BROOkLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHUTBY PHONE 655-4521 BD&WHITE HAHDLES OLY GOVuBmENT INsptm ICYS 'nLTS1 LIA. INEBLaW. TI.wdSPECIAL , POEk QaOm.g tSchnider' SIOMLIR ,mýmWeinersI gai $108 $128 ad LAPLE LA ILLY CO0KED M WEIEF ~ ~ LA MAP LU IF Red Mots (subinuwwum Cottae Rois m f maz pumCLGUm.I - *2.»M 1 99 t 8,c $1307. 19&7 sÀxf- - t2 70PKO. MUSHROOMS LuaV49 KOTEX - - - 7 5ci mm. u*wmy A*UMAYWIlEPuflU m FL. Oz. JAR USTEINE $1.59 AYLMER JAMS1.29 BROMO SU.TZ $119 wà .Ac COflIh?1 k&* mafafltIREY CU SS !PEPSODENT --69 c IIfAfRVI TUAIta @" "n l- WmmTS&L««« 1IFL. à &.-TI CÂMÂY SOAP 99C TUNA FISH aovmmA8S FEATIREI Bieor G rilItIme -Lb. £&W FEATUEIRed &Whft s to PIc. WHMbsrd39c HEAD LETTUCE a.~ Ontario No. 1 Grade 394 Crisp Snappy 4 CELERY STALKS sz. FREESTONE PEACH ES- at thoir best Heaping 64t. basket et Market Price', STOu NoRUS OPEN six Ù~AYS A WIIK 8-g» SM.. 6 P.m. iXCIPI TOURS & FRI1 mà amuv< IS m-.., NABISCO SHREDDIES rTUAS - $ UFAIU GARBACE BACS io*..paà < 1UAII - UI1. usI PEANUT. BUTTER 1'à 6j FTUMI - AOULI U N pu ll (1*81 095 lePL-*> 10 8 » TN SOFT DRINKS eow AYLMER GREEN PEAS FUTURS' BOLD DETERGENT BUY 1 - OIT 1AT HAF MMI.F91113 L. O.M IVORY LIQUID 2i1.e99 rirATUNSI 44FL. OZ.DUO FLEECY FBISFI*99c FIAuwSI - DIUSWASNIU PACICAG CASCADE DEEKnT --o129 atusf octlc DFFIl, 14 WNOLI USSYS CI4OICE SLICED 19 & FiOz. L~ GOLO SLL S@CKIYE SALMON 1.09. 0WD TYME !TABLE SYRUP n P. LSobTTU, $1.15i *ICK'S DILLS HABITANT SOIJP 28 Fi. AC Oz. ln PREMIUM .btaf or Irish 24 FI.c O. Tin 6 mm 69C ~ 69 seMU 0« Mm- UAD 6~9 &.PACKAOR BERNARDIN pkg .5 5f s2.09 Frooz. AS %G Open Labour Day Monday September 1 st. 3 BIG DAYS rs..A 2Sth 3Othi F1OMIUT PAGE 6, WEDNESDAV, AUG UST 27, 1975, WH ITBY FREE PRESS Bni-kl in Byines Well, this is the last colunin for August, and the last one for the sumrner vacation! Thiis time next week the schooîs will be open once again, and with a bit of luck, the com- munity organizations wil also be tiiHking of restartiiig their programmes. And 1 also hope th at the organizers will remember to give me a eall with news of their actîvities and their meetings. Don't forget, we always have some new members in our communitywho don't know what is going on. In fact 1 have heard it said that the people of Brooklin are a pretty cool bunch and are not very friendly towards the newcomers. I don't think that is really taie..but 1 do believe that many of our social and comirunity groups rely on the old grapevine rnethod of communication! Which is'fine if you know how to link up to the 'vine'. If you don't know you usually end up missing out on many activities, and you don't get the opportunity to meet some very nice, friendly people. So all you groups, open up with everyone and announce your activities and meet- ings here in th e Bylines. And that way all the North ml WVarders gel the chance to joi i in the ,ac(ivities Ilhat ahound hiere during (lie lait and win ter. One groutilhat lias been in toticlîi s G routi '74. Thecir first meietiniglfor the '75-'76 session wilt be hield ai Ille l3rookliil Commuitnity Centre on Monday, .811 Septem-ber, starting ai 8 p.m. For nlewcomlers l'Il explain that this is a ladies group) that tricts once a nionth..the lîrst Monday usually, save when that daiy is a publlic the Comimtiiity Centre. President this year is Mrs. Pain Schieu- filer and Secrctary is Mrs. Jonny Flurtibese. Their airns are, to try and organize events and activities inithie area thît, the people wotild enjoy. If you wotild like to participate in sulch a grotip theni you wil b more than wekcome at the next meeting. The group is very friendly and are only too deliglited to sec sonie new faices..they'll also be pleascd to sec sorne of the old ones, too!! Calling aIl yoting boys between the ages