ised item is sold, you p ay -à coomission based on THE ADVERTI SED PRICE as iiiustrated below. Ail advertisements must be Placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ut ieast one month if not soid RATES (if article is soid): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2%of balance, over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item idvertised for $50.0. commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you flind a retailer tisted as a private advertiser. Please.notify the Whitby Free Pres 1s immediateîy when item is soid so that we may delete it from thc following issues. Serviôes, heip wanted, ciothing, real estate and personai message type ads can onty be handied on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cali 66 8-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY CHESTERFIELDS- (2) $20 PIANO - Upright, good con-* each and 2 chairs $ 10 each. Cati dition $300. Cati 655-4416. 668-5386. CHESTr, - Green/ 283 CHEVY MOTOR - With gotd broquade, good condition, automatic transmision, asking $75. Cail 668-7644. $100. Cail 668-7553 or 723- - __5366.- 4 'A, 'y I J - I lnsulated Cali 668- 576-8191 Youý The Ci OÀ f 4 1 j q '4 0 -ý6- -1 1 L - -1- "-ammulab 1 -r - - - . i ý 1 1 -T" .1 l d4 Ir LO m .6

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