of 5 and 8 years. Mrs. Phyllis Webb called with the good news that the first Beaver Colony in the Whitby district is to be opened up hiere in Brooklin. lit is to be held at St. Thomas's Parish Hall on Winchester, on Thursdays between 6:30 and 7:30 parn. A Beaver Colony is a pre-cub organization and is open to any boy in the area who can't wait to get into cither of our two cub packs. The first meeting is to be held on September 11lth, and is a special Parents Niglit..of course the young Beaver to be cari go along as well. It has taken a full 1 2 months to gel this Colony organized, etc. and a great deal of hard work has obviously been put mbt that time. So I do hope that both parents and boys will show a keen interest and go along to that first meeting. Could someone from the Guides/Brownies and the Scouts/Cuh)s gv jmeaCalil ajs t(wlî cil they arc starting Up a g a i n ? ' a e y I 'vc heenl gett1ing arou nd tai king wo sone <ol you ltI and die old swimrnming pool question Caime up again! As sorneone rernarked it wouldn't hc 50 bad using Iroquois Park..if onily wc could get (o it. Even to gel 1Io somC of' the swirnrmng courses is a lîcadache. Surcly il another social group cari arrange for transport to take thc ch lidren enrollud with thcmn, (o tlîir swimrning course, is it out of the realms o>f possibility that thc Town Rec. Dcpt. could arrange somcthing similar«? if it wasjust pickups at varlous points, with a small charge for the service. We might then feel that the Town wants us to use the amcnity and gel somne returrilfor our share of the expenses. Once again, that's it for this week! Take care .. espccially over the holiday weekend. LIZ 655-3750. Handicapped, senior citizens uirgted to use advance polis Councils on the Physically Handicapped and Senior *itizens jointly urges handi- capped and senior citizens to vote at Advance Poils of the September general elec- tion in Ontario. Advance pohling booths which wilh operate on Friday, September 1 5; shall be, under the Elections Act, located in basements or second stor. eys. Hope Holrnisted, Chairman of the Ontario Advisory Council on Senior Citizens, and Edward Dunlop, Chair- man of the Ontario Advisory Council on the Physically Handicapped, said some elderly and handicapped per- sons are not aware that they can vote, at the Advance Polils if they feel they would exper- ience difflculty at the polling booths on election day. Oshawa O011W office opened 'Me new Oshawa OHIP District Office is now open to serve residents, physicians and practitioners in the Re- gional Municipality of Dur- ham. Residents and practition- ers inthe Regional Munici- ers in th e Regionai Municipality of Durham can make OHIP inquiries in per- son or by writing OHIP District Office, 44 Bond Street West, Oshawa, LIG 1 A4. The new telephone nurnber is 576-2870 and office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Fri- day. Twinning grant possible Whitby Council wil apply to the province for a S5,000 grant to help finance the twinning program with Long- ueuil» Culture and Recreation Minister Robert Welch an- nounced recently that a wide range of cultural and recreatioflal projects are ehi- gible for funding from- the, first proceeds of the Wintario Lo tte ry. Couricil feels thiat the twinning program with Long- ueuil is such a project. CNE tramns Torotito - GO Transit will operate extra trains. in the. late evening for homebound exhibition visitors. After the granldstand show* GO trains wihl runi every half-hour in- stead of every hiour. Thnis service will operate seveni days a week for die durationl of the Canadian National Exhiibition. LaIe eastbounid trains leave (lic CNE aI 11, .11 :30 and 1 211<idiiiglit. BROWN'S FOODMASTER RED '"ý-WHITE FOOD S'TORES --w -à m iA